
New mask

Rider was sleeping beside Shiro, her left hand resting on his chest while her face was staying close to his neck, it was already morning, and Rider was already up.

Rider stood up from the bed, looking at Shiro before walking out of the room.

She stood outside for a few seconds before knocking on the door.

*Knock knock*

"Master, it's morning you should wake up" Rider yelled.

Shiro slowly opened his eyes, "Urgh, I feel like shit" He muttered.

He stood up and walked over to his window to open it up, "Yep, definitely shit".

. . . . . .

Shiro came out of his room with his towel tied to his waist, he was heading to the bathroom to have his bath.

"Morning master" Saber greeted as she came out of her room, she had her casual black clothes on but an apron around her waist.

"Morning saber…. Why are you dressed like that?" Shiro asked.

"Oh, I thought I'd cook breakfast today," Saber uttered.

Shiro stood there, being quiet and not saying anything, instead, he slowly walked away.

"Master! Don't forget we have to head over for Aberration" Saber yelled, she smiled as she made her way to the kitchen.

"I have to get out of here fast," Shiro thought to himself.

Once he had arrived at the bathroom, he opened the door to see Minami cleaning her hair with a towel.

She was naked and the only thing covering her body was the towel that rested on the top of her breast.

She heard the sound of the door opening and turned to check, only to see Shiro standing at the entrance with a shocked look on his face.

Her face immediately turned red, she reached for the bar of soap that was on the sink.

"No, no, don't you dare!" Shiro yelled, taking a defensive stance as he yelled, "T-This is my house… respect.. yeah that's right, I do what I want cause it's my house".

Minami screamed, "You jerk!" She threw the bar of soap at Shiro, but he immediately closed the bathroom door to avoid getting smashed to the face by the soap.

He sighed, "That was way too intense" he muttered, looking up he saw Saber standing in the hallway with a bottle of ingredients with her.

She gave him the disgusted look before walking away.

Shiro sighed.

. . . . . .

They all came down from breakfast, sitting around the table while they were about to start eating.

Everyone was around the table except for Rider, she went out of the house as soon as she spotted Saber cooking.

Shiro stared at the food for a while, looking at the dark gases that were oozing out of it, "Is that a tail?" Shiro muttered.

He looked around to see that everybody had the same look on their face.

Saber sat down, picked her chopsticks, and moved her food closer, "Time to eat," She began eating.

"Are you guys not hungry?" Saber asked, she noticed that neither of them had touched their food.

Shiro clapped his hand with his chopsticks on his hands, "Time to eat" he also began eating.

Everyone's faces became stunned at the sight of Shiro eating it, they were expecting him to drop dead any second.

"Saber I must say, you've really outdone yourself" Shiro uttered, gulping down the green tea that was beside him.

"Thank you" Saber smiled, "Muramasa, why aren't you eating?" Saber asked.

Muramasa sighed, he grabbed the bowl and chopsticks, he slowly took a bite of the food.

Muramasa slammed his fist on the table, took his cup of tea, and began gulping down as hard as he could before taking another bite of the food.

"What is with these people, how are they able to eat this?" Minami thought to herself, "Maybe I'm the one overreacting, who know. it might actually good."

Minami used her fingers to carry a grain of rice from the bowl and placed it in her mouth.


She fell to the ground, her eyes went white and she could no longer hear any noise except for the ringing in her ear.

"Minami" They all yelled, running to her side to see if she was okay.

. . . . .

"Okay, we leave her in your care," Shiro uttered.

"Of course, no problem, I am her master after all," Muramasa replied, standing beside the bed where Minami was sleeping.

"Okay then" Shiro left the room with Saber standing at the entrance.

"What happened to her? Did she run out of magic energy?" Saber asked.

Shiro gave an awkward smile, "Probably" He muttered.

"Anyways I'm going out," Shiro said, making his way to the exit.

"I'm coming with you"

"There's no need Saber, I'm just going out to get a new mask" He put on his shoe and opened the door, "I should be back before 10" He closed the door.

Saber sighed before heading to the table to clear out the palates.

. . . .

Shiro started walking down the street, "Link out, throat" He said, the magic pattern around his throat cleared up.

Robbing his throat with his hand, he began coughing, "Damn Saber, her cooking could wipe out an entire army" He groaned.

He walked to the store where he wanted to buy his mask, and entering, he first headed to the assistant that was attending to a lady.

"Excuse me, I need a face mask," Shiro said, calling out to the assistant.

"Oh, right this way sir" She bowed, escorting Shiro to where he could find a new mask.

On his way there he noticed there were multiple statues as he walked deeper into the store.

One statue caught his eye. It was a boy who had two small blades on each hand and his eyes were glowing with the lightbulbs they inserted in them.

Shiro noticed the name that was placed on the statue, *Shirou Emiya* He walked past the statue but he couldn't help but feel like the statue was calling out to him.

"Here you go sir," The assistant said, showing Shiro the case that had multiple face masks with different designs, some even had magecraft on them.

He chose his mask and left the store, on his way back he noticed a fat boy running while holding a girl that had a blue outfit and behind them were men dressed in black cashing them.

The boy entered an alley that led to a dead end, "No, let's take the other way" The boy uttered.

He tried to turn but was then cornered by the people dressed in black bodysuits, they were six in number, each holding guns that had a blue glow in them.

"Hand over the servant" The static voice said, one of the guys in black bodysuit walked to the front aiming his gun at him.

"No" The fat boy trembled, standing in front of the girl.

"Master you really shouldn't-"

"No! I'm not going to let them take you away." The boy yelled.

Shiro was watching the entire thing from the building above, "Is she a servant?" Shiro thought to himself.

He noticed that the girl summoned a small knife but was hiding it behind her back.

"Guess I'm doing this" Shiro put on his mask and leaped down from the roof.

"Then you can just die alongside her '' The static voice said.


. . . . . .

It would a boost to my morale, if you could just register your presence somehow either through paragraph comments or comments or even helping me rank up by voting.

As a token of appreciation for this, I would dedicate the subsequent chapters to only the first 10 readers that are active for more than a week on different parts of my chapter.

Also, I'll be updating everyday now, lord give me strength.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Kirito_K5creators' thoughts