

A fan fiction of Fate/Stay Night. A man was chosen to sacrifice himself to save the world. He was a criminal, but he accepted his fate, and he died. But his fate was not just that, his fate was much bigger. He will become someone that everyone fear and respect, and he will annihilate everyone that gets in his way. The greediest, the cruelest, the ruthless. A man, a warrior... a king. --------- Well, read it to know more of his adventures. I am not a good writer and English is not my native language. But right now I have a lot of time to spend, so here I am... Putting my fantasies in words. Thanks for Reading!~ Support me here! For extra monthly chapters. http://bit.ly/fate-rebirth-pa Copyright: I don't own anything in this novel, except the MC.

Zaelum · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

~Final Announcement~

Hi, everyone~ Long time no see!.

Hmm, it's quite embarrassing to me said this, still I need to do it so I can advance.

As you guys can know this fanfiction was too much rushed, also it was pretty much a wet dream kind of fanfiction, so... after reading it again and again, I... don't enjoy writing it anymore.

I mean is fun writing, but I don't really want to continue this fanfiction.

I know you guys will get angry... but!!! I made a new one, that can replace that anger for a little enjoyment.

It's a pretty fun novel/fanfiction. I know that it's much, much better than this one, for sure!.

Still... I am so sorry...

I don't know if you guys will forgive me... but still I will said, that this fanfiction give me a lot of experience, from all of you guys comments and reviews. And how to write a little better~... I am still working on it...

Anyway, thanks you all of you, and if you guys still want to follow me, you guys can find my novel in my profile. Is called, Origin Realm.

Again, I am sorry!. And see you guys later!!.
