
Fate/Rebirth Chronicles

This story is a fanfiction as that has the main world set in Fate and many other works mash up, what I mean I took several character or organization and throw it to make a new worldview, the story will focus on the Fate world first but he will slowly go to other world so expect world hopping but the main will always be Fate. The story won't Immediately start with fate character coming, it start on making the Mc have a backstory in the world first, there will be scene from few of character here and there for about 10-12 chapter. I write this fanfic because I thought I should try it, because it sounds fun. DISCLAIMER : beside the OG character and plot of the Fanfic I don't own any other character that appear in this fanfic. the book cover is search from google so I don't own it.

Empyream · Komik
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101 Chs

Mission and Changed of Plans

the next day I called for a transportation service, to send me to the Gunsmith under Continental, when I arrive there I see a very simple Cafe, entering the Cafe, I went in and walk towards the barista and showed a gold coin.

seeing this he Immediately show me a way towards the back of the Cafe, from there we went into a complex route before arriving to a place where there's weapon was shown on a glass cabinet.

"greetings Sir, what kind of article that you fancy from my humble shop?"

"I want to make an order for a Sniper Rifle and a Pistol, I want the sniper rifle with powerful penetration and Long range, for the pistol I want a standard Glock 44, as well add a pair of combat knives, how long do you need for my orders?"

"a normal duration would be five days, if you want a rush job we can do it in 2 days time."

"normal is fine, send my orders to the continental." after saying that I give the man 5 gold coin to pay for his service.

I then exited the store through different path ways leading towards the main street of the city.

from there I went to one of the facilities that provide a vehicle, then order an ordinary sedan, with a bulletproof glass, and bullet resistance body, from there I went to one of the craftsman store and commission bullet proof coat as well a holster and belt to put my knives and magazine.

all I need to do is to scout for my target, the detail said he is now hiding in Hokkaido, he use the natural terrain as a place to hide and protect himself.

I intend to scout the area with a satellite picture to detect the surrounding area to close in on my target area, while also reading his time of sighting in society to find an easier ambush point since a mage workshop is where he is has most advantage, if possible I don't want to fight with my target where he has the advantage.

it seems he will go out once a month to go out and buy some daily needs and also gather experiment material.

this action alerted the police, making a target for the ruling Magus family and the church in Japan.

because of this there's they sent a request to the Continental.

I decided to put my plan a month later, but seeing that my bounty will be up the same moment I become 12 years old will increase the difficulty by huge amount.

at first my intention is to finish the mission before my bounty was posted but it seems this plan need to be remove, and it seems I need to finish my preparation, I started to scout the route used by my Target and there's two possible path that he will take, I intend to make him took a path that will arrive on the position where I have a clear shot.

I then issued to an explosive expert to make a trap to herd my target, and as well make a distraction for my hunter.

after all I don't have any intention to let them go since they are aiming for my life in the first place.

after finishing my order, I decided to went back to the orphanage, it seems I haven't return for several days because of my scouting and preparation.

I went to a butcher shop to buy a bunch of meat and then went to a wholesale supermarket and bought snack and treats for the Kids and school supply like books and writing utensils.

they help me send the item since I bought so many items at once and will help me unload the items to the storage in the church.

the kids then saw a truck that was filled with boxes stop in front of the orphanage, after they saw me they then ran towards me.

they asked what's inside the boxes, and I said it was present for them, then they thank me and showed a happy smile.

"ok then, you can go back and play, for dinner I bought a bunch of meat, so today dinner will be steaks or beef stew."

"yay, thank you big brother."

"big brother will you be teaching us again tonight."

"yes, yes I will be teaching you guys at night so go on and play again, big brother will go and talk to Mother Yolanda."

"ok big brother."

they then started to run back to the place they were playing some were also hiding under the tree and relax there.

after that I direct the mover on where to store the items I bought, after they finish the job I ask them to rest and have a drink to relax themselves before leaving back to work again.

hearing my offer they then thank me and enter a conversation with each of them.

since I was training since young body mature faster, so I have a physic of an 18 year old, making them to not suspect me the least, after their rest they then go back to continue working.

"kid, it seems Lovro taught you well, to think the little guy from seven years ago now can help the church with supplies."

"even though you said it like that I'm still a 12 years old kid."

"don't kids like to be called an adult."

hearing that I can only be silent, because she only know I was an orphan but, beside being an orphan I am a Reincarnator, so sometimes my action is always misunderstood as a Kid that mature faster because of the circumstance.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More

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