

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

QuincyEcht · Komik
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29 Chs

Training and Meeting

Friedrich POV:

'Shit' I cursed inwardly before narrowly dodging a strike from my opponent's sword, just after, a boot came crashing for my stomach sending me flying toward a wall, again, but this time I did a backflip mid-air, just before hitting the wall, I used Hirenkyaku to reappear near Quilge to deliver a enhanced punch with speed and my Blut.

Quilge reached out and catched my fist, the impact generating an enormous shockwave, clearing the arena of all rubbles generated from our training

"Well," Quilge said releasing my fist "this hit was quite good" he added, shaking his gloved hand"you've grown during these two hours of training" he pointed out before  stepping back.

"Come," he said stepping by another door "the true training starts now" he added before disappearing in the darkness of the door

'Two hours of fighting and this is not even the beginning ?' I thought bewildered by his statement before following suit

After stepping inside the door I was greeted by a beautiful panorama, a lush forest with a lot of animal, and a little stream of water flowing from a cascade.

"Beautiful isn't it ?" asked Quilge but before I could respond, he added turning to look at me  "I'll ask you to destroy it ,and this will be your training" 

"The technique that I will show is named Volständig," explained the Stern Ritter, "the ultimate technique of us Quincy. Its properties are separated in two."

"First, it makes our Quincy's natural ability to control the reishi far stronger, and second, for us Stern Ritter, it's an enormous boost to our Schrift's power," he continued explaining 

"I'll show you first how it's done," he said, removing his glove, revealing another glove ! "You'll need to step back or you'll be pulverized by the reishi concentration " he added 

I moved back around 50 meters, before I saw the power of the ultimate technique, in an instant all the reishi around Quilge was absorbed and an enormous blue pillar adorning the Quincy cross on top erupted from the ground

'Incredible,' I marveled before seeing the state of my teacher, 'an angel ?' I questioned looking at Quilge 's appearance, he was still in his Quincy attire but with two enormous blue wings coming from his back, a blue sword made of an impressive quantity of reishi . A symbol acting like a halo above his head and his boots were now made of reishi 'Quite ugly these boots' I noted, chuckling inwardly 

"You seen this form… " he started  "is perfection" the voice sounded just behind me, his presence bearing on y shoulder like a mountain

'Impossible, I didn't even blink it's just like he disappeared and appeared behind me' I thought totally shocked by the fact that he totally evaded my perception 'No, he didn't evade it,he was just too fast for the reishi to pick him up' I thoughts still shocked 

"Now," he said still behind me "i'll show you the ultimate reishi manipulation " he added, teleporting again in another direction 

"This is a technique called 'Piskiel', look and take notes" he said before raising his sword, at this moment it seemed like the world was getting disintegrated little by little, the trees were getting fragmented into reishi particles and added at the tip of the sword forming an enormous reishi attack.

After 10 seconds of charge the attack was launched, the explosion was cataclysmic, uprooting trees and generating an enormous quantity of light and sound. 

'ughh' I groaned, the shockwave did damage even with the Blut 'This bastard launched the attack near me' I noted quite angrily .

After a moment, the explosions stopped and I could see the extent of the damage, an enormous crater was seen at the place where a lot of trees and the cascade were just a minute before.

'So strong, ' I marveled, looking at the devastation before moving to meet Quilge

"Now, your try" he said before tossing the same glove to me "I use these gloves because it's far easier to concentrate reishi into it , but some Quincy don't need the glove to perform Volständig" he informed me 

I put the glove on and I sensed a little quantity of reishi being drawn into the cross on the glove

"So how do I do it ?" I asked looking at Quilge quite excited about this new power

"You'll need to concentrate an enormous quantity of reishi into it " he said, touching the glove "and when you sense that you're ready, take the energy from the glove, take it in your body and shape it in your body and outside of it " he explained, "This wings are the easiest thing to create, each Volständig have wings or something resembling it" he added with a monotone voice before moving toward the door.

"Where are you going ? " I asked Quilge, surprised by his actions

"I'm leaving" he replied before looking back to me "you're never going to master this technique today, so I'm taking my leave early, I'm going to report to His Majesty that my part in the training is finished, another Stern Ritter will be supervising your Volständig training shortly" he explained before stopping in front of the door

"Ah! " he exclaimed "I forgot to tell you that when you wake up, a glove like these will be given to you in your soul, you'll need a bit of work to recreate it in the real world" he added before leaving 

"Good luck, you'll need it " he said before the door closed.

"I'll need it ?" I questioned,intrigued by what Quilge meant with that 'perhaps the other Stern Ritter will not be as clement as him ?' I thought before the door opened again

'Oh no !' I thought extremely scared by the Stern Ritter that was coming through the door

"Hey! you're the one that I'll be coaching ? " questioned the girl with green hair and an outrageous outfit  "I'm the Stern Ritter T for the Thunderbolt, Candice Catnipp ''she presented herself before coming closer to me  "I'm going to whip you up to shape rookie ! " she added looking at me like a predator looking at its prey

'I wanna go home and sleep fast' I lamented looking at the infamously sadistic woman 'Lord Quilge please come back, I'll never think of your boots as ugly ever again !' I prayed but of course, they were no answer

"Stop gawking at me dumbass and get moving, this asshole of Quilge must have gone soft on you" she said smiling "I won't " she added with a soft voice.

'May His Majesty protect my soul ' I prayed again before answering the woman "Yes ma'am ! " I exclaimed before saluting and running to the clearing 

"Good, he listens to orders, that's good " she said before sprinting after me "If I arrive before you at the training ground, you'll be running a bit more rookie ! " she exclaimed, still behind me.

'Shit, I will not let her get the upper hand first' I thought before accelerating at my maximum speed

"Hey ! you started running first you bastard ! " I heard the woman shout behind me 

'So troublesome, why are all the bambies such a problem ? Couldn't I get a normal woman for a change ?' I sighed and continued to run 'All of them are psychopaths, it's terrifying, when I wake up I'll stay with Jeanne, she seems far more normal than these beasts' I thought before arriving at the training point.

Then a bolt of thunder passed right next to me and exploded into the ground in front of me 

"Hahaha, I'm the first to arrive, rookie ! " she declared proudly while looking at me, getting out of the crater that she created with her dash

"You used your Shrift? " I asked while deadpanning at her

"Of course ! " she beamed at me 

I still deadpanned at her under my mask

"What ?" she asked aggressively while thunder crackled around her hair, "Are you jealous of me ?" she asked cheekily while smiling like a beast at me 

'What is this, she switch between emotions so fast, let's not antagonize her for nothing ' I decided 

"No, I just didn't think about using my Schrift to accelerate " I said, still deadpanning under my mask of course.

"Well, not my fault if you're just a simpleton" She said while looking at her nails before looking at me

"I don't have all day, start trying to use the Volständig already ! "she exclaimed 

'What a troublesome girl, I truly pity the one she is in love with ' I sighed while taking position at some distance of the miniature thundercloud

'Let's go ' I thought while absorbing the surrounding reishi into the glove, after three seconds of gathering the reishi I absorbed the reserves of the glove into my body and started to shape it and release it outside of my body. 

"Hey !" exclaimed Candice" Control your output dumbass, you're going to make it expl…" before she could finish, the structure of reishi that I started to create exploded toward the outside washing the outside of blue light


The thunderous explosion burned me despite me using at the last second, hearing Candice's shout, my Blut to protect myself from harm. 

'ARGGH' I mentally screamed feeling the pain on all of my body and I finally fell on the ground 

"Fucking hell ! " I heard the shout of my "instructor" "You fucking dumbass, how can you not control something as simple as reishi as a Quincy"

I turned my eyes to see the burned figure of Candice, her skin was covered in ashes and her hair were even more disheveled. 

'Why was she so burnt while she was so far from the explosions?' I pondered in my thoughts.

'Did she try to save me from the explosion?' I mused silently.

'I could have been grateful if it wasn't for her personality,' I thought to myself with a hint of bitterness.

"Are you even listening to me ?! " she asked violently after arriving in front of me "You dumbass you could've gone a bit softer on the absorption of reishi, guide your reishi a bit slower and take less of it " she advised before giving me a hand to help me stand up. "Take my hand" she said, I looked at her hand before clasping it.

I saw her smile before she discharged a bit of electricity through me 

'What the fuck ! ' I exclaimed inwardly before letting her hand go and falling again on the ground 

"Haha, did you really think I would help someone who made my hair like that ?" She exclaimed laughing " That was a good one," she added before clasping my arm on a swift motion and making me stand up with a swift pull

'Ok, calm yourself Friedrich, don't be swayed by anger or this will have the opposite effect' I exhaled,calming myself before thanking the woman "Thanks for the advices for the Volständing, Lady Candice" I said thankfully, faking it obviously, not feeling a ounce of gratitude for this defibrillator.

"There is nothing to write home about ! " she exclaimed before turning her head to the side 

'Did she just do that ? ' I questioned shocked, 'This is a nightmare, I will wake up soon ' I hypnotized myself for a bit 

'Well let's try with what she said ' I thought before restarting to channel reishi into my gloves, this time I channeled the reishi into my body slowly and with far less quantity too, once again I started to channel and mold it inside my body to release it outside to form the pillar of reishi 

'Not enough' I grunted before the pillar disappeared, and my new form was shown to all

"Bwahahaha!" cried of laughter Candice, she rolled on the ground even "tiny Chicken wings ahah! You're killing me " she continued to roll on the ground laughing 

'A fucking kid she is !' I thought while gritting my teeth, I stayed silent however, I sensed the little wings on my back, minuscule compared to the one of Quilge, I was ashamed but it was a progression so it wasn't all that bad, the only problem was the audience 'There is no witness if there is no one alive, right ?' I thought darkly while looking at the woman rolling on the ground while laughing


Well I hope you liked the chapter, don't hesitate to comment what you like and don't like

See you soon :)