

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

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29 Chs

The Situation,Fighting And Decision

The night's breeze was hitting against my body as I flew toward Orleans or what remains of it, as I progressed toward the city I noticed the burned landmark, nothing remained apart from burned ground and ashes in the air.

'Well,quite the landscape ' I chuckled, for more than twenty minutes now, I've been seeing the same repetitive thing, a burnt ground and gray sky blocking the moon's light, rendering the environment all the more sinister

For all the duration of my flight I pondered about my feelings, I was trying to find confirmation and I came to a conclusion, my feelings are not mine entirely, I feel like thousands of people are feeling differently inside of me, it's a very strange sensation.

But I discovered that I was still in control, my emotions being the dominant ones, I could manipulate the outcome of every outburst.

'His Majesty said that I had a lot of Shrift in me, is this because of that ?' I questioned before promptly resuming my flying to what was announced to be the last battle of the Singularity, all the Souls inside of me thriving for the battle that was coming.

Then I heard IT, a voice made of different voices, all speaking in unison

'You cannot do without us Friedrich, one day you'll comprehend OUR gift to you not HIS'

'Who are you ?' I demanded to the voice hoping for a prompt response

'You already know, so why bother ?' IT responded sarcastically 'You just have to give HIM the Grail, right ?' 

'If you're not going to be of any help nor give any information, just stay silent I enjoy far more the company of silence than yours' I responded to mocking voice, before looking right in front of me at the burning ruin of the city of Orleans

"Well what a shame, a city like that reduced to rubbles" I muttered before sighting below, the Chaldeans fighting against the Witch, she seemed to be cornered against the cathedral, panting heavily.

In the group of Chaldea, I couldn't get the sight of Marie nor Mozart,Siegfried and Fafnir neither, an old man with a spear was fighting with Napoleon and the white haired woman was slowly being killed by two women, the first one was dressed like an idol, her hair were pink, with horns on her head, she second one was teal haired young woman with a fan for a weapon, she was dressed in a light blue kimono, I saw in their fight that the white haired one didn't have the skills nor the power to be able to fight with the two and soon enough, she was impaled by the spear of the pink haired girl, I tried to listen to their conversation,

"You ! " said the white haired woman while coughing blood, "You're just a scaredy cat, my younger self, you feared your imprisonment, but I am still a jealous woman, so enlighten me , how can you be so cheerful knowing what Fate awaited us ?"

"It doesn't matter what Fate awaits us, Carmilla" she said the name with such venom it could have poisoned me too, "I'll always keep smiling, because that's what an idol does, and why would I not be smiling ? I didn't commit any sins, I am Elizabeh Bàthory, and you Carmilla are just a bloodstains on my name so die" She said, letting out the sweetest smile I've ever seen, while she rummaged her spear through the inside of Carmilla

"Hey, Komodo Dragon, finish her already, I must go and see if my husband is alright, he is fighting with this Bitch after all !" exclaimed the teal haired girl to the idol, at this scream Elizabeth withdrew her spear from the dissipating body of Carmilla before turning toward her

"Don't call me Komodo Dragon, you snake !" exclaimed Elizabeth, looking at the spear that was drenched in the blood of her future self "I could have bathed in her blood a bit you know"

'Well another mad girl, is this the trend ?' I asked myself looking at the 'idol' 'It seems Napoleon finished his fight too, the old man let himself be killed when his bloodlust took control it seems'

So it was seven of the Chaldea group against the battered Witch, quite an unequal matchup but everything is fair in war.

"Why ?!" screamed the dragon witch, "How could you beat me, I can't comprehend it !" she continued hysterically "Gilles please help me " she pleaded looking at the cathedral

At her cries, enormous tentacles erupted from the ground separating the Chaldeans from the witch

"Oh my Jeanne ! " I heard the voice of a man, looking at the witch I saw, that behind her was the figure that was speaking "These filth wounded you Jeanne ! " he exclaimed before moving his hands toward the group "Kill them !!" he ordered the beast in a scream

'Well, it's not the witch that has the Grail it seems, his energy output is out of this world, does this mean that the witch was that strong without a grail to power her ? What a beast of a woman' I commented inwardly, extremely impressed by the combat power of my former foe

"You just have to kill him my son, after that take the Grail from his pitiful soul and cover it with the medallion that Jugram gave you" I heard the voice of His Majesty resonating from my soul

'It will be done my Lord' I thought before looking for a way to kill the man ' Let's wait for the Chaldeans to kill the monster and I could swoop in and take the Grail, the man seems to be a caster type like Mozart, so his physical prowess can't be that impressive even with the Grail acting as an enhancement'

"Mon maître !" I heard the scream of Napoleon from below, looking down I saw a tentacle going through the leg of Ritsuka, nailing him to the ground, swift enough, the blue haired girl cut the tentacle with her fan before Jeanne healed him with a light coming from her hands

"Maître !" exclaimed the French Emperor, looking down at Ritsuka that was still a bit shocked by the attack that he received "I'm going to use my Noble Phantasm to destroy this beast, I count on you for finishing the job" he added before his energy output flared

'Another Noble Phantasm,' I though quite excited, I don't know why but all of these attacks looking absolutely incredible to me, well I still preferred all my Quincy technique though, far more practical for me

I saw Napoleon point his cannon in the sky before starting to recite

"O', people make your appeal, Nothing is Impossible," he entonned before pointing his transforming cannon to the beast of nightmare "Why ?" he continued before the energy started to gather inside the cannon

"Because I am Here ! Arc de Triomphe De l'Etoile (The Iridescent (Rain) Bow that Signals His Triumphal Return Sonorously)

At this, the energy gathered inside the cannon was let loose and sent toward the beast,

"We need to dodge Jeanne !" said the man accompanying the witch, as he took her under his arm and jumping from his beast

The beam of energy, that looked like a rainbow, impacted the beast, pulverizing it, the beam didn't stop at the monster, it continued his path, destroying the once majestic cathedral of Orleans and destroying all that was in its path toward the horizon.

'What an attack' I whistled, looking at the destruction that was created by such an attack

'Well it'll be time for me to enter the scene soon enough, the witch and her boyfriend are at their last strength while the Chaldeans seems to still be quite fresh for a fight' I noted before I started taking reishi inside my tools, for the coming fight, I didn't know if I will have to fight with them but i'll prepare for all eventuality. Even if we were comrade in arms for a day or two doesn't mean that i'll betray His Majesty for them, now I was sure of what I should do

Because every step that I take is for the Glory of the Wandenreich and for His Majesty, all of it for me to return to Silbern. I looked at the sky, now absolutely sure of it, I reigned over the discontent emotions inside of me for the coming fight

'I'm sorry Jeanne, but I'll need to do it ' before starting my descent, cutting the possible retreat of the witch.


I decided to write a second chapter for today, but it'll end with a cliffhanger haha :)

We'll see the outcome of everything tomorrow

See you soon