

During the final battle between the Quincy and the Soul Society, Friedrich Braun, a simple soldat of the Wandenreich, is teleported into the void before succumbing to Yhwach's Auswählen and ends up by chance in the first singularity of Fate/Grand Order. What will result from this encounter between two different universes?

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29 Chs

A Soldier's Duty

Friedrich POV:

'Where am I ?' I questioned looking around, all that I could see was a sea of darkness with eyes looking at me,'Am I still being tested by Äs Nödt ?', this situation reminiscent of my situation with the Fear,

Time didn't seem to pass inside this space, it seemed like an eternity passed and yet not even a minute too,

"Don't worry Friedrich" I heard His Majesty's voice, resounding inside the entire space, making it shook due to the power of his voice,"For your good demonstration with Äs Nödt, I grant you 'voice' again, no measly ailments like this one should plague one of my Knight, now go my son !" the darkness started to devour me

"And don't worry,Friedrich, I won't judge your deception of the young saint nor you're 'inability' to feed yourself" I heard his Majesty said with a chuckle before the darkness totally engulfed me

'He saw her feed me !?' I thought depressed, my eyes widening at the fact that he saw me.

I opened my eyes, the light of the moon entering my bedroom through the window behind me

"Is my voice working ? "I murmured before having the confirmation listening to the sound going out of my mouth. The same voice that I had before I crushed my throat.

I didn't know that His Majesty could give me back my voice, and as easily as that too, I started to think that I must've learned sign language to communicate again.

'Thank you for your generosity,Your Majesty' I thanked before standing up from the bed, my body already fully healed from the ordeal.

'I'm back at full health huh ? I noted, doing stretches to see if my body could respond to my commands.

'Let's see if someone is near' I thought before using my reishi detection to perceive magical energy as they call it

'There is no one around ?' I was surprised, I expected to sense the servants around but there was no servants nor the master around, just normal humans and me

'Did they let me here ?' I questioned before looking around the room, seeing an envelope on the table with a piece of paper on it, one the paper was written "For Friedrich"

I took the envelope and took what was inside, a letter written in French, the handwriting was a bit rough to look at but still readable

'Mr.Friedrich, we'll be letting in you in the care of the villagers for your recovery, our group will take the fight to the Witch directly at Orleans, we should arrive tomorrow, I don't know when you'll be opening this letter, but when Jeanne tried to wake you up you were unresponsive so we decided to not burden you anymore, as a human you've done far more than what was asked of you.

We all pray for your prompt recovery

Chaldea's Security Organisation

'So they left me here, to rest ? ' I noted after reading the letter, I was free to reunite with them again or I could just watch from the sideline and help them if the situation is too dire for them

'Let's help them when the situation is dire' I decided, my 'training' with Äs Nödt revealed to me one of my weaknesses, I was too attached to them, it could prove detrimental if His Majesty asked that I dispose of them.

'In my current state, I know that i'll obey the order of His Majesty but if I continue to socialize with them, I can't know for sure' I thought while dressing in my Quincy attire, my thoughts totally heretical to what I was raised to be but yet, I couldn't control them, it was strange

All of my gear being charged with reishi apart from the gifts that I received from Lord Haschwalth in my sleep, I was ready to tear apart any of my obstacles.

Everything that I saw since my awakening in this forest was so foreign to me, no brothers in arms here to assist me, but his Majesty never gave me up, some Stern Ritter even helped me train, I'm grateful even to Lord Äs Nödt for training me and making me see my shortcomings, to Lord Quilge and Lady Candice for taking of their time to train me too.

But I'm grateful too to the Chaldeans, Siegfried, Jeanne for being great companions, Marie-Antoinette and Mozart for saving me, all of these encounter changed me, but, my duty to His Majesty is far more important than some link with them, I was born to kill and fight not to be an amiable friend, I hope that they'll forgive me

I heard His Majesty's voice in my head

'Friedrich, you must make me see this Grail, this is the only mission that'll ask from you for now, execute it well and you'll be rewarded by me,I'll give you a preview of my gift' My Lord said, the link between us deepening as I sensed a new technique being directly given to my soul

'Sankt Altar, the ultimate Quincy technique, an area composed of five reishi spheres that shoot concentrated beams of reishi that deprive the opponent of their powers and give it to the caster of the Altar' I heard a voice say in my head.

'What an incredible technique ! ' I exclaimed in my head, this was the ultimate defensive and offensive Quincy's technique, a perfect technique

'His Majesty wants to see the Grail but the Chaldeans wants it to destroy this Singularity and go back to their timeline, the Grail was with the Witch, that's why she was so strong during our fight, she was empowered by a wishing machine, well I don't know how a wishing machine like the Grail can empower someone apart from the wish granting, but why not just wish for us to disappear ? It must mean that, one the Grail is not Omnipotent and has limitations, or that the Grail is not a wishing machine but some sort of device stocking this 'Magic Energy'' I thought for a while, pondering all of these different matters, but one thing is sure, I must collect this Grail for His Majesty to see.

'I'm sorry everyone, I hope that you won't fight me on this' I hoped, I didn't want any of them to die by my arrows, but it was my duty as a Knight of His Majesty. 

My feelings still conflicted, I quite liked the company of everyone

'It is what it is' I sighted, before opening the window and using Hirenkyaku to appear in the sky, in the sky I could see an enormous fire going strong in the horizon,

'Well it seems that the fight has already started, let's just try to take the Grail from the Witch's hands' I thought before starting to fly at moderate speed toward Orleans, my feeling swirling in my chest.

A voice that I coudn't hear resounding inside of me

'You forged us, Yhwach, now,perhaps, it will be your error, O' Your Majesty' said the voice sarcastically 'Your betrayal will haunt you and your plan, now and forever, Almighty'


Well this will be a short chapter for today and tomorow, this fight will conclude the first arc of the story, and if Friedrich will stay friend with the Chaldeans or not.

What do you think will happen ?

See you tomorrow everyone :)