

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
97 Chs

This where the fight ends

(Author's Note: I am so madddd!!! And No it isn't about me not getting enough free time or about my hypocritical parent, no because I missed checking in last Sunday my 400+ days streak has been destroyed!! I have been signing since I started writing, in a way it marks the beginning of my writing career.

Before you read this chapter, I wanna say I am trying a bit different writing format so tell me if it's better than the previous one! Previous, Enjoy the chapter!)


Poseidon Pov

I glanced at the destroyed crater and the last of the golden particles that disappeared with the death of the Goddess Rhongomyniad. I sighed, this time it was more challenging than I had assumed. Maybe I should just stop underestimating others even if they are a lot weaker than me. Perhaps- I could have killed her more easily if I was in my peak form, still that matters little now.

I had won and did so while being nerfed and I had been weaker than she was from her True God form. Still, I wasn't content, I wanted it to be a perfect victory yet it cost the life of my subordinate, though she is fine for the most part. I sighed and just accepted my fault and decided to do better next time, Still this reminded me that I am not strong, not even by Peak Universal standards.

Finally, I decided it was time to meet up with the team that I had gathered together in this singularity and the ones who made it possible to complete the second quest that I had taken up. I floated in the air and then flew towards them, I landed in front of them.

" You are finally here My Lord! ", said Jalter with an expectant smile on her face, then she leaped forward hugged me tightly, and started rubbing her head against my body. " Did my performance satisfy you, My Lord?", she asked, I gave a direct reply," Yes", since I could already see that no one died and that was a big accomplishment in itself. This would surely boost my merit points by a lot.

Meanwhile, I was cuddling a happy Jalter, when Ristuka came forward and asked me," Lord Poseidon, Where is Sir Guinevere? ", I looked at him, and then the holographic projection of Romani came in front of him who had a nervous look on his face, and I replied," You should already know about it, Doctor?".

He coughed and said," Yes, I had some doubts but you had made it clear", he then went on and explain how Guinevere was a human all along much to everyone's shock. " I see", he muttered with a sad face,' It sure is no easy task being the last master of humanity when you are just a normal base human with additional poison nullification, and when I am added to the equation who wants to use you as merit booster it sure is hell for him ', I thought a bit amused.

The worn-out Knight of Betrayal, Mordred approached me knelt before me in a Knightly way, and asked me," Lord Poseidon, can you tell Father that I performed excellently and slew all those who stood in front of her, so she can forgive me, even if only a bit for my crimes", her body armor was broken at my places, and red blood could be seen oozing out of her wounds.

It was apparent to me, that the fight for her was no easy, heck It wasn't easy for anyone except Astolfo who had only light scratches making me look at him with a scrutinizing gaze, I could see he was the least injured of all, even Ritsuka had far more injuries than the femboy. " Hey! Lord Poseidon did you finally realize just how cute I am?!", he asked me with a smile on his face.

I replied with disgust in my voice," Why the hell you are the one with the least injuries", My blunt reply froze him in his place and everyone erupted in a burst of laughter, I broke my hug with Jalter and took out the almost emptied Holy Grail and threw it to the Ritsuka who caught it.

" This is the Holy Grail! ", Mash and Ritsuka gasped, Da Vinci nodded as if she already had predicted this situation. The singularity slowly started repairing itself, and I said," Thanks to every servant here that I was able to do my task", All of them nodded, and Mordred finally stood up and said," Haha! Since Father is not here I can call you Mister God again! Anyway, Mister God if there is next time do call me as well! I wanna meet father again".

I just nodded, and Dr. Romani said on the Holographic screen," Ristuka, Mash, and Leonardo! We will be doing Rayshifting!", Finally the protagonist said Goodbye to everyone, and I hugged Jalter who was in a bliss and teleported back to my Divine Throne


I opened my eyes, and glanced at the Artoria kneeling in front of me, my eyes twinkled seeing the fierce Divine Aura radiating from her. She said," My Liege, I shall apologize for my defeat", I replied to her in a blunt tone," No need for that, it wasn't a fight that you had to win, and again even if you lost the battle you won the war, it would seem you have ascended to a God ".

I asked the system,' Show me her status '.

[Here you go!]


Name: Artoria Pendragon

Affiliation: Loyal Knight, Servant, Devotee, Lover, and Personal Bitch. (Again Too Kinky)

Strength: A++

Endurance: A+

Agility: B+

Mana: EX

Luck: A+(D){It has changed due to meeting you}

Noble Phantasm: EX

Personal Skills:

Divinity: A+++

Authority of the End of the World: EX

Master of the Storm: A+++

Breath of the Red Dragon: EX

Charisma: B(E){ Due to your influence her charisma had regained a large portion of her original capability}

Protection of the Ends of the World: EX

Tier Magic: A+++(Upto 7th Tier)

Silent Casting: A+++(Upto 7th Tier)

Multicasting: A+(Five Spells at once)

Maximized Magic: B+(Upto 7th Tier)

Noble Phantasm:

Invisible Air(Anti-Unit): C

Rhongomyniad(Anti-Fortress): EX]

After looking at her status, I could easily say that she is the strongest here after me. Her Divinity was even higher than what I possess, and her parameters had increased by a large margin not counting the fact that she could utilize her Magical Boosts to increase her parameters to ridiculous levels and use her Divinity to increase the level of attacks.

Again, as she was a God now, the only way to kill her was to destroy her Divine Core thus despite what her endurance showed, it had increased to a level no longer bound my mortal shackles. Suddenly Jalter who had awakened asked with disbelief in her voice," Wait a minute?! You became a God?!!"

" Indeed, it would seem that battle aroused me to break my limits and ascend to Godhood much like my other self in that singularity", she replied, her words annoyed Jalter who had realized she was no longer the strongest one among my subordinates.

I suddenly said disrupting their talk," It is much more than what you think Artoria, unlike your other self who had ascended to Godhood after sacrificing her human part and losing her memories, you have mastered the power over Rhongomyniad, hence you should be stronger than her".

A blush crept on her face, and a smile formed on her lips hearing my praise," Thanks for the praise My Liege ", I smirked and then said," Though I am displeased by the fact how you self-sacrificed yourself thinking a burden to me. Do you think if you are unable to fight any longer would matter to me? Or the fact you are consuming my Mana? That was completely a stupid and unnecessary decision on your part, hence I will be punishing you for it ".

Her smile faded away upon hearing that, and then I continued," So make sure, as I won't be going easy on you on our next session ", Her heart trembled hearing that, and a depraved smile formed on her face," I- I see, then I will be waiting for my punishment", Jalter clicked her tongue hearing that.

[Master, you are a real sadistic and your women are real sado-maso], said System. I replied with a grin,' Of course, I know about that, and I am proud of it. '

" Ahem, Can you all stop ignoring me?", said Scathach with a small pout on her face, I looked at her and said," You did expect us to come back in a few minutes or even a few seconds huh? Well you can go and do a warmup for our fight, as I won't wait any longer ", her face became surprised, and then a sadistic smile formed on her face," Oh taking it earlier huh? Can't say I don't like it ".

After having a small chat with them, they left to do a warmup training before the fight, even though they understood that I needed some alone time after every time I returned from a singularity, they were quite smart in this matter. Though after getting thought acceleration that mattered little.

' So the system gives me my rewards ', I demanded quite eager to get my new abilities.

[ Well you completed two voluntary quests and two hidden quests, and you get quite a bit of merit from this singularity!]


1) You have completed the quest, ' A safe haven '.

Completion condition: Create a huge and paradise-like haven in the world of desert, where people have lost hope in their lives. Save more than 2,500 people and give them refuge in your paradise during the duration of your descent.

Reward: 1/5th of the Perfect Divine Realm has been granted!

Advantages: A part of the perfect Divine Realm for the King of Gods, the strongest Divine Realm under Complex Multiverse level. It is a safe haven, the existence of immortality, and a source of divinity for its ruler.

Disadvantages: You will need at least 3 parts of the Perfect Divine Realm to establish it.

2) You have completed the quest, ' No more Legendary Knights! '.

Create a group of powerful servants or people and take them under your command, let them clash against the Knights of the Round Table, and win this battle without your direct intervention.

Reward: Apostle Bestowal has been granted!

Advantages: You can Bestow a mark of the Apostle to any selective individual, it will create an intimate connection between God and the Apostle. God can know the location of its Apostle, and the soul of the Apostle regardless of outer intervention stronger up to 100 times the God will always return to the God.

God can also bestow its Divinity to its Apostle which can empower them greatly, and can also share a part of his abilities if required. Also, the power of God will increase with any growth in the power of the Apostle, and God has a conceptual level of immunity from the attacks of his Apostle, and any function mentioned above can be canceled and activated on the will of God. Also, multiple marks can be bestowed

Disadvantages: It is not absolute, and the mark can only be bestowed to those who are willing to become Apostle, the mark works better with the feelings of the Apostle towards God. The Apostle can also rebel, though the mark can't be broken without the will of God.]

[You have completed the secret quest, ' Kill a God! '.

Completion condition: Kill a God.

Selecting an appropriate reward...

Reward: Your Divinity has been increased to A+++!

Note: A reward chosen by the system based on the Master's circumstances.

You have completed the secret quest, ' Bring down the Holy One! '.

Completion Condition: Kill a Holy being equivalent to a God, or equal to God.

Reward: Holy Attack Nullification has been granted!]

I gasped a bit seeing all of the rewards, it would seem the poor Scathach would lose more faster than she expected to. It would seem This is where the fight ends in the first place.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Quality may be a bit bad, I mean I am writing this on the minimum free time I am getting, *Sigh*, tomorrow I have a Holiday, praise India for having so many Holidays, so I might be able to upload a new chapter tomorrow and day after it, maybe this fic or other.

P.S. I hope I don't get a burnout. Anyway, give me powerstones! I might upload a new chapter this week if you all give me enough.