

A guy from our world died and is then reincarnated in fate/zero, well not exactly reincarnated because he is summoned as a heroic spirit. He basically is summoned as Haruhiko Ichijo from Myriad Colors Phantom World and has a more powerful version of his ability. (Not exactly) I forgot to mention that, the first chapters after the prologue are just a recount of the plot so you can skip them. (An- I’m doing this to improve my writing and I’ll only continue this if I felt like it.) —— Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these work or characters, I only own my character and the plot for this.

FakeNames · Komik
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7 Chs


As a man was walking out of a restaurant we can see that he seem to be in a good mood. "Ahh that felt nice, that dish was really good, maybe I can bring the other next time I come here again".

As he is walking on the sidewalk he saw that the traffic light is red and so he slow down on his walks.

He stop to wait for the traffic light to turn green. Once the light switch colors he walk across the street, but he doesn't realize that a speeding truck was coming his way.

After he got halfway across the road is when he realized that their was a truck coming to his right really fast, but he noticed to late and that costed him his life.

As he opened his 'eyes' he noticed that he seem to be in some kind of void.

POV: guy

"Uhh where am I, how did I get here". As I try to scratch my head I noticed that I wasn't able to move, not only that I wasn't able to feel anything.

I look at my body and when I did, my body looks like a flouting translucent sphere. I also noticed that I didn't have any arm or legs.

While inspecting myself I finally sink in what happened and I start to freak out. "I- I- I'm dead, is this purgatory, am I going to be judged".

As he is freaking out he doesn't realize that something is watching him and is making it's way towards him.

POV: 3d%e57

As the little soul is panicking I got a little closer and spoke towards the soul. "Calm down little one, you are fine nothing can hurt you here but the only misfortune is that you did get killed".

Once I finish speaking the soul finally noticed me and is looking around to see me but it wasn't able to.

"Wh- wh- who said that, why can't I see you and what do you mean I'm going to be fine here?". Ask the soul.

I stayed quiet to think about how to answer the soul, once I'm finish thinking on how to replied to the little soul, I look towards the soul and answers him.

"To answer your question in order I'm what you human called Oblivion but that isn't my true name, it's what you human called my counterpart by". I explained to him who I am or the part of me he knows of.

When the soul heard this you can feel that he is shocked by this revelation. Shock by this he still wanted a confirmation and so he ask "Wait! You mean that Oblivion from marvel".

When the being heard this it 'smile' it's none existent lips. "Yes that Oblivion, even tho that's not the true me it's still apart of me".

With this the soul stay quiet probably because of being in even more shock.

"Now to your other question the reason you can't see me isn't because you can't but because you can't perceive me and whatever your looking at, your also looking at me." I explained to the soul why he can't see me.

"And why I said you'll be find here. Well it's like you said this is purgatory and nothing can cause disruption in purgatory. Not even Yahweh". I said finishing with my explanation and waiting to see what he says next even if I already know what he is going to say.

"O- oh than why am I still here? Aren't I supposed to be judged by some otherworldly being?". Oh he's not asking about that last part.

POV: guy

"Not even Yahweh"

Wait wait wait that Yahweh, from the Bible. Wow guess those Christian fanatics were correct, I'm not saying they were wrong but you know it's kinda hard to believe in something that isn't proven or even seen.

But by what it said than doesn't that mean all those other religious also exist like Buddha, Amaterasu, and all those other religious.

Anyway enough you don't have time to think, focus back on the topic. "oh than why am I still here? Aren't I supposed to be judged by some otherworldly being?". I ask ignoring trying to ask if the biblical god is actually real in most likely case he is.

"Well I stop your reincarnation because I decided that you will be my source of entertainment". The oblivions said to me.

"You mean like those fanfic, or those Isekai anime". I ask with a bit of excitement in my voice.

"Hmm yes like those and you can already guess where this going, I'm going to give you 1 wish and you will spin the wheel to see what kind of power you'll get and what world you'll go to".

The being explained to me and this got me excited even tho I won't get the 3 wishes, at lest I've got a wish right.

"Tell me what is it that you wish for, it can't be something like omnipotent or instant mastery".

Ok so I can't wish for anything too op but what exactly I know that I can't wish for something like the power of goku or infinite potential.

oh I know how about being perfect at doing anything like drawing or cooking and all that stuff, yeah that sound great.

"I wish that I am skilled at doings everything like at the peak of what human can achieve, I called it perfect skill". I explained hoping that my wish is accepted.

Oblivions hasn't said anything in a while, is it too powerful, but I said that it will be at peak human capabilities.

As I'm thinking to myself Oblivion suddenly said something. "You wish to be good at what is humanly possible, that is a acceptable wish. Now than to spin the wheel to see where you go and what power".

Once he finished saying that I get incredibly excited that I wanted to jump around but I can't because you know, I'm a ghost.

As I was being overly excited a wheel suddenly appears in front of me, as I look closer I can see thing like the speed force or having the genius of tony stark all the way to having great beauty.

But the wheel is always changing so their those that caught me off guard like the one that said be born with gut misfortune or look like a nuckelavee, like what who want to be a skinless horse person, at lest with gut misfortune I wouldn't look like some horrible monster.

Anyway I turn my attention back on the wheel and thought about how to spin the wheel when it suddenly starts spinning.

As the wheel is spinning, I was praying to the wheel for something good. Once the wheel slow down it stop on Haruhiko Ichijo, the guy from that anime who have the power to sealed monster called phantom and summoned them.

"So you got the power and look of Haruhiko Ichijo, you must be the first person to have landed on him but to make thing interesting how about we improve his ability for a bit". Said oblivion.

When it said that I felt like I've been save from some horrible fate, I felt like crying, but back to the question "What do you mean by improve his ability".

"Well as you know he uses his notebook to draw whatever phantom it is and with those drawing he can sealed those phantom".

"Well yeah I know that and I also know that at the end of the anime his abilities got an upgrade to where he was able to summons the seal phantom". I said only know what is shown in the show.

"You are partly correct about his ability, there's more to it than is shown but to give an example let say Ruupa a phantom who has the ability is able to steal others power and in a fight with Haruhiko Ichijo she uses a ability she stole and with this ability she was able to erase earth. After the fight with Haruhiko Ichijo coming in victorious he uses his ability to restore the earth and all its inhabitants".

After oblivion fully explained the capability of what Haruhiko Ichijo can do. Saying I was shocked was an understatement because I have no idea he was capable of such feat.

"Th- than what do you mean by the improvements part to his ability". I ask because as I see it he is already powerful, what else is there to improve on.

"Well you'll know soon after spinning the wheel to where you'll be going to" said oblivions.

As it said that another wheel appears and started spinning, after awhile it stop on Fate/Zero. The world where almost all the character died except for those who have plot armor or are powerful enough to survive.

"As you can see the world you are going doesn't have phantom well they do but it's different, the thing I'm improving are his ability to also sealed up the phantasmal species".

As oblivions explained this I finally was able to understand why but isn't that already overpower.

"Your think that this is making you too powerful but you got to understand that there are almost no phantasmal beast around anymore and the only that are still there are too weak".

I guess that make sense now and their not as powerful as the phantom I can summons. But than there comes the problem of how I will be sent to that world.

"But how will I be sent to this world, will I be born there, transmigrated, or will I take over someone else place". I ask because if I'm going to get reincarnated than I won't be as powerful and if I transmigrated into someone, I won't know what to do and how to act. There are many problems with either of them.

"None of the above except to the last one but you won't have his life or anything like that, you just going to replace him".

Oh ok so that's good I won't have to deal with the other problems but what does it mean replace him, who am I replacing.

As I'm thinking this, I was about to ask him but than something unexpected happened, I felt a pulling sensation and I look around to ask if it knew what is happening.

"No need to worry you are in the process of becoming apart of that world so you will have a history, with this you will know who and why you replace him. This will be the last time we meet, farewell little soul".

As he said this I started to lose my consciousness and the last thing I heard were something about-
