
Fate/New Reality: A Certain Julius Solomon Journey

[Julius Solomon]---[Nasuverse] That's all he knows of himself... Family? He knows of none! He acknowledges all but himself! Friends? Bah! Who needs them! Kings? Bah! That's his morning breakfast! Emperors? Bah! That's his lunch!! Gods/Goddess? Ha! Do you truly think those brain-dead babies are powerful? All they are a little spanking from him to get back on the right track! Such is the existence of a Certain [Julius Solomon], A sassy and nonchalant being! He who slaps Gods and Goddess alike for fun! When hungry, he pranks the Heroes of Old for leisure and enjoyment, when lonely he flirts with the Goddesses and World Wills, when bored he teases those Masters who came to beg for his help, when tired he lets his beautiful wives massage him. But first, he has to finish a Great Holy Grail War, where anime characters act as Masters to Nasuverse Servants. What a fuck to new Reality he got himself too... ~~~~~~ " I have been watching you for a long time, Senpai, but it's always this way. You always try to escape me, always try to leave me, and you never stay, never, and I don't understand why. I love you best. I will always love you best, even when you didn't remember my name: you'll remember me eventually, won't you? No one else will ever love you as much as or the way I love you, because if they so dared, even Gods won't stand in my way. So please be a good Husband and love Me forever~" --- ( ??? ). ~~~~~~ Extra Tags: Harem???/\Stronger To OP/\Multiple Anime Characters/\Carefree MC/\Neutral Evil MC/\ Anime Great Holy Grail War/\ ~~~~~~ PS." I don't own anything other than my OC's and original ideas." PSS." I write for my own personal enjoyment and pleasure when I get some free time in between my job so if I don't update then you know why."

Astolfo69 · Komik
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5 Chs

Chapter - [1] - Void With The Mysterious Voice


It's dark.

I can't see anything.

I tried to move, but discovered that I couldn't. I didn't have hands, nor did I have a body. I was merely a formless being, floating in the endless void. All that surrounds me is darkness. Darkness so deep that I could not see any light shining through. It is as I'm in the deepest level of purgatory waiting for the Gods judgment.

Huh... Now that I think about it this void is strangely yet oddly relaxing.

Moving on to to the bigger question at hands... You get it because I don't have hands... *cough*... Yeah, I know bad pun...

Whatever... moving on once again...

Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I so calm? Why don't I have a physical body? Wait-

I see.

I am dead.

I can't remember anything, but somehow, I knew that I have died. My memories are all fuzzy. No. They are somewhat blank. I truly can't recall any events that have happened in my life except two things. Firstly, I possess the basic common sense of a place called Earth with its many cultures and civilizations... even the unique yet strange cultures if you catch my drift.

Secondly, I remember my name...

My name [Julius Solomon]. Similarly, I can recall some reality called the [Nasuverse] where hundreds of thousands of stories intertwine with each other.

Where Tales of Great Heroes are created! Journeys of Great Magicians! A reality where a Multi-dimensional Vampire is an actual thing who loves magical girls and pranking and trolling everything!

Or what I will like to call it, [ A Place Where Wishes And Miracles Are Won And Created ]---[ The Realm Of Opportunity ]---...









Wait! I see where this is going!

Before I continue my inner monologue I heard an emotionless female voice ringing throughout my whole being bringing about a classic blue and white hologram screen in front of me.

「 Ping~! Welcome Fateless Soul 0 or should I say Julius Solomon~! 」

Hearing this, I blinked my nonexistent eyes and rubbed them, and thought.

' A system?'

「 Affirmative my dear Julius~! But I, not just some system! Nonono!

------I'm The System Of Origin!------

A system that came into existence by pure coincidences, and have been traveling in the void and the purgatory for as long as I can remember. Presently, I am no longer alive, and this is the only fragment of me left behind. I have decided to pass this onto a random being, and you were chosen. 」

Oh, shit! I have seen enough Fanfics to know where this is going.

「 As you have might have already guessed, My dear Julius~! You have been chosen as the lucky winner. The first, the last, and the only being that will ever inherit this power. 」

" If I may ask... What was I chosen for?"

Because if so help me God you say you pulled me out of a Gacha-

「 Nothing. As nothing matters to me anymore. You were simply lucky. That's all. This ability will help you calculate your strength, in the form of a Status Screen. And in addition, you will gain certain privileges. 」

' Privileges? You mean something akin to Wishes?'

「 Yes... and this is a farewell. Live a free life, Chosen One. 」

Huh, well... Deuces I guess?

「 Hehehe~! Deuces to you too, My Darling~! Julius Solomon~! Please once again live a free and pleasurable life, My precious Chosen One~!」

And like that, I felt a link cut yet still there throughout my whole being. An odd feeling if I do say so myself.

However, there's an important matter at hand!

" Was I the only one getting Yandere vibes?"

Then on cue, I think I saw the void shake then stopped.

Huh, so it wasn't just me. Well, that's glad to know.

Breaking out my inner monologue once again I heard an emotionless female voice... but this one was more on the mechanical side bringing about a wheel of fortune with question marks all over it.

「 Greetings, My Lord! I am the System.

Likewise, My Lord, please spin the wheel. Because spinning it will give you three random perks that will help you along with your Journeys. It is the privilege of the one who has acquired the System.」

This...This is different..No! The right word is, unique. Yes unique, because as stated previously by that Yan-*cough*... mysterious voice, I'm the chosen one picked with nothing out of luck! Meaning in Nasuverse terms, I have like EX-luck!

Or murphy law's going to do its job for once and fuck me over.

Ugh! I have a migraine and right now I'm not even going to question how something like me a 'formless being' has a migraine in the first place.


After some time whirling a string of curses, I said.

" Well, whatever... Spin."

I in all honesty really wanted to go full Jojo and yell "Spin!" while doing some bizarre pose, but let's not do that...for now... Hehehe~!

「 Ping~! Spinning... 」--- 「 3 has been Won 」

「 Perks Won.


(1) - Absolute Soul Weapon --Murasame--(Akame Ga Kill!): Is a long Katana Teigu used by Night Raid's Akame.

Furthermore, Akame ga Kill! Zero  shows that it was formerly wielded by  Gozuki, who personally trained Akame.

It was later destroyed by Esdeath during her final battle with Akame. It is said that the roots of -Murasame- lay at  Wakoku, where the events of  Hinowa ga Yuku! transpire.

Murasame Abilities: Murasame is a cursed blade that could kill a person with a single cut. Once the sword pierced the skin, a-poisonous curse spreads throughout the victim's body, killing them within seconds by stopping their heart.

The curse appeared as black markings that originated from the wound and spread across the victim's skin. These markings vanished once the person had died. Akame stated that cleaning Murasame was very dangerous because of its ability, which is why she used gloves when wielding the blade.

However, this ability only worked on living, organic beings that have a heart, rendering it ineffective against Armor and Biological-type Teigu as well as machines and Yatsufusa's corpse dolls.

Furthermore, Esdeath even showed that it is possible to survive the curse by cutting off the affected body part before it can spread through the rest of the body. However, this must be done quickly, as Esdeath even stopped time to amputate her arm. The curse's black markings remain visible on the amputated body part.


(2) - Infinite Potential: Your Origin is Limitlessness. You have limitless potential and can grow to one who is unequaled. However, the road to become the one above all is riddled with difficulties as you are a normal(?) human(?) at best.


(3) - Bearer of Myths: You are somehow related to one of the legendary heroes/Beasts/Monsters/Gods/Goddess/ in history. You carry their legacy, in the form of a Noble Phantasm. Furthermore, you will randomly receive one Noble Phantasms. You will be able to dematerialize and materialize them at will, and they will not lose their Mystery through degradation.



[**Third person POV**]

Blinking his nonexistent eyes once again twice, Julius thought.

' Huh, so Lady Luck has gracefully graced me with her presence once again for the second time.'

Then like magic, he started feeling sleepy and tried. It was as if he ran a marathon around the world without knowing.

Truly an odd sensation...

Feeling his consciousness slip, Julius last thought was.

' Night-Night, Void-chan~!'

And like that, a formless sphere of pure white energy disappeared slowly from the void. However without getting a shake from the Void itself as it shot a pure black sphere into a pure white sphere.

Following this, the sphere shined ever-so bright purple as it finally disappeared leaving the void alone as it was supposed to be in the first place.



「 Word Count - 1311 」

Salutation everyone~! I hope you liked the first chapter of this Fanfic I have been thinking about.

I always love the Nasuverse, well the Fate side at least as it is the one I read and watch more of.

So here I'm by bringing you my very first project I've been meaning to get into since I discovered this App/Site by a great friend of Mine~!

So please leave comments if you have any questions~!

Astolfo69creators' thoughts