
Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse.

"Why does every world that we go must be someone with Young Master syndrome is that a trend?" "I don't understand your question Young Master" "I already told you to not call me like that!" "You have guts to ignore the great me!" " Yeah Yeah I know, you will say some shit like that I'm courting death or whatever" "You are mocking me, are you courting... how do you know what I was going to say peasant?" "Cause everyone like you say the same bullshit!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own anything except some OC and barely. There is a Harem Tag for something so please don't leave hate comments in the future for that, Its on the description so save time to everyone. English it's not my first language. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a pleasant experience doing it. First World- Harry Potter Second World- High School DXD

Stuckinapileofbook · Komik
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63 Chs

Chapter XXXVII: Worst First Impression.

WARNING, PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE ANYTHING: Hello nieces and nephews, it's Uncle Author with the first chapter of the DXD arc, as previously stated this chapter is around 500 years before the cannon starts. So I will use some historical events that happened in said years for world-building along with fantasy themes and things that NEVER happened. I want to make clear that I only do this for ENTERTAINMENT purposes and this by no means is a way to criticize or insult any of the readers, their country, or anything. If I wanted to do so, I would have already done it, on the previous volume. So, with anything else to say please enjoy.


Somewhere in the omniverse.

"I still don't understand why he is here," Aqua said with clear annoyance in her voice.

"Come on Aqua, you know that it was one of the conditions so he could go outside my world," Fuga said cheerfully, not caring at all about her annoyance. "Besides I am like his number 5 or 6 fan."

At his words, Kazuma raised an eyebrow. "You wanted to say number 1 right?"

"Nope, while he helped me a lot to get over my boredom, like his work, and know that we could go to have some beers while we are messing around the omniverse. I am not crazy enough to fight against one of the girls that like him for that place. I might be capable of feats that would make a Xian Xia protagonist look like a preschooler, that the place belongs to the waifus."

Kazuma stared directly at him. "You are just scared that someone will start writing Doujinshis about both of you."

"Of course, I am!" Fuga said as if was stating the obvious. "Man, people call me crazy, but oh by me, those people are on a whole different level."

Kazuma shuddered a little bit at Fugas's words, as he remembers when he was the victim of those crazy people when he started to hang out with Seiya.

"Kazuma stop changing the subject, and Fuga you know that I am not talking about you, but him!" Aqua said pointing at the person besides Fuga.

The person in question was just smiling and looking at everyone. The person in question is a tall man with gray hair that reminisces of his old age, wearing an expensive-looking suit reminiscent of someone from a noble heritage but by modern times standards would seem a little bit old-fashioned.

"Fuga invited me to see chaos in a foreign world, so how could I reject that offer?" Said the man shrugging his shoulders.

"Stop fooling around, if you really wanted just that you could go to any other place!" Aqua accused the man with a serious expression on her face. "If you are trying to drag Yozora to your ploys, I will not care about you being an "ally", I will kill you." Said Aqua in a threatening tone releasing her Divine Aura.

The pressure of Aqua's Aura was so big, that if there were in any other place there would not be able to handle the strain of the pressure, and anything around her would be destroyed and not a single soul would remain. But neither the place nor the people there were normal.

"Okay, stop." Said Fuga clapping his hands. "Jeez girl, I know that you care about your boyfriend but damn, you should relax a little bit, remember that he still has to entertain me for a little while after he is done here, not to mention that I want him to take a mission for me after this cluster fuck is over, besides remember that I was the one who asked to stop time in my world so the girls over there don't brood in his absence, so do you think that I will just take with me an idiot that would ruin my shipping."

"That's right Aqua-chan." The man said with a playful tone. "While I admit that I lied about my reasons for coming here and I am not a reliable "person". Even I know to not mess up with Fugas's Waifus and "their happiness", I am crazy but not THAT crazy."

Aqua frowned a bit at the man's words. At first, when she "messed up" in Yozora's travel to the DXD world and sent him to a "safer" world that she knew that he would know of, she didn't investigate the god that was in charge of that world since she didn't have enough time, and besides her initial worries about him, Fuga turned to be a pretty okay god and even helped Yozora more than anybody expected.

"So what are your real intentions?" Aqua said a little bit relaxed.

"I just wanted to see with my own eyes my second greatest creation as well as my biggest failure."

At first, no one seemed to understand the man's words, Kazuma's eyes widened a few seconds later realizing what he meant.

"So you are THAT Zelretch!" Kazuma said with an incredulous voice. "The one who created Yozora's Armiger."

"Bingo!" Zelretch said with a joyful tone."You could imagine my surprise when Fuga told me that the wielder of one of my creations was in my friend's world, and on top of that he looks like the lovechild of Yozora and Noctis."

"Hey, it wasn't my fault!" Kazuma replied a little bit annoyed. "I had minutes to create a new body for him, and the Kingdom Hearts file was just right there in case he wanted something of that universe instead of yours since he seems to be equally obsessed with them, and what do you mean by second greatest that thing is damn broken! If this was a game I would ask to be nerfed!"

But different from Kazuma, Aqua focused on Zelretch's later statement. " What do you mean by biggest failure."

'Shit' Celes-chan, Kazuma, and even Fuga thought at the same time.

"Well, first of all, I understand the first time, but really "Yozora Hoshimura", you might as well scream foreshadowing to the whole omniverse," Zelretch said with a know-it smile.

"As for your questions, of course [Armiger] is the second, after all the Kaleidostick is obviously my greatest creation since Magical Girls are the strongest in the omniverse," Zelretch said with a proud smile, making everyone in the room deadpan at him.

"As for being my greatest failure…oh my look he already arrived, too bad that the other guest is late…as always, anyways let's watch how Yozora uses my creation in a more challenging place since the other world is too low level at the moment, no offense Fuga."

"None taken," Fuga said not caring at all.

"Wait, you cannot just…" But before Aqua could finish her sentence a portal opened.

"I am here!" A young adult, with black hair and pale white skin, appeared as if he had not exposed himself to the sun in a long time. While the man could be called good-looking, his appearance was a mess.

"Oh Antanas you are late, he has already arrived," Fuga said, waving his hand at the god of the DXD world.

"Damnit, did I miss something interesting?"

"Good to see you Antanas, if you are here it means that the interns are doing a good job," Celes-chan said in her usual monotone voice. "And no, he just arrived a couple of seconds ago."

"Yes they are doing a spectacular job, they even helped me so when the kid takes the Sacred Gears there will be no further problems," Antanas said with a joyful tone since the problems that he had experienced lately were too troublesome for him. "Oh, he got into a "problematic" zone, not too dangerous but kinda annoying. Well, gladly you gave him a skill to speak all languages."

"..." Aqua

"..." Kazuma

"..." Celes-chan

"..." Fuga

"Hahaha" Zelretch


Unknown Year, Unknown Place in the DXD World(From MC perspective)

Yozora's POV

After feeling that all the spatial disturbances were over, I opened my eyes and took a deep breath of the cleanest air I ever had as well as expanded all my senses including, my [Magic Perception] [En] and [Life Perception] a spell using Death-Element as a basis with Death's help. Once I realized that besides gramps there was no supernatural being in at least 2 kilometers (Around 1.24 miles) I relaxed a little bit since I was sent to a relatively speaking safe place, but I didn't drop my guard after all I was still in foreign lands that I did not know about.

I noticed that the amount of Mana here was higher than in the "Potterverse", something obvious since the "Age Of The Gods' never ended here nor was subjected to a curse that limited the world. A normal Magus would get poisoned by the sheer amount of mana if he or she was not prepared, but since I am a [Walking Mystery] and my [Magical Circuits] are not normal at all I didn't have such a problem, of course, I was a little bit overwhelmed by it, but it should pass in a couple of minutes.

Another thing that I noticed is my [Purgatory Flames] were acting strangely, as if they were, excited? Is hard to describe since they don't like to talk to me very much after our little conversation where I may or may not punch them with Holy Water in my fists, but thanks to my perk [Out of Context] there is nothing they could do to avoid me using them. I think that they act that way because this world has literal Devils/Demons and hell, well multiple versions of hell to be precise.

Speaking of hell, thanks to Death's Blessing or the "Master of Death", I could feel one Death Domain nearby and another a little bit far away. This feels kinda awkward from my perspective since in the other world there was just one Death Domain even if they were other gods.

Your everyday Magus would be amused by this and maybe say something deep, but I…"I can't believe that omniversal travel is better than using the Knight Bus."

"Really Little Yozora? That's the first thing you are going to say after finally coming to a world you have been working day and night to prepare for the last 5 years…but I can't refuse those words as absurd as it is." Gramps said with a little deadpan on him.

"You know how I am," I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Besides is better than being a wreck of nerves."

Gramps nodded at my words. "So, any idea of where we are?"

"Vaguely," I said after observing the sun's position and observing the flora and fauna of where we are as well as my [Spatial Perception] "While I know the coordinates of the place we are, but depending on which year we are, the name of this place could be different in comparison with modern terms, so let's just say that we are in the North of the American Continent."

"So it's either was known to us as Mexico or U.S.A. But in either case, from what you told me, the most likely scenario if we remain here is that we are going to get in contact with Heaven's faction, after all, I doubt that the gods from this region would let normal humans take their believers or lands just like that."

While I have met some gods including Kazuma, Death, and technically Fuga, they are not a good example of how gods work, since Death is a Primordial Goddess and Kazuma and Fuga are beings outside the world. But from the little of what was described in the novels. Here gods need the prayers and beliefs of people to continue to exist, sure many pantheons fell thanks to the Heaven Faction, but their myths are still well known around the world as happened with the Greeks and the Norse Faction.

So even if they don't care about their believers, they still need them, especially here in parts of the world that are "undiscovered" by the rest of the world. So either many of the gods died in the great war that made their pantheon easy prey, the gods here are weaker than I thought or I underestimated Heaven's Faction too much.

"For the moment let's go to the nearest place where humans are, so we can get information on where and when we are, after that, we can decide if we are going to stay here for a while or just get out of here as soon as we can."

Gramps nodded at my words and both of us used our respective [Concealment] abilities as fast as we could. Usually, I would just teleport to the place where I want but since currently we are in unknown enemy territory, I don't want to alert them by using Magecraft, besides with our speed a kilometer or two is not a far distance to travel.

As we moved the smell of the salt became stronger, it made me want to eat some Sea Salt Ice Cream but since I am in mission mode, I cannot do that at the moment, maybe later.

Soon after we reached the shore one big boat was visible and nearby there were some other smaller boats around it. The buildings, while looking old from an architectural perspective. They look as if they were built recently, and most of them have a European style.

As soon as we reached the settlement, we took different ways so we could gather more information from different sources as information from different perspectives is also valuable.

After looking for a while I heard an interesting conversation.

"Did you hear the rumors?"

"About returning home?" They are nonsensical! How could we return after wasting our time in the backward place!"

"But almost half of our men have already lost their lives and no longer want to fight. Besides it is not like we are leaving empty-handed, we already gathered a lot of gold and beautiful slaves."

"That's precisely the reason!" The man said furiously. "Our men sacrificed their lives for a noble cause, not just so we can go with our tails between our legs after they were murdered by just some despicable Indians!"

The other man just rolled his eyes at the man's ranting. "Well lucky for you, many share the same opinion. So we are going to wait until reinforcements arrive. The captain even received a letter that the Church will send some of their inquisitors to help us out."

'Well, isn't that interesting?' I thought to myself as I cast a Notice-Me-Not spell around us.

Once the spell was in function, I dispelled my [In] and both of them were surprised after looking at me but before they could say anything I casted the [Imperius Curse] to both of them.

Quickly their eyes became cloudy and their faces became stoic. Seeing that it was effective I decided to speak. "State your names."

"Diego Avila"

"Alejandro Sánchez"

"Where are we?"

" We are in Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz" Both of them answered at the same time.

As I thought…"What is today's date?"

"July 15th of 1520"

"Who is your leader and why were your people thinking of retreating to your country?"

"Hernan Cortes is the leader in this land and the reason is that after the failed attempt of taking control over Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs persuaded our troops were killed and captured, and many of us wanted to go back home out of fear of being annihilated."

"Where is Cortes at the moment?"

"The last time we got some news, it was said that he and the survivors retreated to Tlaxcala to plan another attack against the Aztecs, though it would take some time since many of them were severely injured including him. "

"Who are those Inquisitors you were talking about and when will they be arriving?"

"The Inquisitors are said to be one of the strongest warriors of the church that only answer to the Pope so most of what we know are only rumors, but I heard that they get involved where the is pagan sorcery involved, and from what the captain said they must be arriving in two months "

After that, I questioned for a little bit longer to fill out some of the gaps that I have with the information that I have from history records with the one of this world as the supernatural world here is involved here. But since neither of them is from the supernatural world there is much on how much they are useful, so that brings on what to do with them… meh I will just erase their memories, this war doesn't have anything to do with me… at least at the moment.

While I am still not quite proficient with the arts of the mind, a simple Memory Charm is not a big deal with someone that has no [Magic Resistance]...but I think I got a better idea.

I put my hand on them and runes started to be inscribed on their skin but after a few seconds they were not visible anymore. Something very useful I found about the Magic in the Potterverse is that most of the spells can be "translated" into runes, so with the "help" of the "test subjects", I developed a rune array with the same function as the [Imperius Curse] but the different part is that this array, will turn them into "Sleeper Agents", one of the disadvantages of the [Imperius Curse] is that sometimes they can be still discovered by their strange behavior. But with this, I can leave specific instructions and they will become "awaken" once more to continue their mission and once they finish it, they will return to normal and not remember anything and will act as they ever did until they awake once again.

"Act as you usually do, but once these "Inquisitors" gets here, tear this in two when nobody is looking at you or if they try something on you," I said, giving each of them a paper talisman.


After they said those words, I again used [In], cast away the Notice-Me-Not charm around us, and moved from the place.

I went around interrogating some other people, some of the people had more or less the same information as the first ones but from a different perspective, including some of the natives that were in this city, I didn't know how to speak Nahuatl but thanks to the [Imperius Curse] this was just a minor problem also some of them also speak Spanish. I engraved the array in some others in case the Inquisitors would catch the other two before they could send the signal.

Before an hour passed, I called Gramps to reunite on the outskirts of the city, as neither of us was getting new information.

"So, what is your opinion on all of this?" Gramps asked not really minding the situation.

I just shrugged my shoulders. "Same old story, humans killing humans."

"I do not care much about this, for either side to be honest. This is just an example of how the world works, if someone wants something for you and you are too weak to defend it they will take it from you."

"Do you plan to help them?"

"No, as I said I do not care about this, sure it's kinda sad that many innocent will lose their lives because of someone's greed, but I won't be around for too long and once I am not here they would not be able to defend themselves. If it were not the Spanish, it would be the British, if it is not them could it be anyone else like the Japanese, or whoever many others since for the era this is a good point to make transactions between west and east. It would be hypocritical of me to criticize the Spanish since they are looking for their own interests mine had done many horrible things from the modern point of view, besides the Aztecs are not free of blame, since the Spanish would not be able to fight them if not for the other indigenous communities that want to get rid of them for their actions. Besides, meddling with the non-supernatural events would not get me any advantages but maybe the opposite as history could change in a way that I don't like just to be a good Samaritan, maybe I can get a deal with the Aztec gods or anyone related to the supernatural world but that's it, after all at the end of the day I am a Mercenary, not a Hero."

'Forgive me, but to me, you've been dead for centuries.' While I have my own morals it doesn't mean that I would stop to help in every place I am. If I had been sent 100 years in the future I wouldn't stop the British from taking what is now the U.S.A. If I was sent a couple of years back, I wouldn't save Cuba, Peru, India, Africa, or whichever place you want to name. They are inconsequential to me, maybe I would help a person or two if I am in the middle of everything and see something that disgusts me, but that's it. I am here for my own sake and no one else, that's all that matters, I can't waste my whole year here fighting against some other random faction just for the sake of being a good Samaritan.


Even though I decided to not entirely help the Aztecs, I decided to give them the option, not that they would actually take it on the first chance. While I was no expert in all mythologies before going to the Potterverse only knowing a little bit more than the average, on my trip to Mexico I decided to study their culture in case I would come up to meet them in this or any other world. But one of the things I was clear, is that they were proud people and warriors, and they would fight to the bitter end, yet I was betting that their king would care about his people, or at least for the sake that they can die with dignity.

If I learned one thing from history and my travels, it is how true Netero's words are ''You know nothing of the bottomless malice within the human heart'. From a mob gangster in a random alley who wants to take advantage of a poor girl, a stupid old man with a Messiah complex, and a hypocrite that wants to create a Magical Holocaust among many others.

My own country is not the exception to this, many still talk about the war crimes that the Nazis did, and some even chastise the Germans till modern days, but almost no one talks about what Japan or the Empire of Japan did in those times.

Comfort Women, that is what they used to call the kidnapped women that they used as sex slaves. At first, they contracted prostitutes from different brothels, but since they couldn't keep up with the demand, they tricked women from different parts of the country with the excuse of being hired for textile industry jobs or as nurses with the hopes of better life for them or their families, just to have those hope crushed and have a destiny worse than death. But later they started the same scheme with different countries or just straight up kidnapping from their countries, especially from Korea, China, and the Philippines, and sent them to "Comfort Stations" around military bases where they were sexually enslaved and raped countless of times. The exact number of victims is unknown for the lack of records published since many of those were burned after they lost WWII, but it is estimated that were between 50,000 to 200,000 victims.

Not to mention the atrocities committed by Unit 731, I am not in a place to talk since I have been doing many human experiments during the last year, but at least I just used criminals for them. That unit didn't care if they were men, children, women, pregnant women, and even babies that most of them were the results of the systematic rape inside the compound. The estimated number of deaths reached between 200,000 to 400,000 in total.

So yeah, the whole point is that all countries are dicks and history is bathed in the blood and tears of innocent people. So at the very least, I will help him so some innocent people can be saved or at least not have a degrading fate, for the right remuneration of course.

{Little Yozora, there are several presences a few kilometers away from us, 5 of them which have a murky Qi and the one feels like he is tuned with nature} Gramps said with a serious tone.

{Any useful reference?}

{The 5 of them feel similar to Vampires yet a little bit different, while the one tuned with nature feels similar to Mr. Tonks's daughter and you after your Animagus transformation.}

{Roooar} Both Blue Eyes and Red Demon grunted with some annoyance.

{Fake Dragons? Well that is interesting, let's see what is happening}

We increased the speed at which we were moving, so in a matter of seconds we were at a distance from where we could hear and see everything. There was a heated battle between 5 men who didn't look older than 25 years old and who were wearing clothes similar to the ones used by British nobles,4 of them were casting spells with the help of Magic Circles from different elements or just concentrated Magic Energy toward a young man who looked as if he didn't even reach his 20's but different from a "normal" human, his legs. nose, ears, and eyes similar to the ones of a feline, maybe a lynx or a cougar. In his left hand, there was a Macuahuitl, a weapon similar to a club with obsidian blades on the sides, and a Chimalli in his right hand that literally means shield both that automatically were registered by my [Armiger]...mmm interesting so he is part of Tenochtitlan Army.

"Stupid Yokai! Just die already!" One of the men screamed with clear annoyance at the young man who either dodged with precision their attacks or hid behind the shield. Interestingly enough, while I heard his words in perfect Japanese, the movements of his lips didn't match with the words I am hearing.

"A lot of problems just for a stupid deer, we could just use the Phoenix Tears." Another of the man punched the tree in which the young man, was turning said tree in splinters.

"Idiot, the Phenex clan is with the Anti-Satan faction, so the number of tears available is limited, anything extra would be useful for our noble cause."

Well, with this I can be sure about three things. First, the devils are indeed on their civil war, the second is that they are morons, and the one who are they fighting is not a Yokai, but a Nahual, similar to animagus they can change to an animal form whose spirit is attuned with, and the third they are imbeciles, what they are talking about the "El Sip Keej" a deer from the Mayan mythology that has a fire bees on their antlers which its honey can cure any sickness or injury but we are in Aztec territory….so for short they are idiots…certainly not the best first impression to have about the devils, well not that is something new.

{Hey gramps, what is the guy over there saying?}

{Long story short, he is swearing that will kill them for coming to their sacred land like he did with the others who are with the fake god}

Give credit to where must be given, the guy is handling things pretty well against a 1vs5. The Nahual even if faster than the Devils is not by much, if I had to take a guess I would say that the devils are around Mid-high or High-low if my memories from the anime version are accurate, while he is around Mid-Mid, but he is compensating the difference with skill, use of the environment and his superior agility, but if things continue this way soon enough he would be overwhelmed or he will commit a mistake.

But I shouldn't draw conclusions that fast, I mean, as far as I know, the Nahual could be the one… Nope, forget it, I used [Clairvoyance(Beast)] with the devils, and they are shit, again not the best first impression.

{Gramps, let's see if we can get our first deal as mercenaries in this world} A smile creeped out of my face.

Third Person P.O.V

Countless spells were sent towards the young Nahual, who was skillfully evading all the attacks from practically all sides since the devils were using their natural advantage of flying so they could take down him. But the young Nahual who has lived all his life in the jungle, used the tree to his advantage to either protect himself or use them to get near the devils by jumping between them.

The young Nahual, jumped from one of the branches of a tree at high speed seeing an opening in one of the devils.

The devils seeing this started to cast a plethora of spells toward the young men, which he for the most part blocked with his shield. And once he was near his target, slashed with his macuahuitl directly at the devil's jugular.

The devil in question quickly raised his arms to protect himself but it looked pointless looking at the strength and speed of the young man and when the blade was about to reach the devil's neck.


The macuahuitl was unable to pierce the devils skin that was now covered by scales protecting it.

This took the young Nahual by surprise and the devil didn't waste that opportunity as he cast a spell at point blank at him.

"Kuaah" The young Nahual screamed in pain as he was sent directly to the ground by the force of the spell.


"Finally." One of the devils muttered while looking at the bleeding Nahual on the ground.

"I can't believe that a filthy Yokai gave us this much of a problem."

"It was just because we had to restraint of strength so the people of the church don't notice us, otherwise he wouldn't last a second against our might."

"Whatever, just hypnotize the animal so he can tell us the location of that deer." One of them said with clear annoyance in his voice.

"No." Said the one who seems to be the leader. "Let's do it the old-fashioned way since he caused us too much trouble."

The young Nahual tried to stand up once again even with his injury. He might not understand which deer they are talking about, but one thing is clear, if he let them go like this they would go to the nearest town and kill a lot of his people to get the information that they wanted or worse call for reinforcements to attack them as a whole, and with the current situation with the "Fake Gods" and the Tlaxcalans they will not be able to handle a third force.

But before he could stand up, a dark portal appeared in front of the young Nahual.

"How awful, 5 men against 1 fragile young man, kinda reminds me of something else," Yozora said playfully, coming out of the portal of darkness, alongside Li.

As soon as Yozora finished speaking, one of the devils sent a thunder spell towards his direction but effortlessly split it in two with Durindana surprising both the young Nahual and the devils, and Yozora took this opportunity to enact a barrier to protect himself, Li as well as the young Nahual. The devil in another hand started to cast spells toward the barrier trying to break it.

"Like I was saying." But Yozora was acting as if it was another Thursday. "It doesn't feel quite right, so young Nahual, let's make a deal," Yozora said as Li started to translate for him.

The young Nahual looked wary at Yozora, but either way listened to him. "I will take care of these ugly bats for you, but in exchange, you will take me to your Tlatoani."

The young Nahual didn't understand what Yozora was saying before Li translated for him, but he perfectly understood the word "Tlatoani", and became vigilant of him, and once Li translated everything his gaze turned fierce. "So you are with the fake gods, you just want to take over our land."

//A/N: Tlatoani means "One who speaks, ruler" basically a king.//

After Li translated everything, Yozora chuckled a little bit and waved his hand. "Nope~ honestly I couldn't care less about your fight with the Spaniards or the "Fake gods" as you call them, I am just a simple mercenary and wanted to talk about business with him. But to your information, I couldn't be on their side either way, since I will be hunted and killed…well they would try at least, since you can say that in a way, we are similar." Yozora said while taking out one of his tails from behind his coat.

The young Nahual's eyes widened, and some of the wariness he had, disappeared after Li translated and saw Yozora's tail. "You swear, that you mean no I'll to my people?"

Yozora nodded at the instant after he knew what the young man said. "I mean I could have waited for the moment so they could use their bullshit magic and torture you so I could use my bullshit magic to make you say what I wanted but if it put your mind at ease. I swear, after all as a mercenary my word is my bond."

"Then, I Tecuani swear that if you defeat those devils I will take you to the Tlatoani." The young Nahual now identified as Tecuani proclaimed.

"Excellent, you will not regret it." Yozora said in a merry tone "Oh by the way these days I go by Luxu he is Aced."

"Well let's get started, but first of all." Yozora's tone changed from a cheerful one to a serious one pointing at the flying devils. "Down."

With that proclamation, the Bounded Field that Yozora installed while they were fighting was activated. And not long after that like he said the devils started to fall no matter how hard they tried their wings didn't work, so to avoid taking the full impact of the fall, they used magic to create a gust of wind.

After they landed on the ground, all devils were glaring daggers at Yozora. "How dare you, you filthy animal!" One of them screamed as multiple magic circles appeared around him.

"This will barely count as a warm-up," Yozora said as multiple Phantasmal Swords with Holy Attribute were launched at every single one of the magic circles intercepting them.


Yozora used Sonido and appeared in front of the devil swinging his spear in horizontal form, which the devil just barely avoided crunching but a small cut was left in his cheek.

"You damn-" But before he could finish talking, his face encountered a kick.

"Kua" The devil grunted in pain just before passing out.

The forest fell in absolute silence with this. The young Nahual was surprised that an enemy that he had a difficult time dealing with was defeated in just three moves. While for the devils it was unconscionable that a high-rank devil was defeated that easily.

"Well… that was anticlimactic," Yozora said with an awkward tone breaking the silence.

"Meh, he was just a lowly devil, I shouldn't have expected more," Yozora said in a mocking tone referring to their previous word, then he threw a black card where the unconscious devil was, making him glow as he was absorbed in the card. "1 out of 40, maybe a little bit more."

Hearing Yozora's words, the remaining devils ignited their [Demonic Power]. The muscles of one of them started to bulge until he ripped the upper part of the clothes. While two of them started to get bigger, scales started to appear on their skin and their teeth started to get sharper as their jaws protuberated and their wings started to get scally and their tails started to grow and after a few seconds both of them turned into dragons. While the last one summoned lightning near him.

"Damn you, how dare you do that to one of us!" One of the Devil-Dragon said while breathing fire from his snout.

"You will pay for what you have done." The other Devil-Dragon said in a poisonous tone.

"We will show you how to treat your betters."

Yozora stared at the devils, and while his face was hidden by the coat, it was not hard to imagine that he was deadpanning at their third-rate villain-like allegations.

'How do they find me?' Yozora thought to himself after hearing the young master-like dialogue.

"You are four… this feels kinda unfair…for you that is." Then Yozora ignited his [Magic Circuits] "Over-Soul" Yozora muttered as 3 figures materialized.

A majestic western dragon with pristine white scales and piercing blue eyes. A bipedal demonic-looking dragon with an imposing aura. And a fluffy cherub-like creature.

"Blue-eyes and Red-Demon defeat the fake dragons but not kill them if possible. Winged Kuriboh please heal and protect Tecuani. Aced go against the muscular devil, I will go against sparkles."

"Roooar" Both Blue-Eyes and Red-Demon roared as they flew towards the Devil-Dragons.

They could fly since they were designated as allies in the Boundary Field.

"Kuri Kuriii!" Winged Kuriboh nodded and went with Tecuani and as soon as he reached him, enacted another barrier and a healing wave started to coat the young Nahual.

Li in another hand, cracked his neck. "It's been too long since I got a durable punching bag, so I might as well enjoy it while it lasts." After saying that Li, moved at a fast speed in front of the muscular devil and him a palm strike on his abdomen sending him flying.

Yozora spins Durindana effortlessly, making it seem as if he wielded a spear for his whole life."Now it's just you and me sparkles."

With Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Blue-Eyes unleashed a burst of white energy at the fake dragon in front of her which he tanked in sheer stupidity.

Her partner had talked a lot about this kind of devil, the Pure-Blooded ones with a lot of disdain. Beings with a lot of arrogance with nothing to back said arrogance. Sure some of them are strong by what he said, but on average they are just slightly bigger ants.

Once Blue-Eyes finished her attack, the fake dragon was visible, with multiple burns on its body. This was because, different from what it seems, her attacks are not [Lighting] beard ones but [Light] ones, as she is one of the strongest light dragons in her previous world, and Light is something toxic for devils.

"Who are you?" The fake dragon asked with a pained expression on his face. "I never heard of a dragon-like you and looking that you can hurt me like this, you should be well known around the world"

'Pathetic' That was the single thought of Blue-Eyes looking down at the Fake Dragon that thought that that was her strongest attack, but was like Yozora would say "A greeting".

Some tingles were trying to enter her mind, maybe some kind of magic that tried to charm her.

"You should leave that Yokai and join our side, someone as strong as you would be well received in our ranks." The devil said, trying to make Blue-Eyes to change allegiance.

But this just made her more annoyed.

'Pathetic trying to be diplomatic when he finds out that he is the weak one and on top of that he dares to try to tame me, I'll show him to know his place.'

Energy started to gather inside Blue-Eye's mouth, but unlike the last time, this was not just a greeting.

Compressing a large amount of energy made it look as if lightning were inside her mouth.

The Devils had a dreadful feeling that if that beam reached him, he would die for sure. So he tried to teleport away, but his endeavors were futile as the Bounded Field that Yozora enacted prevented them from doing so. And in a last moment of despair, the devil tried to run away.

'Even if you tried to run it is meaningless, but worry this is not enough to kill you and Yozora recently ran out of test subjects.'

Finally, Blue-Eyes released her attacks making the near area get surrounded by white light.

With Red Demons Dragon.

'Pathetic' This is the thought of the Red Demons while punching the devil transformed into a dragon.

'Weak' Red Demon thought as he grabbed the face of the devil and planted it in the ground. Even if he can't use his whole strength in this form, it's more than enough to put him in his place, the hard part was to not kill him.

'Unworthy.' The mere fact that he dared to proclaim to be superior to his partner, having just this meager strength made him unworthy of even sharing the same place as all of them.

Yozora my new partner, had talked about the Devils of this world and honestly, my disappointment is boundless. They consider themselves the apex of the world, especially those "Pure-Blooded Devils" who share the "Blood Supremacy" belief, something that my partner loathes with passion as seen in the world of his mates and friends.

Scar-Red was also a devil, but he was not this pathetic, at least he had some strength to back up that arrogance of his. And while this lot most likely is cannon fodder as Yozora said, their arrogance is unmeasurable.

"Why are you doing this? I can feel it, you also have demonic traits, we are the same! You could be accepted in our ranks so, why are you answering to a lowly being!" The Fake-Dragon said with a lot of frustration.

For a moment Red Demon's Dragon stopped punching the Fake Dragon. 'We…the…same? Obeying a lowly being?'

Red Demons' aura went rampage at the sheer audacity of the fake Dragon.

'We are not the same.' Red Demon thought as he extended his right arm.

'And don't you dare to call my partner like that.'

A siphon of energy started to gather in Red Demon's fist and started to compress little by little until it was the size of his fist. Clenching his fist, he looked down on the devil.

'You are lucky that Yozora wanted you alive… no. Knowing him, death would be mercy towards someone like you'

Red Demon's punched the devil creating a typhoon of fire around them.

With Li Shuwen

'Boring' Was the thought of Li while facing the devil from the Balam clan.

The devil in question was physically, the strongest enemy he faced so far since he was summoned to Yozora's side, but his technicality was just a little better than a thug, no…at least the thug would know how to face a stronger opponent.

But this devil is just used to fight people weaker than him, at best similar to his strength. He only relies on his natural talent, not that was a lot, to begin with. It seems that Little Yozora was right as they are incorrectly following Tsun Tzu's words, and the reason why they can go wild even after the death of the original Satans is just because of some strong people on their side. If these guys serve to know the average strength of their people and most of them act like this well… I cannot see a bright future for them.

The devil used a combination of "martial arts" and magic to try to get Li. But as anyone would expect he just avoided them with minimum movements as Li used his spear to make some cut around the devil's body.

"Ha ha ha" the devil breathed heavily as there were several lacerations around his body. "Why- are you intervening- with our plans?" The devil said with difficulty.

"No reason, you are just a coincidence," Li said, shrugging his shoulders.

"A coincidence…you said!" The devil said with a lot of hatred in his voice. "You are intervening in our noble cause, just because it was a coincidence!"

"Yes," Li said without hesitation.

"How dare you and that filthy mon…"But the devil couldn't finish his words as Li moved at extreme speed and grabbed him by the throat.

"Don't you dare to call him that," Li said in the coldest tone that he ever did after being summoned. "If you wanted to piss me off, congratulations, you did."

'Now it is personal'

With Winged Kuriboh

"Kuri Kuri kuriii." Winged Kuriboh was reprimanding Tecuani for being a bad patient.

"Listen, little friend, I am grateful for healing me and I can sense that you are a spirit of nature, but my pride as a warrior won't let me just stay still." Tecuani tried to stand up to return to the battle.

"Kuriii!" But Winged Kuriboh slapped him on the back of his head to make him sit again.

"Ouch," Tecuani complained at the surprisingly strong slap.

Winged Kuriboh had a mission assigned by his partner and he will do it even if the person who needs to protect doesn't want to.

Suddenly some lighting beams flew in their direction but Winged Kuriboh just enacted a strong Barrier made of [Light Element] to protect both of them.

Even if currently he is not as well versed in direct confrontation as his other teammates, he is confident that he is the best when it comes to protecting people.

In the Potterverse, he always takes the role of the self-proclaimed secret bodyguard of his partner friends. The kids were strong for their age but one can never be too careful about it since some people harbor bad intentions towards them, especially that blond idiot. And since Winged Kuriboh likes them a lot especially Tracey and Death that spoils him a lot, Daphne also does it but in secret whenever no one is looking. There is also Luna that can see them without Yozora's help.


With Yozora

Yozora moved Durindana gracefully as he was blocking the attacks of the nameless devil. If anyone was able to see the look on his face, they would get scared at the creepy smile that he was doing. Not because the battle was challenging, but because he was excited to analyze the devil's magic.

'How does Demonic Energy allow him to cast such power with that shitty Magic Circle? How far can he use just Demonic Power without a Magic Circle and how efficient it would be? Is there an increased affinity to Lighting his Clan's ability or is there another reason why it still works so efficiently with that mediocre Magic Circles? Does their Clan Ability works the same as my Ability from Code: Breaker? It resembles the wizard's magic to some extent but with higher output, so will they be able to use it the same way? How did Lucifer was able to create this branch of magic? It was because he wanted to create corrupt miracles? Is it because is the Antithesis of the Holy Element of this world? So much to study! Maybe I should steal Lucifer's book and Lilith from Hades in the future or make a deal with him if he is not as dick as his brothers…' These as well as many others were the thoughts of Yozora as he was using [Thought Acceleration] and [Memory Partition], to gather, process and analyze as much information as possible.

Like always Yozora used an opportunity like this to familiarize himself with foreign magic/powers/abilities and also to experiment on how his magic and powers interact with them, so far he learned a few things.

Like in the Potterverse, "average" people can't see [Nen]. They might feel it a little bit, since something doesn't add up but is hard to counter since they have no means to fight it back. Of course, if there was a big disparity in strength, some [Nen] abilities like Nanika's wouldn't be able to affect them, as they are not absolute.

Another thing is that all of them are not as stupid as they seem, sure their ego got the best of them. But they had tried to flee via teleportation especially the two devils from the Buné clan, and if it wasn't for the Bounded Field they would have after that option was useless they tried to regroup but sadly for them Yozora's partners didn't allow that.

With every second passing, the Devil became more and more impatient as Yozora blocked each of his attacks seemingly effortlessly. And while Yozora's coat looked as clean as in the beginning while the devil had many cuts around his body, nothing serious but made things clear.

Yozora was toying with him.

It was not for the sake of torturing the Devil, but to study their magic system and also to see how effective his techniques were, taking into consideration their differences in physiology.

Getting desperate the devil no longer cared and cast dozens of [Magic Circles] and every each of them used to cast [Lighting Magic] in Yozora's direction.

"Well let's try something different" Yozora muttered. '[Belphegor] + [Death Force]'

Black Flames appeared in Yozora's coat and but they were not burning him at all, on his shoulder two skeletal hands formed giving Yozora an ominous appearance.

"So that's why you are so confident? Having one of Vitra's Sacred Gear will not save you! Die!" The devil proclaimed with a lot of arrogance at the misconception of Yozora's power.

Yozora just extended the hand which was not holding Durinda in the direction of the devil's attack and flamethrowers of black flames went towards the lighting and once the flames touched it, they started to devour it.

The devil's eyes widened at the surprise and started to shiver once it understood what the flames were, but his fear at Yozora's flames made him stand in the same place and that was a grave mistake on the battlefield.

"Kuuaaaa" The devil screamed in pain as he got surrounded by the black flames, not because they were burning his flesh, but because they were burning his Demonic Power. He tried to cast other spells but the pain made him unable to cast any spell, but also it seems that whenever tries to use his Clan Ability it hurts more.

Usually [Belphegor] would just affect [Superpowers] yet thanks to [Death Force] it became able to burn other supernatural energies. Yozora took inspiration from Vandalieu's [Energy Absorption] spell that acts like a fog. The only downside of this is that at the moment the absorbed energy cannot be stored.

"Interesting, it seems that you are getting hurt not just because it's eating your [Demonic Power] but also is burning your [Clan Ability], thank you for the information, it surely will be helpful when I come across with others of your kind," Yozora said in a merry tone, at the sight of getting more information.

"H-how?" The devil muttered with a raspy voice. "How can an animal like you have one of Lucifer-sama's Flames?"

Yozora tilted his head in confusion as he steered at him, but he quickly started to speak once again. "Well, thanks for the information once again, it seems that we are going to be very good friends, subject D-001." After saying those words, Yozora kicked the devil, knocking him out, and proceeded to throw a [Black Card] at him.

Yozora's P.O.V

'Godamnit! I should've known that Fuga would not waste a chance to troll me once again, how the fuck did he convince the god of this world to accept that!' I thoughted with a little bit of annoyance. 'First, he made me take Noctis' place in the Potterverse and became him giving me a lot of help on the setup, and now he made me have "Lucifer's" flames… well played Fuga… well played, still fuck you Fuga!' I have to recognize his skill at pissing me off, but that doesn't mean that I won't have my revenge, well at least he didn't make me get mistaken by the Biblical God or some shit like that.

Meanwhile with Fuga

"HAHAHAHAHA" Fuga was cracking his ass off after the whole charade that just happened, and he was not the only one as also Antanas, Kazuma, and Zelretch were laughing at Yozora's predicament, though there was someone that didn't like that one bit.

"Double God Blow Requiem!" Aqua yelled as she instantly moved in front of Fuga and Antanas.

"Kuuu." x2 both Fuga and Antanas muttered before they were sent toward the nearest wall.

Again with Yozora.

"Well at least like the last time, this will have some edge." I was not delusional thinking that the devils will look upon me in good light, maybe Zekram Bael as he did with Vali and Ingvild but besides him I don't really think that someone on the devil's side will treat me well just because of that if anything they would try to kill me.

While I was thinking about the ramifications of everything that happened, Red Demons, Blue-eyes, and gramps came towards my direction dragging the unconscious bodies of the other devils, mmmm so the attacks of Blue-Eyes affect the devils, good to know… what the hell made Red Demons to get so angry that almost killed that guy?... Even Gramps seems to be a little bit pissed off, well it is refreshing that for once I wasn't the one to get angry.

"So how was it?" I asked everyone present.

"Roaar." Both Blue-Eyes and Red-Demons said quite annoyed that the fake dragons were weaker that the big cats from the Potterverse.

"Kuri kuriii." Winged Kuriboh explained that the wounds of Tecuani were already healed but he was still a little bit dizzy since he lost a lot of blood, but nothing that the "Blood Replenishing" potion can't fix.

"They were okay if you use them as the "average" threshold of the supernatural and as much as I hate to say this, you were right about their unfounded arrogance," Gramps said with a lot of annoyance since he was sure that I was only talking about my bias against nobles and pure-blooded supremacist idiots also there is the fact that he was craving for a good fight for a while.

"Well hopefully soon we will have a decent fight." I can relate with him since we have to restrain our strength a lot in the Potterverse so we can have an interesting fight and while it is easy to do that with some of my artifacts it doesn't feel the same.

I took 3 more cards from my [Dimensional Pocket] and trapped the devils on them. These Black Cards are the result of my research about the [Character Card], the card that Kazuma gave me, and my partner's cards. Usually creating a [Mystic Code] like this would take me a lot of time even with the data of my studies, but thanks to [Darius Diary] and his investigation to create the [Servant Class Cards] the process was a lot smoother than it would be from zero. Even if Luxord used his cards or [Fair Game] as a weapon, I couldn't create copies of them with [Armirger] as that card was made for transportation purposes, making me unable of creating a copy. Also, I took a little bit of inspiration from Sho's [Magic Card] from Fairy Tail.

As for the moment these cards trap people or things inside them in a Pocket Dimension and freeze them in a [Stasis] state, also I can analyze almost anything inside of them. But since they are not perfect, I have to knock out the people that I want to trap inside, to avoid any complications. This of course is just the beginning as I want to use them for other purposes in the future.

I turned around to see my first client in this world. "So Tecuani it seems that is time so you fulfill your part of the deal."


Hello niece and nephews, its uncle author and I hope you liked this chapter.

Sorry for the long waiting but many things happened this past month. First of all I had an emotional break down a couple of days after I uploaded the last chapter, you know the usual thing after you are above your 20's that you don't know what the fuck you are doing, feeling empty, also the work overload didn't helped hahaha. But on the bright side I finally got a raise! But the workload also increased since one of my coworkers asked for vacations and I had to do that work, so that's one of the reasons that made me take so long to finish this chapter.

The other one is that I had to read a lot about history as you noticed. Jezz I swear that not even when I was on High School I read that much about world history hahahaha.

Also I wanted to thanks everyone for your support so far, the week when I uploaded the last chapter we got over the 200 Power Stone!! And I was on the too 200 for the whole week something that I could never achieve in the past. Maybe it doesn't sounds as great as other more popular Fanfics get that amount just by existing but for me it was a big deal, so Thank you from the bottom of my heart. *Uncle Author Bows*

So Yozora's first encounter with Devils was what one should expect with this Fanfic about a bunch of Young Masters…. I mean come on you know that it's like the trading mark of the story, it's even on the description hahaha. But being serious not all of them would be as brain-dead as these ones, you know these were like the classic Noble Devils with their idiot supremacy, but it would be boring if all of them would be as stupid as them. Regarding how his relationship with the devils will be… it won't be the worse out of all the factions around the world, I will just say that.

Also, I notice that almost all the antagonists of DXD sucked, so I can use this for my advantage. *Uncle Author smiles evilly*

So, in the next chapter, there would be a talk with the king of Tenochtitlan, and from there explore the world! After that, there won't be any interaction with them for a while since there is nothing too interesting in between the fall of Tenochtitlan. Any guess where the next place Yozora will go? Leave a comment with your guess or with any suggestion you have.

Also, I wanted to make some epic battle in this chapter, but since they were just cannon fodder, it would be kind of weird if they gave a lot of battle. I mean with the Fae was one thing since Yozora had no ill will against them and just wanted to taste the waters. But with the Devils that was not the case, but at least there was some. I mean being a little bit realistic Yozora could just spam Armirger until they died… so yeah, that would be a lot more anticlimactic.

And the thing with the cards is something that I have been planning for a while from the moment that I decided to give Yozora, Darius's Diary, I mean of course something about the Servant Class Card, also I think that I gave a little bit of foreshadowing in Yozora's secret report hahaha. Obviously using them as a kind of jail would not be that useful, but I have bigger plans for them in the future, and if you are into jumps maybe you can guess what I am thinking.

So, with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter.

If you like this ff so far, please make a review on the main page, this will help me a lot so more people get interested in reading it.

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and maybe drop a stone or two(My precious) hahaha.

See you again in the next chapter!