
Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse.

"Why does every world that we go must be someone with Young Master syndrome is that a trend?" "I don't understand your question Young Master" "I already told you to not call me like that!" "You have guts to ignore the great me!" " Yeah Yeah I know, you will say some shit like that I'm courting death or whatever" "You are mocking me, are you courting... how do you know what I was going to say peasant?" "Cause everyone like you say the same bullshit!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own anything except some OC and barely. There is a Harem Tag for something so please don't leave hate comments in the future for that, Its on the description so save time to everyone. English it's not my first language. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a pleasant experience doing it. First World- Harry Potter Second World- High School DXD

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Chapter XXXIV: Hectic Introductions.

September 1st of 1992. Yozora's workshop.

Third Person P.O.V

"As I thought Wizards have better bodies than regular humans." Yozora says to himself looking at the "test subjects" in front of him. "So far 4 wizards had survived the "baptism" 3 of which are Enhancers and one a Transmuter, I am really lucky today~" His merry tone feels outs of place with the place where he currently is.

Different from his usual workshop in England, calling this place a Dungeon would be more accurate, while somewhat fancy and clean it was a dungeon at the end of the fay. And in this place is where Yozora makes his "dark" experiments and among them its's human experimentation. And while he is not a big fan of it, he can't deny the progress that he has done with it. Of course, he wouldn't pick random people to do experiments as most of the Wizards and Witches that he has here comes from Azkaban and some other of the places that he has raided in the summer. As for the non-magical humans, he just took some rapists, pedos, and murders that no one will miss.

"Maybe because they are more tuned with the "supernatural" side of the world and their bodies are stronger they have better chances of surviving the baptism, but the real MVP was the Imperious Curse, even if my affinity with mind-related spells is shit, the curse is more like imposing ones will over another, like a force ripoff. So being under my absolute control increased their chances for them to control their life force as I already have experience doing so, I just had to give really specific instructions. Seriously this is too much bullshit, I recall that in the books Barty/Moody made Neville perform some acrobatics like an experienced gymnast, apparently giving the person influenced by it the necessary knowledge to complete any given order, though there are limitations, and since Nen knowledge is not from this world I have to explain them to every minute detail so they can fulfill the order." He says to apparently no one in the room.

"However even with all this, forcefully awakening someone's Nen still is dangerous so not all the test subjects survive. maybe if they had stronger bodies like the Ants they would survive, but using this curse drastically raises the chances of someone surviving."

"Do you realize that explaining this is meaningless since I am you?" Someone that looks exactly like Yozora says.

"And since you are me, you know that it's funny to monologue like a third-rate villain from time to time," Yozora says looking at his other self.

"True." Yozora's clone says giving an approving nod.

"So how promising do they look?"

"Not too much, even if we take into consideration the Time-Turners and the Imperious Curse, it would take around 3 to 4 months so they can create their Nen Ability, drastically less than a normal person, that would be awesome if they were people that we wanted to kept with us but..."

"It would be waste of time and resources since they can be foot soldiers at best." Yozora completed the clone's phrase. "*sighs* Well even with the temporary "increased" potential from the Imperious Curse, Nen is not so easy to learn and master, we just had the advantage of having some experience before using it, and once the curse is lifted they forget most of what they learned in that state..."

"Not that they can regain control of themselves alone, but there are many ways to dissipate the curse with outside help but we had taken enough measures if that ever happens. But taking them to other worlds... not viable as we are still unsure of the conditions to take other people to other worlds, sure with a master-servant relationship the system maybe would allow us to take other people, but I don't think it would be that easy and honestly is not worth it. Well, at least they serve as 'batteries' while we are here."

"So it would be better to just awaken their Aura and give them instructions so they focus on the to get what we can and wait for the opportunity of going to the Hunter x Hunter world, or after finishing the time-dilatation boundary field and having someone other than ourselves to do all the work as with our current level of [Body Double] leaving a clone to exclusively do this is a waste...maybe a homunculus?" Yozora's clone said as leaving in charge a person under the influence of the Imperious Curse is a big fat no.

"Certainly Kazuma's visit gave us a lot of data for the time-dilatation boundary field, but we still need a little bit of time to finish it, so it is better if, with our remaining time, we focus on cultivating these idiots besides we still need to wait until we have another try with "that" and if everything goes right it would give us a pretty big "power up" maybe we can do it twice if we calculated everything right"

"But we surely took a pretty big bet with "that" even with our bullshit luck sure the first time was almost practically a certain win since there are not many Specialists, sure maybe in the future maybe we could have a better chance of getting everything but..."

"We can't count on the uncertainties of the future to improve ourselves one thing is accepting the rewards and another is to depend only on them... Gramps is right we are a pain in the ass."

"Hey, don't you think that is creepy that we are ending each other..."

"...Sentences like evil twins..."

Both Yozora and Yozora's clone shuddered at the realization but then smiled evilly at the future possibilities of getting people angry.

"Well, I will take today's earnings." Yozora said before getting closer to the "test subjects"

"If you are going to do it, you better do it now as there is just an hour and a half before the Hogwarts Express leaves the station." Yozora's clone remarks.

"Damn, my sense of time is screwed up, well see you around," Yozora said to the clone.

But the clone just deadpans at him. "Of course, you are going to see me, I am you after all."

"You don't have to be a smartass."

"I am you, of course, I have to be a smartass." The clone says before disappearing in motes of blue light.

"Damn, I hate that I am always right," Yozora shamelessly complained to himself. "Whatever, well let's do this."

"Da Vault" After uttering those words, something besides Yozora started to materialize. And like the name implied a two-meter tall black vault with some silver adornments and a golden-colored 5-spoke handle.

"Well..." Yozora said rotating the handle.

"It's pay time," Yozora said with a wide grin on his face as he opened the vault a plethora of colors were visible. similar to the kaleidoscope.


September 1st of 1992. Platform 9 3/4

Yozora's P.O.V

"Look at this pup, all ladies are looking at me, maybe in the future you'll be lucky enough to be as handsome as me hahaha," Sirus said with a heartful laugh making me wonder if he is just joking or if he truly believe so.

When I saved Sirius from Azkaban, saying that he looked bad, would be a compliment. After all, being inside that place for over a decade would take a toll on every normal wizard. Not having enough food, water, cleaning necessities, warring about other crazy inmates trying to kill you at any given moment,n and on top of that Dementors rooming around all the time, it was not a good living space. But since he is Harry's godfather and I quite like him, I helped him to regain his former physical prime with the help of a lot of potions, diet, and the raw essence of the philosopher stone. Sadly I can't do something about his PTSD, sure he acts all normal and all, but in the time he lived in one of my houses, he had some episodes and he is suffering from constant nightmares, the best I could do is to give him the contact to a very well renowned wizard psychiatrist in the Netherlands, a little bit expensive for the normal people, but nothing that he can't afford as the head of the Black's House.

Harry in another hand, just rolled his eyes at his godfather's antics. "They are not looking at you, if anything they are looking at Yozora, and not for the reason you are thinking of."

"And while I am more handsome than you." I said being a lot 'humble'.

"Hey!" Sirius complained but I ignored him.

"Harry is right, ever since I announced the next year's tournament, everyone looks at me weirdly, especially the ones from old houses, though the later ones are more out of despite."

"Well, you stick out of their pride so it's just natural that they will stare dagers at you." Someone behind us said.

"Hello there." I greeted Daphne that just arrived with her family, Astoria is not glaring at me anymore but for some reason, she still doesn't like me. 'Totally a siscon' I thought to myself

"General Kenobi" Tracey answer me back, just recently arriving

At this, Astoria raised an eyebrow. "Who is that?"

"Don't know, Yozora said that a lot of times, and since it was fun I just went with the flow," Tracey said with a smile.

"Idiot," Astoria said looking at me with a deadpan expression.


After saying our parting words, currently we are on our way to Hogwarts. I am sitting in the middle of the left bench with Daphne sitting on my right side and Tracey on the left one, with Blaise, Harry, Neville, and Ron sitting on the other one... Ginny was also here but she said that she was going to look for a friend and Astoria said that she already promised a friend of hers to travel together though she didn't seem

"How can all of us fit in just one compartment?" Harry asked quite confused that every one of us just needed a single unit to fit all of us, especially since their side had more people

"It's enchanted with an expansion charm. Before the time of Voldemort, Hogwarts used to accept hundreds of students a year so every unit was enchanted so all the students can fit on the train. But when the war started the natality severely declined as not many wanted to have kids in those dark years, that's the reason why there are just around 30 students in our year and just recently natality started to raise in the country since the situation stabilized." I explained this as even in the non-magical side of the world this is quite common in war times.

"So that's why so many compartments were empty last year," Ron says as if he discovered the secret of the universe.

"Yozora," Neville called me, after being in silence for the most part. "Did something happen to you after the party?"

His question made me confused as well as the rest of the people here. "Not really, I just did the regular stuff." At least my regular stuff.

"Slapping people to death?" Blaise asked with a hint of mocking tone, and from the look of everyone they were thinking the same.

"...No" Well except for that Florida man, why is he always a Florida man?

"Did you just doubt your answer?" Ron questioned.

"Anyway," I said trying to return to Neville's question. "Why you ask?"

"Your "aura" changed...again," Neville said.

'Huh?...ah Neville's sixth sense...an interesting form of danger sense.'

"What do you exactly feel?"

"It is quite hard to explain, previously it felt just overwhelming like it would be a bad idea to get you angry, like tickling a sleeping dragon." And most of them seem to agree with this.

"I don't think that Yozora likes that comparison," Tracey remarks making everyone look at her. "He said that dragons are oversized swallows."

Then everyone looked at me. "And they are...for the most time." I rectify this as I felt the annoyance of two of my new partners.

{Not you guys, you are awesome, we will kick Crom Cruach ass and the other dumb Evil Dragons.}



Both of them roared in approval. "Anyways, how does my "aura" feels now?"

"The overwhelming feeling is still there yet it feels more controlled and dangerous as if I will get burned..."

'Hoh? So he can feel the Purgatory Flames in a way but not feel the rest of my skills or invisible things to the eye like my partners, so this only applies to me since he needs direct eye contact, or else he would had feel gramps last year in the train, or is it that he needs more training? Well maybe in the future if he wants I can train him to hone this ability '

"I don't know what caused this change if I have to be honest, the only different thing that I did this summer was to practice piano"

"Piano?" Blaise asked not believing my words.

"And calligraphy." This is not exactly a lie since after taking some of the "borrowed" books from Japan, I looked at their use of Talisman.

"Give up Blaise," Harry says with some annoyance in his voice. "Even if he is lying about that, he will bullshit his way into being good on it either way." He said as if he was having some Vietnam flashbacks.

"Now that I think about..."Neville says

"We never say you..."Ron continues

"Having difficulties with anything:" Harry ends the phrase.

"Magic, martial arts, cooking, general studies, teaching..."

"And he knows how to sing," Harry said.

"Huh?" Most of them mutter, including myself.

"How do you know?" Daphne asks

"When.., Yozora went to take me to the party I heard him singing while he was waiting for me." Harry lied in this as I never sang in front of him, most likely Sirius told him about this. After acquiring Daniel Park's card, I started to do some of the things he did to increase the assimilation percentage, among the things I did, singing was one of those.

"You should sing Yozora!" Tracey said cheerfully while holding my arm.

"I don't know any song in English..." I lied since I didn't want to sing.

"Do it, it doesn't matter we just want to hear you!"

"Well, the thing is..."I was going to keep lying but...

Daphne grabbed my other arm. "Please..."

'Ugh, I have no choice then...what should I sing? Something depressing will just bring the mood down, so something happy?"

"All right, just don't set your expectations too high," I said as I took a guitar from my Dimensional Pocket and enchant it with a Music Charm.

"How many things do you have there?" Ron asked.

"Yes!" I mean I am no Doraemon but in the future maybe. "*Cough* Let's get started," I said as the guitar started playing.

//Play: Digimon Adventure- Brave Heart Recommendation: Look for Roan Lee Cover//

Nigetari akirameru koto wa daremo

Isshun areba dekiru kara arukitsuzukeyou

(If given a second, anyone can give up and run

So just keep on walking )

Kimi ni shika dekinai koto ga aru aoi hoshi ni

Hikari ga nakusenu you ni

(There's something only you can do

So that this blue planet doesn't lose its light)

Tsukame! egaita yume wo

Mamore! daiji na tomo wo

Takumashii jibun ni nareru sa

Shiranai pawaa ga yadoru haato ni hi ga tsuitara

Donna negai mo uso ja nai

Kitto kanau kara...show me your brave heart

(Seize the dreams you had!

Protect your beloved friends!

You can become stronger

Unknown power dwells in your heart, when its fire is lit

Any wish, it's true

Will surely be granted...show me your brave heart )

Hare no hi bakari ja nai kara tama ni

Tsumetai ame mo furu keredo kasa hirogeyou ¿

(Not every day is sunny, so sometimes

Even though a cold rain is falling, just open your umbrella)

Ikikata ni chizu nanka nai kedo dakara jiyuu

Doko e datte yukeru, kimi mo

(There's no map of how to live, that's why we're free

You can go anywhere)

Hashire! kaze yori hayaku

Mezase! sora yori tooku

Atarashii jibun ni aeru sa

Shiranai yuuki ga nemuru haato ni ki ga tsuitara

Mune no naka no doshaburi mo

Kitto yamu kara...show me your brave heart

(Run faster than the wind!

Aim farther than the skies!

You can meet a new you

Unknown courage sleeps in your heart, and when you realize

The downpour in your heart

Will surely stop...show me your brave heart)

Tsukame! mabushii asu wo

Mamore! ai suru hito wo

Takumashii jibun ni nareru sa

Kowase! yowaki na kimi wo

Kuzuse! butsukaru kabe wo

Atsui kodou buki ni naru kara

Believe in your heart

(Seize the bright tomorrow!

Protect the ones you love!

You can become stronger

Break that weak self!

Destroy the walls blocking you!

The warm beat of your heart will be your weapon

Believe in your heart)

//Song Ends.//

"So? What do you think?" I ask to everyone but looking at their faces I think that they liked it.

"Damn," Neville again is the first one to speak.

"Language," I said in Hermione's place perhaps she felt a disturbance in the force.

"It was good, though I couldn't understand most of the song." Harry gives his opinion.

"It was amazing!" Tracey said with enthusiasm. I think that she is the one that understood most of it since I taught her and Daphne a little bit of Japanese at their request. "You should sing another! You agree with me Daphne, right?"

"Yes, if possible I would like one in English," Daphne says

"Yozora tell me the truth" Blaise finally decides to speak while looking at me with a serious expression. "Are you Batman?"




"No, I am the Reverse Flash"

"Nooo..." Blaise says with a frightened look.

"It was me, Barry. When you thought that you did the right potion, I moved at super speed and changed all the ingredients, it was me when you fell from the broom when you ran out of toilet paper, it has always been me," I said using a spell that makes my eyes bright red.

"You monster!"

"Nerds" Daphne mutters knowing what we were talking about. Surprisingly enough in this world, even if Marvel Comics doesn't exist, DC and Image Comics do. And Blaise after I gave him his Christmas present, became a very fan of them. Daphne only knows about it because she knows that I like that kind of stuff...

"Hey, you know what we are talking about, that makes you a nerd too," Blaise said in an accusatory way.

"But there is something in what Yozora is bad." Daphne continued the conversation ignoring Blaise.

"Huh, really?" This perked my interest since even if I am not good at everything...yet. I am pretty sure that I haven't shown something that I am bad at.

At my question, Daphne smiled slightly. "You are bad at having patience with Young Masters"



"I am not that bad..."

This made everyone deadpan at me. "How many people have you slapped in the last year, that enter in that category?"

"... Touché."

"I think that the song was pretty." Someone with a dreamy voice said at the door. A girl a little bit younger than everyone else in the room, with waist-length, straggly dirty blond hair and silvery eyes. "It made the Wrackspurts around everyone go way."

"The what?" Ron asked...more confused than usual.

"Wrackspurts are tiny little creatures imperceptible to the normal eye that flies into the people's ears making their brain became unfocused and confused...something you can relate Ron."


But seeing Luna's expression it seems that she was surprised by my explanation. "Can you see them?"

But I shook my head in denial. "Not really, but just because I haven't seen them it makes them less real miss...?" I mean there are outer gods, Primordial Gods, never aging Fae, who knows how many gods, and more. So it is not that hard to think about the possibility of their existence. And even though I already knew her name it would be weird if I said her name without prior meeting each other.

But before Luna was capable of speaking someone interrupted her. "There you are Luna, I was looking for you," Ginny says arriving at the compartment.

"And you found me," Luna said with her characteristically dreamy tone. "And I found your brother and his friends."

"Maybe both of you should enter and take a sit, so we can continue the conversation."

"Okay," Luna answers and as both of them enter to compartment the room increases a little bit to have more space.

"So, what did I miss?" Ginny asked as if it was normal for something to happen...I wonder what Ron told her about me.

"Yozora being Yozora." Ron said shrugging his shoulders.

"Did he slap someone?" Ginny said with some concern... Seriously what did he tell her about me?

"Not this time," Ron replied.

"Yet" Harry corrected.

Even if I wanted to say that it was a wrong misconception about me...it's the start of the school year so I am pretty sure that something will happen.

"The prince was singing a pretty song," Luna answered. "Everyone seemed to enjoy it, even the little fluffy friend on his shoulder."

'Wait prince, who? Fluffy friend? Don't tell me...'

"Mmm Luna, who are you talking about?" Ginny asked confused a feeling shared by everyone in the room, me included.

"About him of course silly" Luna says as if were natural. "After all you have to be a prince first before you become a.."

"Miss Luna," I said interrupting her...seriously in this world people interrupt each other a lot. "I think that you got a little bit confused, I am just the heir of an old family I don't come from any "royal" lineage." Well technically I am royalty with the Fae but that is not important here. "But more importantly, can you see him?" I said pointing at one of my recent partners.

"Yes, it's very cute, what is his/her name?" Luna asked curiously, seemly understanding to avoid "that".

"Yozora what is she talking about?" Daphne also asked looking at my shoulder not seeing anything.

It seems that those fanfictions about Luna having some special eyes are not inaccurate though is not so surprising after taking into consideration Neville's weird danger sense. Luckily Gramps didn't come or else maybe we would have an awkward conversation, Well since the cat is out of the bag.."It would be faster if I show you." I said taking a paper doll out of my Dimensional Pocket.

"Over Soul." As I said so the paper doll is surrounded by a gust of magical energy and instead of the previous paper doll a fluffy creature with green pawns and white wings becomes visible.


"He is Winged Kuriboh a fairy spirit that became my spirit partner or familiar in our terms," I said while Winged Kuriboh waved his little pawn to everyone.

"Soo cute!!" Tracey said grabbing Winged Kuriboh in her embrace faster than she was physically capable.

If I was using the Over Soul from the Shaman King world, no one would be able to see them since no one here has Furyoku, including myself. I mean if I was following that world logic, I would have an incredible amount of it, since I reincarnated once. But the thing is, I don't have access to that source of energy. Even though in the American version they called it Mana for its similarities, is not the same, so not even I would be able to use a kind of energy source that I have never experienced, Nen was an exception because it is just a different way of using Life Force something that I had some base empirical knowledge.

So in this case I used the Shamanic Magic and Onmyōdō of this world as a base to do my version of it, along with the data of Ether Bodies that I have from Gramps Giving Winged Kuriboh a temporary body, which is not that durable since the spell is in the begging stages it would not be able to sustain the stronger spirits at the moment. I am working on a Mystic Code with the resurrection stone to help me in this regard, after all, it's a Divine Construct, maybe with Death's permission, we can modify it.

"Yozora I want one like him," Tracey said still hugging Winged Kuriboh.

"It is not a pet Tracey," Daphne said but her eyes betrayed her words as it seems that she also wants to hug him.

"See, I told you that he was being Yozora," Ron said with a tired tone, not a jealous one like he used to be last year. "He is more ridiculous than the books about Harry's "childhood", no offense."

"None taken, seriously how can people believe that I defeated a dragon when I was 6 years old...You can't even have a wand at that age...." Harry said with some exasperation, not that I can blame him, I read a couple of them and they are bad...really bad, they are the epitope of Bullshit by this world standard.


Arriving at the great hall, Harry, Ron and Neville went to Gryffindor's table, while the rest of us went to the Slytherin table.

Like always the rest of Slytherin was staring daggers at me but in a "discreet" way since they are cowards and they know what is waiting for them if they do something stupid.

//A.N: Yeah you would slap them to death.//

Mmm? What was that?

Well almost everyone but Young Master Malfoy, did it this way. Honestly, I am getting tired of him and his Death Eater of a father, at the begging while I did not tolerate him, at the very least did have anything personal against him since he is also a victim of the place where he grow up. It is easy to say that your upbringing doesn't define the way you are, but realistically speaking that's bullshit. We are a product of our actions and experience, of course, there are oddities here and there but in most cases, people will be a result of the place where they grow up.

But I think that in his case, I let my knowledge of the movie think that he can get better, but the thing is that this world while not 100% the same there are more similarities with the book, and in them he is an ass a big time. Looking at him with [Clairvoyance (Beast)] I can see that his desires are just getting darker, maybe I can give him a reality check to see if what he thinks and reality are the same to see if he has salvation.

But it seems that my partners don't like him at all, not even Winged Kuriboh and he likes everyone,

{Kuri. Kuri} Winged Kuriboh said.

{Mah, mah Winged Kuriboh, you gave not to worry for an insignificant being.}


{Yeah you are right}

{Kuri kuri kurii}

{Okay if you see him doing suspicious against my friends be sure to inform me... And I will take the appropriate measures}

Even if I have the rule of not harming kids, if he acts on his own volition to try to harm any of them, well he must accept the consequences of his actions.

{Kuri-kuri} Winged Kuriboh gave me a salute before returning to his card.

After this, I decided to look at the teacher's table, like always Professor McGonagall was the one in charge of taking the first years as it is her job as Deputy Headmistress, Snape had his usual frown looking at everyone, Professor Kettleburn had his perpetual smile talking to his coworkers, a cheerful man for someone that lost most of his limbs but he certainly loves teaching and magical creatures, I just talked to the man a couple of times in the past when I asked him about some creatures that I was not familiar with, this will be his last year teaching if everything goes like the cannon, good for him, the man needs to rest. There are other professors whom while I don't take their classes I have some interesting conversations with, like Septima Vector and Bathsheda Babbling.

But in the corner of the table, there were two "new faces", the first one being a man with an uneven appearance, it wouldn't be hard to think that he was in a street situation, as his clothes were full of patches and has a depressive vibe around him, it was no other than Remus Lupin or Professor Lupin from now on. I recommended (Ordered) Dumbledore to hire him as he was one of the few competent DADA professors in the series and one of them was an active Death Eater and the other was Snape, while I could let him be the person in charge, the Potions position would be vacant and the other possible known person was Slughorn...no thanks, I would not be able to stand that dog licker that surely will try to get me in his little trophy group.

But the other person was uncannily similar to some memories but not "my" memories but the ones of Daniel Park. Wearing a modern-looking black suit, something uncommon in the British magical community with glasses and a well-kept hairstyle. If I had to describe him would be like your everyday salaryman just appearance-wise like a ma.... holly shit it's Senior Manager Kim! But he looks younger maybe 10 years? If I recall correctly there was a spin-off about him where his daughter was kidnaped and crushed everything to find her. Did that already happen? or is about to happen? Anyways I feel bad for the poor bastards, well not really. But what the fuck, if he is here, does it means that other "characters" from the PTJ verse are here? what about others from the entertaining media from my previous world exist here? I mean after my encounter with J.J Jameson and Eddie Brock I searched for other people from Marvel like Peter Parker, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers just to see if there were some Magical equivalents in this world or Aqua forgives their literal equivalents since that would mean that villain's from there would be also here, like Sebastian Shawn, Green Goblin, Thanos, Zebediah Killgrave... if that mother fucker was here I would have killed him, no questions asked.

But as far as my research showed there was no one with those names and non-magical and magical history mentioned Steve nor Hydra so I left it as a coincidence. But after I meet with Oberon I've been thinking that there could be more people appearance-wise like others in this world, and here is one of them. But if his background is similar to what I know from both Daniel's memories and mines, I wonder why would he be here... most likely he is spying on me for some reason. That damn useless Dumbledore didn't inform me about this, it seems that someone will receive an extra prescription of curses this year. ..


After the sorting nothing "unexpected" happened, the same old joke to mess with the houses, to not go to the forbidden forest blah blah blah.

"Another announcement I am glad to make is to introduce two new professors that will be with us this year, Professor Lupin and Professor Kim both of them will be in charge of the Defense Against Dark Arts," Dumbledore announced making both of them stand with Lupin showing a humble demeanor and Man- Professor Kim looking stoic almost bored about this whole situation as the student body applauded.

"Also Hogwarts would be participating in a student exchange to improve our relationship with other schools. Please give a warm welcome to Miss Erina Nakiri and Mr. Ryota Kise from Mahoutokoro School of Magic!"

'You said what!?' If I was drinking something at the moment I would be spitting it at this very instant.

The doors of the great hall opened showing two people walking towards the podium. One of them was a teenage boy around my "age" group with yellow hair yeah not blonde, a little bit taller than the average for his age, and had a bored expression on his face. The other one was a teenage girl around the same age with honey-blonde hair and purple eyes, with an air of "nobility" around her and both of them were wearing Slytherin uniforms...joy.

Great so does this mean that either the Japanese government or some annoying clans are trying to honey-trap me with Nakiri? As for Kise...maybe her bodyguard. Using [Clairvoyance (Beast)] I discovered that I was right on the spot, it seems that it was both the clans and the government that wanted to take me to their side and Nakiri as the noble young lady she is, believes that is her "duty" to help her country, stupid noblesse oblige. And Kise well he was more annoyed about this whole situation and has thought that I am just a lucky brat from a good house too full of myself, not that I can blame him I don't have very good PR, not that I care....mmm? wow desires to commit patricide, a not-so-common desire, well from what I am seeing it's understandable.

"Thank you for the introductions, Professor Dumbledore," Nakiri said looking at Dumbledore. "We are honored of being selected for this cultural exchange in this prestigious institution, so please take care of us." She said giving a small bow received a couple of applauses after it, mainly from the male populace. It seems that Kise will say nothing.

"Thank you Miss Nakiri, I assure you that Hogwarts and its students will treat both of you very well." Dumbledore said with his fake "grandfatherly" tone.

'Pff your assurance means nothing.' I thought to myself taking a sip of water.

"And last but not least important let's give a warm welcome to Miss Yor Briar from Koldovstoretz " Dumbledore announced making the doors open once again.

//A.N: While I know that Ostania is the fictional country where Yor is from. It's based in a part of Germany I was too lazy to come up with a name for a German Magic school, so if you have any recommendations, please go ahead.//

"*cough* *cough* " This time however I almost chock drinking water...maybe that book on how to drink water was not that bad.

But different from what I thought the person I was seeing was not the one from that "manga". The person in question was a young female teenager, physically a little bit older than me a year or two maybe. With a slender figure, a little bit voluptuous for her age, with oddly familiar black hair and black eyes with a very pale skin color...not to mention the feeling she is giving me was rather familiar....don't tell me…

"Hello everyone, I came to study in this country because I have a very special friend here~," She said while looking for someone...."Yo-kun it seems that we will be studying together, please take care of me~" Yup it was me.

"Huh?" The whole room said at the same time.

"Why is it always him?"

"Damn it lucky bastard!"

"Not fair!"

"I told you that something like this was going to happen" Was that Ron?

"Drop it, for the sake of your mental health," Harry said not caring anymore. Yup, it was Ron.

"Yo-kun?" Two girls said at the same time with a cold tone.

That question made my spine get cold a little bit. I look at the source of those words, and as always I was right, Daphne looked at me with her usual stare but her eyes were colder than usual, Tracey on another hand had her eyes close giving me a smile that was not a smile...

Of course, as the intelligent person I am, I decided to take the best course of action and ignore the problem until it they ask something specific.

Fuga must be laughing his ass off at this very instant.


Meanwhile with Fuga

"Hahahaha oh by me!" Fuga was cracking himself trying to breathe.

"Seriously I wish I could reward Death-chan hahaha should I tell her about Yozora's maid fetish?... Nah almost all men have that fetish so it wouldn't be a surprise, maybe to continue his play of older sister. After all, he likes women older than him hahaha"


Again with Yozora.

So this was Death's surprise...well if she intended to surprise me she did it. So that's why she was this busy lately, I can imagine how much trouble was to create a flesh avatar able to handle even a fraction of her powers, not to mention her responsibilities...that explains why she mentioned the training of some "interns".

"Yozora do not try to play ignorance," Daphne said still with a stoic tone.

"Yes Yo-kun, you aren't fooling anyone." Tracey said keeping her "smile".

"*Cough* Sucks to be you *Cough* Sorry I have something in my throat." Blaise said not being subtle at all.

Just wait for this weekend's training. "It's not like is a secret, we meet on one of my trips at we got along it just happened that I didn't know that she was a witch."

"But how could you not..." Tracey was about to speak when Dumbledore started to speak once again.

"And finally before we start the feast Mr. Hoshimura will say some words," Dumbledore announced with almost imperceptible scorn at the end, but not enough to fool my eyes.

Finally, he does something right. "I'll explain later." I said to them as I started to walk to the podium.

Everyone was looking at me, for different reasons, but honestly, I couldn't care less about it. Nakiri was looking at me as if he was studying me and Kise did the same but for different reasons. Death or should I say Yor was just waving her hand at me with a smile.

"Good evening my fellow students, as many of you know next year Hogwarts would be the host of the first global tournament in the magical community known as Scala Ad Caelum." I paused briefly before continuing. "In this tournament, everyone can participate no matter their age or school year, of course, it's impossible to everyone to participate but you can always postulate yourself with your head of your house, but keep in mind that the final decision is up to the Hogwarts staff."

"But don't get down if you are not chosen, as there will be many activities in which everyone will be able to participate." I decided this because most of the schools will most likely choose people from their senior years. " As for the students that are currently going through your seventh year, don't be sad as I allowed a special rule that you will be able to participate even if you are no longer a student, this applies to every school that will participate and they are already informed of this."

This made all the current senior years to applause and cheer as it seems that many of them wanted to participate, after all, there is a big reward if they won, I mean I don't know who will be chosen and I don't care as I don't think that Hogwarts will win anyways.

"Furthermore there will be a special team, selected by me that will be also participating, you can think of them as my representatives if you want to."

And different from my previous statement, many didn't like this.

"That's rubbish!"

"The whole tournament is arranged!"

"It's not fair."

"This is nepotism."

"Silence," I said quite loudly with a little bit of Aura behind them.

"Not fair? Nepotism? please." I said rolling my eyes. "Of course it's nepotism," I said without a hint of shame.

"Do I care? No, but I can assure you that is not rigged, after all, I wouldn't waste money and resources just to give the people I select the prize in the first place, besides..."

"You are talking like you have a chance of winning," I said half closing my eyes which made everyone frown in anger, including almost all teachers except for Snape that seems to be enjoying the whole situation, and Ma- Professor Kim who while looks uninterested from the outside he is curious of my reason to do this.

"What? Gonna cry?" I let my inner Bully Maguire out.

"You think that just because you are students of Hogwarts you are better than the rest of the world? If you think so and you participate you will put in shame the name of our school!"

"Did you seriously believe that all my words were directed to the other countries? No... You are severally wrong I said this to the people of Britain that thinks that is better than the rest of the world when in reality we are at the bottom of the chart." I may have made fun of the other countries but Britain was really among the weakest countries in the world.

"If you want to make me think otherwise it's pretty easy to do," I said curious gases from everyone.

"Win. Use this year to improve, hone your skills, and get wiser and stronger. Do not get lazy just because you think that your skills are enough or your talent is somewhat good. Show me that I am wrong." I said giving every student a piercing gaze.

This made some of them still scorn in disgust, but some others something ignited in them, even if just to piss me off, they wanted to improve to make me eat my words.

"And finally since there will be the need to make some adjustments around the area to be able to hold all the participants and some areas for some of the events, on regular basis there will be people coming to Hogwarts, goblins among other "non-human" personal, as I know how some of you think about them, I will say this only once," I said this looking at everyone, especially at some of the people of Slytherin that I know.

"I will not tolerate any kind of disrespectful attitude towards them, as they are my employees and some of them my friends. Many of you may or may not know my reputation but I can assure you, I am many many times worse than what the rumors said"

"So don't try anything funny, for your sake of course." And I meant it, I will not allow any kind of nonsense towards my friends and employees. I may not care about my public image but I do care about the people working with me.

After those words I stepped down from the podium, walking towards my sit beside Daphne.


Like always I took some of the food I made to share with everyone, pretty much the standard, however, this time the was something different...

"Yo-kun say ahh~," Death said trying to feed me.

"D- Yor, I can eat on my own." We have been like this for a couple of minutes, but she doesn't seem to back off.

"No, you can't, let this one-san feed my cute Yo-kun."

"Haha," I just let out an awkward laugh.

"Yes, Yo-kun *pff* you should let her feed you hahaha," Blaise said trying but failing to contain his laugh.

But that only earn him the gaze of Daphne and Tracey...Karma is a bitch.

"Miss Briar..."

"Just call me Yor~ Yo-kun has spoken about the two of you very fondly and since all of you are his friends there is no need for formalities "

"Very well Yor, can you tell us what's is your relationship with Yozora?" Daphne asked.

"Mmmm." 'Yor' made a pensive expression until a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

Please don't.

"You can say that our futures are intertwined~"




"Playboy" Astoria who ignored us(me) most of the time, muttered...she seriously hates me.

"First," Daphne said not being unsettled at all.

"Pardon?" Death said a little bit surprised.

"I will be the first wife, you can talk with the other girls about the order," Daphne said without blinking an eye.

I couldn't help but facepalm myself. 'Since when she was competitive?'

"Not fair Daphne! You cannot call dibs just like that!" Tracey complained.

"I just did," Daphne said without shame.

"Ara Ara~ I just said that our futures are intertwined, not that we will marry...not that I am against the idea," Yor said making both of the girls get a little bit flustered, especially Tracey.

"We should stop this conversation for another moment," I said perfectly knowing that this would not end today. "I know that I don't care very much about my public image...but this is something that we should talk in private." Lucky for them I always set a Bounded Field that doesn't allow our conversation out of a certain range, otherwise there would be a lot of annoying people taking this conversation to the Daily Prophet.

"By the way Yor, you shouldn't tease them too much."

"Fufu~ I can't help it, they are so cute." She said pinching Daphne's and Tracey's cheeks. " I wish that Hermione was here, I bet that she would be the most flustered of all."

"True." Tracey nodded in acceptance.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Daphne didn't deny the possibility.

"Anyways." I interrupted trying to change the subject. "What did you think about my speech?"

"Savage," Blaise said without thinking. "Did you have to get everyone angry?"

"Yes, that was the most important part," I said with a smile on my face. "Or else like I said Hogwarts would lose badly."

"That bad?" Daphne asked with a little frown.

"Yup, the use of magic here is... a little outdated and to a point limited to the people of this country." Even if for me it feels weird for me to think this way since in the Nasuverse the older the mystery the stronger it is, the laws of this world are different. They are not "held" by this rule, but the main problem is that for the most part, they treat magic as something sacred, instead of a means to an end. Of course, not everyone thinks the same but the average witch/wizard thinks this way, most of it because of the Ministry propaganda, which is controlled by most of the noble families and their foolish idea of being the top dogs.

"Yo-kun is right," Yor said taking everyone's attention. "Like him, I wandered around the world and have seen the difference between other countries, and certainly this country lacks this kind of "spark" to want to improve, as most of the people here decide to just take normal jobs when they graduate, not that is something bad in peaceful times, but this makes the people from here that they do want to improve look for other countries and pursue their dreams and most of the time once they return, their ideas to improve the country are not accepted, of course, this problem is not exclusive to this country but is one of the few that try to keep things as they are."

"But that doesn't make sense." Tracey intruded, "Why would the government stop people from trying to make the country better?"

"Politics." Daphne, Blaise, Yor, and I said at the same time.

"Hug! Right father and my older brother always complain about the Wizengamot." Different from Blaise and Daphne, she was the youngest in her family, so her education related to politics, was a little bit laxer since she didn't have to be the head of the house in the future, her father let her do whatever she wanted in the future, though he was quite confused for her recent interest in swords.

"That is one of the reasons I made this tournament," I said once again making everyone look at me. "To open the eyes of the younger generation, old habits die hard, so getting older people to understand that the way they did things is wrong or not viable anymore would be almost impossible, so I taking my chances with the young ones."

With the inevitable coming of an outer god, there is much I can do, and while that was not entirely the purpose of this tournament, it was a good coincide. I alone there is much I can do to help everyone in this world, maybe that is why I awakened this kind of Nen Ability but if things develop in the worst possible outcome, I won't doubt for a second to take my friends out of this world and abandon everyone else, thought it doesn't mean that I will back down without fighting.

But before anyone could say anything else, someone approached us. "Excuse me, Hoshimura-san."

"Yes, how can I help you Nakiri-san, Kise-kun?" I said to the duo.

"Can we sit with you and your friends?"

"While I don't mind, I am curious about why would you want to sit with us. It's not like there is a lack of space." Sure while many of the Slytherin always try to avoid me like a plague and there is more space with us, compared with other groups, it's not like other places will be more uncomfortable.

"Oi, you have a problem with us?" Kise asked rather annoyed, it seems that his impression of me got even worse with my little speech.

"Ryota stop!" Nakiri said, well ordered.

"But Erinacchi..."

"He just asked a question, it's not like he was being disrespectful."


"Sorry for Ryota's demeanor, he usually is not like this."

"Don't mind, don't mind, sometimes I get under people's skins." I mean usually, I will tell him to fuck off, but since most of his conception of me is blurred by his worry for his friend I can respect that. If I were in his shoes I would probably act the same if not worse.

"Sometimes?" Blaise muttered but this was a thought shared by most.

"Thank you for your understanding, and for answering your question." Nakiri decided to momentarily ignore Blaise's comment but it seems that she was curious. "We will appreciate the company of a fellow Japanese student who knows better the school to avoid a cultural shock and cause some misunderstanding and the other thing is...the food."

"The food?" Daphne asked quite surprised.

Oh yeah since she was known as "God's tongue" in the anime version of her and had quite a delicate sense of taste and Kazuma knows how enhanced it can be with a witch physique, it must be a hassle to just be able to eat food by certain standards. Not that I am badmouthing the Domestic elves that make the food, it just happens that for people with an enhanced taste like her, is not good enough.

"I have a certain condition that my sense of taste is stronger than a regular person's, so it is quite a problem sometimes. Not that the food here is bad or anything, it's just that it is more condiment than I am used to. But the food here seems to be something that I can eat. Usually, I would make my food but I didn't have enough time since I just arrived here." She says while not saying the whole truth, most of it is. I can relate with her and my inner chef(Read Emiya) would not allow someone to suffer from hunger in front of me. And on top of that, she seems that don't want to offend the Domestic Elf's cooking, maybe because this world is not food-centered she is a lot more humble in this regard.

"I see, well I don't have a problem, what about you guys?" I asked as it was not only my opinion that mattered in this regard.

But as I expected, no one seems to mind. One part because they could feel a little pity for her condition and the other one, let's just say that they are having mischievous thoughts. Seeing this Nakiri smiled."Thank you, everyone." She expressed her gratitude while giving us a polite bow and giving Kise a meaningful gaze as if saying "You better behave." Not like they have a master-servant relationship, more like she was the mature one in their friendship, similar to a big sister and younger brother relationship.


"Umai! " Kise said finally stopping frowning, "Erinacchi you should try this, it's much better than what the chefs at my house do,"

Nakiri seems quite surprised at her friend's change of mood. So she decided to take a bite. "Soo good~" Nakiri made a blissful expression. "I want to express my gratitude to the one that made this dish."

"I agree Erinacchi I heard that Domestic Elf of Hogwarts was top notch but this is a whole other level."

"While I am not a Domestic Elf, I am glad that both of you like it," I said with a warm smile. It's always pleasant to see new faces enjoying my food.

"What? Did you make this?!" Kise said with genuine surprise.

"Yup, and everything on our side of the table, so don't be shy and grab as much as you want." At least he seems less aggressive now.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise," Nakiri said with a small smile.

"Huh, you don't seem like the kind of guy to cook."

"Why so?"

"Well, you do seem more like a Young M-" But he was cut short hearing the sound of a shattered mug, mine of course.

"I would appreciate it if you don't call that way," I said with a no-so-kind smile. " But just so you know, I've been the one that always cooks in my house since I was little." Well physically younger that is.

"What about your servants and parents?" Kise asked surprised by this fact.

"I don't have servants in my house since I since I was just a regular kid before coming to Hogwarts, I didn't even know that magic was real, and as for my parents...they are not here and while gramps can cook simple dishes, I got tired of eating the same every day," I said nonchalantly since half of what I said is a lie.

This soured the mood a little bit, since Daphne, Tracey, and Blaise knew about this it didn't get them by surprise but they couldn't help to give me some sympathetic looks, Yor just patted my back as it was still a sour thing to me. Nakiri in another hand feels bad and glared at Kise. And Kise well.

"Ah, I didn't mean...sorry," Kise said while having his head down, even if he doesn't exactly likes me he is not a bad boy.

"Don't worry, you didn't know. Besides..." I couldn't help but look at Yor, Blaise, Daphne, and Tracey. "I'm moving on."

"Still..." Kise said feeling rather bad, well taking into consideration what I "saw", I can understand him.

"Like I said you don't have to worry. It's not like you said it for the sake of being mean or something similar, if that was the case I would have slapped you." I said this with a hint of humor to make the ambiance a little bit "happier".

"Pff hahaha sure you would." Blaise cracked in laugh shortly after.

"You are right, you would have slapped him to the kingdom come hahaha." Tracey also laughed.

"You would have met your ancestors," Daphne commented trying to hold her laugh.

"Fufufu~ sure you would," Yor said with a mischievous smile.

But Kise and Nakiri seemed confused at my comment and the reaction of everyone.

"I don't understand." Kise expressed his confusion.

"Me neither," Nakiri said with equal confusion.

"Hahaha don't mind, is just like an inside joke around Hogwarts, in no time you will get it."

"If you said so," Nakiri said shrugging her shoulders.

The rest of the dinner continued pretty peacefully, both of them seems to be pretty okay people. Sure, Nakiri has her "mission" and this air of "noble" around her, but she is not arrogant about it, and at the very least it doesn't seem that she is trying to manipulate the conversation in some sort of way. Kise while still a bit reserved with everyone except for Nakiri, at least is a lot more friendly than before, and seeing this my mind couldn't help but wonder...

Don't ask something stupid…don't ask… don't..."Ne Kise-kun." Damn, it!

"Yeah?" Kise replied confused at the weird look I was giving him

"Do you play basketball?" Ups too late.

At my question, he got a little bit confused. "I used to practice a lot of muggle sports before attending Mahokotoro, but basketball was not something that I particularly expended a lot of time in.., why do you ask?"

"No reason." Well, there goes my epic sports battle.


After the feast and a horrendous song, the prefect was in charge of taking the students to the House and explaining the ins and out of it. Usually in Slytherin, they would babble something stupid about blood supremacy, but it seems that people learned their lesson and abstained from blabbing something idiotic...at least in front of me. Daphne, Blaise, Tracey, and I decided to hang out the next day, also told Kise and Nakiri that if they needed help they could approach us. I didn't exactly love the idea of having someone trying to take me to "their" side, but at least I will not be a dick since they are not treating me badly.

After reaching my dormitory and verifying that there were no "bugs" in it. I set a Bounded Field for protection, and sound isolation, among other things. Taking the stupid tunic and my shirt, leaving only a black tank top covering my upper body, certainly, I have a good physique that would not be able to have to someone of my physical age as I am ripped like Killua's level of ripped with a little bit more of muscle mass, but anime body for the win. My silver wayfinder and another necklace with a ring on it were also visible. Dispelling the illusion spell that I have most of the time when I am at Hogwarts, making my scars among other things visible once again.

There are little scars around both of my arms and torso, but the most noticeable one is the one a little above my left elbow from the time when gramps severed my arm, nothing but a flesh wound. But seriously it hurt like hell at the moment, luckily for but of us different from other Masters my command seals were not in any of my limbs, but my right chest, so that allowed Gramps to be a little bit rougher though he was a little bit reluctant at the time.

And while I kept my scars as a reminder...regardless of how edgy they make me look. A part of me wants to get rid of them, one that whispers to me that is an imperfection that should not be allowed...

Talking about edginess, I remember when I was glad that my hair color and eyes were not like Yozora from Kingdom Hearts, I thought that I was saved from the fate of an isekai protagonist, looking at the red tattoo on my right forearm I couldn't help but sigh. Well at least I escaped that fate, didn't I?

//A.N: Save point reached.//

Well, sure thing that even if a little bit edgy for my liking, Fuga sure gives good rewards but I would appreciate it if his sense of humor were less ironic. Giving me The Purgatory Flames of the main character that also lost the left arm... I mean I would have done the same, but the other rewards still...

"What a pleasant sight~" Death's voice resounded from the corner of the room.

"Though I am not surprised that you are here, I am surprised that you can still sneak here without anyone noticing in a flesh body, Death, or should I call you Yor?"

"Whichever of those is fine, after all, I had many names with the passing years even Death is one of those. But I quite like Yor since if I write it in Japanese we share the same Kanji."

//A.N: Yozora is written with the Kanjis which means night and means sky. And on Spy x Family Yor's name in Japanese pronunciation is Yoru, a way to read the kanji for night.//

"I see." So it was a coincidence...

"But more importantly." She said while she did a complete turn showing off her body. "Do you like it? It took a lot of effort to make it."

"It did take me by surprise, I must say that it's very...impressive." And I meant it, as it just took a lot of effort if I take into consideration her domain. I know that she is good at creating constructs with Death Energy, but most of the time she made just objects.

"At least you can say that I look cute." Death said pouting a little bit.

Of course, I didn't waste this opportunity to tease her. "I thought that it was not necessary to state de obvious."

My words made her blush a little bit, but that blush in no time became a smile."Ara ara~" But in a hindsight maybe this was not such a good idea. "So Yo-kun thinks that I am cute." Death said in a sultry tone.

"And it seems that Grandfather is not here~ You even set the soundproof ward, naughty boy, ~"

"Yeah, it would be pretty uncomfortable if the guy next door heard something," I said joking as I knew that she was only teasing me...probably.

"But jokes aside, I see that I was not the only one who got busy lately."

"Yeah, a lot happened in the last couple of weeks."

After saying this I proceed to explain what happened on my trip to Avalon and how Gramps and I kicked the asses of some soldiers and turned out that I was royalty there, a weird development if explained without context. My meeting with Oberon and the foreshowing that he gave me and as expected she knew about "It" and gave me some useful information though she felt kinda conflicted since she wouldn't be able to help unless the world reaches a critical point. how I got new partners and she likes Winged Kuriboh a lot since she hasn't stopped petting him since I materialized him, not that he minds, she also greeted my other partners but since they are on the quiet side it was just a brief moment.

"So you will have to go to that world soon." Death said with some concern in her voice.

"Yup, but it will be for just a moment from your perspective."

"But in reality, you will be there for longer, a place where gods can walk around normal humans, is there a way that I can go with you?"

"Don't think so...the way I came to this world is flawed that is the reason that I have to go there before I was supposed to. So even if I get I convince Harry to give me the Invisibility Cloak ownership, I doubt that you can come with me, I even have some doubts if Gramps would be able to come with me." My later statement was in the worst-case scenario, with all the information that Kazuma gave me I doubt that he would forget to say something so important but I still doing plans if that happens.

"I see..." She said a little deflated, something very unusual from her joyful personality.

"Hey, don't worry, I've been training since I arrived in this world for this moment, to survive, and if things get complicated I can always run and hide." Even if I don't have to do anything at this time, there are things that I need to do for the sake of my future.

"I know Yo-kun, but I can't help to worry about you. My time with you it's been short compared with how long I've existed but certainly it has been one of the most joyful that I ever had and I don't want it to end with you dying in another world, far from where I can reach you, where I will not be able to see you ever again, it must be weird to hear this from me since I am the personification of death, but promise me that you will return safely to me." Death said while holding me as some tears were forming in her eyes.

She being this close to me made me notice that in her avatar different from before I was slightly taller than her when usually is the other way around. Seeing her worrying about me makes me sad and happy in a way. Other than Gramps she is the only one I can be totally honest with, a very special friend...and maybe something more in the future, so I decided to do something that I usually wouldn't do.

I kiss her on the forehead. This took her by surprise, and different from what one will expect from her she blushed madly.

"Look, I know that the place I am going is a dangerous one but I am doing everything in my power to raise my survival chances, if I have to be honest I am quite excited to go there as this is a huge opportunity to make my life easier in the future. I don't know what will happen when I am over there, but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to come back."


Hello niece and nephews this is uncle author and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter.

Well it took me a little bit longer than I thought to finish this chapter but since it is a 10,000 words long I think that is worth it, besides at least this time didn't took me a month to finish it hahahaha. And like I promised this time I returned for good. So I will be updating every 7 to 10 days when the chapters are this long.

So I made a mistake and had to delate the chapter since the website doesn't allow to use Kanjis, I find it a little bit weird since most of the people here are into the anime culture… but well what can I do hahaha I will just make sure to not commit the same mistake again.

I know that I said that I was going to reveal Yozora's Nen Ability...but I think that it would be better for either in the next chapter or the one after that. But hey at least I did a little sneak speak about his ability hahaha.

Another thing is Luna's introduction to the story, sure her apparence was a short one, but you will see her in later chapters. So talking about her in many FF she always is a seer and in the canon there is a hint that she can be one. But I wanted to create my own version of what she can see, it is special I can give you this much information, she can see things that are not usually visisble to the normal eye.

And don't think that I forgot about our Neville boy.... not this time hahaha. I mean I see potential on the boy. Neville situation in this story is still undecided, not because I don't like him or the BS reason that only girls will follow the MC. It is because I think that if possible he would like a peaceful life. Don't get me wrong I am not saying that he is a coward or something, he is one of the bravest characters in the books and he would do anything for the sake of his close ones. But a part of me feels that he deserves to live a peaceful life and be happy, it's complicated.

So did you like my interpretation of Ryota and Erina? If I have to be honest I am many times more familiar with Ryota than Erina since Kuroko No Basket was one of my favorite sports manga. With Erina she is not that haughty like in the manga/anime since she still young and she have some information about Yozora and knows that he hates petensious idiots *cough* Young Masters/Mistress *cough* And with Manager Kim? Well it was not very much about him in this chapter but you will see him in the next chapters.

And about Death/Yor I hope that I took you by surprise hahahaha I mean it is not the idea of the century but I think that i did a good job.

And finally there still just 3 more chapters till we start the DXD Arc, so stay tunned for this.

So with anything else to say, thank for for reading this chapter.

If you like this ff so far, please make a review on the main page, this will help me a lot so more people get intersted on reading it.

Also leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and maybe drop a stone or two..when the problem is solved....

See you again in the next chapter!