
Fate/Marvel: The Arcane Daemon

Strange had once believed in second chances... But not anymore. Not after what he had done. After resigning himself to an eternity spent watching over the Infinity Stones, a second chance abruptly reveals itself in the form of an Earth Goddess. Now in a new world, Strange have to try once more and maybe this time, bring a little light to the World.

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3 Chs

The Sorcerer's Retry

The eldritch chimera once hailed as the Sorcerer Supreme sat upon his throne gazing into the abyss with glazed eyes; an endless abyss of polygon red and pitch jet black.

A usual scenery that the chimera had been gazing at for over hundreds of thousands of years… An abyss bespoken of darkness, emptiness, and loneliness – a creation of his doing, however unwilling.

Every once in an unknown while, the chimera would sigh wondering how it had all lead to this point.

Back when the creature had been… Human. He had been a doctor whose prowess in the arts of healing placed him amongst the titans in the world of medicine. It was of no one's surprise that due to that fact, he had everything he ever wanted in life… Fame, respect, money, authority.

He had it all…

But despite all the superfluities he had, the only thing that had truly made him to consider himself as the luckiest man in the world was her; the one who lit up his whole world... Christine.

Lips quirking up, the chimera smiled forlornly.

Christine was truly the definition of a firecracker. Honestly, the first time they had both met, the warning signals pinging in his head had been jarring – she was the type of person who was both hotheaded and a blabbermouth… Not to mention that, unlike the others, Christine didn't seem intimidated by his pedigree.

It was initially a refreshing feeling, but later on, the literal definition of annoying.

Closing his eyes, the chimera couldn't help wondering how did their love story started?

"Hmm… Ah… Yes, it was that day."

Dark, cold, and raining. His car had broken down by the roadside at some distance away from the city, and due to the fact that it was night and raining, he had settled for sleeping in his sports car – sure that the next day, he would be sporting neck cramps.

He could remember retreating back to his car, wet, cold, and frustrated when a honk drew his attention.

"*%$#, yeah, knew I'd recognize that grouchy smartass form, anywhere." She said with a corny smirk. "Hop right in, I'll drop you off on the way. We both live in the same neighborhood… Even though we don't exactly interact much."

Instant refusal hung at the tip of his tongue – must have been pride or something of that sort, the chimera couldn't exactly recall, but he knew before his entry into world of mystics he had that worldly vice… No, he still held on to it.

But with his stomach abruptly betraying him with a grumble, and a shiver that foretold a serious case of cold. He forced his refusal back down into his gut and mutedly got in.

"Knew that pride of yours isn't strong enough to deny getting a good night sleep." She quipped.

Yep, that was how it began…

The jibs, the small talks, the messages, the little outings, full time dates… Without his knowing, Christine had integrated herself as a fundamental aspect of his world.

It was to the extent that, he had unknowingly began giving himself an onceover to make sure he appeared presentable in front of her – not even the Head Director could prompt such an action from him.

No matter how hard he tried to deny, or reason it. The truth had already been emblazoned into his soul; Christine was now an irreplaceable existence in his life.

Relationships grew stronger and stronger. From friends to best friends to lovers and then, engagement... Many of his colleagues had teased them both on how story-like, their relationship came to be – he didn't even know how to reply to that as he didn't know how it even progressed to that point.

Either way, life was perfect... Until suddenly it was not.

Ironically, it was the same rainy night that had sparked his love story, took it away.

"Chris... Tine."

With a gasp, the chimera stretched a hand out as if reaching to grasp... Something, anything.

The day that was supposed to be a day of celebration of a successful surgery that had been deemed impossible became one when he lost it all.

"Ste... Phen."

The chimera would always remember her words.

"I... Love you."

With a groan, the abyss shook; straining in accordance to the chimera's will.

The rest as they say was history... Seeking inner peace, the man left everything behind. To him, the world and the luxuries it brought lost its colors as of that night.

"You've come here seeking something, Mr. Strange... A new direction in life. But I'm afraid I can't help you with that… Not without you taking the first step."

Candidly speaking, the first time he had been introduced to the world of magic, he couldn't believe it...

In the course of seeking inner peace, he was told that hocus-pocus exist...

He had half the mind to say some hurtful words to her... Now though, the chimera was just thankful that the Ancient One had been quick enough to return his soul back into his body.

Anyways, there were some... Desperate begging and door banging, but thankfully, he had been formally admitted into the world of the mystics.

Truly, he had learnt a lot of things.

"How is just waving my hands going to create a tear in reality?"

"It is how it is, Strange. You don't need to think about the intricacies. Just believe."

Meet a lot of eccentric people.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Wong."

"... ..."

"Well, I can see you aren't a chatty one."

Fought his first bad guy.

"Your name is strange."

"No, that's literally my name. Stephen Strange. And I'm a doctor."

"Oh, I see. Dr. Strange."

"... Or you can go with Dr. Stephen."

Lost someone important to him... Again.

"No... No..."

"I leave the rest to you..."

Won the big fight.

"Dormammu, I've got to bargain."

" Set. Me. free!"

Made yet a mortal enemy.

"The natural laws exist for a reason, and you have broken it, callously. The others may have accepted you as the Sorcerer Supreme, but know this. I won't."

At the last thought, the chimera stirred. Eyes dampening in pain and regret.

Mordo was right – however strict or however heartless they may be, the natural laws exists for a reason. Just because he had become the Sorcerer Supreme does not mean that he was above such laws...

The Ancient One's apparition had warned him.

"Strange, you're trying to destroy an Absolute Point in Time. It is an unchangeable fact in history, believe me when I say this. It won't work."

"I just need more power to break that Absolute Point. And you are not stopping me."

Mordo had advised him.

"The path you're heading at... Trust me when I say this; it will do you no good. Life is meant to be enjoyed in the present and the future. Not to be fixated on past regrets."

"... But my joy on lies back there... With her."

Even his alternate-self had cautioned him.

"Wh-What you're doing isn't right! Christine wouldn't have wanted this."

"Don't you dare insinuate what Christine wants! We both know she didn't deserve to die back then. And if you will not be the one to save her... Then I will."

In the end, what was the foolish man left with?

"No... No, no, no! I can still fix this; I have the power to!"

"Strange... What did you do?"

In his quest to bring back Christine, he had doomed his universe only to still lose her in the end... Along with his humanity.

The chimera could feel it – the amalgamation of hundreds of thousand demonic souls as well as the Outer Deity squirming within him. At all this time spent alone in the maddening darkness, he could finally control this terrible power, but it was at the cost of his every nucleus being restructured...

There was nothing human about him – not anymore.

Closing his eyes, the one named Stephen Strange sank back into abyss and the endless silence it brought.

"I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry."


Fiery eyes abruptly cranked open as Strange felt an intruder in his realm.

Snapping his fingers, a spell circle set in a wheel behind his throne glowed blue and a woman... No, creature appeared before him.

The creature was dressed in a white dress that stopped short of her thighs revealing the alluring figure beneath it. It was sensual in a way that Strange couldn't exactly describe, yet it bore a comely countenance that felt quite scared – juxtapose of holy and immoral.

Gleaming verdant eyes behind the shoulder length hair gazed at the former Sorcerer Supreme and said. "Greetings, Primordial Daemon. I have come for an accord."

Placing his chin on his hand, Strange regarded the creature while somewhat confounded on why it felt quite familiar. Narrowing his eyes, Strange said. "I'm not one for pleasantries, but before you tell me of your purpose… Tell me. Why does it feel like I should know you?"

The creature's lips stretched thinly. "Please pardon me. I am Gaea... The mother of Earth from a reality far estranged from your own. The only reason I could meet you like this is because of your realm's mendicant nature."

"Ah~ a Magic Principality... An Elder God… Yet not quite one." Strange intoned. "While you don't exactly feel like a Magic Principality, you are indeed Gaea. But for what purpose have you come here."

"Your power…"

The chimera's brow raised. "My power?"

Gaea nodded. "To be more specific... Those floating stones behind your throne."


The realm thrummed once more albeit more precariously. Strange stood to a hover as his eyes lighted up and billions of spell circles manifested – each crackling with spells powerful enough to punch through a planet... Or devour one.

"You do understand the implications of what you're asking, right?" Strange asked threateningly. "I won't give you the Infinity Stones... So why don't you get out of my lawn and go back to wherever it is that you came from."

"Please be at ease, Primordial Daemon." Gaea raised a hand. "I do not intend to take the stones forcefully... I do not possess the capability to do so anyway. All I ask is for a mutual relationship between us both. One of a Master and a Familiar?"

'Really? Is that your offer?" Fire died down to reveal weary grey iris. "You want me to become your Familia—"

"You have it wrong. I claim the position of the Familiar in our contract."

"!" Now that got Strange's attention. "That's... Quite not what I expected. But my question remains the same. Why?"

There was silence for a moment before Gaea sighed and elevated herself towards where Strange hovered. Stretching out her hands, Gaea took hold of one of Strange's hand and placed it on her bountiful chest.

A brow erratically twitched as Strange asked. "And what are you doing?"

"… Focus not on my flesh, Primordial Daemon, but on my soul. The answers are there."

"Soul?" Strange echoed.

From the large wheel that slowly whirled behind his throne, a spell circle pocket turned orange and Strange saw everything.

Information... So much information.

Normally, Strange's head ought to have exploded into a spectacular firework. The soul isn't a toy – much less one that belonged to beings greater than Deities. To try understanding one without being assimilated into it requires an almost impossible amount of willpower, magical acumen, and focus...

Luckily, Strange had that in spades.

Ignoring the ringing headache that felt simultaneous to the combined psychic blast of his absorbed souls, Strange regarded Gaea in new light.

"So that's why..."

The Earth Mother nodded, her voice revealing a weary tone much similar to his own.

"My demise is imminent, Primordial Daemon – and I am in need your help. Enter into an accord with me and I swear to you as the Earth Mother to serve you faithfully as Familiar should... My power for yours."

Removing his hand from her chest, Strange sighed at the conundrum set before him. It is without a question that accepting Gaea's proposal is the right thing to do – after all, if the Earth Mother is harmed in any way, the material world will have to pay the price.

Not to mention that if this Gaea is anyway like his own, then it must have its own self defense system – the Demogorge; the God-Eater.

But unfortunately, that is where the problem lies.

" Strange, you're trying to destroy an Absolute Point in Time. It is an unchangeable fact in history, believe me when I say this. It won't work."

What if... This was meant to happen and Strange helping her in anyway ruins everything – just like how he ruined his. A look at the Earth Mother's soul revealed to Strange the kindness and strength held within... But even that must be dwindling.

It would be right to help her... But would it be the correct choice.

The Time Stone on his chest gleamed as Strange contemplated taking a look into the future— but then he sensed it.

It was a familiar presence.

Standing in the distance, Uatu slowly nodded at Strange with a thin smile and disappeared like he was never there.

Strange eyes widened before relaxing as he let out a huff that seemed to expel all the bottled-up anxieties.

"Alright, alright... If we're doing this, don't be calling me Primordial Daemon. Sounds yucky, honestly. I'm Stephen. Stephen Strange."

The large spell wheel shattered into pieces as six beautiful stones shot towards Strange.







Making a hand symbol, the Infinity Gems gave a brief glow before shooting into the chimera's inhuman chassis...

"Gaea. Where do I sign up?"

With a smile that lit up the dark abyss, the Earth Mother lifted her hand motioning Strange to do the same...

[Under the four Great Elements and Six Greater Elementals. I, Gaea establish the hallowed matrimony. My soul is yours as yours is mine…]

Slowly the dark abyss of polygon red and pitch jet black was overwhelmed with light. A light which originated from a chimera and a planet's consciousness – wrapping and taking them to begin a new journey.



Strange lifted up his hand to shield his eyes from the light as it was painfully blinding. Thankfully, it took only some moments for his inhuman physique to fully adjust to it.

What Strange was left with in the end was a world of white.


Raising his hand, Strange caught the snowflakes that fell on his skin and clench it experiencing the cold as it seeped into his skin. Despite the fact that it was a world currently painted in white, the colors of city life and high rising buildings couldn't be denied.


Taxis honked as they pass by, parents guiding their children to their varying destinations, boys and girls could spotted around holding their lovers' hands as they looked forward to enjoying the season.


Whispers drew his attention to see some people looking at him. It took literally a second before Strange realized that he was still dressed in his sorcerer attire, he whirled as he headed towards a lone alley and drew a fire-sizzling portal towards one of the skyscrapers tops.

"To think I'd forget so quickly." Strange muttered. "Unlike my own reality, magic or is it magecraft here is more Harry Potter-lite."

"That's right, Master."

A fairy that bore semblance to Gaea only in a more tinker bell-like form manifested on his shoulder.

"Unlike the Age of Gods, Magic at these times is basically extinct with only a few True Magic Users around... Though it means that as the only full Magic User, you are the most powerful being in the world."

Giving a light flick the fairy who cutely pouted, Strange hummed. "Well, you don't say... Now what I am supposed to do with this sudden free time."

"Explore?" The fairy on his shoulder opined.

"Yeah, maybe I could do that." Strange smiled, "Explore… Hah. I do like the sound of that."