
Fate Magus: A road to be a magician ( DxD fanfic)

Schöne Träume suddenly woke up in the body of his younger self while he still was in United Kingdom. Looking at the mirror he cannot help but remember bitter memories of the past and his present day situation. He felt life was playing a joke like his name which meant Beautiful dreams in German, never once he had lived a beautiful dream but this could be it? Suddenly a panel appeared with a message from the God of the Bible himself. But not from anyone but from the Fate world of Nasuverse who had entrusted a mission to him. It seems He along with his Prime version of Biblical God wants to resurrect the Biblical God in this Parallel World to safeguard humanity. Looking at these he though he was in a Nightmare like his life which is already is in his younger days. But it soon changed with a little gift for his services. Would this be something good finally happening in his life? A path to being a Magus who walks with death? It doesn't matter anymore. His whole life has been a dance with death. A/N: Mc appearance on the picture of webnovel

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8 Chs

Walking Hand in Hand with death

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Alarms rang out rousing Träume from his sleep his eyelids heavy as he had to run all night from the authorities stealing the Confidential data from a business company to sell it to the rival company.

"Damn it!"

"Who changed the alarm in my bedroom?"

Träume ran his hand down his face and noticed something strange.

"Where's my beard?"

A beard he had to painstakingly maintain to catch the hearts of several naïve maidens.

Afterall what is a man without a beard?

"Oi oi oi what's happening here ey?"

Träume sprang up from his bed and opened his eyes to the surrounding. Light shone in wonder on his eyes that had green luster that gave a soothing presence of nature with messy blonde bed hair covering his fade.

"Why do I feel like a pube?"

Träume looked down on his hands and saw it looked like noodles. Shock covered his face as all the guns he developed vanished in an instance.

Was he having a nightmare?

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alarm brought him out of his stupor as he had a bold idea to test.

He lifted his left noodle arm and smashed it against the alarm clock.

Pain jolted like nothing he felt in all his life.

He was indeed awake and alive.

Träume narrowed his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

The texture and the smell seemed very familiar along with the decorations of art in his room given to his birthday by his friends posted on the walls of the orphanage of Barando.

Lovely memories flooded in his brain along with the ones he resented the most.

Abandoned as a mistake in this godforsaken place.

He still remembers how his mother gave him a letter along with a lollipop in front of this building. A letter of resignation and abandonment.

Träume swallowed hard as he looked at the small drawer that held the now shattered alarm clock.

His heart was thumping on his chest as he slowly made his now bleeding left hand to the drawer and opened the top shelf in a swift motion.

His breath hitched to a stop and his head pounded in denial of the reality Infront of him. The same lollipop that he kept to share with his mother when she comes back.

Träume recoiled from the drawer in fear and held his chest as it was threatening to burst open.

If he was in a realistic dream or in a hallucination trapped in a cellar by his enemies, he really wants a bullet to his head after he sprays all the information to be again be forced to relive this horror.

Frantically moving his head Träume looked for a mirror with his vision swimming and his breathing erratic it felt he was almost turning into an animal.

But soon he found the mirror which caused him to pause and calm down.

A gift given by the Head Mistress of the orphanage which bought warmth in his heart.

Walking to the mirror in the with the box of his important machine scraps to make a working computer.

Gently picking it up he caressed it with tenderness with concern as he looked at the mirror.

Messy blonde bed hair covering his left eye with green pupils staring at his soul with a young face with baby fat. A handsome young man who would swoon any lady with a smile. A face he admired a long time ago instead of the hollow eyes and sunken cheeks that he had for his rough life.

A bitter smile made a way on his face.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly someone knocked on his door startling him from his thought about such strange occurrences.

"Dreamy! You there! It's breakfast time! Miss Allison will get mad if you don't come out in time! You'll miss the meatball and spaghettis!"

Träume closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

He kept the mirror in the box and went to open the door.

With great trepidation he reached for the handle with his mouth drying in anticipation he opened the door.

A lady wearing an apron and a blue ditsy floral dress.

Blue eyes like the sky and platinum blonde hair like silver. A charming face that can warm any man's heart.

"Miss Elanor?"

Träume held his breath as he waited for her answer.

There was silence that carried on for some time but it was soon broken as Elanor gasped in shock.

"Dreamy! What happened to your hand! It's bleeding! Are you having your nightmares again!"

Elanor grabbed his left hand and quickly bought him out of his room with a gentle tug.

Träume did not register anything as he was now sure that this is not an illusion or a dream, he was now back to the past to his twelve-year-old naïve self. A time where he was broken but still being mended by love of his elder sister like figure Elanor and miss Alison the headmistress.

Only one person called by that nickname.

He wanted to scream and ran away in denial but he cannot escape the warmth of the hug that soon took him in from the guilt that haunted him.

He wanted to cry and scream and ask for forgiveness but all he can register the warmth that surrounding him.

If this was a dream, he does not want to wake up from it.

"There there it's going to be alright big sister is here to shoo away the bad fairies"

Elenor caressed his head like a mother would do to a child.

Träume shook his head as he came out of the embrace to learn one most important fact to confirm his suspicions.

"Elenor what's the date and year?"

This caused her to pout and hit his head.

"Dreamy you should call be big sis! Did you forget I am everyone's older sister!"

Träume just raised his left hand ran it down his face not knowing the blood smeared on his face along with it.

"Haa just tell me the date big sis, I am tired to argue with you"

Eleanor was put back by that hollow voice but that was not the only thing that made her feel something amiss. The hollow green eyes staring back at her of a child did not seem right for her. No one should have look like that.

Eleanor bought both of her hands and clasped the face of Träume tightly.

"Did you forget what the date today is! It's the Queens Birthday! And the year is 1995! Today marks her 69th birthday! May god bless her with a long life!"

Träume suddenly had the urge to puke blood at that statement.

What is with the people of England wishing the queen to live a long life? Are the citizens brainwashed that much? Dictatorship died a long time ago. Europe does not count for that.

"I see thanks I'll freshen up quickly and come down stairs to meet the Headmistress"

"Oh no you don't! you are still bleeding!"

"Tis but a scratch Big sis!"

Träume soon learned it was poor choice of words spoken in his life with a fuming lady strangling him on the way to the nurse's office.

!!!!In the nurse's office!!!!

Träume had his hand bandaged up with the cut wound desensitized and cleaned. He was now lying on the bed of the medical ward as Nurse Abagail was writing out some medicine on some paper as noted by Träume with the sound of pen and paper scratching.

He looked up at the ceiling and recalled what happened yesterday.

Brad was preparing the car and Joe like usual was flirting with the receptionist after he done with his work. Everything was fine until Joe's Ex-Girfriend who was actually the new girlfriend of the CEO of the company they were robbing showed up.

Träume gave a sigh.

Luck was not with them that day. That's why a person should not Rizz to much as there would be a chance that girlfriend might stab you to death to keep you close forever.

Proven by Joe himself as the same Ex-Girlfriend snitched to the guards of his work.

Running away had never been so chaotic in his life.

A yandere in Japanese terms are scary in real life.

Damn bitch actually chased them along with the whole police and FBI.

He had to sacrifice lot of safe houses that day.

Coincidentally her name was Karen.

It seemed like it was destiny for the CEO to get along with crazies. Damn bastard was also had some screw loose to hunt them with assassins.

It was a restless night.

He is sure that he made it to the top news of the channel with a fake face he put on.

Suddenly as Träume was in his thoughts a golden screen appeared in front of his face startling him.

With his eyes widened he read the contents and seemed like a letter addressed to him.

He blinked for several minutes and took good time to read it again.

[Dear Träume,

It seems you have woken up after your hectic night in New York. I know you are thinking that you perchance have made it to the past but I digress. I have taken your soul and took it in a parallel world and put it into a young version of yourself.

There are reasons I have chosen you to as a Counter Guardian to resurrect my copy version in this parallel world. Several forces are at work to prevent this from happening and I would like you to gather pieces of some relics to make it possible or the wills that are attached to it.

Do not worry as I have contacted a copy of myself from another Universe to lend you aid with some aid and payment from the universe you are in from the Biblical God of this universe you are in.

Speaking of the Universe you are in you can recall it as a novel or an anime in your words. I know you have questions about the theory about parallel world and their existence of them as stories, all will be answered in the near future.

I will get it down straight.

You are in Highschool DxD a universe a little bit dangerous from the other Biblical Gods Universe which is in your Words the Nasuverse or Type-Moon which I abhor.

Anyways I will lend you a gift in advance to hide from the eyes of other Gods and the Fate along with the will of the world of the planet you are in helping along.

Beware the actions you cause will cause the will of the world to adjust the timeline so the desired results can be achieved so tread carefully.

I am gifting you carwennan the dagger of King Arthur that will hide you in the shadows modified by me as an EX-rank Item.

I am giving you perks to get strong and face the dangers along with your journey.

I am giving you a shop named Type-Moon-Archives that will allow you to buy skills, Items and Knowledge that will help you grow. But there is a catch you see.

There is a payment to be made to the Biblical God of Nasuverse to obtain his systems and skills.

The payment will be the Faith Energy from the coffers of your Universes Biblical God. The faith energy made form his followers wishes and dreams sent through prayers. In other words, you will be sacrificing some of his divinity

I will dub it faith points in your interface.

Only half will be given to you so that other half can be used for his resurrections and there will be no way to fill it up. So, choose wisely what you can take and use. As the concepts of Nasuverse is far higher compared to your universe the skills will certainly be expensive.

An example will be the Carwennan dagger in your inventory with EX parameter costing a trillion faith points, therefore forget about Excalibur and True Magic. It would be best that you pursue you own magic and Immortality.

Also, I have decided to give you Tickets to travel to Nasuverse to participate in Grail-Wars as a servant to train your skills.

Along with one to Travel to Land of Shadows for training which I advise you to visit after your parameters reach B in all stats.

Piece of warning never make a contract with Alaya when you finish your Travel in Nasuverse and whichever sugar-coated contract she puts forwards. She will plot to make you a permanent servant like that poor boy Emiya. Under my watch she will not harm you or try to get rid of you unless you cause a big commotion. Therefore, you are safe but she will hound you to make one but cannot force you or capture you to do it. Therefore, it is better to ignore her. You will be automatically ejected from that universe if someone tries to harm you with the threat of death or to be captured.

I know I am forcing you to face danger to achieve these goals but if you can accomplish it, I would grant you once single wish.

After you finish reading this message the interface will appeared with a dud AI to warn you if any skills can be harmful to you.



P.S : Never Reveal your True Name]

With a flash of light an Interface appeared.

[Type Moon Archives]

Faith Points: 970 billion

Class: Counter Guardian/Apostle of God

Name: Schon Traume

Strength: G Endurance: E

Agility: G Mana: Null

Luck: D NP:Null

Magic Circutis: 0

Personal Skills:

Master Programmer: C

Disengagement: E

Eye of the Mind: F

Sly Tongue: C

Personality Discernment: B

Noble Phantasm: Carwennan: EX

Inventory: Carwennan

[Carwennan: Carnwennan, ("Little White Hilt"), was the dagger of King Arthur in the Welsh Arthurian legends.

He uses it to slay the witch Orddu, the daughter of the witch Orwen, by slicing her in half. In the Arthurian Myhology Carnwennan is associated with the ability to cloak its user in shadows. This may be meant to imply that the holder can use it to turn invisible, or it may literally imply that they can cover themself in darkness.

The dagger also seems to carry immense cutting power, as Arthur is described as using it to slice an opponent in half. This may simply imply that it carries so much power that striking an opponent with it would tear them in half, or it may imply that the dagger's blade has a longer functional reach than its physical form, making it possible to slice someone in half with it.

Skills: Modified to shield from Eyes of Fate and the Gods

Note: Wear on person when doing Magic or Going on a Journey]


[Skills: Can buy Skills of Servants or other Mages from the Skill section Archive. It might be an ability or personal skill. I also might be a Noble Phantasm made by Mage Craft]

[Item: The Item shop Archive can allow one to obtain weapons or armaments and even Noble Phantasm from legends. Resources from Mineralogy and Botany can also be obtained along with parts of Phantasmal species. Hidden Books of Magecraft can also be obtained like the ones from Library of Alexandria.]

[ Magecraft Skills: One can buy Mystic Codes and Magic Circuits from this shop. The Most Important one is the Magic Circuits and Magic Crest. This Section was Especially Made for Magecraft Items and Research of Magus from Clock Tower, Wandering Sea and Atlas to be obtained. Blue prints and Knowledge can be obtained from here. This Archive Transplants knowledge of such skills to that User. Mystic Eyes can be transplanted one has to buy and attach the eyes separately helped by the archive. Only four magic crests should be with the user in order for no information to be read by Gods or any information leak.]

[Note: A path of the Magus is to walk with death. Therefore, it is better to hide one's skill in the dark and grow one's mystery that astounds anyone that comes across their magic. The bigger the mystery the stronger one's mage craft gets. A magus dies when one's trick is revealed

Traume was stunned in bed looking at the screen in front of him.

His whole life has just been turned upside down.

But one thing is for sure.

It has gotten a whole lot interesting.