

A greedy capitalist tumbles to his death, and a Magus rises in an Universe far, far away with a dream of Infinity and Passive Perks! Perks everywhere! - Slowpaced - Slow-Romance - Slow Start too, just to be sure. Schedule: 1 Upload / Every 3 Days If you want to read ahead and support me: Patreon: Regularr

Huntsman · Komik
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42 Chs

C7: Senza Esitazione

[Swords… Guns… Jokes, all of them! Try experiencing the joys of stabbing and slashing someone at point-blank range, you pussy!]

> Open up the Knife Perk Branch

> Cost: 3

'How very elegant of him...'

Somehow I feel like the God is trying to push me down the path of a serial killer…

Not that I find anything inherently wrong with that. After all, most Magi have a touch of murder within them in one form or another, although they usually only resort to killing only when it serves their purposes. However, this particular Branch seems designed for serial killers, a fate I sincerely hope I won't succumb to.

Either that, or it's tailored for rogue-addicted tabletop gamer instead.

What truly annoys me, though, is the Cost.

Every Branch I've accessed thus far comes with a complimentary Perk that, though serves no purpose, also comes at no cost, except for the Knife Branch… It costs 3AP just to unlock the damn thing, and following the [Great Tree]'s patterns, its First Perk will surely be doubled in cost. In the early Perks and Upgrades, such a tiny change won't make much differences, but, 'It's going to be a problem late-game, isn't it?'

My intention is to allocate a few Ability Points into the Branch to maximize my annual gains, and then abandon it afterward.

[Arms? What sort of armament could possibly rival the sheer efficiency of the human body, the ultimate killing machine?]

> Open up the Hand-to-Hand Perk Branch

> Cost: 0

On the bright side, the Hand-to-Hand Branch appears to be functioning as expected, thankfully.

Sadly, I am still lacking Ability Points to invest, leaving me with nothing but longing glances at the valuable Perks and Upgrades.

'Are there alternative methods to earn AP?' I wonder, reminiscing about the days of popping bubbles in Plague Inc,

Although, as a frequent Economist player in Insurgent Inc, such an idea seems utterly ludicrous.

Perhaps instead of striving to acquire more AP, I can shift my focus to the opposite approach. It may be worth considering decreasing the costs rather than solely seeking to increase my gains initially.

As I examine the options within the Body Branch, a quizzical expression forms on my face. 'Perhaps a workout routine could lower the costs.' I muse in my head. Initially, I had expected the [ToI System] to be inflexible—if not to say rigid, but with the introduction of the [Talent Mechanic], my mind has been opened. After all, if talent is taken into account, why not effort as well?

"Only one way to find out..."

I lower myself onto my hands, executing push-ups with deliberate slowness.

My intention extends beyond attaining a desirable physique, a transformation already bestowed upon me through [Strongest of the Weak I].

My objective is to enhance my endurance, aiming for calisthenic prowess and the capability to accomplish physical feats that would typically be deemed impossible for most people in the modern era, not give myself more limitations and ballooned, inflexible muscles that'll not only dramatically affect my stamina, but cause problems usually only associated with obesity, even with the Debuff supposedly under locks and keys.

As I reach the midpoint of my inaugural set of 100 repetitions, a realization dawns upon me, "This won't suffice…"

It's akin to asking a professional athlete to run a mere mile and expecting improvements, it just doesn't happen.

Even though the F-Rank falls significantly short of the ability to combat a Servant, it already surpasses the boundaries that confine ordinary humans.

By pushing myself to the absolute limits, I can already reach Mach 1, and with the inclusion of [Reinforcement], I can even break threshold…

These exercises, although beneficial, seem comparably effortless—like taking candy from a baby. 'Probably easier. Those infants have got the grip of a strongman, especially when they are holding valuable objects like smartphones.' I need equipment, preferrably ones that will not break at a touch. 'Gil?'

I think to myself, then, 'Nah…'

Excessive reliance between allies inevitably leads to a decline in their status, making one subservient to the other.

This holds true universally, regardless of the era. It would be wise for me to leverage the limited favors I have acquired from the Golden Queen for matters of greater significance. At the moment, I have two alternatives:

A) Craft my own workout equipment using the glorious Gaia has provided Mankind,

Or B) Seeking assistance from Kirei or Rin to obtain them…

"Let's go with A."

My relationship with Rin isn't strong enough to ask her for such favors, and when it comes to Kirei, well… I'd better avoid getting tangled up with him.

While I certainly enjoy needling Kirei, I definitely don't want to find out what he is capable of if I push him past the limit of his patience, for even with Gilgamesh keeping him in check, people are people and they can act unpredictably. It would be quite humiliating if I were to find myself in the same predicament as Tywin Lannister, especially after ridiculing his spectacular failure at 5D chess.

People are like chess pieces, but they are not inanimate objects with no feeling or thought of their own.

It would be wise to bear that in mind.


I peer outside the windows of my room and take in the sprawling expanse of the forest.

The Fuyuki Church has proven to be quite the sanctuary, rich in resources and seldom frequented by others due to its remote location, which allows me the freedom to pursue my workouts and experiments without the fear of accidentally revealing the 'Moonlit World' to the general public.

While a certain level of caution will still be essential, the chances of an unsuspecting passerby stumbling upon me while I engage in inhuman feats will be minimal, and that is just about all I dare to ask for. Marching outside, I hum to myself. Another point of interest I have noticed is the placement of the two Branches…

Whereas all others start from the grounds up, they seem to hang in the air with neither logic, nor attention to design. 'Maybe it's intentional?' While 'Hand-to-Hand' is incredibly close to the 'Body,' 'Knife' stands alone, floating above the other Branches loftily.

It… Deeply unsettles me. It upsets me to a great extent, primarily because it disrupts the meticulous order within the Tree's design, even though I have an idea why it is the way it is. Typically, a tree branch gives rise to smaller branches,

It's merely speculation at the moment, but I'm guessing the 'Knife Branch' is probably a Minor Branch within a Greater one—similar to 'Body' and 'Magic.'

Caught up in my thoughts, I bump into what feels like an immovable shield, only the 'shield' seems strangely soft. I am, however, unluckily not the 'unstoppable force' in this equation, and am thus reduced to a heap on the floor. "Keep your eyes on the road, 'Boy-King.' Or am I not glorious enough for you to notice?"

I raise my gaze slowly, coming face-to-face with none other than the Golden Queen herself, donned in her classic look of a pair of miniature sports shorts and a lightweight black jacket adorned with white stripes. "Apologies, your Majesty, I was deep in thoughts. How has the modern era treated you?"

"Terribly," She nonchalantly—honestly answers, her enchanting, ruby-like eyes narrowing into a wicked glare that would immediately send lesser men scurrying. "While Mankind may have achieved remarkable feats, they have regressed in many aspects. Heroes have become a scarce commodity... Just the mere thought of allowing these weak, snivelling mongrels to inherit my Garden sickens this Queen."

What a pessimistic view of the Age of Man, she seems to hold.

"It surely couldn't have been 'that' terrible?" I question, skeptical of her exaggerated claim.

"Oh, but it truly was... Nowadays, grown men dare not meet my gaze, while women tirelessly gossip about me, consumed by envy and fear."

The Queen laments.

I roll my eyes, unimpressed by her theatrical response. "Perhaps it's because you are, well, who you are."

Meeting someone as... Eccentric as the Queen of Heroes can be quite the intimidating experience—even I cannot deny that, and if not for the literal meeting with Multiversal Gods, I might have been much the same.

Furthermore, the majority of the population need time to gauge the dynamics and social standing with someone they've just met before they can comfortably interact. This has been a timeless principle, albeit less obvious in her era since people relied on each other for survival, whereas in the modern age, it's critical.

"It wouldn't pose a problem if they were aware of my true identity, but they were not. In their eyes, I should be as 'ordinary' as any woman on the street. Much prettier, perhaps, but…"

She sneers mockingly, voice laced with spite, and so begins Gilgamesh's vehement crusade against the modern era.

"Your Majesty, have you taken a good look at yourself? There is absolutely nothing 'ordinary' about you."

I retort, surprised to find something akin to a flirty smile sprouting on her lips.

"Boy-King, has no one ever told you 'flattery gets you nowhere.'"

"You know, I disagree with that statement on principle."

I remark, shrugging casually; a slight smile adorning my lips. "Flattery often opens doors… But the destination? Well, that depends on how it's done."

As a Queen—one ordained by the Gods of Sumer no less, I can only imagine Gilgamesh has encountered her fair share of sycophants, ass-kissers and flatterers.

Gushing over her excessively will only earn me her scorn, but offering occasional sincere compliments, particularly when deserved, won't cost me a thing, as long as I have tacts going about it.

Chuckling heartily, the Golden Queen seizes my chin, lifting my head and revealing a spark of curiosity in her eyes. "Why are you skulking around at this hour?" Pulling my chin free, I rub the reddened skin, retorting, "I was sneaking-nothing. I couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well make the most of my time."

"By?" She prompts.

"Training." I respond.

Given the unwieldiness of the Black Keys, my session with Kirei had to be curtailed. We tried to persist, though it was abundantly clear that my handling the Church's trademark weapons was woefully inadequate, and wouldn't improve any time soon. "Gotta fill up my free-time, or I'll stagnate."

And nobody likes stagnation, me least of all.

She comments expectantly. "I don't mind coming along."

"And I don't remember inviting,"

I retort, swiftly maneuvering past her. "But, if you insist, feel free. It's not like I can stop you anyway."

Following closely behind me, the normally talkative Golden Queen remains surprisingly quiet as we venture behind the Fuyuki Church, passing by the neglected, desolate graveyard that has clearly not seen upkeep for years, if not to say decades.

Coming to a halt, I pause abruptly, causing Gilgamesh to do the same. "Would you be so kind as to provide me with a damp cloth?"

I inquire, voice low. "Of all the things you could have asked for, it's rags you're requesting?"

"Everything of value I can request from you, I can also make or get with my own hands." I answer airily. "I'm merely asking for the sake of convenience."

In an instant, the atmosphere quivers—golden ripples spreading as a vibrant red handkerchief adorned with opulent gold linings is thrown out. "You know what I'm going to use this for, right?" Gaze meeting mine, Gilgamesh chuckles. "It is just a handkerchief. I have plenty to waste."

With a grateful nod, I dampen the fabric using the faulty outdoor hose to clean the tombstone, one by one.

Unfortunately, my efforts are limited, for there are stubborn stains and encroaching vines extremely resistant to removal, and simply cannot be undone, not without risking damage to the tombstones at least. Thus I choose to dust them only, which with my Stats, I'm able to finish in a matter of minutes…

I never cared much for this kind of thing in the past…

In fact, I was hoping to get cremated and my ashes dumped over a bridge, so my funeral would be done without hassles. What good will having a well-taken care of grave do me when I'm already dead?

In a sense, I still don't have much sentimental feelings about it, I'm merely doing it out a sense of nostalgia and home-sickness. Behind me, the Queen of Heroes hums, "Why?"

"Gil—May I call you Gil?"

"Insulting, but I'll allow it."

"Gil," I start, "Most of my actions—if not to say all of them can be justified with just two simple words."

"And they are?"

"Why not?" As we arrive at the final resting place, the only spotlessly clean grave amidst the entire graveyard, I react in astonishment. Fixing my gaze upon the name etched on the tombstone, I gently trace my fingers along the carvings. "Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern…" I may not remember every character in Fate, but it's next to impossible to forget the people who started the mess that is the Holy Grail War.

Justeaze von Einzbern—the Homuculus who surpassed her Creators;

Nagato Tohasaka—the hidden Christian;

And Makiri Zolgen—the audacious 'Fool' who dared dream of Paradise.

Amongst the trio, one has perished; another made the sacrifice to form the Holy Grail, while the remaining member has long succumbed to madness.

Matou Zouken, he goes by now.


By all logical reasoning, Justeaze's existence should have been completely erased, both her body and Soul offered up for the Ritual.

So, how is it possible for there to be a grave in her name?

'Who has been tending to it?' Lingers the most pressing question.

Although the Homunculus exhibited an uncanny semblance to Humanity and behaved accordingly, it is unlikely the Einzbern, who detested the 'Tool' who's their most successful project, yet happened only as a fluke, would have taken up the responsibility.

Swiftly cleaning it with a brisk wipe, I tuck the handkerchief neatly into my pocket for cleaning, before making to venture deeper into the obscure depths of the forest. I turn to address the Golden Queen, and urge. "Let's go, there's little of importance here anymore, unless—" I cast a glance at her. "You have changed your mind?"

"Maybe it's just me, but it feels as if you're actively seeking excuses to drive me away. Is there anything you'd like to come clean about, Boy-King?"

"Even if there were, it's not like I am under any obligation to tell you."

"You reside within my abode."

Gilgamesh states, somehow able to impressively avoid any hint of condescension in her tone, in spite of the content of her words. "It belongs to Kirei, or the Church's if we want to be technical."

"The Earth is my Garden, and you're treading upon it."

"Your Garden is in the Middle-East. Even if I did care about what a bunch of defunct and powerless Gods commanded eons ago, which I really don't, the Sumerian Gods are a mere fraction of all the Pantheons on Earth."

In days of yore, every continent, every country boasted its unique Pantheon.

Although certain regions may have replicated others, the Sumerian Gods were not the solitary Pantheon, and therefore, they held no exclusive rights over the entire Earth. "We are currently in Japan—it is the territory of the Shinto Gods. You don't have claim here." I feel her grab my arm, spinning me on my heel until my back is against a tree.

Brows furrowed, the Golden Queen muses. "You're getting bolder and bolder. Have I spoilt you too much?"

Delicately, my fingers envelop her wrists, marveling at their exquisite fragility yet simultaneously admiring the underlying strength. "To the contrary, I believe I am yet to be spoiled enough "

I comment, my words causing her serious expression to dissolve in an instant. "Are you courting me?"

She inquires, voice laced with intrigue.

"And suppose I am?" I whisper, tracing my finger delicately along her soft, glistening lips.

Gilgamesh leans close, her breath playfully brushing against my ear as she whispers, "If this is you desire, all you had to do was ask." As her grasp on me loosens—her touches less forceful and more like the caress of a lover, I instantly slip away, leaving the Golden Queen to stand alone, visibly annoyed. "The offer is tempting, your Majesty, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline."

"Chickening out so soon, huh?" The Golden Queen teases, though her tone indicates... Disappointment, though I reckon she's more let down by the fact I—seemingly—didn't have the guts to go through with the flirting far more than not being able to get past second-base with me.

"I'm not chickening out," I reply. "I merely have a plan in mind, which I intend to follow."

Love, lust—both hold incredible allure very few can deny; both are important for they represent the colors of Life, and to be without power's to risk having neither or be without the means to safeguard them.

Power is the utmost necessity, and presently, the only solution that comes to mind is to tread into uncharted territory and work myself to the bones.

My intention is to devise equipment and assemble the 'Newbie's weapon package' to find the weapon that best complements me, then workout. 'Maybe when Kiritsugu has returned from his trip to the Einzbern, I can ask to borrow a gun of his.' With any luck, I will be talented in the infamous 'Gun-Fu.'

"Why'd you purposefully put such restrictions on yourself?"

Gilgamesh asks with narrowed eyes.

"If I won't, who will?"

I am a 21-years-old in the body of a 7-years-old child.

No teacher can intimidate me, and I will never embrace anyone else as my 'new parents,' this body's—if they were alive—included.

The only person who can hold me responsible for my actions at the moment is none other than myself. "I cannot have big dreams and let myself sink to depravity… That is not how the world works."

Even though it is true that I can acquire power exerting minimal effort, that doesn't sit well with me.

I'm sure there are those who will sit back and enjoy life, but I cannot.

I simply can't.

Joy—true joy is derived from overcoming challenges and hardships, after all. That is precisely why the appeal of video games wanes once one achieves a 100% completion rate, as the initial thrill gradually fades away, ultimately vanishing altogether in the absence of adversaries to battle and challenges to conquer.

"Quite the bold statement from someone who surrendered so easily," The Golden Queen continues, seeing the confused look I'm giving her. "Kirei informed me about how quickly you gave up on those toys of the Church."

'Ah, so this is what it is about.'

I shrug. "I can't just work hard, I have to work smart also."

Especially in the early-game.

Instead of focusing on something I know I am not skilled at, it is far more advantageous to identify my areas of talent and fully develop those first—min-maxing, in other words.

Merely putting in effort without careful consideration will only lead to repeated failures, and from there to demotivation. "You have put a lot of thoughts into this, haven't you?"

"But, of course!"

Unlike her who was handed the world on a golden platter, I currently have nothing.

If it had, I would've approached things differently because governing is notably simpler compared to building things up from scratch, particularly in the political landscape that is the modern era. "I have a whole 'Evil Overlord list' written down to the tee. I just need a bit more preparations."

"I see…" The Golden Queen mumbles. "What does your 'training' entail?"

"Well, the usual for a gym workout is a given, but ideally I'll be able to figure out which weapon suits me best tonight."

Gracefully, she scratches her chin. "And how'd you do that without weapons, pray tell?"

"I'll make my own, obviously… With sticks and stones if need be." I explain.

"... There are no pathetic items in my treasury, but there are weapons that I am willing to let go of."

The Golden Queen pauses, patiently awaiting my plea for assistance. However, I find myself hesitant for a simple reason: "At the moment, I possess nothing of value to offer in exchange, nothing but my promises."

I do not wish to become an Oathbreaker, and if I were to offer her my assurances, it would undoubtedly place me in a difficult position if her demands conflict with my own interests.

"Do you have every intention of upholding your end of the bargain?"

"As long as it doesn't hurt me or mine." I state cautiously.

"Every request I want to make will inevitably lead you in the harm's way." Resting her weight against the rough bark of a tree, the Golden Queen retorts, urging me to clarify. "You know what I meant. I am willing to comply unless your request involves something as absurd as striking my head against a wall. Those are my conditions."

"I can agree to that..."

Right on schedule, the [Gate of Babylon] materializes, unloading a heap of weaponry onto the ground. With a cursory glance, I can make out swords, bows, halberds, and countless other armaments, some of which are completely unfamiliar or just too challenging to spell correctly.

Gilgamesh encourages me with a gesture. "Go on," She says, "Choose whatever catches your fancy, Boy-King."

The initial to capture my attention is a rapier labeled "Invictus," the name etched delicately on its tang, its smallness almost causing me to overlook it. The silver rapier possesses a slim tang and seems to have been forged from a single piece rather than the expected multitude of parts.

I grasp it firmly, executing a twirl with the weapon, successfully unlocking yet another branch: 'Sword', before carefully placing it back down, for it doesn't feel quite right despite the ease in which I handle it.

Something deep within me insists that this is not 'the One.'

Not for me, at least.

Setting aside the previous choice, I reach for an axe nearby, recalling the striking image of a certain God of War wielding his Leviathan Axe.

However, as I examine the red hue around the newly established, I can't help but mutter, "Not it either." Next, I move for a bow—far better looking than the others, its curves adorned with jewels of which I know not the names of. 'Rin might, though.' Unfortunately. 'Goddamn... It's red as well?' I try a hammer next, but the result is the same.

"Am I just unreasonably shit at every CQC weapon or what?"

Despite making prior preparations, the realization that I have been soft-locked from accessing a significant portion of the diverse arsenal created by Humanity is nevertheless disheartening.

Sighing, my gaze is finally drawn towards a neglected corner where an exquisite Swordspear crafted from ebony steel, adorned with intricate golden carvings, resides. As I take hold of it, a surge of exhilaration wells up within me. 'Gold...' It's the first Branch I have unlocked with such a color, and so brilliant at that as well. "Looks like you have found your Noble Phantasm, Boy-King!" Gilgamesh slaps me on the back, laughing—giggling happily.

[The sword, a noble scion of aristocracy, and the bow, a paragon of precision—yet it is the spear that truly sets Mankind apart, the very embodiment of their singular purpose. May your Will be as unyielding as the weapon you now wield, as steadfast and resolute as the spear's uncompromising point.]

> Open the Polearm Branch

> Cost: 0

'There's no way this was written by Obsession.'

Just like the Void, the description is disappointingly... Mild, far too tame to have been written by that prick of a God. 'Must be Detachment, then.' Without a moment's doubt, I unlock the Branch only to be astounded by the revelation, 'Holy... The first Perk is free?' Thanks to my exceptional skill with polearms, the initial Perk has been generously granted to me without any extra expense.

[Extended Thrust]

> No, it doesn't work on your dick, you dirty-minded little dipshit! How are you humans more horny than God? I'm fucking God! I'm literally All-Everything in my Universe!

And he's back... 'Don't ask me. You guys made us, you're supposed to know.'

> Effects:

>> While brandishing a polearm, every thrust is extended by an additional 10% of the weapon's total length.

Exiting the [ToI], I immediately test [Extended Thurst] out, and as expected, a phantom image appears on the tip of my Swordspear, punching a hole on the bark of the unlucky tree in front of me. "You just keep getting more interesting by the day, aren't you?"

Ignoring Gilgamesh's comment, I gasp,

"Senza Esitazione."

And dub, watching in astonishment as the Mystic Code seems to quiver with excitement in my grasp.

"From hereon forth, that shall be your name."

All noteable weapons require one, after all.

With a gentle pat on my back, the Golden Queen gracefully waves her hand, dispersing the pile before us. "Boy-King, three favors you shall owe me for it. Do not forget, or you won't like the consequences."

Then, she begins her march back to the Church.

"Are you not going to stay and watch?" I inquire.

Shaking her head, Gilgamesh replies—her thirst for entertainment having been temporarily satiated, judging by the tone of her voice.

"I have seen more than enough. You haven't disappointed." She spins on her heels, the faintest smile on her lips. "Take that as a compliment, but do not grow arrogance. I hate a bore."

— — — — —

If you want to support me and read unreleased chapters, here you go, there are over a dozen Chaps there. Can't miss it.

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