
Fate great fox

Kol Mikaelson thought that was the end of him when dying when he was caught in the trap of the Doppelgänger and his brother, what he didn't expect was to be reincarnated as a seaweed in another universe. ---- This is a prototype, it can be bad or good, try not to hate my story too much

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The rebirth of the fox

Kol Mikaelson burned as the stake touched his heart, his thousand-year life that had mostly been locked away in a box wasted as if it were worthless. He didn't regret his choices. He just wanted to have a life worth living.

Seeing the rest of his existence destroyed by fire, he could not do anything, he prayed, "Will they avenge my death?" then his existence was destroyed and turned to dust.


Kol Mikaelson gasped as he opened his eyes startled "Where am I?" he didn't recognize himself the place he was "Why am I a child?" He didn't recognize himself either.

"Shinji, I see you're alive" The aged voice caught his attention, looking in the direction of the voice, he saw a very strange and abnormal old man walking towards him"Hump, not even to die you are useful!"

A feeling of revulsion slammed into him. That old man was strange and he didn't want to be close to the old man, but, he just took a breath not taking his eyes off the old man who was approaching, and asked "Shinji?"

Kol could feel the magic coming from that old man, but unlike the magic he was used to, the magic emanating from the old man was disgusting to the point that Kol felt his stomach turn and his eyes narrowed at the old man, "You old man, what do you want?" ?"

He didn't speak strangely, as the old man seemed to know him and call him by another name, being strange could lead to the old man's distrust

"Tch, you useless brat, have you forgotten your place?" The old man asked making it clear the dislike he had for Kol "Whatever, you're discharged, let's go soon, so I don't waste any more time" The old man turned around and started to leave

Kol looked at the old man with hatred, his temper flared, he wanted to rip the old man's head right there, his stomach tugged, and he felt his old magic power of the immortality spell rising to strengthen his body.

Veins began to appear around his eyes and his teeth began to grow.

He clenched his fist looking at the old man who didn't even care about him and at the last second when Kol was going to lunge at the old man, to rip the old man's head off and kill him. The moment he bent over to jump out of bed, the pain came.


he gasped and blood came out of his mouth in a cough that made him cringe, blood spilled onto the blanket and his eyes turned red and swollen causing him pain and making him cringe.

What he felt was an absolute mixture of a feeling of pain and hunger at the same time, as if his soul was being ripped into pieces. His body burned, it was like when he was thrown into a bathtub by Vervain or when he tried to test his immortality by standing in the sun without his ring.

He clenched his fist and bit his teeth, he wouldn't scream, he wouldn't give in, even if he was the least controlled of the Mikaelsons, he wasn't naive, he was in public and that would create future problems he didn't want to deal with.

All he did was squirm quiet and hope this monstrous feeling comes out of him

"You're not as useless as I thought" The old man laughed "maybe you're useful, nurse, my grandson is dying!"

The old man's voice also gave him a chill before he passed out.


Zouken Matou was surprised, he had already dismissed his grandson as useless. But even for a second, he felt old coming from his grandson.

"Hahaha my useless son, at least your semen wasn't a disappointment like you"

His bloodline was destroyed, no more magus was being born, and all the magic in his family's blood was gone, a disaster for the warding world. His useless son was proof of that and his useless grandson would be the same too.

But, now that has changed, His grandson Shinji had magic in his blood. It felt like a divine sign coming to him validating his goals and plans.

The Tohsaka girl was now less valuable than he thought now. Not that he's going to give up on her, no! She will still serve as heiress, only she will have a backup, as her grandson doesn't seem very talented at Magecraft.

"Let's take him to the ICU" When Zouken heard the doctors and nurses arriving, he stood back and watched from afar as his grandson was taken away.


In a sea of ​​pain and hunger, Kol just watched everything around him begin to fill with green and blue lines so quickly he was surprised himself. The lines began to touch him little by little and seemed to fight each other.

He gasped and looked around to see many people in white accompanying him. Was he in a bed? Was it a hospital? He swallowed hard, his throat burning with the hunger and pain that possessed his body.

{Accept me, be mine}

A calm and caring voice spoke

*Useful! I feel your hunger, be my beast*

an aggressive voice spoke

{Come to me for the sake of mankind}

The calm voice declared

*Destroy the virus in my name, save the world*

The aggressive voice growled

The pain and hunger that plagued Kol only got worse, he was about to lose control when another voice emerged between the two voices.

[connecting user to Akasha in 3, 2,1]

The voice was stronger and robotic than the other two voices that had emotion. Kol also didn't have time to think about the emotion in the voice as he was at his limit of pain and hunger.

[Full connection, requirements to achieve Akasha

1- achieve an unprecedented feat +

2- open a path through your strength

3- destroy all existing life]

When the voice spoke Kol could only twitch his brow at the options, what was Akasha? He didn't know, but to achieve it a requirement was to destroy all existing life, which means it was something powerful.

[Option 1 was successfully achieved, creation of immortality, creation of own version of a true ancestor]

The voice exclaimed causing the other two voices to start getting more aggressive

{Accept me, accept me, save humanity, accept me}

*Come to me, destroy the virus, destroy the virus*

*cry* The pain and hunger only got worse making Kol cry even more

"Bring morphine, he's getting worse, we need to get him to the operating room" One of the doctors yelled grabbing his bed to make him go faster and one of the nurses will leave

Kol quirked his brow again almost crying, he was about to choose one of the voices for the pain and hunger to stop, no! He was even closer to shutting down humanity

[make a wish!]

Make the pain and hunger disappear, he thought as a single tear fell from his eye

[wish fulfilled: Chaos Eater Magic created

Effect one: the creation of a pocket dimension

Effect two: High teleport

Effect three: Teleport of targets]

[Bonus: Mystical Eyes of Death Perception]

That was the last sound Kol heard before he passed out.


Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg couldn't believe what he was seeing. He almost dropped his favorite cup of tea when he felt normality in the dimensions. He soon went to see what caused the abnormality and his jaw dropped.

"Hahahaha" He laughed when he understood what was happening "so someone from the dimension17575898746845689676397574565667508879734757, transmigrated into young Shinji's body, and reached Akasha getting new magic? Hahahahaha, which one did I bring him here?"

He searched for his other versions of every universe he had reached and didn't find any version of himself that brought him in that intrigued him.

"Did he come alone? I understand he's similar to a true ancestor, but even gods can't survive the chaos of the void" Zelretch commented "No, some version of me just hid the fact, fine if you want to cause a ruckus in the void." my universe, whatever, don't blame me for what might happen"

He laughed and stood up, drawing the attention of the entire refectory of the clock tower who widened their eyes and were frightened by the movement of the mage Marshal.

Zelretch wasn't furious, but he wasn't completely happy either. Having an intruder in his world who has reached Akasha could be very troublesome, which doesn't mean he finds it a nuisance. He was just annoyed that it wasn't this version of him that pulled such a prank.

"I Zelretch declare, Shinji Mikaelson The Fox of Akasha as the new 19th of the 27 Ancestors of the dead apostles" Without a second thought, He solved the problem, he may not have invented the play, but he was a part of it

Sighs were heard throughout the cafeteria as the old vampire spoke those words, in the very next moment they were all talking about a new ancestor named Zelretch himself.


In the clock tower politics department things were hot. The conversations did not take long to reach them and those responsible were already taking the necessary measures.

Lorelei Barthomeloi had a slight frown on her icy face as she watched the groups talk of the new dead apostle among the most powerful voices was that of Hishiri Adashino

"I believe we should leave this new apostle alone, for now, we don't know anything about him and the title Zelretch gave him bothers me" Adashino was right, someone with a title that says Akasha's name was too dangerous

"Bullshit, even more so because we must eliminate the vampire, we can't let him breed, we have to eliminate him now, if not, we don't know what monster he will be in the future" Loreveal Loratadina growled giving her point

Lorelei had to agree, this apostle was too powerful to be left alone.

"So where is that vampire?" Adashino asked annoyed "Zelretch has something against this vampire, for him to declare that out loud in the middle of the clock tower, That vampire must have already hidden in some hole that we won't find so easy"

Lorelei also agreed, in fact, the apostle must be well hidden.

Waking up the other day (Finally free from pain and hunger), Kol calmed down and started talking to the doctors, he gathered accurate information on his situation.

He was Shinji Matou, the eldest son of a wealthy family in the city who had an accident. To be more precise he was run over in the middle of the mess he was having during the fire.

He didn't know very well about the fire, but he agreed with everything the doctor said, so as not to sound strange. Having amnesia didn't seem like a good idea not when that old man was his grandfather

Kol realized he was in a child's body when he woke up, but how did he get there? He didn't know, all he knew was that his original body was destroyed when the doppelbichie and her brother staked him

Stretching, he looked at the legs and arms that were particularly small. Great, he was in a child's body, it wasn't a dream.

"The upside is I still feel my power" Kol declared clenching his fists "The downside is I'm still a vampire, or half-vampire"

Kol knew this body might have been in the same shape as his brother's favorite trick. Put his spirit into another body, not losing his powers

Which he meant to say that his dream of becoming a sorcerer again had just gone down the drain. He sighed and got out of bed with a slight jump, his body was slightly reinforced so that he wouldn't have too much trouble falling over. He now had control over how much magic power he could put into his body.

Which was impossible when he was a full vampire, as he was always at his max and that was the mistake that almost cost him his life when trying to attack the old man. Such a small body could not support his magical reserve.

"I think I'll run away…" Kol declared looking at the window in the distance which he couldn't reach, having a tiny size was irritating"I think I'll go through the window first to reinforce my body to be able to withstand the fall"

He prepared himself by putting his magic power in his body to the limit and thought of the outside window and jumped.


A static noise came out of Kol and he disappeared.


"What the hell is that?" he cursed when he didn't feel his feet touching the window, on the contrary, he didn't feel his feet touching anything "Why? Am I flying? No! I'm falling"

He can only look at the air below him many meters away from the ground and his body descending at great speed.

"Damn I didn't know it was that loud!" Kol growled

Yes, he was in a skyscraper that was the building of one of the most expensive hospitals in Fuyuki City, no! This was the most expensive hospital

"Damn, if I don't use a good amount of my magic power to reinforce myself, I'm going to be crushed, if I use it I'm going to explode... what is that?" His mind went from curses to surprise to see a strange fire burning the buildings and spreading rapidly. "What the fuck is that, is it magical? It's disgusting! Abnormal! Abominable! What the hell could have created something so disgusting?"

His attention was all on the fire that was burning and destroying everything around him. It was such a dreadful fire that Kol's instincts told him to stay away. His Original's instincts told him that if he was burned by that fire he would suffer more than minor, easy-to-heal burns.

"I have to get away!" he panicked for fear of getting too close to the fire and put more power into his body until the time came when his veins started to swell"Get out"


Once again the static sound echoed from Kol and he disappeared once more just leaving a small shock wave where he disappeared.



A shock wave echoed off the top of a medium-sized building far from the fire and Kol was thrown onto the roof of the building, rolling violently to the ground. He curled up protecting his head as he rolled to a stop and stood up with a startled face.

"What the hell happened?" He asked himself breathlessly and with some pain, "I teleported, more importantly, what's with that fire?"

Without a second thought, Kol ran to the edge of the terrace where he could see the fire from a safe distance and made his vampire's face appear to strengthen his eyes and see further.

He saw a horrible scene if he hadn't been Kol Mikaelson with hundreds of years of experience seeing disasters, he would have thrown up.

He saw the fire consume everything, be it people, buildings, steel, or even the water was being consumed, he could see the people and animals screaming for help as they were consumed which was strange because the fire was not killing them all at once, he didn't seem to be enjoying torturing those lives.

Sure Magic, Kol nodded, and then when he got tired of seeing people and animals being destroyed he looked deeper and saw an unusual scene, in the middle of the fire a priest and a blonde girl completely naked of divine beauty

The girl was so beautiful that her very presence made Kol forget all the destruction the fire had wrought. Everything about her was of just the right proportions to be perfect, from the red tattoos all over her body to her golden hair flowing down to her face. His ass his mouth opened almost as if he had lost control of himself

It was for a little while, as Kol gasped and took his breath back to get out of the illusion, however, in the next moment the girl turned her head to look at him and her eyes met.

Her slotted red eyes met brown eyes ringed by veins in his face. Her gaze was innocent and confused, but Kol felt the fear and despair of being in the face of absolute power that nearly crushed him.

"Damn it!!" In a panic he screamed and jumped back when his eyes met, it was instinct, he didn't want to jump, he even released much more magic power than he had before, and his legs broke from the impact of the jump.

Of course, his legs healed right away, but it all got out of hand when he saw a kind of whirlpool forming over him making his eyes widen.


Another shock wave formed and he disappeared once more.



Kol was thrown against the bedroom wall and fell to his knees as he gasped trying to regain his calm, but the despair in his soul was too great, fear overcame him, even though he didn't know why he was afraid.

"Shinji-Kun, what happened?" A nurse entered the room and saw Kol on the floor on his knees"Are you okay? Something happened"The nurse ran to him and quickly picked him up and put him on the bed"Shinji-Kun be careful, you don't seem to have hurt... but, you will be discharged today, your grandfather came to get you don't get hurt"

"Damn, that old man is going to take me!" Kol complained and sighed "I have to keep my new power hidden from him and I found out what that girl and the priest were about"

"thank you, nurse-san" Kol replied in height to the nurse and lay down waiting for the old man to accept that he was now Shinji "I will accept that name, after all, Kol Mikaelson only had misfortune in his life, this time it will be different"

This time he would change fate Shinji Matou would be a badass