
ARC 2 - Prologue : Clear Night pt.2

Gudako paused in front of the door to the workshop. After bidding farewell to Dustin and Sylvia, Gudako's feet had somehow taken her to Da Vinci's place. She raised her hand, knocked on the door, and then went into the room after receiving a confirmation.

Da Vinci, who was currently typing up something on her computer, stood up and walked over.

"Well, if it isn't Gudako. How come you're not with Mash? If I were you, I'd want to make as many happy memories as possible with her before I left."

"I...just wanted to say my last goodbye to you."

Da Vinci grinned before pulling lightly on Gudako's ear.

"Well, thanks for that. Too bad about that 'last' part though. Never mind that. I still have to finish writing this report. Got some last-minute things I need to take care of before tomorrow, you see. Anyway, any questions? Mind if I keep writing while I answer you?"

Gudako shrugged, "Fine with me."

"Great! No need to bother telling me what they are, Da Vinci knows what's up. All the commotion...the changes...we've lost 80% of our staff so we can't continue operation as matter stand. So, we're getting new staff from outside. The formalities were finished about a month ago and they just finished choosing the new staff last week. It looks like most of our current staff will be let go, but they should be okay. The problem is the inspectors. Grand Order or not, Chaldea broke a whole mess of regulations. As far as they're concerned, we've committed dozens of major crimes."

"Even though we did nothing wrong?"

"Yep. Even though they could see what we were fighting against in the data...to them, that data is just, well, data. All they had to say in response was, "So what?"" In their eyes, we've caused more harm than help and they're currently trying to prove if these acts were deliberate. Of course, that's why I'm writing all these reports; to prove it was just a big misunderstanding. Since data is all they get to work with, data's what's going to cover our a**es. Once I prove that Chaldea was in the right, my work here will finally be done. Then the weight of everything he stuck me with will finally be off my shoulders. Including you, Gudako."

Ah. So that's why she's been sticking around...Because her task is unfinished...Doctor Romani...

"Oh and there's one more serious issue you should be aware of. The blast in the Command Room left 47 Masters with horrific injuries. We cryogenically froze them in the Coffins and have been thawing them all out over the past year. Most of them opted to head home although a few are currently walking around the hallways trying to get used to all the changes we made to the place. Summoning all those servants seriously called for some....new architecture to fit them all. Anyway, only the 7 Team A Masters remain in cryostorage. It's a bit harder to thaw and revive them, you see, so we kept putting it off until they were in perfect condition. But now that we've been getting new staff with some that specialize in healing spells, we can finally thaw them out. I'm guessing once that's done, you'll be let off because the new director has his eyes on these other Masters since they all come from different distinguished families. The new director, by the way, is from a pretty prominent family in the Clock Tower. His name's Goredolf Musik and he's from the Department of Policies. Although his personality may be a little....tad too much, he bought Chaldea before the Mage's Association could divide it up so I guess that makes him our benefactor...in a way...even if you do get cut off.... But don't you worry, I'll take care of everything! Anyway, I haven't spent the last 6 months preparing for nothing!"

Gudako was about to retort back when she felt the hair on the back of her neck rise slightly. The adventures into the different Singularities and the close-to-death encounters she had had sharpened her senses somewhat. As such, she trusted her senses and right now, they were alerting her to something moving. Although she couldn't hear anything...

There's someone behind me-

"I believe you mean "we", Leonardo da Vinci. After all, I AM the one who did most of the work investigating the Association's movements, anonymizing the Spirit Origin graph, and dismissing the Servants. Not that it was especially onerous for me, of course."

Gudako whirled around, face contorted in confusion before she felt her jaw drop as she faced the man behind her. He gave her a detective's reassuring smile, obviously amused at her reaction.

"Huh...? Why are you...?"

"Ah yes, precisely the sort of reaction I was hoping for! That makes all the time I spent hiding in the shadows worthwhile!"

Behind her, Gudako heard Da Vinci let out a sigh and turned to see her facepalming.

"Why did you have to let someone, even her, know you were here, Holmes? Sorry about that, Gudako...and remember to pull up your jaw....The fact that Holmes is here is the toppest of top secrets. His name has, is, and will not be included in any of my reports to the Association. As far as they know, Sherlock Holmes was never among the Heroic Spirits summoned to Chaldea, and I mean to keep it that way. I guess you could call this a kind of insurance policy, just in case everything goes south..."


This time, it was Holmes' turn to answer.

"Indeed. In the event that we face an enemy we cannot see, we need an ally the enemy cannot see in turn. Hence our extreme caution. Of course, I am no fighter. Should things turn violent, I won't hesitate to retreat to the workshop."

"You're not a fighter? What about your baritsu?"

Holmes raised an eyebrow.

"Baritsu is strictly for self-defense. If armed assailants were to attack, I would only be able to protect myself."

"Whoa, whoa, easy there. Things may get heated, but they're not gonna turn violent. The main reason I had Holmes stay behind was to help with something I've been working on. You see, Holmes is even more skilled than his stories let on."

Da Vinci then proudly held up a high-tech-looking briefcase-like item. Covered in metal, it clearly looked like a briefcase, but given that the creators were Da Vinci and Holmes, Gudako knew it was far more complex and important than just a briefcase.

"Look at this. Just an ordinary briefcase, right? But its contents are more valuable than all the world's treasures combined! We still haven't finished it yet, but it should be done in another five days. It should be done before we leave Chaldea. I'll tell you what it is then."

"I most heartily concur. Ah, and as a backup for these few days before it's completed, take this."

Holmes then took out a small black box from some unseen pocket and handed it to Gudako. Taking it from his hand, she noticed that the box was very smooth and had no obvious openings or marks. It wasn't very heavy, but Gudako's senses were telling her that the contents of this box were also very...abnormal.

"What is it?"

"It's another insurance. Hopefully, you will not encounter a situation where you need it. Although...should a situation like that happen, the box will open by itself. When it opens, either I or Da Vinci should be around you to tell you how to use the contents of this box. Rest assured, it isn't anything remotely dangerous."

"Mmhmm", Da Vinci agreed, "It was actually completed way before, but there was never any reason to give it to you until now. Keep it by you at all times. Oh, and make sure Mash is also by your side when it opens."

"...Okay. Thanks Holmes, Da Vinci."

"Hmm. Now then, I'll head back to my workshop. Please feel at ease, Gudako. Should you ever happen to be imprisoned, I'll reveal my hidden skill at that time!"

"Hidden skill? Like super baritsu...?"

Gudako's eyes gleemed. Although she knew Holmes wasn't a fighter, she couldn't help but imagine about all kinds of different moves or abilities a super baristu would be able to-

"Oh yeah, it's lock picking isn't it? Because only a great detective can unlock secrets."