

What happens when there's another person besides Mash who becomes a Demi-Servant? And that contractor is from Gilgamesh of all Heroic Spirits? You get this! There will be SMITE references for Gilgamesh/MC, considering I will be using an original NP since Enuma Elish will be later down the story. [Before we begin, this story is an experiment! My knowledge of Fate is limited. However, as I write this story, I'm reading Light Novels and FGO Manga and playing FGO. So don't expect this story to be anything special. After reading a lot of Fate fanfics, I had this idea, but I was ultimately disappointed by the lack of Demi-Servant MCs.] [Like most other Fate Fanfics, Harem is included, but probably no smut unless I feel it's appropriate!] I hope that this will get people to try this rare trope out!

SaurianMp4 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Altered Arrival

Saint Martha was nothing like her namesake on the battlefield. She was a beast in a different class, and her skills proved it. Percival was a Lancer, wielding a Holy Spear, but the Knight was finding it hard to get a hit onto the Saint right now. Each thrust was masterfully blocked and reared off course by the Saint's cross-staff. 

Martha would retaliate for any mishaps, almost like a strict teacher admonishing their student for a mistake. In this case, Percival would be struck by sparkles of light, which held a holy brilliance before exploding in a resounding boom that would send the Lancer flying. 

Mars stood back, observing how Saint Martha would fight. Her movements were fluid, and her prowess with her weapon was nothing to scoff at. The key to wielding such a weapon lies in your footwork and mind. The blend of soul and body makes for a dangerous individual. 

Atalanta would go in for rapid-fire attacks with her arrows. Her speed was her biggest asset in most cases. Saint Martha proved to have impeccable reaction speeds, making it difficult for Atalanta's arrows to hit their mark. 

Mars could feel the frustration coming from the bond. It was practically a dreadful miasma, one that could corrode the weak. Mars was still thinking about those visions he gained. They were yet to pass, but they will eventually. Gilgamesh taught Mars that the expected can't be changed. If something is meant to happen, it will happen. 

In other words, fate. 

You can try and stop your fated end by any means, but if you're not powerful enough to overcome it, it will take over and finish the job. Having precognitive abilities was ideal in most situations, but Mars didn't like them popping up in his head and causing him to lose his sanity piece by piece.

He grumbled silently, the grunts of his Servants overlapping the sounds of clashing metal. Mars would have to seat Atalanta out after this Singularity. Whether he wants to or not, it's clear she was letting her emotions shoot the arrows for her. 

Would that strain their relationship? Most likely. Would she move on? Hopefully. 

Mars was waiting for Saint Martha to summon Tarasque. That much he knew about her from the glimpse in his visions about her. A named Dragon with a nearly impenetrable shell, but Mars would defeat that claim. Mars was not a Dragon Slayer, but the title was quite cool to have. 

Simply put, he was greedy. 

Jeanne and Martha began their clash. Two Saints, one would normally think this is a pitiful display, but the circumstances changed what normal meant. It is clear Saint Martha possessed the edge in this fight, with her utilizing her prayers, which take shape as small motes of crystalline white lights that explode with extreme potency.

Jeanne couldn't help but feel this was some sick trick. Why was she fighting a fellow Saint? One inflicted with Madness Enchantment made the normally serene and joyful Jeanne riddle with heated frustration. She never felt this angry before. 

But who was she angry at? Was it herself or at her other half, Jalter? 

No, even if Jalter was her, she was her own individual, with her own thoughts and feelings. Those feelings, unfortunately, were a pit of hate, but that was a cover for her tragic sadness. It was clear Jalter was indeed a lost soul, but Jeanne would save her…she had to save her.

Just like that, Jeanne was able to land a critical strike on Martha. She used her right gauntlet to rear Martha's staff off course, used her flag as a lance, and pierced Martha in her abdomen. This happened in a second. 

Mars watching this, couldn't help but be proud to see Jeanne no longer holding herself back with her regrets. Up until now, Jeanne was fighting with half the focus one would normally use in a fight. Now, she was primed and ready to attack. Of course, Mars knew Jeanne wished to resolve things peacefully, but even the Saint knew that in War, talking isn't going to cut it.

The strike was enough to render Martha frozen. Her hair billowed in the seemingly frozen time dilation as everything slowed down. 

"Now, you seem to be ready to face yourself!" Martha said suddenly. Her voice was that of a proud teacher. Her once sharp and rigid face was replaced with a glow akin to a flashbang going off. 

Martha twirled her staff. The pain in her abdomen didn't seem to faze her. A small sparkle of light began to form around the hole Jeanne's flag made in her stomach, purifying it and healing it. Her smooth, porcelain skin shined, and her soft features returned to their determined look. 

"Now! Tarasque! Come forth!" 

This was what Mars was waiting for. The winds rippled, lashing out against the environment, and the trees toppled over one another as if they were scurrying children, and the land around them cracked under pressure. A howl accompanied by an imposing figure appeared behind Saint Martha. 

Mars looked worried, taking a silent gulp as he saw Tarasque in the flesh. His hair danced as the wind pushed against him, bringing along the salty smell of the ocean. This fight was reaching its endgame for Saint Martha to bring it out already. 

She was testing them before…but why? 

"Master, I hope you have a plan!" Atalanta said from her perched spot on the tree that somehow withstood the hurricane-like winds. 

"Yes, I do!" 

A flash of light appeared behind Mars, with Atalanta jumping beside him. He was currently a Caster Servant, which means the Gate Of Babylon houses an insurmountable amount of Mystic Codes, Wands, Staffs, and everything of that nature. 

The large clay tablet in Mars's hand opened, and golden runes leaked out of it. "I'm not one for fancy incantations and other things, but I shall boost you all!" 

The golden runes began to spread around, circling Mars's servants as if they were dancing. The Servants all felt a power within them. It was foreign yet welcoming. It housed no ill intent, allowing the Servants to grasp the new power boost without trouble. Martha looked at the spectacle before her with a stoic expression. Tarasque mirrored her as well. His imposing figure was like a demon walking through heaven.

"I feel stronger, Master," Percival maintained vigilance. With this much power, one could go drunk off of it. 

"Likewise. This is our chance to finish off the Saint and her Dragon," Atalanta added. She no longer had the opportunity to stay above ground, so she'll run around the Dragon to distract it.

"I will fight Saint Martha, Master. However, I'd like you to prepare your final attack," Jeanne firmly said. The gravity of the situation, coupled with her thoughts on her Dragon Witch counterpart, caused her to feel a certain type of way. She couldn't explain it. Was this what it was like to feel unbearable regret?

Mars looked at his team with an appreciative chuckle leaving his lips. The breeze brushed against them, causing their hair to billow. Mars smiled as more runes popped from the Tablet. 

"No command spell is needed! I want you three to surpass your limits, and when we return home, I will cook us a feast like no other!" 





Near another town called Lyon, Ritsuka and her group were almost there. It was risky to travel separately, but it would cover more ground than sticking together like magnets. It also allowed Ritsuka to deal with problems on her own. She didn't wish to stay a burden to anyone, not anymore. She would become stronger! 

"I see."

"What's wrong, Caster?" 

"The other Master is currently engaging with the enemy."

Normally, Ritsuka would be worried, but surprisingly, she was as calm as a steady stream. She nodded at the information, and her vermillion eyes glimmered. 

"Mars will be fine," Mash spoke with the same calmness. "He's lazy and a bit of an airhead sometimes, but when it comes to it, he's the smartest person in the world."

"Hmm," Medea chimed, her interest thoroughly piqued. 

Okita, on the other hand. "I wish to fight him!"

"Eh?" Ritsuka, Mash, and even Medea said in sync at the sudden declaration.

Okita ignored the flabbergasted looks of her subordinates and continued to beam, her face having a glow that would put the sun to shame. 

"W-Why…" Mash asked with uncertainty.

Okita closed her eyes with a smile. "He seems like a capable fighter. At least, that's what I get whenever I'm around him…mhmm, yup!"

Ritsuka shook her head. "We can set that up later. We're finally here!"

"Fujimaru! I'm picking up an extremely weak signal in the town. Also, be careful. There's a lot…" Roman paused for a moment. "Wait a minute, I'm also getting a powerful reading! Be prepared for battle!"

"I see. The weak signal might be a friendly Servant, and the powerful one might be an enemy," Ritsuka cupped her chin in thought. She had Okita, a strong Saber, Medea, a formidable Caster from the Age Of Gods, and her trusted friend Mash, a Shielder.

With a smirk, she nodded her head with fervor. "We'll be fine! We're all strong too!"

"I believe your enthusiasm is a bit too infectious, Master," Medea joked as she felt a bit of happiness seeing her Master return to her airheaded attitude. 

"It's perfect! I shall cut down anyone who would harm Master."

"And I'll use my Shield to protect everyone!" 

With newfound vigor, the team prepared themselves for the battle when they reached Lyon.




The battle with Tarasque was nothing but a struggle for the Servants. Unfortunately, the group didn't have a Dragon Slayer in their team. Which is why Mars is trying to find a solution to the problems. Even with the boost he gave them, it still was an uphill battle.

"Tch, this is annoying. It won't take long for us to be overrun. I can't just use my Noble Phantasm. I'm saving that for Jalter. Hmm."

"Rule Breaker might work here. I can use that to sever Martha's connection with Jalter and put her under my command. Usually, this wouldn't work, but it seems I can use weapons based on magic. It's the only reason I could use Morgan Le Fay's swords."

The air around Mars began to ripple, and the echoing of the battle was sent to the back of his mind. A golden hue sprung forth, revealing a dagger-like weapon. It was coursing with a red glow, like a beating heart. Mars's blood-red eyes gazed at it, feeling the dormant power within Rule Breaker. He had to get in close to Martha, but it was clear from her legend that she may have literally beat Tarasque with her fists. 

Mars was confident in his combat skills, but he doubted he would do anything. 

"It's unlike you to hesitate. Perhaps you've changed?" 

Mars blinked, his gaze turned to his left. He was met with a familiar sight, and in the pits of his soul, he felt a sense of infatuation for the figure before him, was it his soul? He knew Gilgamesh was fond of Saber, but…

"Get that confused stare off of your face. We're in a battle, right? As my Master, you shouldn't be held back by such thoughts."

"Artoria…how?" Mars was rightfully confused, his face tried to remain focused, but his eyes wavered. 

"I will punish you later for summoning me so far away from the fight. You seem to have a knack for annoying me."

Mars looked at the altered version of Artoria with a shocked expression. He was tongue-tied at this moment. 

Why was Artoria wearing a Gothic set of clothes? He knew she was different from her counterpart, but isn't this a bit too much? It was just like Jalter. A shiver ran its course through Mars's body. 

"I get the feeling they will not get along at all."

Artoria shook her head at Mars's clueless demeanor. It took her a minute to realize that he held a different air, more sage-like. Like he was some tutor…like Merlin.

That bastard. 

"Now I have more reason to punish you. That seems to be Rule Breaker. Wise choice. I will blow away that pathetic excuse of a Dragon with my Noble Phantasm. Amid the chaos, strike that woman with Rule Breaker, and the battle is over."

Mars couldn't argue with Artoria. Her cold tone was backed up by her dominant aura, something Mars didn't wish to combat. Her history was vastly different from her counterpart. This Artortia disliked Merlin much more than the norm, and her comrades left one by one. Only a few remained. 

Mars wouldn't leave her, not that he had much choice. "Thanks. I knew you would lend your wisdom."

Artoria snorted. "Sarcasm will get you skewered, Master. We can save that for later."

Yeah, she was totally different.


AN: With Fate/Samurai Remnant releasing, I decided to bless you all with this chapter. I had time to think what i want to do going forward. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. It'll only get crazier from here. Updates will most likely be weekly from now on, so every Friday. 

Let me know your thoughts on the story so far!