

A being who knows everything that can possibly be known. do the concepts of good and evil continue to exist? A being who is the true definition of everlasting. A being who hates stagnation the most in the world A being who wants people to struggle to achieve greater heights Does someone like that actually exist in this sort of dimension?

Widowills · Komik
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The root

All mages have one end goal, To reach the root of Akasha To do this the Einsberns, Tohsakas, and Matous created the holy grail war system. Summoning 7 heroic spirits as servants. These servants were people of legend from the past, present, or future to fight in the holy grail war under their masters in a fight to the death. The last man standing gained the right to wish for something of the grail. To reach the root and gain true magic and become a magician. Why do I tell you this, BECAUSE I LOVE THE FATE SERIES.

I am a historian after all to see the people of history who not many know in an anime with powers similar to their legends and the different takes on people's history Though I suppose that doesn't matter now considering that I'm about to die saving a little girl I wonder If I'll become a hero of legend for. I guess if I saved more people I would but alas that's not the future that was fated for me.

When someone dies they do not expect to wake up again and certainly, not somewhere they're not familiar with, that included me.

Why is everything so bright? I'm sure I just died maybe I'm in heaven? Nah, like I could get into heaven no matter how hard I tried Yet still. I awoke and what I awoke to was something inexplicably confusing what lay before me was... was... what was it exactly? I for sure didn't know. A void was the closest thing I could possibly think of it as I reached my hand out to touch it, to understand what it was that I was witnessing I was dead anyway what did I have to fear?

As I touched it, I understood. What did I understand? Everything every bit of knowledge that could possibly be learned and was unlearnable, I knew, How long did it take for me to understand it all? I don't know But from That I understood. I was in the nasuverse, ahhhh fuck that means that this void must be Akasha or at least the root. But how am I still here? anyone who's touched the root disappeared and thought to 'return' to the root, so, how has that not happened to me yet? is it because I'm dead? or something else entirely?

Before I could think any further on the subject I felt a pull from the space around almost as if I was being dragged out And like that, I no longer was looking at what I assumed was Akasha or the root of it. The world I awoke to was not modern it was barren yet still it held beauty. Thankfully I knew where I was, Why? Because the root granted me that knowledge and where was I you may ask? The age of gods. Where gods were manifested through human devotion and prayer to roam the earth in all its glory. Where mystery is high and science not yet blooming leaving the age of gods behind. What am I meant to do????? I may have all the knowledge that could ever be known, does that mean I remember it all? FUCK No! I'm only human after all not some god who's worshiped by humans, NO I am one who worships so why would the root bring me here in time? Though something is strange I can see the magical in the air and by GOD there was a lot of it. But.... why can I see it? humans aren't meant to be able to see them as clearly as I can. Goddamn, I'm thirsty I need something to drink, water, water, water I need water where is it I ran around the barren land desperately looking for water there it is, water oh beautiful water come to me. Come to papa I drunk in desperation afterwords I looked into the water and what greeted me back was something that I did not excpect looked back
