

During these 10 years all the energy sources for his entire fleet and Space structures have been getting their most recent energy replacement using dark matter energy that he has been building up to using the Energy branch of knowledge.

It's saddening how long it took, but now he could finally make his most recent energy replacement using abnormal state energy knowledge.

Now Taylor was standing at the window of the bridge once again looking out over at the developing plant earth with him was Commander white standing at his left side.

[ Master The phonic crystal asteroid Will arrive in T minus 60 minutes.]

' Thank you Firefly.' Taylor replied.

Almost Immediately after the automatic doors to the Bridge opened up and a girl with a slander yet plump build and short blue hair ran in.

" Father the asteroid that you have us tracking will arrive in about 60 minutes." Nala said while running to his side.

" Thank you Nala, you're as reliable as always." Taylor said to her, stroking her hair once she got to his right side.

Commander white saw this from her position and was feeling left out.

" cough, Grand Commander, I have confirmed all the energy slowdown nets are in position." Commander white reported With a hopeful look in her eyes.

Taylor gave a knowing smile and said, " good job, you're also just as reliable as well white."

He then proceeded to stroke her hair with his free hand.

Commander white then looked over at Nala with her lips slightly upturned, obviously Nala was not at all impressed with how commander white was acting.

Considering how both their bodies were built by Taylor himself which was something very few androids could say, they held a lot of pride in this fact, as every android considered it the greatest honour for their body to be built by Taylor's hand.

The only other androids that could say they had this honour was the NieR unit and the E and O models that were assigned to their unit as well as the 2 Instructor models.

" Now girls I need you both to go and do the jobs that I asked." Taylor said as he also wanted time to talk to Firefly.

Commander white had been given the job of sending the units to a ship and the ships needed to arrive at the designated positions between each of the energy nets.

While Nala was assigned to the control centre in order to control the energy nets, now obviously she as the primary AI don't need to go to a control room however she adamantly refuses to have her primary consciousness leave the body Taylor had built.

But before she moved into the body she created a few sub ai's in so that she would not have to watch over everything but would keep primary control over every aspect by working with Taylor build a control room that would allow her to control everything as she could before without needing to leave the body.

But she would need to take her body to the control room and connect them and obviously the only person who could overwrite her authority was Taylor if absolutely needed.

" Right away Farther." Nala said A little sad that her head pats would not be continuing.

" By your order, Grand Commander." Said Commander white while also a little sad understood that his orders were always first priority.

Both Nala and Commander white left the bridge to go to their respective destinations one the control room and the other the command room obviously both of them would talk to each other while on the way.

" Hey Firefly there's a question I have been putting off for far to long but right now I need an answer to it."

[ I could probably guess what you want to ask Master, but I will ask anyway, what do you want to know.]

" I want to know why the Moon cell wasn't already around considering that by lore it should have already been around since the beginning of the Solar system?"

[ well that's because of your other unique power Reality alteration it is able to act independently if it suspects that something you wouldn't want to happen for example, the moon cell's observation over you.]

[ So it acted to its own to make it so that the moon cell doesn't exist from the beginning of the Solar system but obviously it can't remove the existence of the moon cell but it could change when it would appear.]

" Ok thanks for telling me about that but when did it do that as I'm pretty sure that I would still remember the moon cell being present before the power did that."

[ That's because your consciousness had not woken up yet, technically your body came into existence at the same time as this Solar system did The same time as the moon cell but your consciousness still hadn't woken up as it would need to adjust to the new body and universe you would find yourself in.]

[ So you power made it so that the moon cell would only be created after your consciousness woke up.]

" I see."

Taylor then sat down to process The fact that one of his unique powers could act independently.

" Firefly is it able to act independently while I'm conscious?" Taylor asked.

[ No Master only while you are unconscious will it be allowed to act independently.]

" Ok, can it effect the same person, concept or item that it has effected before."

[ yes it can, but it wouldn't work in the same way as before, for example it has already changed when the Moon cell will be created so it will not effect the Moon cell's creation again.]

" well that's fine wasn't planning to effect the creation of it itself."

" Oh, right do I get any of the special pulls when it acts independently?"

[ Sorry but no master as it wasn't you directly changing canon events.]

" Damn, but fair enough I guess."

Now That Taylor knew not only why the moon cell was only coming into creation now, but also knows more on how his other unique power worked, he was now even more prepared for his plan to effect the moon cell.

The photonic crystal asteroid entered the Earth solar system and would soon reach Visual range.

[ Master, the astroid will arrive in T- 5 minutes.]

" Alright I suppose it's time to begin the Final activation process of the nets."

The nets had 3 different activation processes The first two can be completed with just Nala alone but the 3rd needs both Nala and a manual process fortunately it was a quick process that could be completed in no longer that 3 Minutes at longest and 10 seconds at quickest.

It was also this final activation process that would not only connect the nets to their power source but also turn them on with A flip of the switch that was on both the bridge and the nets themselves, only one needed to be flipped for this purpose.

He then turned on his communicator and connected to Nala.

" Nala please begin the Final activation process of the nets."

" Right away father."

He then switched his communicator to talk to Commander white.

" White inform all units that the nets are going through their Final activation process and the necessary personnel need to be in position for the manual process."

" Right away, Grand Commander." Commander white replied.

Within 30 seconds the Final activation process was complete all the need to happen now was the flipping of the switch which Taylor would do when the asteroid is 30 seconds from arrival as the nets would take only five seconds to get to full strength.

[ Master the Asteroid will arrive in T - 30 seconds.]

" Alright, let's get to it."

Once he was given the alert he flipped the switch, immediately all the nets that had been deployed lit up and reached full strength.

" And now we Watch the show."

[ I'm sure, it will be a dazzling sight Master.]

As the asteroid rapidly approached it was currently going just shy of The speed of light until it hit an energy net and that slowed it down greatly but it still breached the first one.

Now one may wonder how the nets slowed it down, well it worked similarly to a parachute at the tailend of a fighter jet or a stone falling into the ocean, the net would expand in the direction that the mass is moving in but it could still only handle so much tension from the speed over mass.

And the ships piloted by the androids would fire gravitational pulsars to aid in slowing down the asteroid.

As the asteroid kept going through the nets and hit by gravitational pulsars its speed rapidly slowed until it reached the Final net it had been slowed so much that while the net stretched the astroid no longer had the speed to use its mass to break through the net.

After the asteroid slowed enough the net was turned off and it slowly drifted toward the budding planet earth.

Once the asteroid reached earth it gently touched the planet and then the most beautiful and yet powerful display of magic Taylor had ever seen happened.

After the photonic crystals touched earth the whole asteroid began glowing iridescent and then lit up, suddenly an extreme dome of pure magic power began pulsating out multiple times with unrelenting force.

Fortunately, all the shielding systems were also designed to shield from magic so no serious damage was inflicted upon the ship or the solid parts of the nets.

After this display the asteroid began to change its shape until it was perfectly spherical, and then it began to create rock and gas's around it until it reached the same diameter as the earth which was around the same size ans the moon in his previous life.

Once this happened it began to pilot itself in to an orbit around the earth only once it entered a stable orbit at a certain distance from the earth did it stop and then begin creating the moon cell's within itself.

Taylor looked at this process in awe.

" Now that was a beautiful sight Im so glad that I recorded it."

" Ok well it's time for me to head over to it and make a major change."

He left the bridge and entered the hangar Bay 1 and deployed his Iron man suit and shimmed his way on over to the new moon.

Once he arrived, he landed on the moon's surface and began preparing to use his Reality alteration for his plan for the moon.

" Ok, Time to begin." And with that he started using his Reality alteration.

First his eyes once an Emerald green changed into orbs of starlight then there was a illuminating glow all around him with what appeared to be magic circles under him.

Once he felt the power ready to be used all he had to do was say what he wanted changed.

" Reality alteration : additional : the moon cell after its full set up must connect to a sentient entity and give them the position of administrator so that it can avoid going out of control but it can still function independently as long as it obeys the commands of the administrator."

And with that the reality alteration worked its magic.