
ch 13

While Taylor went travelling with Albion the androids and robots had a meeting about what to do with the emergence of the second purely biological organism that came after their Creator/Love of their lives.

While the many androids and robots did their daily tasks the androids that were called for, to be present at the meeting were beginning to arrive one after another, after all not all the androids needed to be present for the meeting.

Every meeting held here was of utmost importance to the androids though if an outsider was able to listen in they would call it the first fan club to ever exist.

The meeting room is so big that it can be called a indoor stadium, but the only time it was at full capacity was on Taylor's birthday were all the androids and a small portion of the robot army would gather and celebrate.

He chose September 2nd after he created a calendar based on the earth's rotation around the sun so the androids and robots would have a yearly calendar to help with time management and the calendar used would often change depending on the solar system they where currently in.

Because one day for them before could easily be between 1 month and 5 years.

After all Time flies when you're having fun.

And today would actually be the first time that a meeting was being held that didn't have Taylor as the primary talking point.

As commander white was sitting at the massive Circular table waiting for the chosen leaders from each unit arrive she talked to Nala who was sitting beside her.

" Well, well, well Nala I would have thought that you would have been sitting at the opposite side of the table from me." Commander white Teased Nala.

"Oh please I'm not so childish to think that doing so would accomplish anything, besides I am Father's first born as such I should lead by example and be the mature one." Replied Nala.

(AN: well first born as an AI not her body.)

Gone was any semblance of her adult type of childish attitude that she would have in front of Taylor it was instead replaced by a commanding presence that she would have in front of some of the androids that she felt to be an opponent for Taylor's love but everyone including her knew that Taylor doesn't give more love to anyone.

After all he told them himself that each girl he fell in love with was akin to finding a new planet not dividing up one in to smaller parts with each new addition, so she mostly had this attitude to others because it was a fun way for her to interact with them.

While Commander white and Nala talked more androids began to arrive.

There was 13A who wore a suit of armour reminiscent of medieval Europe during the crusades.

Then came 99S who wore a outfit with a colour scheme and style similar to silver wolf but would cover her body more than what silver wolf's covered.

Next to enter was 58B who was one of the few who had wanted her skin's colour changed after Taylor got the schematics for the Nikke units so she could stand out more.

Now with all the changes Taylor did for her she looked like the Brazilian miku from his past life.

Slowly the rest of the unit leaders arived and sat in their seats with only two currently empty one was obviously for Taylor and the other was slower to arrive due to her unit being in a different solar system when the notification was issued.

Fortunately now that Taylor had finally created some rudimentary beyond light speed tech the speed of going from one Solar system to another decreased significantly.

Thus after about 1 more hour with all the androids talking and catching up with each other the last unit leader finally arrived.

Before she had entered you could hear the sound of her high heels walking along the floor, but once she entered the first thing that drew your eye was the fact that she hadn't yet taken off her blindfold.

One could also notice that her black skirt has some truly beautiful and intricate details.

But what drew the eye would be the beautiful ring upon her left ring finger.

Actually if one looked at the left ring finger of every android and Nala they would see a ring on all of them.

But there is one difference between her ring and the rings that that others have and that is the engraved number 1 on the outer side, because it is the first wedding ring Taylor created and the only ring with a number.

The reason for this is because She was the first to confess her love to Taylor and thus became his first wife.

" 2B you need to take your blindfold off before coming to the meetings after all you aren't doing fieldwork." Commander white said.

" Apologies commander but our husband wants my eyes to be seen only when he is present." 2B replied in a candid tone.

It's not like the other androids haven't seen her eyes but that's only when Taylor is present, and because the androids love to spend as much time with him as possible this is actually the first time they have learned of this and because the blindfold is also a part of the work outfit for all androids going out on the field and 2B is one of the most Frequent fieldworkers.

" OMG I had no idea 2B-chan, that's like tots adorable!" Replied 58B.

So Taylor was Watching some anime one day and 58B and the rest of her unit was having their turn to accompany Taylor and joined him in watching it with him and 58B decided to emulate the Gyaru template which was also what gave her the desire to change her skin.

Fortunately none of the others in the unit decided to emulate similar characters as that could have become one of Taylor's biggest headaches, but they did ask for some changes that resembled a few of the characters.

" It's fine 58B it wasn't ment to be obvious after all." 2B replied.

" Well now that you are here please sit so we can begin the meeting." Said Commander white.

" Very well commander." Said 2B as she sat down.

After all regardless of who married Taylor first, 2B is someone who respects the command structure.

" Now that you are all here let's discuss the new life form that The Grand Commander is currently with." Commander white said while distributing the information packets to everyone's hologram terminal.

After everyone confirmed that the information packets were received and opened Commander white continued.

" Now this is all the information that the Grand Commander has been able to work out within the short amount of time he has been with it."

" Impressive, the Grand Commander is truly impressive in his information gathering especially considering how much information he has gotten in such a short amount of time." Stated 39A

" I concur." Replied 27D

" I Agree." Replied 88G

" Indeed." Replied 49S

And the rest agreed in much the same fashion.

" Certainly but everyone we need to make contingency plans against it as a precaution, after all we don't know for certain if it will become an enemy or a ally." Said Commander White.

" So we shall now be Discussing the first piece of Intel we have."

" No.1, The species is called a Dragon and it has the capacity to Reduce the damage received from both physical and magical attacks, currently the strength of this reduction effect is currently unknown so make contingencies under the assumption that its effect is a strong as 99% - 99.99% as it can be confirmed that it is not immune to the damage." Commander White read out.

" Well that's already a concern." Said 469E, " But not impossible to deal with."

" True we could try creating and then use atom destabilisation weapons." Said 88G.

" Oh that's a good idea 88G but here's a question for you, how powerful will it need to be to not only destabilise atoms but to destabilise the atoms of a creature with a Physical reduction effect of 99%." Said 2H in a slightly sarcastic tone.

" Besides the only person who could create such an item is the grand Commander and as he needs to be present to keep an eye on it and he wouldn't be able to do that if he is doing research and development for such a creation."

" While I agree that the Grand Commander would be quicker in the research and development for such a creation we do have our own research and development team that can work on the proposed creation." Said 34D.

" while I agree that such a item could work it seems you are all forgetting to Account for mystery as it could stop it from working as intended." 420O Reminded everyone.

" Oh right we need to account for mystery and the possible effect it could have." Said 88G with a look of remembrance upon her face.

The discussion proceeded to continue with everyone present giving their own ideas and theories on how to solve the first piece of information and after about 2-3 hours of intense debates and some theorising an agreement was made.

" So we are in agreement that we will create an atom destabilisation weapon after we have researched all that we can about the powers of mystery and how to nullify any possible effects that it may have."

" We will also be researching a weapon that can turn sound/music in to a weapon used to control and Implant suggestions in the subconscious of biological species."

" And finally, we will be looking into creating subdimensions technology in order to trap it in a minor dimension." Commander white summarised.

" yes."

" certainly."

" That can be agreed upon."

And all Others present replied in much the same way.

" Wonderful now let proceed onto point 2…"


I am terribly sorry for taking so long to complete this chapter as I find it very difficult to work out how personality's of the different characters would mesh with each other without the MC present.

I have also been doing future plot planning and keep having problems making a decision so I shall be leaving the decision in your hands.

The first one is other civilisations I don't know if you would like for me to write out his interactions with other species in different galaxies and possibly write out a galactic War so the decision will be yours to make.

1) interactions with other species



2) galactic war.



Quick summary of Both in one long chapter.

Now that that's done, should he creat his own nation or become the ruler of one that will already exist, don't worry too much about it as it would still be a distance away regardless of which one you all choose.

Create one.

Rule one that already exists.