
Fate/Britain: Dragon's Divergence

Leonardo, a 'normal' university student in Engineer course, was reincarnated in Fate way behind his time. How will he survive in this crazy world? Disclaimer: It’s male mc, not female mc like a few of you think. Potential love interest: Morgan Le Fay… Discord server: https://discord.gg/AYSJhVyMbx

Heartless1190 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


Location: ???

Timeline: ???

[MC's POV]

Welcome to my TED talk, everyone.

I am Leonardo, a former engineering student and I will be your host. Today, I will talk about reincarnation.

As per the costume, I will start with the positive side.

Congratulations, I am alive again! And luckily, my little brother reincarnated with me in this life too!

However the downside was that you don't know the settings you are brought into, namely background, location, time, era, etc, will be all randomized.

Why am I saying this? It is because I fucking woke up in a gigantic cave in a body of a kid!

"Dammit! When is this going to end!?" I cursed out loud as I climbed through the rocks.

Fortunately, I wasn't sent here with empty hands. I could see clear as day even if this whole space was completely dark. Not only that, my physical capabilities are far beyond what such a small body of mine should have and I think even higher than my previous body.

I wasn't fat nor bulky in my previous life, I would consider myself average and went to gym regularly to maintain a healthy life. But now, I feel so energetic that I could run a 30km marathon with my short legs without taking a break or punching through a wall of concrete.

I didn't know my exact limits, but I didn't want to test it, at least not in this dark and ominous cave.

Putting the mysteries surrounding me aside, right now my priority was to find an exit from this place.

After I reached the top, there was another large corridor that would lead me somewhere else.


"Honestly, I was never a fan of mazes." I shook my head and walked forward. "Whoever brought me here must have some grudges against me."

Well, at least the entity that sent me had the decency to give me some clothes to wear.

"Hello? Hellloooo? Heeeeeeeeeelllllllooooooooooooooooo?" I shouted out of boredom, while carrying a huge stick with me for no specific reason.

It has been a few hours (I think?) since I started walking this labyrinth and boy, let me tell you, I didn't enjoy it at all. At some point of time, there were two paths I had to choose and trusted my instinct to guide me or huge cliffs that I had to climb to proceed.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

'This smell…' I halted and tensed after recognizing the scent of iron in the air, there was blood spilled somewhere near me and probably it was recently.

As any sane person would do, I turned around and started walking from where I came from.


'Don't look back! Don't look back! Don't look back!' Sweat ran down from my forehead as I walked faster.



I looked back.

I comically turned my head around and saw a pair of yellow eyes glaring at me at the end of the corridor.

"Oh shit! Run!" I ran with all my might without looking at whatever that was chasing me.


'Shit! Shit! Shit!' I could hear its steps echoing and from the sounds of it, it will catch me in no time. 'What do I do? What do I do?'

I looked back in the corner of my eye and saw a gray wolf covered in blood dashing at me.

'Is it only me or he is bigger than the wolves I have met in the past!?' I thought while gripping tightly on the stick.


*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

'I can't outrun it!' No matter how long I have been running, the wolf would keep chasing after me. 'I have no other choice but to face it ahead! Better to die while trying than doing nothing!'

I stopped and turned around, gripping tightly on the stick and entered in a stance.

*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

Second by second, the giant wolf was getting closer and closer.


Its giant body was already near enough for me to see it clearly, which posed some sort of intimidation.

'Here it comes!'

When it was a few meters away from me, it jumped and lunged on me with its mouth wide open to bite me in half.

I used the stick as a spear and raised its end towards its head.

However, in this instant the world seemed to slow down.

The wolf was slowly falling towards me and I could see some of its drool getting dragged by the force of wind.

I, too, was moving slowly, but there was something else happening at the same time.

A warm feeling was washing over me-no, it was coming from inside me.

*Ba-dump!* *Ba-dump!* *Ba-dump!*

The bumpings of my own heart reached my ears and I let my instinct guide me.

A bluish energy came out from his chest and traveled all the way from there to his hand and then transferred it to the stick, covering it like an armor with a pointy end aimed towards the gray wolf.

And finally, the world started moving normally again.

*Howl!* *Booooom!*

When the stick made contact with the wolf, an explosion occurred that blasted both of us away.

I was sent flying to the rocky wall and strangely, I felt no pain at all.

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*

"Dust…" I waved my hand to get off from the cloud of dust. I raised my head and looked around in search of the beast.

I relaxed my shoulders once I found its corpse on the opposite side of me and let out a sigh in relief.

'But what was that? What happened at that moment?' Questions lingered in my head which I didn't have answers for (yet).

"Was that magic?" I muttered with raised eyebrows. It was the only explanation I had for the current situation. "I need to test this out later."

I approached where the corpse was and immediately grunted in pain. The smell of rotten egg reached my nose and I immediately covered it.

"Damn, the smell!" I pinched my nose with my hand and slowly approached the corpse, I could see its gut spread on the ground and connected to its body. In fact, it was a bloody mess with organs and muscles splattered on the ground.

"I…I don't think it's edible." I didn't want to approach it and the smell got stronger the more I got closer. "Better going now before the scent of blood attracts other animals."

If there was a wolf, then it would be bound to be more, so…

I gritted my teeth and walked closer and took its intact fangs and claws, I felt I could make something with them.


"How I miss the internet, half of my problems would be solved with just that, or even more." I said with clear boredom and disappointment.

After the incident with the giant wolf, I was more cautious and didn't want to commit the same mistake again, so I have been exploring more silently.

However, as I kept walking, the scenery started to gradually change to green. The rocky walls that had nothing beside rocks were slowly covered by moss and other small plants until it was all green.

Not only that, the humidity started to noticeably increase as well, almost as if I was in…

'Something is amiss.' I thought as I raised my guard just in case. I squinted my eyes as I looked ahead at the end of this long corridor. 'Wait, is that–'

"Light!?" I exclaimed in surprise. 'Here? In this place?'

Remember this, if there is something that wasn't supposed to be there, then it must be a trap or something is wrong.

So I cautiously walked towards the source of light and was ready for anything that came at me.

*Step* *Step*

As I was coming closer, the light became stronger and wider and when I reached the end, I saw something that I never thought would be here.

"How the hell is there a jungle here? And with its own ecosystem on top of that!" I looked up and discovered the source of the light of this place, which consisted in an agglomeration of crystals that illuminated this whole section of the cave. 'This is truly a magical world, I never heard of anything like that in my past life!'

There was also an aquifer in the middle, acting as a river for this place and a limit that divided this place in half. Not only that, I saw several beasts roaming around, all with similar size to the wolf I faced earlier.

'This is almost exactly like on the surface, although on a much smaller scale with big animals.'

Beside the one I was in, there were three holes that would lead to somewhere unknown.

'Dammit, this thing will only get more complicated.' I said while ruffing my own hair. This is one of the reasons why I hate mazes so much.

Luckily, there was a downhill that would go to the ground, saving me trouble for climbing all the way down.

'Putting the danger level aside, this was a good place to rest and gather resources.'

Food, clean water, and other materials.

All those essential things that I lack could be found here in this jungle. Logically, it would be best to stay here for a while and gather enough items to continue my journey to the surface.

But there was danger lurking inside the forest. God knows how many beasts or poisonous animals are hiding there.

"Why am I even hesitating? There isn't any other option besides going there." I shook my head and went forward to the jungle.

Suddenly, I had an uncomfortable feeling someone was watching me. 'Weird, I feel someone is peeping on me, but there is no one nearby.' I rubbed my head before shrugging my shoulders.

[3rd POV]

On the surface, several kilometers away from Leonardo's location, there was a lone tower that stood out from the scenery around it.

It was a tower that many wouldn't dare to approach even if they don't bear any ill will, all because of the person who resides in it, which is also the owner.

And on the highest floor, two people could be seen.

A man in a white robe that covered a great amount of his body, only letting people see his long white hair with pink ends.

In front of him, there was a young girl scribing diligently in her notes. She had pale blond hair and blue eyes like the ocean.

Abruptly, the man stopped talking and turned his head towards the horizon.

'Something has changed. A new variable appeared and I had never thought I had to count 'It' for the 'prophecy'.' The man thought as he retracted his 'gaze' and looked back at the young girl in front of him. 'To think that 'It' of all things would–'

"Is there something wrong, Mentor Merlin?" The young girl asked in confusion, seeing that Merlin suddenly stopped the lecture.

Upon being interrupted in his monologue, Merlin gazed into her innocent eyes, fully knowing that innocence wouldn't last long and soon would be fully replaced by rage, hatred and vengeance.

'Maybe her future will change, or even more, the fate of Britain itself will shift from the calculations.' Merlin thought as he briefly closed his eyes.

"No, it's nothing, Student Morgan." Merlin shook his head and resumed his private tutoring. "I was just thinking of the trip we will be going to soon in a few days."

"Hmmn?" Morgan tilted her head in confusion at her mentor's spontaneous decision.

"Now, where were we…" Merlin ignored her and proceeded with his lecture.

'The winds of change will surely come to Britain, but I wonder what future will you bring, Albion?'

I will post first in my discord server :D

Heartless1190creators' thoughts