
Fate: A Saber's Flowering Journey

Being the Student of Merlin is no easy task I tell you that much. However, I will have it no different. Because? Well, I got to say, traveling to different worlds and saving beautiful women of all ages is also a great job to possess and have. What can I say? Being the Flowering Saber Of Destruction is a great profession to be in. ~~ Artoria," Thief! Give me back Excalibur!" Arthur(MC)," Me, a thief? Hey hey, don't accuse me of stealing if you don't have proof! I, the venerable Arthur, am a law-abiding, state-loving citizen. Back in secondary school and high school, I was always the model student! I was in the top 3 every year! People always praised me for being a righteous young man, plus I've never even peeked on a girl before, much less steal! As for now— cough, cough—I’m just borrowing Excalibur from a kindred soul out of desperation. You feel me, Sis?" Everyone," Shameless..." \∆\∆\∆\∆\ I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially on the grammar and sentence structure side of things. Even though I only know English, I fuck up my own language sometimes. Furthermore, I write this for fun and pass time, so don't expect some 5-star story from me. Moreover, in all honesty, I write whatever comes to my mind and see how it's goes from there. Also FYI, I like Worm CYOA, so expect some of that... [Disclaimer]: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. And Original ideas. This is just a fanfiction. However, most of all, Have Fun and Good Reading to all of you~!]

OuroborosOtaku69 · Komik
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5 Chs

(Prologue) - Chapter 1: A Master And Her Student!

Walking through a beautiful breathtaking Garden are two people with one looking like a beautiful breathtaking Mage and the other looking like a knight peacefully with calm and relaxed steps making it seem they did this more than once.

They can be seen walking to an ancient tree on top of a little hill with beautiful colorful flowers scattered around it.

" Teacher, what are we doing here?" The Knight suddenly asked having an extremely handsome face with brilliant gold hair and deep ocean abyss eyes looking at the Goddess-like Mage that wears a robe woven with the finest fabrics, though she still looks modest, her long white hair appearing with the colours of the rainbow under sunlight gave off a calm and peaceful aura making what or whatever looking at her male or female or anything for that matter feel... different(?). Likewise, she has lovely bright purple eyes that stare right into your very soul, as if she wants to trap you in all entirely by her gaze alone.

Hearing the Knight the beautiful Mage said with a pouting expression staring at the Knight." Arthur! Didn't I tell you to call me Sensei?!"

Nodding the Knight said following the Mage with quiet and calculated steps." If I remember correctly you said call me 'Sensei' because it sounds cooler than teacher."

Still, with a pouting expression, the Mage said with beautiful flowers kicking up in the air around them." Say it~"

Signing the Knight said nodding with a slightly amused smile" Sensei... what are we doing here?"

With Victory smirk, the Mage said walking up the hill with the now identified as [Arthur] following right behind her." My~ favorite~ student~ do you know what a 'singularity' is?"

Nodding again Arthur example calmly." A Singularity is an unobservable region that does not exist within our recorded history. It's as if a hole has opened up within the timeline, a hole that is separate from the regular temporal axis and-"

Before he can say the rest the Mage said cutting him off his textbook summary about the things called 'singularity's'." Yes, I know the rest~ I am the one that told you In the first place. Anywho... Oh, yes."

Turning around with a big smile threatening to pass her ears the Mage said." Arthur Ambrosius-Pendragon,"

Hearing his full name, Arthur suddenly went stiff, and seeing the big smile on his 'Sensei's' face he felt a very bad suspicion something's unpleasant going to happen to him so without looking back he bucked it and started hauling ass away from his mischievous 'Sensei'.

"Now~ Now~ My favorite student please tell them The Great and Almighty Merlin sent you~!"



Before Arthur can question his Sensei he suddenly found himself in the a black void-like place.

" Great and Almighty, my ass! More like mischievous and too boastful about someone I look like."


" Ouch!?" Rubbing his head he found a beautiful sword in a blue and golden sheath in front of him with a note on it reading

[""!☆!You don't have to thank me!☆!""]

" What an overprotective Sensei..." Saying this he put the sword at his right hip after moving his other sword to his left hip.

Looking around, he magically found a golden Gate with a lot of signs pointing to it with his Sensei's face on it smiling around 20 feet away from him.

Walking to the door and opening it he said with a slight smile." On to another adventure... Oh no, I'm sounding like Sensei."


Walking through he found himself in the hallway glowing a Kaleidoscope of colors. Looking around, Arthur suddenly smiled as he started walking down what seems to be a medieval castle hallway. Then

suddenly without warning, he started hearing a beautiful female voice that sounded desperate.

" Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg. The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Shut (fill).

Repeat every five times. Simply, shatter once filled.――――I announce.

Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword. In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer. Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead. You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!"

Right after he heard this, an emotionless female mechanical voice asked him plainly in his head.

[ Do You, Saber Of Destruction: Arthur Ambrosius-Pendragon, answer your Summon?]

Chuckling, Arthur smiled," It's good to hear from you, my dear Alaya,"

[ Do You, Saber Of Destruction: Arthur Ambrosius-Pendragon, answer your Summon?]

Faking a hurt expression, Arthur put his hand on his chest," Agh! My Dear Alaya, you hurt me, right in the feels! Being all cold, even when I helped you save all those words out of my goodwill,"

[ Do You, Saber Of Destruction: Arthur Ambrosius-Pendragon, answer your Summon?]

Nothing getting a different answer from the world will: Alaya, Arthur chuckled a little as he said with a click of his tongue," Yes, yes, I accept the Summoning, Tsk! Ungrateful brats these days,"

[ Affirmative! Commencing Summoning: Location - Unknown Earth. Year: Unknown/----/... Error!Error!Error! Unknown Singularity Detected, Please proceed with caution. Foreign Goddess Detected Inside Singularity.

New Tasks: (1)-Eliminate Foreign Goddess | (2)-Eliminate Unknown Singularity | (3)-Recover The Great Holy Grail | (4)-Help The Master Of Chaldea With The Unknown Singularity, if found Alive | (5)-Keep your Master Alive, and most importantly, Stay Alive |...]

" Oh, wow. This summoning this time is going to be fun," Arthur's eyes flashed seeing all the unknowns and errors popping up. However, discovering his new five tasks, his dear Alaya gave him, his mouth twitched," Who the hell do you think I am, the Genie from Aladdin?"

[ A shameless and selfish Servant ]

" I walked into that one didn't I?"

[ Yes, you did ]

Shaking his head with a smile, Arthur said," Well, let's get this summon started, I got myself a world to save, once again,"

[ Affirmative! Commencing Summoning! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!

Have Fun, My Dear Arthur!]

With him hearing Alaya's voice that sounded a little more human, Arthur disappeared with a smile...