

Let's speak after we sit down

I lead her to sofas to have talk. After sitting down I ask

What is that you desire from Holy Grail Ms. Scáthach?

"Why you want to know?"

"Although I have an idea what do you want?"

"Tell me you guess?" (Scáthach)

"Ms. Scáthach, having turned into a Divine Spirit you have become an immortal existence. You can no longer die as a person. You must simply continue to exist, until the time when the World. The wish you would make on the Holy Grail is for "someone who can kill you to appear"."

"HaHaHa I must say I underestimated you." (Scáthach)

Leaving that aside what you want from me? And how you know this much about me (Scáthach)

"I will explain from start so listen carefully.

We are currently in a world parallel to yours. I am person of different world that get reincarnated into this world. Moreover there are no more Masters in this world so there is no Grail in it."

"Quite Interesting I must say" (Scáthach)

"In my world there were legends of Holy Grail war. Your appearance, your power and other information were all mention in ancient text. So from there I know of you."

"I understand it is hard to believe but please believe me."

Hearing my explanation she think in mind it only be high gods have power such as reincarnation otherwise normal gods don't have such power.

She think for moment and ask

I believe you so tell me. If there is no grail then, how and why you summon me?

"As for reason how I summon you is that I ask god the power to give me power to summon servants and the reason I have summon you to help me gain enough power to achieve my goals."

"What's in it for me? She reply after thinking for a bit

You wish was to have…..




GATE OF SKYE is Gate to the Magical Realm Brimming with Death and is a Noble Phantasm possessed by Scáthach, related to the gate of the Land of Shadows.

Scáthach temporarily summons a massive gate to her shadow realm, and it sucks in all life forms in range. If the target fails to resist then they're sucked into the gate and are instantly killed. Scáthach can also choose specific targets. Even if resisted, the targets' mana will rapidly drain and they may take major damage

Gáe bolg alternative is a spear possessed by Scáthach. Although their shapes are similar, this is actually something different from the spear that Cú Chulainn possesses, Gáe Bolg. A specialized weapon one-step older, but of the same model as Gáe Bolg that has been used since earlier.


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