
Fatal Attraction(Yandere Harem){DELETED}

A young man was given a gift. An ability to ensure that girls that fall for him have eyes only for him. A singular, powerful love that ensures he will never be cheated on. A hidden gift, one that the young man was not aware he even possessed. But as his gift begins to manifest itself, the young man will have to discover its limits and its origins or suffer a fate far worse than he could possibly imagine. What was meant as protection, has turned into something far more sinister. A corruption most foul contained within beauties most fair. Red eyes watch his every step with obsessive envy. There will be blood

Welou · Seram
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1 Chs


The story will be removed in the near future due to the fact that I have not officially plagiarized the story here is a link to the official story of the continuation will be published there:
