
One night stand

I opened my eyes to see surrounded by the familiar wooden walls and a table full of trash and a chair which seemed like a ghost staring at me.

But at closer look it was a hoodie laying on top of the chair.

I looked for my phone to see what time it was only to be surprised by the time, it was four in the morning.

I decided to stand up from bed to get a shower early this morning but as soon as I saw the mirror I was terrified because my handsome face had a pimple growing exactly at dead center of forehead.

I ran to kitchen to find water and salt, mixing salt with little bit of water and rub it on the pimple and let the salt stay there for hour or two will make pimple shrink in size. It was a remedy told by his mother.

As I picked up the glass full of water only to be slipped by accident.

"Lucien" a sweet female voice was heard for quite a distance. It was from stranger that I don't know about.

But a memory of last night came back like flood, the voice he heard was from a girl named shelly which I met at a club.

"Oh shelly, did I wake you up?" I said to a girl named shelly which was half naked walking towards him.

"What are doing at such early hour?".

"Nothing but sorry for waking you up quite early".

'Damn those curves are making me hot'.

"Hey why are naked?" I said to shelly which seemed sleepy.

"What now did you forget about last night, My mom was right boys are jerks".

I took out my shirt to pass her but seeing my abs the plan was forming inside shelly's head.

She walked toward me with fire in her eyes.


"How do you have so much stamina" shelly asked me.

I replied with nothing but a smile. As I checked the time it was seven thirty.

"Do you want to stay for breakfast?" I asked shelly while walking towards shower, upon seeing the mirror salt was gone and pimple had shrink from a grain to a seed.

"Forget about breakfast I have to go early this morning". Shelly said while clothing herself.

"Okay but can you leave your number? Put it by the table". I asked while standing in front of mirror checking out my abs.

Soon I left the shower and make some egg and bacon.

Hi, myself Lucien I'm twenty three years old living in a world full of zombies. I am a farmer which grow food with the power given by God.

Zombie virus broke out fifteen years ago making population drop from nine billion to one billion.

Right after zombie spread out people started to get powers from God knows where.

My power is related to water which make perfect for farming. I got my powers when I was barely eight years old.

After fifteen years people started to regain the lands which were homes to zombies. But soon portal started to appear out of nowhere.

But people had gained superpower before any of the portal came into beings which make earth more interesting.

Before the portal filled with monsters came out human beings already raided it but more and more strong monsters started to appear. But as the monsters came so does the powerful humans.

Let's review my journey from being farmer to a worrier.