
Farmer: The first

Jason was one day walking home from his work hoping for another uneventful day, but that was only wishful thinking. He saved someone, but because not all good deeds are rewarded he unexpectedly died. He didn't go to the afterlife, but instead meet god who offered him a second chance, but again not every good deeds are rewarded and he is reincarnated. A cruel and brutal world awaited him. Full of magic ,adventure and opportunities,but is it worth living.

SilentTreatment · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs

Real Practice 3

Jason quickly followed the bloody tracks as they weren't to hard to notice. He was angry that the fox had managed to fool him, but he wasn't stupid and kept an eye around him.

' This could be a trap, but it's not very possible. Wounding yourself only to lure me is to excessive. Still, I can't completely rule out that possibly.' thought Jason as crouched down to see the tracks that the fox left behind.

' The pattern of the tracks has changed. The farther the fox runs the closer the tracks are tm together. Also, it seems that it has wounded it's rear left leg judging from the blood and the fact that it's shallower than the others.....

With this injury it couldn't have gotten far.'

Jason got up, looked at the surroundings to see if anything was around and continued to follow the tracks. With his bow and arrow in hand , he was ready to shoot anytime.


He had been following the bloody track's for about three minutes, before he noticed a green tail bobbing in the distance.

' I found you, little thief!' Jason smiled as he sped up more to catch up to the wounded fox. The fox had also noticed Jason closing in on him and tried to leave, but his injured leg prevented him. Couple that with the blood loss he had experienced and you could understand that the fox couldn't escape from Jason no matter how hard it tried.

"Khhik khhik....

The fox breathed hard as if fell to the side, tired. It's coat of fur was dirty as it stood in it's end and it's rear left leg was bloody as it periodically twitched, bringing it even more pain.

In the meantime Jason had caught up to it and drew his bow. He was so close that it was impossible to miss the shot.


The fox bared it's teeth at Jason and Jason was about to shoot it on the head when he noticed something. The fox was tightly holding the truffle on its jaw.


This made Jason hesitate to shoot as he didn't know if killing the fox would make it bite into the truffle and in turn destroy it.

' Shit, this little fucker is smart. At first he turned the ork towards me and now this. Is this fox that smart?'


As he was contemplating what to do something came flying towards him. It was fast and he didn't even notice it until it passed parallel to his cheek and buried itself on the ground, not one meter away from him.


Jason couldn't even let out a sound as he looked wide eyed at the vibrating wooden end of a javelin stuck on the ground.

"Kiiku kiiikk...

As soon as that happened he heard noise all around him . It was then that he understood that he was surrounded, and by goblins no less. Two were charging at him with short spears similar to the one that was thrown at him, and he could clearly hear at least one more rushing him from the back.

"..... fine then!"

Jason gave up on the fox and pointed his bow towards one if the goblins rushing from the front and shoot.


The arrow flew from the bow and hit the rushing goblin on the head, killing it immediately.



This surprised the other goblin to as much as it surprised Jason, but right the next moment the goblin was forgotten.


The goblin was still rushing towards Jason holding it's spear over it's head ready to stab Jason as soon as he was was on range, but Jason wasn't going to sit still.



He rushed towards the goblin with all his strength and was about to jump over him, when the goblin unexpectedly threw his spear. It hit Jason on the stomach area, but he didn't even notice it at the moment.


Jason landed on the ground and he still hasn't noticed what had happened so he continued with his plan. He immediately turned around at the same time as the goblin, but he was faster.


He took a big step with his left and delivered the strongest front kick he could muster to the goblins head. At first it felt like he was going to miss, but then he saw the goblin be thrown almost half a meter away from the kick.

"Hah hah...I didn't it....


Another spear flew and hit him in his thigh, but surprisingly it didn't hurt that much. This made him turn his head to see another goblin 5 m away, staring at him in awe.



The goblin saw Jason standing there with a bleeding wound on his stomach and a spear stuck to his thigh, but didn't move. He knew that he was no mach for the human who had just taken down two of its brethren , so it just stayed there. Jason on the other hand had finally started to feel a warm sensation on his stomach so he looked down.

' Huh, I was hit? But when...

He couldn't understand what had happened to him, but he didn't dwell on it for long as there was an enemy in front of him right now.

' It's not approaching.... Is it afraid, or is it trying for me to bleed out? '

Jason shook his head, grabbed the spear burrowed in his thigh and yanked it out. It brought him a new wave of pain , but it didn't matter.

"Let me repay you." said Jason as he took on step at a time, making the goblin step back and then he took another step and the goblin was afraid. He immediately turned around to escape, but that was what Jason had hoped it would happen.

' It's over.....

Though Jason as he threw the spear he had on his hand, and because of the close distance it managed to hit the escaping goblin on his lower back.


The goblin fell to the ground with a scream and started crawling on its hands and feet, trying to escape this murderous beeing, but it was not ment to be. Jason caught up to him and stomped on its head.



The sound of bones cracking was heard and the goblin stoped moving. Jason didn't know if it was dead or alive, but he had more important matters to attend to. He looked down and touched where the wound on his stomach was and clearly felt something lodged in there.

"Guuhh, those goblin bastards.... they got me good. "

Jason wanted to remove what was stuck to his belly, but he knew that if he did that he would be bleeding a lot, especially with the big bleeding wound on his leg.

' I need to get to the city, or else I'll die here.....