
Farmer: The first

Jason was one day walking home from his work hoping for another uneventful day, but that was only wishful thinking. He saved someone, but because not all good deeds are rewarded he unexpectedly died. He didn't go to the afterlife, but instead meet god who offered him a second chance, but again not every good deeds are rewarded and he is reincarnated. A cruel and brutal world awaited him. Full of magic ,adventure and opportunities,but is it worth living.

SilentTreatment · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs

Hunter 1

As he said those words the gate rippled again as two figures also came out , the elf and the fox.

"This will be the place you will use to raise your level. You will hunt monsters like I'll instruct you , and also lear some of the essential skills of using the bow." said the elf as she went past the sweaty Jason and started looking up, at the trees who were riddled with vines. She stared for quite a while while Jason got sweatier and sweatier, until finally she raised her bow.

Jason saw this and immediately moved his attention to where she was aiming but he didn't see anything but vines. In the meantime the elf drew her bow only slightly with he long fingers and a transparent arrow formed. This made Jason smile like a madman as he knew that it was definitely magic, so much that he didn't notice the arrow leave the bow, only hearing the sound of the bowstrings vibration.


As he was about to ask at what she was shooting a green vine fell from above and started twisting and turning on the ground. Jason was surprised at first , but he soon understand that it was only a snake, a big and thick snake.

"That's a 'Vinescale Snake. It's one of the many snakes that inhabit this place. " said the elf as she aslo looked at it's twitching dead body, it's head gone." It's dangerous, possessing a fast acting paralysing venom, but it's harmless for those who dwell on the ground as it only hunts bird's. It's poison is however used by one of the monsters inhabiting this dungeon the ' Jungle Goblin'.

It's what we will be hunting."

"That so...." said Jason as he looked at the still twitching body of the snake before turning to face the elf. He wanted very much to ask about the arrow she conjured out of thin air, but decided to focus on the important things.

" So then, these ' Jungle Goblins ' that I'll he hunting, how are they different from normal goblins? Are they stronger , or weaker....

"No, their stats don't differ , but the way they attack are different. The normal goblin is something that humans know how to hunt instinctually, but here, hunting something is very different. The ' Jungle Goblins' use poison darts that they shoot from their blowpipes, while far and hidden from the enemy.

They are very timid anr it they don't have the courage to kill you they will flee immediately. They also are great climbers and can build simple trap's to hinder and wound you....."

With each word the elf said Jason begun to understand that this was not going to be easy, as always. He just took a deep breath and remembered what the elf said about the goblins and began to think of how to hunt them.

"Okay, okay I understand, the ' Jungle Goblins' are very hard to kill and very dangerous. So what, do I have to get some armour to protect from their poison darts? "said Jason a little irritated at the difficulty of hunting the goblins. It made him feel useless in comparison to a goblin.

"No, armor does seem like a good plan, but it's a little counterproductive. Even the lightest cloth armor is going to make you sweat like crazy, and raise your body heat to the limit. You may even faint from the strain....."

Jason blinked his eyes a couple of times before he sighed.

"So what should I be doing? I can't just go looking for them, can I? I'll surely die...."

"You're right." said the elf as she grabbed the body of the snake, took a small dagger from her hip and started cutting the snake's belly open. Blood poured all over the ground and dirtied hee hands, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Come here, I'll show you something." said the elf, and Jason didn't waste a second. He squatted down and look at what the elf had been doing.

"Before you start to hunt the goblins you shall learn how to survive in this place. The things to eat, the things to drink, like this for example..." said the elf as she pointed at 20 cm long white sack on the abdomen of the snake covered in blood. " This sack contains water , water that is can be drunk by humans, and doesn't poison you. It's the snake's reserves that it sucks from the vines for later use."

"Mhmmm yes, I understand...." nodded Jason as he smiled. Learning from elf seemed quite pleasant, and he was completely focused.

"The blood can also be drunk, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have no other choice or you've been bit by it. If you're bit and drink it's blood you will not be okay, but you'll surely relieve the symptoms.

The flesh can also he eaten, but it will cause you stomach problems."

"I see what you're saying, but can't I bring my own water and food? Why do I have to resort to this?" logically said Jason, but the elf shoot her head.

"You can, but it'll not only burden you . Water is fine , but food can be a little tricky. The inhabitants of this dungeon will definitely noticed the smell and will be on guard. Never underestimate the nose of a goblin.

Also, it's better to know that not to know."

"I understand." said Jason as he finally remembered about the fox and turned around. He saw it staring nonchalantly at the forest and he immediately thought about something. He turned to the elf that was looking at him and smilingly said.

"Hey, you said that helping me kill the monster reduces the experience I gain, but what about just helping me locate them. The fox should have a good sense of smell so it should be able to smell the goblins right? Right....."

"You are right." said the elf as she looked at the fox. " Using it's sense of smell is something that won't hinder your experience gain, but you shouldn't completely rely on its senses.

Also, to hide your own scent you will use the oily layer on the snake's scales. It's double effective on ' Jungle Goblins ' as they are used to that smell."

"Haha, right right.....


After a while they exited the dungeon without hunting anything, and continued to train on the bow. It was not that different from the training he did with only a couple of changes to Jason's stance so he could raise his accuracy.