
Farmer: The first

Jason was one day walking home from his work hoping for another uneventful day, but that was only wishful thinking. He saved someone, but because not all good deeds are rewarded he unexpectedly died. He didn't go to the afterlife, but instead meet god who offered him a second chance, but again not every good deeds are rewarded and he is reincarnated. A cruel and brutal world awaited him. Full of magic ,adventure and opportunities,but is it worth living.

SilentTreatment · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs


After he left the tavern he didn't immediately go into the hospital, but he headed towards the guild. As he had expected a big crowd of people were discussing about what had happened.

' Good, good....now I won't have a problem with someone following me.' thought Jason as he immediately speed up and joined the crowd. He moved in a zigzag manner and stopped a couple of times to see if someone was following him, but he didn't see anything and arrived at the hospital without any problems.

There, as usual was his sister who awaited him with a smile.

"Brother, how was your day? "

"It was fine, in fact it was better than than fine. Check these out!" said Jason as he took the sack of coins he had got and showed it to his sister. What he had neglected to take into account was that because the backpack was bloody from the ears that had been in there, the sack was also bloody.

"Ugh, sorry about the blood. I forgot....

"No there is nothing to apologize for." said Veina as she shook her head. " You are risking your life out there in order to take care of me, but I'm not useful at all. "


Jason didn't know what to say, as he didn't expect this to happen. He had wanted to cheer her up with the amount of money he had made today, but it seemed to have backfired.

' What the hell am I supposed to do, to say? I'm not a fucking.....

Suddenly Jason's remembered someone, the girl who wanted to become an Ark Master. She seemed like someone who was very strong willed and she was also around his sister's age.

' Hehehe, that could definitely work. The training fee of two silver for a week is nothing to me right now as I have the monster attracting truffle with me. If I also take my sister with me and nudge her in that girls direction then they may become friends.

Yes, yes....muahahahahaha....

"Brother is something wrong? You don't seem well."

Jason looked at his cute sister and pinched he cheek. "Never better! Also, tomorrow I won't be going to work , and you will be coming with me to archery training."

".....bah? Archery training?! Brother you are not joking right?" she was taken aback from what she heard. Archery training cost money, the equivalent of four days of work from when they were farmers.

"Heh, why would I be kidding? Get ready, tomorrow your big bro is going to take you to learn some archery."

"I.. okay....

Nodded Veina with a clueless look in her face. She didn't know what was going to on, but she still agreed.


The next day Jason took his sister to be registered and then went outside the city where they practiced. He took a look around the place and found his target.

' Aha, there she is! Practicing as always I see....

It was the short haired girl who was slowly aiming at a human shaped target 20 meters away. She quickly released an arrow hitting the target on the chest before immediately shooting another arrow she had been holding in her hand at a target next to the one she hit, but this time didn't succeed.

"Not bad, not bad at all! You almost had it." said Jason as he approached her, his sister following behind him. The girl surely heard this and turned towards Jason with a look of anger in her freckled face.

"You! Get away from me.....

"Haha, now now why are you being so hostile? Is it because I beat you in archery?" said Jason while smugly smiling at her.

"Bah, your archery is shit!"

"But I still beat you in it right? I....beat.... you.....

"Nggg, it was only one time, one time! What about all the other times that you lost, huh? What about them?!"

Jason still smiling slowly said the magic words. " I....beat.... you...in....archery.....


This surely made the girl go over the edge if she hadn't already and Jason was met with a flying bow to his face. It hit in square on the forehead.


Jason crouched down as if was seriously hurt, but he was completely faking it. Veina didn't know that and was immediately worried.

"Brother! Are you alright?!"

"Guh...I'm fine, I'm fine. " said Jason as he looked at the horrified look on the girls face. She looked as if she had just seen a ghost, and Jason knew he had succeed.

' Hehehe, hook , line and sinker alright! Hehehe.....

"You, what is the matter with you?! Why did you throw your bow at my brother?"

"I.. I didn't mean it. He he....it was his fault!"

"Are you a child? What do you mean it was his fault?! You could have blinded....

"It's okay Veina." said Jason as he got up and approached the girl. They were face to face and she couldn't even look at him in the eyes. Jason understood that his plan had worked and it was the time to put the final nail in.

' Fufufu....I am sorry little ant, but that was truly a bad move. Now, you are right in the palm of my hand.'

Jason cleared his throat making the girl flinch and put the lid on his diabolical plan of using her anger to his advantage.

"Khmm...so, what do you think I should do?" said Jason as he looked down of the nervous girl who kept looking around, as if to look for something or someone.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything!"

"Haha, you know that is not true. If the instructor finds out that you hit me with the bow, he will surely not let you continue to practice here anymore and you can say goodbye to beeing taught by a Ark Master."

" You, you piece of goblin shit! You're truly disgusting, you know that right?"

"Ouch, that hurt....

Anyway, let's move to business. If you train my sister in the bow , I'll keep my mouth shut. How about it?"

The girl hesitated for a moment , but she still refused.

" No....

"Fine then!" said Jason as he walked away.


Half an hour later Jason was resting on the side while watching the fruits of his labor. The girl was teaching his sister how to use the bow, while angrily staring at Jason from time to time. Jason on the other hand smiled as he waved his hand at her, in turn making her even more mad.

' Ahh, is this how a farmer feels when he has had a bountiful harvest? It feels good....