
Farmer Li

Farmer Li Qing possesses a rare talent - a spiritual constitution. Many girls accompany him, unwilling to leave his side, as they together endure numerous hardships and venture further and further on the path of cultivating immortality.

DaoistE4NTL3 · Fantasi
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40 Chs

It turned out to be such a feeling.

That warm, sticky and slippery feeling made Li Qing involuntarily shiver and almost shouted out.

Yang Xuelan cupped Li Qing's mate with her hand and scratched up and down that place of hers a few times.

The warm touch of her body scratching across the gully made Li Qing's soul almost explode.

It turned out to be such a feeling.

It was so comfortable!

It was only until Li Qing's place was made sticky and slippery as well that Yang Xuelan guided and slowly approached the right spot.


She gasped roughly, her face was scarlet, and her mesmerized eyes were full of ardent longing.

Tightness crept in, stimulating Li Qing's body to tense up.

"Qing Zi, Qing Zi, open the door!"

A clear and eager voice suddenly came from outside the gate.

Li Qing was shocked and flinched, "It's my sister-in-law!"

"Ah?!" Yang Xuelan was also startled, letting out a soft cry and lifting up her pants as soon as she could, "What should we do?"

"You wait first." Li Qing calmed down, "I'll go out and take a look."

"What if your sister-in-law comes in?" Yang Xuelan asked sharply.

It was late at night, and she couldn't find a reason why she was here at Li Qing's place.

Li Qing looked around and said, "Sister-in-law Xue Lan, give me a break, you hide it in the closet first. If my sister-in-law doesn't come in, you'll find a chance to go back first."

Yang Xuelan answered in a hurry and hurriedly hid inside the closet.

Li Qing took a look and saw that there were no traces that were too obvious, then he put on his clothes and went out of the hall.

Outside the front door, Han Mei held her bladder with a stunned look.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this, Li Qing hurriedly asked with concern.

Han Mei's breath was a little uneven, her voice pressed a little low and said to Li Qing, "Qingzi, it seems like something dirty has entered the house? I ... am a little afraid."

"Dirty things?!" Li Qing was shocked.

The village would often hear such similar rumors, but Li Qing had never seen it with her own eyes when she grew up.

"Don't be afraid, sister-in-law, carefully tell me what's going on!" Li Qing calmed Han Mei and asked.

He wanted to invite Han Mei into the house, but Yang Xuelan was hiding in the house, and he didn't dare to mention this topic.

Han Mei shivered, her pure and bright eyes tinged with fear, "I just got disoriented and felt as if someone was standing on the side of the bed, I was startled and woke up, but there was nothing around me."

"After a while, that feeling came again, and something seemed to be touching me on my arm."

"I, not daring to move, hardened my head and pretended to sleep. Not for a while, that feeling was gone, but the roof was ringing with a clicking sound, as if someone was scratching the rafters with both hands."

Han Mei's description of this flurry of words made Li Qing's sweaty body stand up as he listened.

Was there really such an evil thing in the world?

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, I'll go with you to take a look." Li Qing straightened his chest and said.

Although he was a little weak from what he heard, he still didn't believe in these things from the bottom of his heart.

Han Mei leaned towards Li Qing's side and nervously whispered, "Qing Zi, do you think it could be that, what I did with you, made your brother unhappy?"

"That's impossible!" Li Qing said flatly.

He absolutely could not let his sister-in-law think that way.

Once his sister-in-law had this thought, there was absolutely no chance for him to get any closer in the future.

Li Qing had made up his mind that even if there was a great god living in his sister-in-law's house tonight, he would have to give a tackle.

"Sister-in-law, I'll go home with you to take a look." Li Qing assisted Han Mei and said in a deep voice.

Han Mei looked stunned and said in a trembling voice, "Qing Zi, should I buy some incense and candles to frame, in case ..."

Li Qing immediately said with great certainty, "Sister-in-law, there's no such thing as an eventuality, so don't scare yourself."

"Besides all this time, Uncle Cripple and Aunt Caili have long gone to bed, and we have no place to buy to go!"

"I'll go see what's going on for you first, or you'll never be sure in your heart later."

Han Mei weakly nodded her head, "Also, good."

Li Qing assisted Han Mei, whose legs were obviously not strong enough, to her home.

The lights in several houses were all brightly lit, but the courtyard was even more eerily silent.

It made Li Qing's heart a little hairy.

But in order to not let Han Mei feel it, he braced himself and intentionally said loudly, "Sister-in-law, follow me."

Han Mei gently nodded her head and tightly tugged on Li Qing's arm.

Li Qing walked into the hall room and swept his gaze in all directions.

On the table above the bed was the cup of water that his sister-in-law had drank from, but at the moment, it was knocked over.

There were also some crumbs of food on the floor.

Li Qing squatted down and took a closer look, "Sister-in-law, is this what you ate?"

Han Mei's face turned pale and she shook her head head repeatedly.

This made Li Qing a little confused.

Suddenly, he saw a bit of ash, and a piece of yellow shredded paper stuck to the bed sheet.

Li Qing's breath hitched as he recognized it.

This was the yellow mount that hadn't burned out.

Damn it, it couldn't really be that his brother had an opinion, right?

This messed up, and Li Qing couldn't help but feel a little weak.

"Sister-in-law, do you see anything wrong?" Li Qing quietly picked up the bit of yellow paper and pinched it in the palm of his hand and asked.

Han Mei's voice trembled more and more, "I didn't knock over the water cup, and the drawer is open."

This movement made Li Qing feel like a thief had entered the house.

But a thief wouldn't be so bad as to bring the ashes of the yellow frames and throw the crumbs of the snacks on the ground.

This was really strange.

He thought about it left and right and couldn't think of any situation where such a scene would occur.

It seems like the most likely one is still ... his brother came to the house and turned around.

Li Qing lightly shivered and immediately shook this thought out of his head.


Then even if it was true, he would make this impossible.

Yin and Yang were separated from each other, but he was still thinking so much, he shouldn't ah.

Li Qing got down on the ground and took a closer look under the bed, then lifted up the quilt that still had Han Mei's body heat on it.

He did not find anything, but noticed the black hollowed out pants on the side of the pillow.

Sister-in-law seemed to be wearing these in the daytime.

Han Mei's cheeks flushed, and she immediately grabbed the pants and hid them behind her back, "Don't look blindly!"