
Healing the Past and the Present for a Better Future

While George and the kids were out buying ice cream, Cynthia and Henry were walking in the garden all by themselves.

"You look better," he noted.

She nodded her head, "I feel…alive again, with John back…"

Henry smiled, she looked alive to him too. It was just the word that he was searching for in his head as he slowly watched the glint coming back to her big eyes, even when John first came and they were arguing, that was also healthier than her prior state, and his.

"You know, I think John is doing better than before too…When I first found him there…He reminded me of you…" he confessed.

There had been no light in John's eyes back in that street either.

Cynthia tightened her hold around herself as they walked, "Henry…Did I ever thank you?"

He fixed his gaze on the path ahead of him, "It was my duty…It is…Protecting you, protecting the children,"