
Fantasy World With A Berserker Class System

Death by truck. Reincarnated With Some Wishes. That's all you will get for now.

IAmCompletelyLost · Komik
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A Forest?

I... wasn't sure how I came here.

Question plagued my mind, but sure I had answers for some of them, it seems I had knowledge of things I shouldn't have, I don't remember my past, nor my entire life, but for sure I knew things that the current me wasn't supposed to know.

I somehow knew what a Game was, what a novel was, and my mind had an subtle interest about those two topics, mainly the novel one, I had knowledge about people who in death, would come back with the blessings of a God, to harness their power and become stronger, to one day stand at the side of those very gods who gave them their strength.

It's... interesting to say the least, but I knew, somehow, that those were mere stories, told by a multitude of people whose minds were rich with fantasy, yet their stories were intriguing, what if? What if those stories could become true? That question ringed in my head multiple times.

But this isn't time to think of these things, switching my focus to my view, what greeted me was a forest, flourishing with green leaves, the thick yet gentle scent of the forest calmed my mind, it was a little difficult, but I could see birds flying between leaves, insects making themselves home in between the barks of the trees.

It would be a beautiful view, if not for the fact that, despite the life around me, I was alone, not a single human could be seen, nor any signs of a civilization, no roads, nor paths, nothing.

My mind went on alert, I knew nothing about the area, maybe there was predators around that my vision was to weak to spot, as I was beginning to panic, I heard a strange yet familiar noise.


[Berserker System Online]

A... system? Like those in the novels? Which could give power to those blessed by it? If not for the situation I was now, I would be screaming in joy, do not take this the wrong way, I AM happy, but the situation now calls for a calm mind.

"System, open Status please"

I knew that novels depicted systems as mere tools for improvement, and I was no different, some of them actually had a consciousness, but the protagonists of those novels were quite... lustful on their part, often leading the system to adopt a female figure, this is something I don't really like to put my finger on, one could only wonder what happens inside the head of those authors.

And with the same mechanic sound, a screen appeared in front of my view, with every aspect of my body, together with it, where a series of information that interested me.


[Name: ???]

[Race: Human?]

[Level: 1]

[Vitality: 10]

[Endurance: 10]

[Mind: 10]

[Strength: 10]

[Dexterity: 10]

[Intelligence: 10]


[Berserker's Rage] 1/10

[Enters a blind rage, doubling all stats for 2 minutes]

[Lust For Blood] {Passive} 1/10

[As long as blood is drawn in battle, be it yours or of the enemy, your [Strength] is increased by 20%]

'Damn' was all I could think, everything here was just... good, but there's some irony in this, a calm person was actually gifted the power of a blinded rage strength.

Nonetheless, I welcomed this surprise, strength to protect myself was what I needed the most at the moment, but it makes me shudders thinking that I will need to spill blood to become stronger, I assume my person wasn't that brave about those things before.

"Now, where can I find a suitable place for a night? The night will come at some point, apex predators of the night won't wait for their prey to hide"

Looking for some sign of flowing water, like a river, I started walking, looking at the scenario around me I came to a conclusion, this was definitely NOT Earth, or any planet I knew of, maybe some alien planet? I just pray that no alien will come out of the bushes to kill me.

The reason I know this isn't Earth? Simple, in the middle of my walk, I spotted a gigantic flower, it had a alluring scent coming from it, almost made me go near it, but luckily a frog jumped on it's petals, in which the flower made a move, quickly swallowing the poor thing.

After some walk, I finally came to find a river, the water was crystal clear, beautiful and my throat was begging for some water after the walking I just made, coming to the water, I was shocked to see my reflection on it, the flow of water made it a little difficult to see, but there it was.

Black hair wildly styled, tanned rough skin, although not really muscular, my body could be said to be healthy, no imperfections, my eyes were black in color, 'strange' I thought at first, looking at my eyes, I felt like staring at the abyss, unending darkness.

And by staring at my reflections, I finally took notice that I was completely naked, my private parts hanging between my legs.

"Well, that's awkward, I need clothes and some kind of shelter, food, and maybe a weapon to protect myself"

I had some knowledge stored in my mind to help me survive, first thing is to ensure water, second was to ensure I had food, third a shelter, and finally warmth for the night, be it clothes or a plain bonfire.



Hearing the sounds of bushes hustling, I hardened my muscles as I turned around fast enough to catch glimpses of eyes staring back at me through the leaves.

The pupils resembled that of a leopard, avoid of emotions besides the instinct to kill and devour, I was confronted with a predator in my first day, what a luck.

Keeping my posture high, I walked slowly towards the water, I could feel the cold hardness of rocks underneath the water, the animal didn't keep still, approaching while revealing itself from it's hiding spot.

It was uncannily familiar, 'a tiger' I thought at first, but it's body, while big and seemly sturdy, it was skinnier than a tiger, maybe a spawn between a leopard and a tiger, nonetheless it was a predator of it's own.

It's eyes were locked into my person, it growled a low hum, I lowered my posture to pick up a rock in the water, seeing me lower myself, the beast lunged forward, trying to aim for my neck, but I brought the stone right into it's mouth, I inserted it as far as I could, trying to choke it momentarily, the beast recoiled it's head back, I took the chance to swiftly pick another stone before smashing the beast's head repeatedly, I knew it was impossible for someone to kill with a mere stone, but I could at least stun it with a concussion to the head.

The beast roared as I smashed the stone in the center of it's head, stunning it for a moment, I used the opportunity to smash the stone in it's legs, hoping to hinder it's legs, but before I could connect the blow, I felt a slash in my left arm, the pain came soon after, but I kept silent, I didn't feel like screaming, the adrenaline was surging in my body, and the strange anger made my body ignore the wound, I felt my strength becoming more noticeable, my muscles hardening even more, the [Lust For Blood] was taking it's effects.

I saw another claw aiming for my face, but I caught it with both of my hands, somehow overpowering the muscles of the beast, the beast roared in pain as I twisted it's claws in a way it shouldn't, blood flowing from it's wounds.

I picked another stone, before smashing the beast repeatedly, but this time, with the intention of killing it, I didn't notice how I kept roaring in anger, my vision was red, I felt my muscles bulging, becoming bigger, my blows becoming almost like a great hammer striking down a white hot metal.

When I came to myself, I saw a dismantled corpse of the animal, laying dead below my feet, a clear imprint of my foot in it's head.

"I... lost control, I went berserk?"

I was confused, but what surprised me was that, instead of feeling the pain, and the wounds, I felt actually refreshed, looking at my arm, I saw no wound, there wasn't a healing factor in my status, and I also felt stronger than before.

In my confusion, I thought of the only thing that could satiate my curiosity.



[Name: ???]

[Race: Human?]

[Level: 3]↑

[Titles: Beast Hunter] New★

[Vitality: 13]

[Endurance: 13]

[Mind: 13]

[Strength: 13]

[Dexterity: 13]

[Intelligence: 13]

[Bonus Stat Points: 30] [Allocate]


[Berserker's Rage] 2/10 Lvl Up↑

[Enters a blind rage, doubling all stats for 3 minutes]

[Lust For Blood] {Passive} 2/10 Lvl Up↑

[As long as blood is drawn in battle, be it yours or of the enemy, your [Strength] is increased by 25%]

"I leveled up 2 times in a single encounter, maybe that beast was way stronger than me, that's why I for so many experience, my rage actually saved me, but what is my new title?"


[Beast Hunter] {Passive} 1/10 New★

[When dealing with Beast-Class enemies, your stats are 10% stronger]

"This is great actually, I am in the wilderness, no human or sentient civilization, basically everything around me is a beast, now, what can I do with this corpse?"


[New Function Unlocked]

[Shop] New★

[Buy] [Sell]

[Bulgar Corpse] Uncommon

'Hm, the beast was called Bulgar, sell it's corpse, after that, I will check the shop for anything useful I can buy for now'

[120 SP]

'SP? As in System Points?'


[Consumables] [Materials] [Skills] [Special]

I was... shocked, so little options to choose from, no [Weapons] or something like that for me to buy, but I guess it's enough for me, but the [Special] option was gaining my attention.

'Special please'


[0 BS]

[Destroyer's Wrath] Mythical [150000 BS]

[Khorne's Blessing] Mythical {Passive} [100000 BS]

[Sacrifice Sanity] Legendary [75000 BS]




Oh... damn... I think I get the gist of what is happening, and if my guess is right, I may as well die today, Khorne? A chaotic god that resides in the warp? if this is the warhammer universe, my chances of surviving past a week is near zero, as a normal human besides my rage, I am as feeble as a ant in comparison to what is out there.

Tyranids, the Tau, Space Marines, both from the emperor and the chaos side, all of them will be on my ass, ready to kill me on sight... ok, maybe not the Emperor's Space Marines, but the rest? It's kill or die trying.

I look up, into the orange sky, the time passed quickly since I woke up, but I was in a loss of words, maybe I will really die? Without a chance to taste a good life?

"Fuck, my luck is really shit"

Shaking my head, I pulled myself together, I still had food and a shelter to sleep the night, there was no time to contemplate if this is really the Warhammer universe, but if it was, it's the problem of the future me.




*Chirp Chirp*


I groaned, a ray of light coming from the opening of my cave, hitting my eyes as I looked the other way, I had found this place to sleep yesterday, found some fruits that were safe to eat.

The day was greeting me with it's warmth, sadly, there was only the cold and hard ground to sleep in, so my body was sore all over, standing up, I cracked my body in every possible spot, one thing I wanted to try today was if I could raise my stats by training, so I tried doing some exercises, ranging from push-ups to running for a good hour, my body of course wasn't apt to do everything I wanted to do, but it paid off.


[Strength +1]↑

[Dexterity +1]↑

While it was just a little improvement, it could help in the long run, and seeing that a improvement of 20% plus the Berserker's Rage double stats was enough to overpower the Bulgar, I guess 1 of each was actually going to help a lot.

I left the cave, I needed to learn more about the forest, one thing I knew is that, by following the flow of a river, you might find abundant life, be it intelligent or not, maybe I could find a road or something.

I grabbed a stone with a sharp side, I used it to break a large enough branch of a tree to make a spear, sharpening the end of it with the stone, I heard a sound after finishing the crude spear.


[Crafted (Crude Wooden Spear) Common]

[Crude Wooden Spear] Common

[+10 ATK]

[100/100 Durability]

Yeah, just enough to protect me I guess, storing the stone in a bag made of leaves, I left to follow the river, it was a clear day, I could see large birds roaming the skies, the path I made had nothing particularly interesting.

The forest wasn't becoming less dense, in the contrary, it was becoming denser by the second, I thought that I was in the center of the forest before, looking at my surroundings I noticed the lack of sounds coming from this part, no birds chirping, no bushes hustling from the coming wind, heck, not even the wind was present.

"Something is wrong here..."

I felt like I stepped into a trap, I felt a cold sweat running down my neck, something was so wrong about this place.

*Crack* *Crack*

I turned my head slightly down, I could see cracks running down the ground, rapidly growing towards my direction, my instincts screamed me to run, to not look back, but before I could turn away, the ground had split and a jaw flew towards me.


I threw myself to the side, nearly dodging whatever attacked me, I looked behind me and saw a serpent, so big that dwarfed anything I saw before, it was as big as a giant tree, it's ruby red eyes were locked into me, gazing at me like a piece of meat.

"Damn luck"

I turned away and retreated as far as I could, the serpent of course wasn't dumb enough to let it's prey run away, it chased me, I could hear tree tumbling down as the behemoth was hot in my heels, it was clearly faster than me, it lunged at me, but I protected myself between the trees, dodging everything it threw at me, before long, I could see at the distance a stone tower, maybe there was some civilization, but my body was failing me now.

'No! No! No!'

My body was hot, sore from the running, but the adrenaline kept me together, I sped up, hoping that I could reach the tower before the damn thing ate me, when I was just at the feet of the tower, where I could see a open stone door, the serpent did a final lunge, biting one of my legs off.


Despite the pain, I pushed through it, I crawled rapidly to the entrance, the serpent tried to bite me, but I quickly rolled to the side, the impact the serpent made in the ground made me fly over, falling right in front of the entrance.

The serpent looked at me, I couldn't move anymore, I stared at the abyss dark inside the tower, hoping that I would not die, that I could somehow live through this trial, as the shadow of the serpent closed distance, I closed my eyes, everything going dark...