
I am feeling you Movie fantasy, mysterious Author Morn kunthea

Mina, who lives in a dream world and wonders what kind of love everyone wants, such as love between family, parents, friends, siblings, etc., but what she knows , it is desire and the connection that comes from thoughts and imagination and reach out to someone if you feel for them. She used to have a lot of people interested and people neglected her by cheating on her, using her love for their own benefit. At night, when it was too late, she walked alone and often tried again and again after being forbidden by many people to fall in love and go out. Even though love is open to many people, other people come to break and hurt themselves repeatedly, thinking that everyone is very selfish for their own happiness, destroying other people's happiness. She met a lot of men from friendship and family through online social media, she wanted to talk about the hard things that had happened to her, but when the other party started talking about the hardships ahead of her , it made her think of them first and always find a way to make them happy, especially since she is happy to have another friend. But when they have a partner, she wishes and walks away so they don't think about her more than friendship because of the distance, so she always decides whoever comes next to take care of them is better than her. She thinks love doesn't win intimacy. If they still try to seduce her, she uses tricks to block them or make them angry and leave her, and she also cries alone when she doesn't have the courage to control most of the women they bullied her and banished her. In particular, she rejects them when they try to get closer again and again due to mental issues, lost memories, and many other incredible stories. This leads to resentment, confusion and insults when she was in the real world she took care of everyone around her until she fell asleep and forgot who she was . As she prepared herself and opened her heart, many thorns pierced her heart, people's anger, threats, etc. And it's very hard not even to start yet but to be destroyed. So what she can do for those who come after her is give them what they want because when she chooses to write someone's name it seems to touch their feelings and hears a lot of their desires with negative messages such as insulting photos and their scars. shooting up and down until everything got better and she was gone, not to mention helping and wishing jokes on their hearts when she was in pain too. So she hopes everyone can find true love, honesty and strong love, not the benefit of lying to each other. When they are happy and able to do it and they have to think about seduction because of fear and many reasons, not all women are the same and interest them from the outside. Therefore, the path she walks sees everyone's heart, and her heart too. If there is pain from the past, not only they alone also have it behind, it also means that on the road ahead, open to accept a loving smile and should leave the shadows of the past, even if it is difficult, but can also be done one day, wounds are healed with time and hope and love. So don't make the mistake and your pain that she saw is one of the most beautiful and meaningful paintings your flowers will bloom again when you meet people who love you and you really love them.