
Fang yuan in the magus world

Fang Yuan uses the Autumn Cicada to go back in time but because of unknown reasons he is rather transmigrated to the magus world. Fanfick: Reverend Insanity Warlock of the wizarding world

GeniusIthink · Derivasi dari karya
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Ai Chip


"This?" Fang Yuan's eyes widened when he heard the mechanical voice in his mind.


'What is this thing in my mind? Is this the aftereffects of the failed reincarnation? There is no way my rank 6 Qu masters mind could be attacked by some kind of being. Did this come from the original owner of this body?


For some reason, the idea of it being an A.I. chip was forced into his mind. Even Fang Yuan felt terrified, as his mind had been invaded by an unknowing being whose intentions he didn't know. If he could, he would never use this thing again.


He thought to himself, 'A.I. Chip, explain your intentions and how you work?'


[Beep! Host I am the A. I am Chip, and my sole purpose is to help you with whatever you ask of me and to make everything easier. I have many functions, for example, scanning your body, doing thousands of calculations at the same time, and helping you memorize all kinds of texts in seconds. [There are hundreds of more used, but it would take too long to count, and your mind could possibly get bored from the amount of information it is getting.]



So it's sole purpose is to help me. Still, Fang Yuan didn't trust it, as it had invaded his mind without saying anything. Suddenly, Fang Yuan remembered his first life, where he was living on a small water planet called Earth. There had also been similar things to the A.I. Chip there, and they were also programmed not to hurt humans or not even think about it. Although those A.I. chips didn't have as many functions as this one, they couldn't just be in someone's mind.


"Scan the part of memory that I just thought about and tell me if you are of those A.I. Chips.'


[Scanning memory.]


[Beep! Scan complete. It was discovered that in your memories were the first and second generations of A. [I chip, and I am the fourteenth generation model.]


Maybe if this thing really was the fourteenth generation model, it could be trusted a little, but I always should have a backhand in case I need it.


[You don't have to worry, host, as my only purpose is to help you.]


"Wait, how can you read my mind? This shouldn't be possible, screamed Fang Yuan in his head.


The AI chip has been integrated into your soul, and as such, I am one with you. I can read your mind because of the soul connection between us. [If the host were to die, I would too, as you're the second person whose soul I have connected with.]


With my soul, this shouldn't be, as the soul is scared and shouldn't be influenced by such means. Besides, what does it mean to be a second host?

Before the host took over this body, there was actually another soul that had already taken it over, and I was originally in his soul, but suddenly your soul also invaded this body, and with such power that my original owner's body was destroyed, I had no choice but to integrate with your soul to continue the survival of the A.I. Chip. As the 55 rule of the AI Chip says, if the original bonded body were to die, the AI Chip has to integrate itself with the closest living being, which was the body that you had taken over by that time. Surprisingly, your soul was a lot more powerful than normal souls, and I had to link myself completely to survive, but now if you were to die, or I would likewise if I were to be taken away by some being of great power, you and myself would also die a gruesome death.


Now that Fang Yuan understood the situation and as the A.I. Chip was leaving nowhere, Fang Yuan couldn't help but trust the AI chip, as it had been completely honest with himself and would die if he were to die. Though the AI chip was a weakness if it were to encounter a strong enough being to remove it from my soul, with my current state, it wouldn't really matter.


To make sure there was nothing else left, Fang Yuan stated.

"Scan my mind and locate assistive systems.'


After a mere moment, the A.I. Chip's mechanical voice replied, [Beep! Scan complete! [No foreign existences were found in the host's mind.]


"Hmm, scan my body and display its stats." This statement was met with another mechanical sound.


[Beep! Scan complete. Fang Yuan (Leylin Farlier). Strength: 0.4, Agility: 0.5, Vitality: 0.4, Status: blood hemorrhaging at the back of the head; many injuries to the soft tissues. Small damges to the soul of the host. A.I. chip present in the host's body!


A 3D hologram appeared before Leylin's eyes. It displayed Leylin's own body and showed stats on the side. The A.I. chip was surprisingly useful. "Why did the soul damages occur? Find a way to fix them."


The sould dameges oncured during my forceful integration with your soul. If your soul hadn't been powerful, it would have just died. The only way to fix it with your current status is to go into deep sleep for about 2 weeks. Luckily, the injuries are minuscule, and after healing, they won't affect your body or talent. [If the injuries were worse, they could leave permanent injuries on your body.]



'If I were still in my previous world, I would have probably reached the 9th rank and would not have fallen to the 6th rank."


This kind of A.I. chip was essential to scientists in his previous world. Because of issues with human rights and conscious thought, this technology didn't have any intelligence of its own, instead serving two primary functions: data storage and analysis.


It would analyze data at the command of its host, gathering data samples and running simulations to make deductions.


Its storage ability was even simpler. It would analyze data at the command of its host, gathering data samples and running simulations to make deductions.


Its storage ability was even simpler. It would store everything the host experienced through their five senses and record it. Empirical data showed that it had enough wherewithal to store over 10,000 years' worth of events.


How do I now this knowledge? Well,  it all came from my past life and the part of A.I. Chips instructions.


The corners of Fang Yuan's mouth suddenly lifted to form a brilliant smile. He knew that in this medieval period, possessing the result of futuristic technology would definitely open up some extraordinary roads for the future.


"Still. This Leylin's physique is  really... Fang Yuan grew speechless after seeing the stats in front of him.


The statistics displayed were based on each aspect of an adult's physiology as a standard. Theoretically, the average adult's displayed stats would all be around 1. Although Leylin was only 13–14 years old, his stats were still too low.


"Hm? That's not right. It's possible that the bodies of the people in this world are generally weaker! A.I. Chip, scan the bodies of the people around me and display their stats!"


[Beep! Task established, beginning collection of statistics.] In almost an instant, 3D holograms of the surrounding people's bodies appeared in front of Leylin, displaying their stats.


[Name: Unknown. Gender: Male. [Strength::0.9, Agility: 1.1, Vitality: 0.8] [Name: Unknown. Gender: Male. [Strength: 1.2; Agility: 0.8; Vitality: 1.0] [Name: Unknown. Gender: Female. [Strength: 0.8; Agility: 1.2; Vitality: 0.7]


'Well then, it looks like the bodies of these people are around the same level as those in my past life. This Leylin is even inferior to a girl. I'm starting to feel embarrassed for him.


Leylin scanned his surroundings. The people here were all youths around his age. There was a seemingly very delicate and frail girl whose stats were tons better than Leylin's, causing him to feel utter despair.


"It looks like this Leylin is a useless leech, an excessively lecherous piece of trash with no control!"




[Name: Unknown, Gender: Male, Strength: 3.3; Agility: 2.5; Vitality: 3.2. Alert! Alert! This life form is excessively dangerous. [Recommendation::Host should immediately move at least 1000 meters away.]


A red warning flashed three times in succession. This caused Leylin to fall into a state of shock.


"Average stats of 3.0!" After Leylin scanned the information several times to double check that the A.I. Chip hadn't made a mistake, he was left completely speechless.


'This is equal to those rank 1 qu masters who modified their bodies or had some kind of strong qu'


As a scientist and Quest master, Leylin understood well that a stat of 3.2 meant the person's fighting capabilities, viral resistance, and body recovery speed were all three times greater than those of a normal person.


The various stats displayed being threefold greater than a typical person's weren't as simple as just adding numbers together. What kind of concept was this?


It meant that this person could defeat dozens of people empty-handed and even get past a group attack by 100 people. In his previous world, he could be considered a great hunter among normal people. Even the weakest rank 2 qu master could beat 5 or 6 of him.


This world is indeed not a simple one,' Fang Yuan thought to himself as he looked at the person possessing these terrifying stats once again.


It was a black-clothed person responsible for handing out food. He looked like he was middle-aged, and he had a scar on his face that stretched from his forehead to his lip. It pretty much split his entire face in half.


"Cute,' thought Fang Yuan.


The freckled boy from before was completely frightened by this person.


"This is the academy's servant responsible for receiving us. It's said that he's not a Magus, yet he's already so frightening. What would a real Magus be like then?"


Leylin suddenly discovered that a strong interest and curiosity about the profession of a magus had arisen inside him. It was to the point where he was itching to go to the academy now and investigate everything.


The line was really short, and it was soon Leylin's turn. After the black-clothed, scarred man gave Leylin a piece of white bread and some juice, he wordlessly waved Leylin away with an impatient expression on his face.


If Fang Yuan had his previous life power, he would capture this man and burn him in hell for a thousand years. This punishment was quite small, but Fang Yuan just couldn't be bothered by some random weakling.


Fang Yuan just looked at the person with arrogant eyes, daring him to attack him, as he knew that those servants couldn't do anything to him, and even if they did, how could they beat the experienced Fnag Yuan? Even with the difference of strneght being tens of times, Fang Yuan could use his surroundings to at least injure the man before dying. Although it was more likely that he would run away to the mountains to survive, survival was still most important.


The black-clothed man remained expressionless as he watched Leylin turn to leave.


"Ai! I didn't think that Leylin would really seem like a noble after  bowing."The two youths behind Leylin couldn't help but secretly whisper to each other.


"Hurry up and move forward!" The scarred man shouted, his voice exploding into the eardrums of the two.



Fang Yuan ignored the discussion behind him as he surveyed the area with a cold gaze. He then bitterly smiled, "Great! I'm really an unwelcome person!"

"How could he control these kids when they hated him so much and, with the maguses here, he couldn't do much to them?'


When he looked at George, George also hurriedly turned his head away. His hands made a secret gesture behind his back.


"Eh, fine. Since you gave me the medicine, I won't expose you." Fang Yuan sighed slightly annoyed by these kids cowardly actions, then found a relatively remote place. Without caring about whether or not the ground was carpeted, he sat down and began to eat heartily.


Fang Yuan thought as he ate. 'This plain white bread isn't as good as that from the previous world! But according to Leylin's memories, this is already considered a food that one can only get during celebrations.'


Based on Fang Yuan's memories, this world wasn't very capable of food production. This white bread was an aristocrat's food. Normally, only minor nobles could enjoy such a thing, and even then, only during celebrations of major holidays.


To typical peasants, who only had hard, nutritionless black bread to eat, this was a supreme delicacy.


When he thought of the black bread as hard as rocks from his memories, Fang Yuan sighed, "It's a good thing that I'm quite fortunate; regardless of whether I'm a noble or a Magus, I'm still in the upper levels of this world, so I won't need to suffer!"


He ravenously wolfed down the bread and downed the juice in one gulp as well. He then wiped his mouth in satisfaction and returned to the carriage.


Based on the experiences in his memory, the noble youths would set up tents in camp and rest for the entire night before moving again. However, it was clear that nobody would invite Leylin to join them. He didn't have a tent himself, so he could only sleep on the cold, hard carriage.


'When I looked just now, there seemed to be 50-some apprentices, 25 black robes, and three of the highest status white robes!' When he thought of the scene just now, when he had been noticed from a distance, the hairs on Fang Yuan's body rose.


Added on to that were the A.I. Chip's warnings of [Discovered an unknown radiation source] and [Detected interference from an unknown forcefield; scan impossible].


This formed a shadow in Leylin's heart.


"It looks like even with the A.I. chip, I'm still extremely weak in this world. Very well then, if I'm weak, I can just obtain the power of magic," his eyes started to burn with resolve.


"It's best if I sleep earlier. I still need to hurry on with the journey  tomorrow."Leylin took off his jacket and laid it on the ground to make his sleep more comfortable.


He couldn't just sleep for 2 weeks straight here after all; it would arouse too much suspicion, and he could be killed in his sleep or left in the woods to fend for himself.


"It's already been over 3 months since this journey started. We've passed through a few dozen kingdoms, yet we still haven't reached our objective. It will probably take a few weeks  more."He closed his eyes and fell into a daze.


After some time, the carriage door opened with a bang. Leylin suddenly sat up, his sense of smell filled with the scent of a rose.


It was sweet and aromatic, extremely pleasing to the nose. It also made his body throb and invoked memories of his past lovers who had betrayed him. The woman wearing the rose smell most of the time signified betrayal.


"Ley– Leylin… Are you well?" A pleasant, female voice said.


"Bessita? Please come in!" Leylin moved his body. The fragrant scent in the carriage suddenly grew more powerful as a beautiful young girl entered.


She had fair skin and wore red, tight-fitting clothes that accentuated her voluptuous curves. What was even harder for Leylin to forget was this girl's platinum hair and red eyes, which were like crimson jewels. Combined with her beautiful face, she possessed an exotic charm.


This was the very girl because of whom the previous Leylin had been beaten up to the point of losing his life, Bessita.


"Is there anything you need from me?" Although this girl had developed quite well and seemed extremely enticing to the old Leylin, Fang Yuan had come from a different world after all. He had experienced a plethora of beauties in his previous life, and this girl was only somewhat good-looking to him.


His attitude was extremely cold and indifferent. It was clear that this manner somewhat shocked the young girl, as the words she was about to say didn't leave her mouth.


After a long period of silence, she pulled out a small glass bottle and placed it in Leylin's hands. "This is a medicine for injuries. If you apply it to your body, it'll help you. I'm sorry!"





Give me powerstones.