
Fanfiction I am reading

Stash of fics I am reading or want to read mostly uploaded to make use of the audio function Warning - Non of the uploaded fics here belong to me as obvious as it is the fics belong to there respective authors u can find original on Fanfiction.net or ao3 or spacebattles list of fics uploaded below :- 1 . Patriot's Dawn by Dr. Snakes MD ( Naruto ) 2 . How Eating a Strange Fruit Gave Me My Quirk by azndrgn ( MHA) 3 . HBO WI: Joffrey from Game of Thrones replaced with Octavian from Rome by Hotpoint (GOT) 4 . Kaleidoscope by DripBayless (MHA) 5 . Give Me Something for the Pain and Let Me Fight by DarknoMaGi. (MHA) 6 . Come out of the ashes by SilverStudios5140 ( Naruto ) 7 . A Spanner in the Clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_Exodia ( MHA) 8 .King Rhaenyra I, the Dragonqueen by LuckyCheesecake ( GOT ) 9 . A Lost Hero's Fairytale by Ultimate10 ( Ben 10 × Fairy tail ) 10. Becoming Hokage by 101Ichika01: ( Naruto ) 11.Bench Warmer (A Naruto SI) by Blackmarch 12. The Raven's Plan by The_SithspawnSummary ( Got ) 13. Tanya starts from Zero by A_Morte_Perpetua_Machina_Libera_Nos ( ReZero × Tanaya the Evil ) 14. That Time I Got Isekai'd Again and Befriended a SlimeTanJaded ( Tensura ) 15 . Heroes Never Die by AboveTail ( MHA ) 16 . The Saga of Tanya the Firebender by Shaggy Rower  ( Tanya the evil × Avatar : the Last Airbender) 17 . The Warg Lord (SI)(GOT) by LazyWizard ( GoT ) 18 . Perfect Reset by shansome ( MHA ) 19 . Pound the Table by An_October_Daye ( X-Men ) 20 . Verdant Revolution by KarraHazetail ( MHA ) 21. The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi by FoxboroSalts ( Naruto × Fairy Tail ) 22 . Fighting Spirit by Alex357 ( SI DxD ) 23. Retirement Ended Up Super By Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Skye/Supergirl ) 24 . Whirlpool Queen, Maelstrom King by cheshire_carroll ( Naruto & Sansa stark as twins ) 25 . What's in a Hoard? By Titus621 ( MHA ) 26 . A Dovahkiin Spreads His Wings by VixenRose1996 ( Got × Elder scrolls ) 27 . our life as we knew it now belongs to yesterday by TheRoomWhereItHappened347 ( GOT ) 28 . A Gaming Afterlife by Hebisama ( Gamer × Dragon Age × MHA × HOTD) 29 . Children of the Weirwoods By Wups ( GOT ) 30 . Shielding Their Realms Forever by GreedofRage, Longclaw_1_6 ( GOT) 31. Abandoned: Humanity's by Driftshansome 32 . The First Pillar by Soleneus (MHA) 33 . Fyre, Fyre, Burning Skitter by mp3_1415player ( Taylor Herbert × HP ) 34. Blessed with a Hero's Heart by Magnus9284 ( Konosuba X Izuku Midoriya) 35 . Wolf of Númenor by Louen_Leoncoeur ( Got) 36 . Summoner by SomeoneYouWontRemember ( Worm Parahuman) 37 . I, Panacea by ack1308 (Worm ) 38 . A Darker Path by ack1308 ( Worm) 39 . Worm - Waterworks by SeerKing ( Worm ) 40 . Ex Synthetica by willyolioleo ( Worm ) 41. Alea Iacta Est by ack1308 ( Worm) 42. Avatar Taylor by Dalxein ( Avatar × Worm ) 43.The Warcrafter by RHJunior ( Worm × Warcraft ) 44.A Tinker of Fiction Story or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Suplex the Space Whales by Randomsumofagum (Worm × SI) 45.Welcome to the Wizarding by Wormkinoth ( Worm × Harry Potter ) 46.A Throne Nobody Wants by Vahn (GOT × Fate ) 47.Broken Adventure: Arc 1: Origin by theaceoffire ( Worm × xover CYOA) 48 .Well I guess this is happening by Pandora's Reader (Worm × Ben 10 ) 49 .Legendary Tinker by Fabled Webs (Worm × league of legends ) 50. Plan? What Plan? by Fabled Webs (Worm ) 51 . Slouching Towards Nirvana by ProfessorPedant ( MHA ) 52 .Look What You Made Me Do by mythSSK ( Marvel) 53. Mana worm ( worm fic ) 54. The Wondrous Weaving of Wizardry ( Celestial grimiore Worm × fate × multi cross ) 55.Teenagers Suck (Worm CYOA) 56.Nox by Time Parad0x ( Worm × Solo leveling )

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2600 Chs


Ochako woke up to a strange sensation. Her heart was beating faster, which was odd, and she felt particularly flush. Maybe it was because she had been so tired last night, she couldn't bring herself to get into her normal pajamas. She broke out the night dress that her mother bought for her when she left for the dorms and collapsed into bed, not even bothering to put on any underwear. She wasn't used to sleeping like that, so maybe that was causing this weird feeling between her legs.


Her eyes blinked open as she looked down, trying to make out exactly what was going on in the bright morning light that was indirectly illuminating her room. She spotted a familiar green head of hair between her legs.


Ochako's eyes snapped wide as she realized that the 'strange sensation' was Deku slowly kissing up her thigh, moving closer and closer to her-


Her eyes slowly closed down as a small, satisfied smile grew across her face. 'Oh, I'm havin' this dream again. This is one of my favorites…'


She reached down and ran her fingers through Deku's hair, wrapping both of her hands around his head while he continued his journey up her thighs. Each kiss was causing her core to heat up further as blood rushed down below. She bit her lip softly as the anticipation built.


Her dreams weren't normally this… slow, but she appreciated the build up. It made it feel so much more real. Maybe her subconscious was rewarding her for a job well done yesterday.


After what felt like a lifetime, Deku finally made it to his goal and he began to plant kisses around her pulsating lips, the pounding desire only deepening as she felt his breath against her. Her pearl was tingling harder with every kiss he planted, growing from all the blood coursing through her, preparing her for what she wanted next.


Ochako inhaled sharply and squealed as his tongue made its initial contact, parting her folds lightly. The sensation was so much greater than it normally was when she had this dream; 'maybe I should exhaust myself more often? A little reward for goin' Plus Ultra?' She didn't have any other explanation for why everything seemed so much more real, at least none within the realm of possibilities she was willing to consider.


She often had lucid dreams, but they had traditionally been mostly of her flying over her home town with her quirk or finally getting to meet Thirteen or other fantasies such as that. However, ever since she came to UA, her dreams had gotten… more adult. This wasn't the first time Deku had been between her legs, although it was also sometimes Mina. There was even that night last week where she had dreamed of Pony and Momo, but that was beside the point.


This was almost something else. The sensations were so much stronger, so much clearer. She didn't have that sluggish feeling she always had in dreams, which was odd, but she was feeling far too good to worry about that right now. Anything else could wait.


Speaking of waiting, she was tired of it. Deku had been working her folds, creeping closer and closer to her nub with every lick, causing her chest to tighten with anticipation and her heart to beat faster. "Deku…" she whined, urging her dream-boyfriend to stop teasing her.


Ochako furrowed her brow as he pulled back, peeking over her nightgown to look at her. His eyes were glowing brightly and his horns were larger, causing her heart to squeeze tighter. Why did she enjoy horns so much? 


What was more important is that hungry look in his eyes was back, just like it had been in their match. At this point, she finally recognized the look. 


It was lust.


And she loved it.


But this wasn't the real Deku, so she didn't need to be gentle. It was a little irritating that her dream was being as playful as it was, so she reached down and grabbed him by the horns, causing his eyes to widen as she pulled him down hard, back between her legs. "Stop teasing," she hissed.


He only resisted slightly before his tongue began to stroke up her folds again, satisfying her desire but causing it to deepen at the same time. He began to finally give attention to her pearl, causing electricity to shoot up her spine, making her legs and arms spasm slightly. As he continued with his long, slow strokes, her breathing became more labored and she felt a strange tightness forming in her stomach. 


It was different than the tightness of nervousness, anxiety or anticipation. It felt more… primal. She had felt it before when she relieved stress during 'personal time', but it was always fleeting. Her curious internet searches had told her that it was the start of an orgasm, but try as she might, she had never been able to get there.


If Deku could finally help her do that, well… 


She began to feel empty inside, like she needed something to fill her up.


And Ochako had just the thing in mind to help that problem. This was her dream, right? So she could do what she wanted.


Her legs wrapped around his head and flexed as she pulled on his horns harder. "Get in there," she growled, her voice full of desire.


It didn't take long for Deku to obey, causing Ochako to throw her head back on her pillow as his tongue began to slowly alleviate her crushing emptiness. His horns lengthened and thickened in her hands, allowing her to readjust and get a better grip. 


She didn't know what had caused her mind to be so lewd today, but she wasn't going to look a gift-wet-dream in the mouth.


Oh, he was good. Better than he ever had been in any of her previous dreams. Her legs tightened as she tried to will him deeper. She began to gyrate her hips, rubbing herself on his face to intensify the sensations coursing through her. 


Then Deku went deeper, only as he could in a dream; she felt his tongue begin to lengthen inside of her. 


Lengthen and widen.


Oh, she really did have a dirty mind. 


Deku's tongue stretched further into her, thickening as it went. It pressed up against all of her most sensitive spots and soon was filling her up completely, more than in her wildest dreams.


Well, any of her previous wildest dreams, at least.


Even so, she still wanted more. Her leg fully locked behind his head as she arched her back, pulling him deeper and grinding herself harder on his face. That tightness in her stomach began to strengthen, like something was building inside of her. She panted harder and harder as she chased after the feeling, urging it to continue growing.


However, as she focused on it, it only seemed to move further away. Whenever she stopped thinking about it and focused more on the absolutely unreal sensation of dream-Deku buried impossibly deep inside of her, it seemed to come closer. 


It was maddening. 


She figured that she would have to give in to her baser instincts and focus less on the future, but more on the now.  


There was no reason to feel shame in her dream. 


She unlocked her legs and let Deku pull back. He panted softly, perhaps a little out of breath from his delve into her depths. As his long, green tongue pulled back, she felt it flutter over her nub again, but this time, it felt so much stronger. It was like there were two, dexterous tongues working on her simultaneously. 


She pushed his head back and gasped as she saw the forked tip of his tongue slowly shrinking back into his mouth. Just when she thought she couldn't get any more depraved…


"Flip over," Ochako ordered, deciding to throw restraint to the wind as she chased after her impulses. 


Deku rolled over as Ochako flipped herself around, firmly planting her soaked, pulsing folds over his mouth again from above, her thighs wrapped around his head. 


She made eye contact with him as his eyes widened in shock. She rubbed his hair and gripped his handleba- horns again. "Back to work," she whispered, her voice heavy with lust.


His tongue began to grow again, entering her and beginning the agonizing process of tightening the spring again, chasing after that holy grail. She held his horns tightly as she rolled her hips, stimulating herself all over his face as he kept filling her up. 


Ochako would never have the courage to do this in real life, so she had to enjoy it while she could. She was absolutely using Deku, pleasuring herself with little regard for him; she wasn't hurting him nor abusing him, even in a dream she would never do that, but she was throwing all of her inhibitions away and chasing after her desire.


The look in his eyes as she looked down again was… breathtaking. The absolute lust and love in his eyes dwarfed anything she had seen before. Her heart swelled, filling with emotion and overflowing; seeming to force her to speak as it overwhelmed her.


"I love you so much, Deku," she began, her voice low and soft. "This is absolutely amazing."


She saw his cheeks move slightly, a smile forming underneath her. He couldn't exactly respond with his tongue indisposed.


She moaned from deep within as he hit a particularly explosive spot, sending fireworks shooting off in her mind. "Ohhhhh God … And after we're done, you know what's next. You're going to fill me up again with something very different, but no less amazing."


Talking and getting her emotions out seemed to make the spring pull tighter; maybe there was something about being honest with herself. Either way, she was spurred onward.


"Then you'll fill me up proper ," she moaned. "I wonder what it feels like. I bet you cum a whole lot, don't you, Deku?"


The look in his eyes became more intense as they grew brighter. His tongue dug into her more earnestly. Maybe it was some sort of feedback loop: the more honest she was, the more her mind rewarded her.


"You'll make a mess of me, won't you?" she continued, arching her back as she inhaled sharply. "Then I'll get all big and swollen with our baby. You're going to make a great daddy, Izuku."


She nearly screamed as his tongue bulged larger, stretching her out like never before. Yeah, playing into her bizarre kink made her feel it so much stronger, Dream-Deku was reacting harder than ever; it was clear that her theory was correct.


His arms wrapped around her thighs, pulling her down harder onto him as her thighs squeezed his head. She was entirely full, her mind was going blank with pleasure and lightning was shooting over every inch of her skin.


That spring, that rabbit fleeing her grip, finally came into reach. 


She grabbed it with both hands as her world went white. 


If it wasn't for her firm grip on Deku's horns, she would have fallen backward onto the bed. She held on for dear life as a scream began to escape her lungs, urged on by the flashes of pleasure blasting through her mind with every heartbeat.


Then, suddenly, right before she could shriek, something clamped over her mouth. She recognized the soft, luscious lips of Mina lock over her own as her dream-girlfriend gripped her head tightly. 


Deku and Mina? This was the best dream she'd ever had. 


It was all she could do to stay conscious as her orgasm continued to crash over her mind and through her body. The only thing Ochako could comprehend at the moment was Deku, Mina and the pure pleasure coursing through every nerve in her body. Her toes curled, her legs shook, her knuckles turned white around Deku's horns, and her eyelids fluttered erratically. 


The orgasm peaked and Ochako was pretty sure she actually blacked out for a second, held up by her two lovers until she regained some semblance of control of her body.


She rode out the waves, panting heavily as Mina finally broke contact. She was panting and sweating like she had just sprinted a dozen times around the dorm as her mind slowly began to recover. The world slowly came back into view, seeming to melt into existence at the edges of her awareness as the final throes of her climax pulsed through her.


Ochako began to catch her breath, hunching over Deku and finally pulling herself up slightly as she started to feel over-sensitive and swollen. 


"What. A. Dream," she muttered.


"Dream?" Mina asked. "Oh boy, not again." 


Ochako squeaked.


She whipped around, rubbing the spot where Mina had pinched-


Her eyes shot wide open.


"Morning, Ochako," Mina cooed with a knowing, but exasperated, smile. 


Mina reacted in a flash, clamping her hand over Ochako's mouth as Ochako flung herself off of Deku as fast as she could, nearly falling off the bed before Mina caught her.


"I- Wha- You-" Ochako was sputtering, confusion and horror smashing through her mind as she tried to comprehend that it—everything—had been real. 


"Shhh, shhh," Mina whispered, trying to calm her. "It's okay. Breathe ."


"What?!" Ochako finally managed to put together a single coherent word.


Mina smirked. "Remember when I asked you if I had permission to get Midori to fulfill your 'wake me up by eating me out' fantasy?"


Ochako's mind grabbed onto the memory, desperate for something to hold on to as she reeled. "Y-yes, but, but-" Ochako was sure her face was neon red at this point. " I didn't think you could actually do it! "


Mina shrugged her shoulders. "That's your fault. Don't underestimate me." She smiled wide and pecked Ochako on the cheek. "But hey, don't worry about it. You did nothing wrong. He looks like he enjoyed it."


Ochako slowly turned to look at Deku, who had propped himself up on his elbows. His hair was a mess and his eyes were half-open and distant while his face and mouth were covered—dripping, even—with Ochako's juices. The man looked absolutely dazed, his tongue slowly peeking out to lick at her juices on his lips.


"Damn," Mina remarked, sounding impressed, "and I thought you sucked the soul out of him back when we started dating. You really rode him hard, huh?"


Ochako broke out of Mina's grasp and lunged over Deku, leaning over him. "D-Deku, I'm s-so sorry, I didn't m-"


She was cut off as she suddenly found herself on her back, flipped around by his powerful arm and pinned to the bed as he loomed over her. Ochako only had a moment to appreciate the wild look in his eyes before he crashed his lips into hers, his tongue diving in and dominating her mouth absolutely. 


She couldn't speak or move; all she could do was enjoy the passion he was showing her and try to reconcile it with her confusion. She noted the strange taste on his tongue, then realized that it must be her taste.


After several seconds, he pulled back, his eyes opening slowly as she saw his pupils slightly elongated, the hint of his power at their edges. "Never apologize for that," he declared simply.


The firmness in his voice and the power with which he held her down calmed her doubts and fears. "R-really?" she whispered.


He nodded, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead and running his fingers through her hair. "Really. I love you, Ochako." 


Her heart swelled, assured by the man she loved so much. "A-alright." 


"Think about it," Mina began, rolling over next to Ochako. "If Midori didn't want you to do that, do you think you could've made him do it?" She reached up and ran a finger along Deku's defined arm muscles. "I don't think we could ever make him do something he didn't want to do."


Deku averted his gaze slightly. "Uh, that's more true than you think, actually."


Ochako cocked her head. "What do you mean?"


"You see…" He leaned back, rubbing his head and allowing Ochako to sit back up. "My family, our quirks… they're proud. Bordering on arrogant. We do not appreciate being forced to do anything. If someone tries to force me to do something to keep me from doing something I want to do… well, you'll know. Word of advice: don't try to imprison a dragon."


Ochako actually felt… relieved. "So that… what I did… you were okay with it?"


Deku nodded, smiling as he blushed. "Uh, y-yeah, I did. It made me feel… really loved, you know? You looked like you were enjoying it a lot and… and it was me who made you feel that way. I can't think of a better feeling than that."


"It's cause we're his hoard ," Mina giggled, wrapping her arms around Deku and pecking him on the cheek. "You love to see us happy, don't you?"


Deku nodded, smiling awkwardly. "M-more than anything."


Mina leaned over and licked his face. "Mmm. Ochako, you taste good. Can I wake you up like that sometime?"


Ochako squeaked and covered her face with her hands. 




Dammit . Yeah, that sounded nice. Ochako nodded once. 


Mina giggled and fell back down onto Ochako's side, bringing Deku down with her onto her other side. "Looking forward to it." 


Deku nuzzled back into her side, like he had never left. His contented smile warmed her heart as his cheek rested on her shoulder. 


A thought crossed Ochako's mind. "H-hey, I thought you said you never had a girlfriend before," she said, pursing her lips and furrowing her brow. 


Deku blinked. "I… I haven't?"


"Then…" Her face was turning red again. "Then h-how-"


"How was he so good?" Mina finished. "Well… I taught him." 


Her hands covered her face again. "W-what?!"


Mina snuggled up a little closer. "Well, you know how Midori has been sneaking out at night?"


Ochako furrowed her brow again. "Yeah?" She felt Deku tense up slightly.


"Turns out…" Mina cooed, walking her fingers over Ochako's stomach. "He's been sneaking out to go and let off some stress ."


Ochako blushed harder, her mind once again filled with what she had seen at the hospital. 


"And I followed him," Mina continued. "Caught him in the act, helped him finish and then gave him a little lesson that he applied to you. You were the second, which means as he gets more practice, he'll be even better," she finished, casual as could be.


"O-oh." Ochako looked up at the ceiling, too embarrassed to meet the gaze of either of her partners. 


"So," Mina began, poking her slightly, "Miss Uraraka wants to get pregnant, huh?"


Ochako's mind shorted out for a moment. "I s-said that out loud, did I?" 


Mina giggled. "Now, first things first: do not be ashamed of your fetishes. It's not your fault you're into what you're into. I don't blame you, either. Midori's quite the catch."




"Wanting to get pregnant… it's kind of natural, right?" Mina postulated. "But again, I have my kinks, you have your kinks. Don't let anyone shame you for them, alright? They're natural ."


Deku was silent throughout this entire thing, but she could feel him squirming.


"Oh, but you're on birth control though, right?" Mina asked, her voice more serious.


"Of course!" Ochako burst out, slightly indignant. "I made an appointment with Recovery girl on the second day of class to make sure my prescription would still work here! And it's not like I actually want to get pregnant… anytime soon, at least. Not until I've graduated and become a hero and all that. I'm not goin' to throw my dreams and goals away like that."


"Good," Mina said with finality. "Did you know that Midori wants to have kids, too?"


Deku froze up at her side. 


"And I don't mean just you know, wants to have kids someday, no no, you see, it's his quirk. It wants him to have babies," Mina continued as Deku pulled away slightly. "That's why he's been sneaking off and letting off some steam. He's been getting so horny, he has to get relief or he can't function properly."


Ochako gasped. "I… I had no idea. That's awful!"


"That's what I thought," Mina agreed. "It's kind of flattering that he thinks we're so hot that he can't think straight."


'She's not wrong,' Ochako thought as she bit her thumb slightly. 'It is flatterin'...'


She blinked. "But… why has he been leaving for so long? It… I didn't think it takes that long for guys…" She trailed off, saying more than she meant to say.


"That's… actually a good point." Mina sat up and looked at Deku curiously. "Why did it take so long for you to come back?"


Deku began turning green again, his color spreading from his cheeks to cover his whole face. "W-well, you s-see, it…" He trailed off, looking away.


Mina sighed. "Midori, I gave you a handjob, you ate me out and then Ochako rode your face until you were barely coherent. You can tell us anything, I promise."


Deku sighed as well. "O-okay. I…" He squeezed his eyes shut. "I have to uh, do it more than once to get it to calm down. Like… three times or more. It takes a while."


"Oh." Mina paused, blinking. " Oh. "


Deku looked worried. "Is that ba-"


Mina whipped around, grabbing Ochako by the cheeks. " Do you understand how lucky we are?" she asked, her face very close to Ochako's.




"Most guys can go once, maybe twice before they're done for a while." She pressed her face closer. "He's saying he can go three or more times and I can attest that his refractory period barely exists. It's like he was built for this!"


"Oh. Oh. "


"I'm actually curious," Mina began, backing off of Ochako slightly and turning back to Deku. "What kind of porn do you watch?"


Deku poked his fingers together, muttering under his breath, psyching himself up to continue the conversation. "I… I don't."


"Oh, bullshit," Mina said, rolling her eyes. " Everyone watches porn. Well, everyone with a sex drive, and I know you have one. I watch porn, Ochako watches porn; you don't have to be ashamed or embarrassed."


"It's not that," he muttered. "I'm telling the truth. I know I say this a lot, but it's… it's my quirk. I can't get into it, because my quirk gets all frustrated because I can't have them. They're not real, not to me, you know? All it does is make me more tense and irritates my quirk."


"Oh," Mina said yet again. " Oh. " The pink woman slowly turned to Ochako. "You know what this means, right?"


Ochako gulped. "It's up to us to t-take care of him?"


Mina smiled slyly. "Exactly." She turned back to Deku with a look of fake annoyance on your face. "Why didn't you tell me that you weren't satisfied?"


He flinched slightly, smiling sheepishly. "I-if it makes you feel better, p-pleasuring the two of you has helped a lot, actually. Like, a lot, a lot. Seeing you both so happy… it really made me happy. It satisfied me, calmed my quirk down."


"You're not fully satisfied though, are you?" Mina asked, raising an eyebrow. "I saw you getting hard again before you hid it."


Ochako sputtered. "Hid it?" 


"Oh!" Mina's eyes sparkled. "Yeah! Check it, Midori's been transforming his crotch to hide his junk. He doesn't have a dick in dragon mode."


Ochako looked over to see Deku looking hard to his left, averting his gaze as much as he could. "Uh, i-it's fine, Mina. You don't need to-"


"But I want to," she interrupted. "You satisfied me, let me satisfy you." Mina leaned over to Ochako. "Want to help?"


Ochako breathed deeply, steeling herself. She closed her eyes tight and nodded once. Was she really about to do this?




Mina reached over and touched Deku's leg. "Midori, I want to make you feel good because I love you. I'm not going to pressure you, but I don't want you to hold back for my sake."


Ochako felt her competitive spirit flare along with her desire to take care of Deku. She wasn't going to let Mina be the only one to… do that. "Or m-mine," she muttered. "I w-want to help you." 


She took another deep breath and looked up to meet Deku's eyes. "You made me feel amazin', Deku. I want to return the favor!" She could hardly believe the words coming out of her mouth, but she meant them. "It's our fault you're like this, right? Let us help." She squeezed her eyes shut and covered her face as she spoke, using all of her willpower to keep herself talking.


"I-if you really want to…" he muttered, looking down and gripping the sheets tightly. 


"Yes!" Mina whisper-cheered, whipping her legs over the bed and standing up. "Come on, Ocha." 


Ochako followed and Mina kneeled down on the floor and patted the ground next to her. "Now get over here, Midori," the continued, gesturing to the bed in front of her. 


She kneeled down next to Mina as Deku nodded and shifted over towards them, his legs hanging over and touching the floor. 


He looked nervous as hell, but he was still moving forward. The bright glow in his eyes probably had something to do with it.


"Come on, Midori~" Mina teased. "Don't you enjoy the sight of your two beautiful girlfriends kneeling down in front of you?" 


Deku took a strained breath and gulped, before turning to glance at them. Ochako put on her best seductive look, but she wasn't very experienced. He looked away again as his breathing picked up in intensity.


She wasn't going to lie: seeing him react like that to her and Mina made her feel really good. 


"Stop teasing us," Mina whined. "I wanna see it again!" 


Ochako's heart was pounding with equal parts nerves and excitement. Deku slowly stood up, his hands shaking. He reached and cautiously lowered his pajama pants, not looking at either of the women the entire time. It was both maddening and adorable how slowly he was going. 


"I uh, see what you mean," Ochako mumbled to Mina as Deku's scales came into view. 


" Midori …" she scolded, putting her hands on her hips and puffing out her chest. 


Ochako was suddenly hit by a wave of guilt. "W-wait, actually. H-hold on." 


Mina dropped her teasing persona and looked over to her, concern in her eyes. "Are we going too fast? Do you not want to do this?"


Ochako shook her head. "N-no, nothing like that." She looked up at Deku and then averted her eyes again. "I just… I need to come clean about something."


"Oh… Is this about the hospital?" Mina asked.


"Y-yeah." Ochako looked up at Deku again, who was looking incredibly confused. "D-Deku, when you w-were asleep I… I touched you."


"Don't put it like that!" Mina groaned. "Explain."


"I liked to take naps next to you," Ochako admitted. "Sometimes, I would take naps o-on you." She didn't dare look up at him again. "Once, after I woke up, you, uh, you-"


"You were at full mast," Mina finished.


"Mina!" Ochako whined. 




"You can't just say that!" 


Mina rolled her eyes, even as a small smile tugged at her lips. "Do I need to remind you who just rode-"


"No you don't!" Ochako squeaked. She took several deep breaths, fanning herself. "Uh, so yeah, Deku, you were, uh, yeah, and I… I… IthoughtitwasadreamsoItoucheditI'msosorry!"


"Oh." That was all Deku said.


"I'm so sorry," she repeated.


"I… thought that was a dream," he said softly. "A really nice dream." Her eyes went wide. "Did you… did you fall asleep with your hair in my face?"


Ochako looked up, stunned out of her embarrassment. "Y-yeah, my hair got in your face while I slept or something."


Deku looked away. "S-so it was real…"


Mina cooed. "Aw, the smell of your hair turned him on, even in a coma. That's kinda romantic… I think."


"Look, Ochako," Deku began, chuckling awkwardly. "I f-forgive you. Don't worry about it, okay? But uh, thanks for telling me."


"You two are so wholesome it's unbelievable," Mina huffed, crossing her arms but smirking slightly.


"Mina…" Ochako said softly.


"Oh, you know I love it," Mina admitted. "But now that that's out of the way…" She looked up at Deku with a smirk.


" Please let me see it ?" Mina's voice was husky and full of desire. The sudden change took Ochako aback for a moment.


The effect on Deku was immediate. He blinked slowly, the glow brightening as he breathed deeply. As he exhaled, his scales began to shrink away, creeping up his legs and towards his center. The anticipation was causing her mouth to dry up and she instinctively licked her lips. 


Eventually, painfully slowly, his length began to form, growing out as the scales receded. Ochako felt her jaw open slightly.


She had seen it covered before, but seeing it in all its glory in front of her was something else. It was… wow. 


"It's something else, right?" Mina muttered knowingly. 


Ochako gulped and nodded. She was pretty sure she could get her hand around that thing, but it would certainly take more than a couple hands to cover up regardless. Ochako had never seen anything like it… and to think it was there for her was almost too much. 


She had discovered her pregnancy fetish several years ago during some self-exploration on the internet, but this was the first time she really knew what she wanted to use. This… thing out of her dreams attached to the man of her dreams…


Between this and the way he had sent her to heaven earlier… it left her speechless. She was in love, she was in lust, she was in everything there and in between.


Mina reached out and grabbed it, even though she didn't really come close to wrapping around it. Her mind was filled with fantasizing how it would feel stretching her out and hitting all of her spots like his tongue had. 


She felt Mina reach down and gently grab her hand before slowly dragging it toward the hypnotizing obelisk in front of her. Ochako hesitated, pulling back for a moment before continuing under her own power.


She could feel the heat flowing off it before her fingers touched and the smell began to dominate the air. Her brain began shutting off her perception outside of the task in front of her as she felt his musk began to fill her mind. 


Finally, her fingers touched, except for her pinky, and everything suddenly became so much more real. Her fingers wrapped around, but just barely; just what was she getting herself into? She was helping boyfriend like he had helped her. She had feared that she would feel dirty or scandalized or wrong , but everything just felt right about it because it was Deku. Deku and Mina. 


Mina's calm voice broke her out of her trance. "Alright, now move your hand." Mina stroked down slowly and smoothly, as an example for her. 


Ochako nodded, feeling her competitive spirit burn a little brighter as she set her mind on making Deku feel good. 


Their two hands fit comfortably on his length, allowing the two of them to move with ease. Her heart only beat faster and her confidence only grew as Deku squirmed slightly under their grip and began to breathe harder.


"Good, good," Mina praised her softly. "You're a quick learner. You can't be rough on the skin. How do those finger pads feel, Izuku?"


His answer was hissing between his teeth and throwing his head back in apparent pleasure.


"I'll take that as a 'very good'," Mina said seductively. Ochako felt… proud that she got a reaction like that out of him. 


"Now, don't forget these," Mina said calmly, continuing her lesson. She reached underneath and began running her fingers along the twin orbs hanging there, causing Deku to twitch in her hand. 


They certainly… matched the rest of him. They were bigger than anything she had ever seen before in any of the videos she watched; each one was roughly comparable to his impressive girth.


"Come on, don't be shy," she encouraged, "there's one for you, too." 


Ochako reached her other hand out slowly. The heat down there was much more intense than from his exposed length and the smell was almost overpowering. The scent was something incredible, manly and oppressive, but so undeniably 'Deku'. She cupped the orb that Mina wasn't, rolling it gently in her palm. She felt its weight and its size. 'Oh, the things he could do to me with this thing,' she thought as she ran her fingers down his unbending length, 'and then these would give me the endin' I want.' 


Mina continued the lesson. "That's it, give them a little attention but be gentle. They're very sensitive, nothing kills a mood faster than squeezing one of them too hard, believe me. See how he's squirming? That means we're doing good."


Deku fell backwards onto the bed, propping himself up on his elbows again as he hissed louder. She felt his length twitch in her hand, filling her with more confidence and pride. 


Their stroking continued, becoming faster as they synced up and formed a rhythm. Mina showed Ochako how to give the tip some attention as well, causing Deku to shift more and more under their assault, even putting one hand over his face to try and contain himself. It was so sublimely satisfying to watch him squirm.


He began twitching more frequently and his hips even thrust forward a small amount a few times, chasing after the contact of their hands. 


"And now, watch this…" Mina almost whispered, her voice full of lust. Ochako nearly gasped as Mina's mouth opened and her tongue extended forward, giving the tip of Deku's length a single, sensual lick. 


He twitched hard in their hands and inhaled sharply. "M-Mina!" he hissed through grit teeth. 


Mina winked at Ochako as she began planting a few more small kisses on his head, interspersed with more slow licks. The whole while, the two of them were continuing their massage.


His twitches became more frequent and more intense as he began to grunt softly. Ochako had a good idea what that meant. 


"T-towel-" he muttered.


"Oh no, not this time," Mina retorted.


"Wha-" His confusion was cut short as she reached underneath with one hand and gave a small, gentle but firm squeeze while she took the head of his length into her mouth, wrapping her lips around it tightly. 


Ochako was actually impressed she got it inside her mouth, subconsciously feeling her own mouth with her tongue, imagining it was her in that position.


Deku let out what amounted to a low roar as Ochako felt his shaft bulge in her fingers and his orbs tense underneath. 


Pulse after pulse pounded through Deku as Mina held firm. Ochako's jaw dropped and her eyes went wide as Mina's own eyes rolled back slowly in her head and her eyelids fluttered. She looked almost… intoxicated with pleasure. 


Mina's throat was moving, swallowing as Deku continued his orgasm. Ochako was getting a little nervous; the videos she had watched, the guys were normally done by now. Just what kind of beast was Deku?


Mina's cheeks bulged the slightest amount as she stopped swallowing. Deku was panting for air, a few more twitches and bulges travelling erratically through him as he finished. The pink woman's eyes slowly opened as her own chest rose and fell heavily. 


She pulled back with a faint, theatrical 'pop' as she smacked her lips together. She looked over at Ochako with half-lidded eyes and beckoned her over with a finger as she opened her mouth slightly, showing a thick white liquid on her tongue. 


Ochako was frozen for a moment as her mind short-circuited again, but then, with Mina's lips no longer keeping it contained, the smell began to fill the air. She was shaken back awake and moved slowly towards Mina, half out of desire and half out of sheer curiosity. 


Mina's hand reached out and slowly cupped Ochako's head, bringing her in for a kiss. 


Their lips locked and their tongues touched, giving Ochako a taste of Deku she had only ever dreamed about, and even then only a few times. 


The taste was… hard to describe, but she could say that she loved it. Maybe it was just because it was his, or maybe because she was so worked up, but she couldn't deny how much she was enjoying the taste of it mixing with Mina's tongue. 


Mina pulled her tongue back slowly, leaving the gift with Ochako as she reached a finger up to close Ochako's mouth. She understood, swallowing the small amount left behind; a shiver ran up her spine out of the sheer sensuality and lasciviousness. 


Ochako smiled nervously down at Mina, who was grinning proudly back at her. "You go, girl," the shorter woman whispered, running a hand through Ochako's hair. 


The two of them turned to look at Deku, who was staring down at them with wide eyes… and at 'full mast'.


Ochako blinked. "But wait, I thought…"


"What did I say?" Mina sighed. 


Deku gasped slightly and rapidly activated his quirk, giving Ochako and Mina a very strange show as he almost instantly vanished, replacing himself with scales and plates. "S-sorry about that. You two were… amazing." He still sounded a little out of breath. "A-and don't worry," he began again, looking at Mina's slightly frustrated expression. "I'm good now, I promise. I'm 100% calm. More than I normally ever am, in fact. This was… unbelievable."


"But you're still hard," Mina countered. 


"Yeah, w-well, that happens," Deku explained. "I normally only need two-to-three to be good to go, but I can go for more. After helping you two out, I am totally satisfied. I promise."


'Go for more?' Ochako thought. Mina was obviously wondering the same thing as she turned her vision and locked eyes with her. 


Deku didn't have any doubt in his voice and the glow in his eyes had faded considerably. The women decided he was telling the truth and nodded to each other. Deku rapidly pulled his pants back up as they stood and climbed back onto the bed.


"Thanks for helping me," Ochako said to Mina as they cuddled up onto Deku's sides.


Mina smiled kindly. "No problem. It's my responsibility to teach you both, yeah?"


"You seemed pretty confident," Ochako responded softly.


"Really? Guess I'm good at faking it."


"Wait, what?" Ochako and Deku asked at the same time.


Mina laughed awkwardly. "I was horrendously nervous the entire time. I'm not super experienced or anything, you know? I've done some stuff, but not a whole lot."


Deku matched her laugh. "Compared to Ochako and me…" 


Mina smiled. "I'm just glad I could help you both have a good first experience."


Deku looked over to Ochako and jerked his head towards Mina. She got the idea.


Ochako rolled over Deku and Mina, putting the pink woman firmly in the middle. They both leaned down and planted a kiss on the shorter woman, causing her to mewl happily. 


"I love you, Mina," Deku whispered into her hear, planting another kiss on her head. 


"I love you, too," Ochako added, "thank you for everything."


Mina was absolutely beaming and her eyes were the tiniest bit wet. "I love you both, too. Can we stay in bed for a while? Let's have a nice, lazy day."


Deku and Ochako nodded as they cuddled up even tighter against her under the early morning glow.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Now on with the show!

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Katsuki finished his late breakfast quietly, not disturbing the calm that was permeating the common room of the dorm. About half the class was downstairs, eating or just finishing up; it seems Katsuki wasn't the only one to sleep in today.


He kept thinking about his loss yesterday. It was his fault for underestimating what Uraraka could do, simple as that. He wasn't upset or bitter; rather, he was thinking about his loss to see how he could do better next time.


That's what he'd always done whenever he was beaten: get better. It would be impossible to count how many times Izuku had handed him his ass over the years, but it was about the same number of times he had kicked Izuku's ass. That didn't count all the times Uncle Hisashi put him in the dirt during sparring matches.


No, he was used to losing. It meant that he had something to improve on, which meant he had a clear path forward. It would honestly be a problem if he ever stopped losing; he might lose track of what he needed to work on.


That's why he needed to go to UA. He needed people like Izuku, Uraraka, Uptown, Icyhot, and everyone else around to keep pushing him forward. He used to think some people were beneath him, but Stormclaw had taught him that everyone has something to teach, even if they don't know it.


He just got a little frustrated trying to find what that something was sometimes. 


Regardless, the thing he prided himself most on was his strength. He would learn from people, but he wouldn't take handouts. He would take help, but not charity. Even if the person felt he had 'earned it', he usually rejected any gifts given. Katsuki lived a simple life; it kept him focused.


That was the idea, anyway. His life was often complicated by other people, which is why he limited the number of people in his life. He just sometimes wished his best friend wasn't such a trouble magnet.


A massive crash echoed from upstairs, like a door slamming. 


Katsuki sighed. Right on time.


He heard stomping from the staircase, like someone taking the steps three at a time, followed by another door slamming.


"Uh… who is that?" Shitty-Hair asked. 


"Or what ?" Sparkplug added.


"Shut up," Katsuki huffed. "It's not a damn animal."


Pounding echoed from above, like someone knocking on a door hard enough to break wood.


"Did someone break in?" Tape-Arms asked. "Should we get Aizawa?"


Katsuki scoffed. "Just wait."


A window opened up on the third floor and there was a sudden crash from outside the front door. Like clockwork, the door flew open and Izuku stomped in, his eyes wide and blazing while his horns inched back across his head. He was shirtless, his wings furled behind him, twitching.


"Where is Iida? he demanded.


Katsuki knew this was coming. It was just a matter of time until Izuku checked his phone. 


The rest of the class were freaking out slightly; it was up to Katsuki to keep things under control.


Katsuki moved closer to him. "He's not here."




Shitty-Hair was brave enough to step forward towards the snarling man. "Hadou said that he took her aside and told her that he had a family issue come up and he had to leave. As far as I know, he never came back."




"You know we don't know that," Katsuki snapped, interrupting him. "You're just going to have to wait."


Izuku snarled, scales flashing and fading across his face. Several of their classmates recoiled slightly.


"What's going on?" Sparkplug asked. "Something wrong with Iida?"


Suddenly the door to the stairs flew open as Uraraka and Ashido sprinted into the room, panting slightly. 


"Oi, is this your dog?" Katsuki called out, rolling his eyes. "He's been growling at me."


Izuku's anger faded slightly as he blinked in confusion. He looked over at the women and the glow in his eyes immediately faded a little. Izuku seemed to realize what was going on and shook his head, taking a deep breath and letting his wings vanish.


"Uh, sorry about that," he muttered, looking embarrassed.


Uraraka hurried up to him, Ashido hot on her heels. "What was that, Deku? You can't just run off and scare us like that!"


He flinched. "S-sorry, I was just worried about Iida."


Ashido walked up and shoved his shirt into his hands. "Why?"


"Ingenium was Stain's latest victim," Katsuki explained. 


"The hero killer?" Jacks asked. 


"Oh, I heard about that," Sparkplug began. "I mean, that sucks, but why are you worried about Iida. Was he a big fan of Ingenium or something?"


Katsuki resisted the urge to put his palm through his own face.


Izuku sighed. "You could say that," he said grimly, his voice ringing out over the otherwise silent hall. "Ingenium was one of the most important things in his life. Ingenium was his everything, he was who he aspired to be." 


There was a pause. 


Izuku looked up, his eyes staring into the souls of the rest of them as he scanned the room. "I suppose it's not exactly common knowledge, most people don't know the actual names of heroes." The rest of the class could feel the hammer falling. "Ingenium's name is Tensei Iida and he's our classmate's older brother."


There was a collective gasp from a good half-dozen students.


Katsuki's eyebrow twitched. "How did you all not know that?!" he shouted. "They have almost the same quirk and his damn costume looks almost identical!" 


"Kacchan, come on."


Sparkplug laughed awkwardly. "Besides, it's not like everyone who has a similar quirk is related, right? I mean, Todoroki isn't related to Endeavor, right?"


About four people began to speak before the blonde idiot spoke again. "Joke! That was a joke!"


"Is now really the time for that?" Jacks chastised him, pointing at him with her quirk accusingly. "Be more sensitive, idiot!" 


"Jeeze, sorry, sorry," he mumbled. "Just trying to lighten the mood…" 


"I think it's super manly to be that worried about Iida," Shitty-Hair cheered, trying to distract people from glaring at the blonde. "But like Bakubro said, we can't do anything for him. We just gotta wait for him to get back."


Izuku sighed again. "You're right, you're right." 


"I don't have the energy for this," Katsuki sighed. "I'm going back to bed." 


He began to walk back towards the elevator, glancing at Izuku as he did so.


He gave him their 'you okay?' look.


Izuku nodded slightly, the corner of his mouth turning up.


The elevator doors closed behind Katsuki as he headed back upstairs, looking forward to a quiet day.



Izuku and his girlfriends had settled onto a couch on the far side of the common room after lunch, content to relax the day away. Ochako was leaning on him slightly while Mina was stretched across their laps with Izuku petting her hair again.


He really wanted to relax, but he still had so much on his mind. Even after Ochako and Mina had helped to 'calm' his quirk, his instincts were still grumbling. He was thinking about Iida, about Momo, about Pony, about himself. The festival had really put a lot of strain on his hoard.


However, he knew if he weathered the storm, he and his hoard would come out stronger, and that was the point of UA, right? 


Izuku noticed that Mina had put her phone down and was looking towards the far side of the room. He followed her vision, noticing she was looking at their shortest classmate. He cocked an eyebrow; what did Mineta do now?


"You know," she began softly so nobody else could hear but the three of them, "I've been thinking. Remember the first day of class? The quirk assessment test?"


Ochako put her phone down too. "What about it?" 


Mina kicked her feet a little. "Midori, remember when Mineta was ogling Ochako? You got all upset—I know now it was because of your instincts—and I was pretty disgusted by it, too." 


"Yeah?" he answered, unsure where she was going with it.


She turned up to look at him. "Well… weren't we kinda doing the same thing?" 


"I…" Izuku thought for a moment. "I guess we were, yeah."


Mina rolled back over. "What makes it okay when we look at Ocha like that but not when he does it?" 


"We-" He stopped himself. "Nothing, I guess." 


Well, that felt bad. 


Izuku sighed. "I kinda have an excuse in that my quirk had already 'claimed' her. But I'm supposed to be better than that. We really were leering at her just as bad, weren't we?"


Ochako was sitting there silently, listening with a concerned look.


Mina flipped over again and looked up at him. "The stuff he did in the locker room was over the line, obviously, not to mention the perverted remarks he makes when you're not around."


Izuku's eyebrow twitched. "The what ?"


"Oh hush, we can take care of ourselves," Mina said dismissively as she reached up and began to play with his hair. "But yeah, we shouldn't really get on him for staring at all the hot women in this class when all of us—including you, Ocha—are staring at them just as much. Hormones are no fun for anybody, you know?"


Izuku huffed. "You're right. I'll… try and be more lenient on his looking. The other stuff though…"


"Oh yeah, go ahead and keep working on that," Mina said, rolling her eyes as she wrapped a lock of his hair around one of his horns. "The day I don't have to sigh because that boy has said something lecherous to me or one of the other girls will be a good day."


Ochako spoke up, clearly eager to change the subject. "We should do something with these days off we have."

"Like a date?" Mina asked.


"Y-yeah, something like that."


"We could go shopping," Mina suggested.


Ochako averted her eyes. "I… I don't have the money for that." She noticed Izuku beginning to open his mouth. "And I don't want handouts. We can do stuff that doesn't cost money."


Izuku thought for a moment. "That actually reminds me. My mother wants you two to come over for dinner on Saturday. She said something about you helping her cook?" He looked down to Mina.


The woman on his lap smiled wide, her eyes lighting up. "Oh, yeah! She invited me over when you were in that coma. I'm sure Ochako can come, too."


"I'll ask, but I'm sure you're right," Izuku agreed. "But for doing something… there's a really good hiking trail I know of a little bit outside of town. We could do that."


"We could go camping!" Mina immediately suggested, sitting up in his lap. "The weather is supposed to be good this week, why not?"


Izuku scratched his chin. "Hmm, I want to be at the festival on Thursday to watch Hadou compete, but we could do tomorrow night? We'd have to leave pretty early that morning so I could get back to watch, but that could work. Ochako?"


She looked halfway between eager and nervous. "I'd love to, but I don't have any camping gear."


"I have a tent," Izuku began, going over what he needed in his head. "I've got stuff to make food, a spare backpack you could borrow, oh, and a sleeping bag, of course. The only thing I don't have is some hiking shoes for you."


Mina tapped him on the nose. "First of all, we probably only need two sleeping bags if we zip them together. And as for shoes, we could see if Yaomomo could make you some."


At that moment, the elevator dinged. 


"Oh, speak of the devil," Mina remarked.


Mo stepped out of the elevator, her gaze cool and distant as she approached the kitchen. She had missed the lunch that Izuku and Satou had made, but there were still some leftovers. He had made a plate for her, of course, but he wasn't entirely surprised when she hadn't come down to grab it. 




'I know.' That familiar dull ache had returned.


Mo picked up the plate of food and put it in the microwave, slowly pressing the buttons and watching it spin dispassionately.


Loss of confidence.


'I know .' His head began to pound. 


She picked up the plate, stopping the microwave a second before it finished and turning to walk back to the elevator. The doors closed without Momo saying a word or making eye contact with anyone the entire time. 


Hurting. Mine. Hurting. Fix. HURTING.


Izuku hissed and grabbed his head. 'Shut up ! I know!'


His head had been pounding most of the previous day, but with the events to both distract and tire him out, it had been mostly manageable… save for that one little incident before his match with Shouto. 


That had almost been really bad, but then… then Momo came along like a guardian angel sent from on high to save him. 




He flinched, clutching his head with both hands and clenching his teeth. 


"Deku!" Her voice caused his headache to subside slightly as his quirk stopped to listen. "Deku, are you alright?"


"I'm f-fine," he managed to hiss between his teeth as he forced a smile. "It's nothing."


"I thought we talked about lying, Midori," Mina scolded. "Hmmm… this is about Yaomomo, isn't it?"


Izuku looked away. "N-no."


Ochako put a hand on his thigh. "Then why did your eyes start glowing the moment she showed up? Your quirk is yelling at you to do something, talk to us."


"Oh!" Mina interrupted, before Izuku could talk. "I bet his quirk is upset because she's been down ever since she lost."


Ochako nodded. "You can't stand to see any of us sad, can you?" She smiled. "That's so you."


Mina raised an eyebrow. "Well, what're you waiting for? You've got a knack for making people feel better; go talk to her!"


"I don't know what I would even say to her," he muttered, leaning his head back onto the couch. 


Ochako put her head on his shoulder. "I don't believe that for a second. Even if it was true, I'm sure you'd think of something. I already tried to talk to her, but she didn't seem to want to discuss it, at least not with me."


Mina made a noise of agreement in his lap. "She doesn't want to talk about it, but I think she needs to. And you are the one to do it. You have a connection to her that none of us have. Especially after she calmed you down and all."


Ochako froze. "Wait, what?"


"Oh, right," Mina began, "kinda forgot about that. Forgot about a lot actually. Uh, first things first: Midori, most people in class wanted to come down and check on you after your match against Todoroki, but Hadou limited us to not crowd you."


Izuku blinked as his quirk hummed happily, relieving some of the pressure in his head. "Oh. That's really nice of them."


"And I'm supposed to tell Yaomomo about that…" Mina trailed off, counting a few things on her fingers. "But yeah, Ochako, Big-Mean-and-Green here had another episode ."

"What?" Ochako gasped. "Why?"


"I… can't tell you," Izuku muttered. "It's a secret, sorry." He saw them begin to protest. "It's not my secret. I would tell you if it was," he lied. "It's not my place to share."


Ochako and Mina looked at each other and sighed. "If you say so," the brunette said softly. "Can you at least tell us what happened?"


"Well, I was having another freakout like I did at the battle trial," he explained. "I had managed to stagger off to a backroom, but I was tearing it up. My instincts were screaming at me, but then I uh, heard a voice cut through the noise."


Ochako gasped again. "Yaomomo?"


Izuku nodded. "She, uh, can do the same thing you both can," he admitted. 


"And get this," Mina interrupted. "She called him 'Zu'. How cute is that ?"


"About as cute as 'Izuchan'," Ochako added with a giggle. 


Izuku groaned. 


"So, wait," Ochako began, her brow furrowing. "It's gotta be the nicknames, right? Deku, Midori, Zu… That's gotta be what lets us calm you down."


"It's not that simple," Izuku argued. "Kacchan has plenty of nicknames for me, but he doesn't have the same effect that the two—three, I mean—of you have on me."


"Maybe it's cause we're girls?" Mina postulated. 


Izuku shook his head. "Ryuko calls me nicknames too, that's not it."


"Why do you have so many nicknames?" Ochako wondered aloud.


"Wait." Mina sat up, turning around in Ochako's lap to look at him. "Does it only work for people you've got the hots for?"


Ochako's eyes went wide as the two women looked at each other. "If that's true, that means…"


"Yaomomo…" Mina finished, both of them slowly turning back to face him.


Izuku stood up from the couch as fast as reasonably possible and hurried off to the kitchen. "I-I'll go talk to Mo, s-see you later."


He mentally cursed himself for using her nickname. Izuku quickly began looking through the cabinets in the kitchen for what he needed. If he was going to talk to her, he had an idea how to best do it.


Even as he searched, he poured a little of his quirk into his hearing, listening to his girlfriends discreetly.


"Mo?" Mina said. "God, that's just as cute."


Ochako giggled. "Zu and Mo. I like it."


"But yeah, do you think Midori's got a crush on Yaomomo?" 


"Maybe," Ochako answered. "It would make sense, why we can calm him down but others can't. Maybe they've had a secret crush on each other for years."


Mina squealed a bit as Izuku's stomach dropped. "Oooh, wouldn't that be romantic?"


Sure, Izuku had a bit of a crush on Momo when they were younger, but it was entirely unrequited. Momo was just being nice to him when they hung out, that's all. 


"I mean, you've got a crush on her, too," Mina teased, "so I know you'd be happy about it."


It was very hard for Izuku to not drop what he was holding.


"Mina!" Ochako scolded. "You c-can't just say that!"


"Oh, boo. Look at me in the eyes and deny it," Mina challenged.


"F-fine. You win. I do have a c-crush on her." Ochako sighed. "After we trained together last week, it's only gotten worse, too."


"Ugh, same. I told you about my training with her, right?" 


Ochako laughed. "Yeah, you did. I hope Deku can make her feel better, she doesn't deserve to be sad."


"Think how nice it would be to add her to our cuddle piles," Mina wondered dreamily. "That sweetheart deserves all the hugs in the world and I want to give them to her."


Ochako sighed again. "S-same."


Izuku could feel his cheeks heating up. He shut his quirk off, even though it caused his headache to intensify. He didn't want to hear anymore, didn't know if he could handle hearing anymore. 


He instead decided to focus on the task at hand, even as his quirk rumbled impatiently.


'Positive outlets, Izuku. Positive outlets.'



Kyouka finally wandered downstairs after spending most of the day sleeping. The elevator door closed as she walked past them and she was barely able to catch a glimpse of Midoriya holding something in his hands before they shut entirely.


"Kyouka! Psst!" 


She turned to her right at the whisper, so faint that only she could have heard it. Pony was sitting on a couch near the stairs with a nervous look in her eyes. Raising an eyebrow, she walked over and sat down next to the American, hoping everything was alright.


Pony looked around once, making sure there was nobody immediately near them. "You got here at good time. Izzy just leave." 


"Yeah?" Kyouka grew a small smile. Pony's Japanese was getting better, but there was something endearing about her broken speech. Her eagerness only made it more adorable.


"Izzy was on couch with Ochako and Mina. Ochako leaning against him, Mina on both laps." Pony was talking like she was some sort of spy relaying classified information. 


Kyouka's eyes widened. "You think they're both dating him? It makes sense, they're always hanging around him." She glanced over at the couch on the far side of the room, where Mina was reclining on Ochako's lap, the two of them talking quietly.


"We should ask," Pony suggested directly. 


"What?!" Kyouka hissed, her face reddening. "We can't just ask !"


Pony tilted her head. "Why not?" God, she was cute.


She took a deep breath. "I mean… I guess we could. "


"We should," Pony said firmly. "I want to, but still not good at Japanese." 


Kyouka blinked. She had to admit, to come to another country that spoke an entirely different language to go to school… it was pretty badass, especially with how well Pony was handling it. How could she back down when the fish out of water was so determined to go forward? "Alright, let's go. What's the worst that could happen?"


The two nodded and walked over to the far side of the room. Ochako and Mina saw them approaching, stopping their conversation and smiling kindly at them.


"Hey!" Ochako greeted them warmly.


"What's up?" Mina followed.


Pony nudged Kyouka slightly with her hooved foot. "I got a question to ask," she began simply.


"'Kay," Mina responded, sitting up with a smile. "Shoot!"


"Are… are you both dating Midoriya?"


Ochako's face began to redden. Mina, on the other hand, just smiled wider. "Yep!"


Kyouka's brow furrowed. "O-oh."


Mina raised an eyebrow curiously. "What?"


"I told you we just ask," Pony muttered.


Kyouka smirked nervously, trying to keep her blush from her face. "I was just expecting you to be more resistant about telling us, that's all. We had basically already figured it out."


Mina looked confused. "I mean, it's not a secret or anything. The three of us are in a polyamorous relationship." 


"It's not a secret?" Kyouka cocked her hip. "Mina, I would have expected you to tell all of us the moment you got a boyfriend."


"She's got you there," Ochako said to the woman on her lap… her girlfriend.


Mina rolled her eyes. "Midori asked me to not go tell everyone. I agreed, but told him that I wasn't going to lie to people. He just doesn't want a lot of attention drawn to us."


"I feel the same way," Ochako mumbled, her blush deepening.


Kyouka nodded approvingly. "Not making a big deal of it but standing by it without shame. Respect."


Mina's smile grew cruel and teasing quicker than should have been possible. "You should talk to Midori about it. I know you've got a crush on him and all. We're not opposed to adding more."


Kyouka's cool persona cracked and shattered as her face lit up. "I—I do not!" she hissed, her jacks coiling up like snakes ready to strike.


"Uh huh," Mina responded, rolling her eyes.


"What you mean, 'adding more'?" Pony asked curiously. Her lack of blush probably meant that most of the conversation was going over her head. 




"Well, Pony," Mina began, talking a little slower. "If Ochako, Midori and I all agree, we can add more to the relationship. We're in a closed relationship, but the door isn't locked." 


Pony nodded. "I see. That's very interesting." She turned to Kyouka, looking up at her with her big eyes. "So if Kyouka has crush on Izzy and he has crush, and if she has crush on the two and you have crush back, then all could date?" 


Kyouka was too stunned to speak; vague sputtering escaped her throat instead of any actual words. She desperately tried to keep her cool, but images of her being smothered in hugs between the three of them kept sprouting up as fast as she could dismiss them.


Mina nodded. "Exactly. The same goes for you."


Pony seemed taken aback, like she hadn't even considered the idea. "I—I think I no understand you right."


Kyouka put one of her jacks in her mouth and bit on it hard enough to shock herself back to reality. "H-hey, I haven't had lunch, I'm gonna go… do… that…" She turned and walked off to the kitchen, doing her best to resist the urge to sprint away.


Pony simply turned away as well, a look of genuine confusion on her face as she walked to the elevator and headed back upstairs.


Ochako and Mina exchanged looks that Kyouka couldn't exactly read and then went back to talking.



Momo was sitting in her room, trying to read one of her favorite romance novels. Unfortunately, she wasn't having much luck. Every time she tried to read a page, her eyes would glaze over and her mind would drift back to her failure the previous day. 


She knew locking herself in her room was bad for her mental state, but she couldn't bring herself to leave. She couldn't bring herself to go out and see the rest of her class.


They all had looked up to her, beyond just her vice representative position. She had emerged as a true leader in 1-A… only to let them all down. 


She tried to tell herself that Todoroki was an unbelievable opponent, one that she did very well against considering the circumstances, but in its clouded state, her mind only twisted that attempt at logic. 


If Todoroki was so powerful, so unbeatable, why was she even here? Why did she deserve to be at UA when people like him and Bakugou and Ochako and Z-


She flinched as there came a sudden knocking on her door, breaking her out of her thoughts. As she listened, something deep within her stirred as there was something… familiar in the rhythm.


Something that reminded her of far off times.


Suddenly, she was eleven again, greeting guests at her family mansion, waiting for her friend to show up.


"Go away," she groaned from her bed, rolling to her other side. 


"But, Madam, your tea will get cold!" he called from the other side of the door with an exaggeratedly posh accent.


A part of her wanted to laugh like she used to, while the other just wanted to be alone. 


"Madam? Should I bring you something else? Maybe some caviar? " He exaggerated the accent even more at the end, testing her resolve to stay silent.


How was something so childish making her feel this way?


Maybe… maybe she should play along. Like the old times. Just this once.


"...Tea would be wonderful, Jeeves, " she responded, sitting up on her bed as she called him with the silly name he had given himself back in the day. "Do come in, the door isn't locked." 


Zu pushed the door open with his back, carrying a tray with a teapot and a teacup, as he had announced. "Wonderful to see you, madam. How was your day?" He carried himself in a refined manner as exaggerated as his accent.


She was honestly surprised he could still pull the whole act off after all these years.


"Terrible, Jeeves, just terrible ." She leaned onto her arms her mood began to climb ever so slowly. "They told me there weren't any new gold-infused diamonds I could buy, can you believe that?" 


"Oh my heavens!" He set the tray to her desk. "That is truly terrible!" He picked up the pot and started pouring it to the cup, making a show out of it. A shadow of a smile twitched on Momo's face as she watched him pour the liquid in a way no sensible human would. "Would you wish to go club some seals? It may improve your mood, if I may be so bold." 


"Yes, Jeeves, I would love that." She played along, flicking her loose hair in-character. "Would you kindly fuel my private jet that runs on the blood of orphans?" 


"Gladly, madam. It will be my pleasure!" He passed her the cup of tea to her, not a single drop spilled even with his earlier stunt. "Until I can acquire the bodies would you like a cup of your favorite tea?" 


"I would, thank you, Jeeves." She took the cup in her hands, smiling softly at him before taking a sip. 


The brand she loved, brewed the way she loved, and delivered the way she loved. 


She sighed contently, forgetting her worries and failures for a moment as she remembered all the good memories she had with Zu.


After a long, comfortable silence, she looked up from her tea. "Thank you, Zu… I needed that." She smiled back at him, her features brightening as her mood rose. 


He smiled back in return, his pearly white fangs glinting in the afternoon light. "There's that smile I missed." 


A beat passed between them, as they both seemed to notice just how affectionately they were looking at each other.


They both averted their gaze started blushing softly, becoming more and more flustered with each passing second.


'Do I…' Momo stole a glance back at the boy blushing a beautiful green in front of her, '...D-does he?' 


His eyes were glowing brightly as they darted back and forth, giving her the distinct impression he was thinking hard about something, or perhaps to something. 


He breathed out for a second, attempting to calm himself down. "Mind if I sit here?" He gestured at her bed, getting a swift nod in reply. "Please talk to me frankly; are you alright?" 


"I'm… better, thanks to you." She sighed again. "Just like old times." 


"I… I meant it, you know? I really did miss seeing you smile like that. I guess it was kind of a selfish reason to help, honestly." He shrugged sheepishly, earning another chuckle from Momo. 


"I'm sorry you had to see me like this," she offered sadly. "I'm all sorts of a mess right now."


"Hey, I've seen worse," he shot back. "Usually only on a mirror, though." 


She laughed again. Genuine, grinning laughter.


The laugh faded but her smile didn't, at least not for a little while. Another comfortable silence hung in the air before she spoke again quietly. "You've always known how to make me laugh." 


Zu jokingly shrugged. "Call it a talent." His smile faded slowly into a more serious expression."You know you shouldn't lock yourself away like this." 


"I… do know that, yes. It's just that… after my failu—"


He was facing her, his eyes blazing and his face only inches from hers as his hands gripped her shoulders gently. "You didn't fail . You lost ." He raised a finger up. "I know you are more than smart enough to know the difference." 


She had told herself that a hundred times, but hearing it from someone else, hearing it from him… it began to finally sink in. 


He smiled softly. "Now you know what not to do. Every loss, every 'failure'... that's an opportunity to learn and do better." He leaned back. "And I'll be the first to admit that I am not looking forward to facing you next year. Todoroki was one thing, but you? No thank you."


She threw a pillow at him as she laughed again. "After all these years, you're still the sweet talker, huh?" Her cheeks were hurting from her sustained smile, as if she was out of practice. "All these years and you still know what to say and do." 


He jokingly acted like the pillow nearly knocked him over. "I just do what I think is right and hope it works out in the end!" He peeked over the pillow with a smirk. "I'm just good at faking it."


She looked down, her smile faltering but not disappearing. "I know I'm not in the same league as you, but thank you."


Zu scoffed. "That's not true at all. Remember that evening after the quirk assessment test? When I told Ochako her quirk terrified me?"


Momo nodded slowly.


"Your quirk is just as scary, sorry for not saying it then." His expression was genuine. Honest. "You may think that Ochako, Todoroki and I are powerhouses, but I can guarantee that you're up there, too." He leaned closer again, touching her shoulder. "The moment you lose this self-doubt and fear, you will become something truly terrifying."


She blinked slowly, her mouth hanging open. "You… you really think so?"


He chuckled. "I can hardly believe you don't see it yourself. I thank the powers that be every day that they made you a hero and not a villain. We wouldn't stand a chance. I've never heard of something as versatile and useful as 'Creation'. Mo, you are a brilliant woman with a quirk to match. I genuinely believe that with all of my heart and mind."


She felt her face heating up and her heart beating faster. Her old feelings, her old childish crush… it was back. She admitted it: it was back. "You're just saying that," she muttered, trying weakly to dismiss his praise. Her bleak mood was resisting the joy that wanted to fill her heart.


"Not true." He looked at her again, his glowing eyes piercing her soul. "And I can prove it."


Momo recoiled slightly, confused, yet curious.


"I like to be in control," he began, causing her to perk up immediately. 


'Just like me…'


"But if I had to pick someone to give it up to, that person would be you."


She laughed once, her eyebrow raising in confusion.


"After our election on the first week, I asked Aizawa for my vote card back. He looked at me suspiciously, but obliged." Zu reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small sheet of paper, the same paper they had voted on. "I held onto it, waiting for a time to use it."


She felt her chest tighten. What was he saying?


"You got three votes, Mo. One, I assume was from you. The other, I'm not certain; perhaps Jirou or Pony. The third…" He held out the piece of paper to her.


Momo slowly opened the folded sheet, gasping softly as she revealed her own name. 


"That third vote was mine. I believe in you, Mo."


Her hand trembled slightly. She felt the last shadows of doubt finally burn away. "You… you would trust me this much?"


"Would?" He smiled. "I do trust you that much. You saved my life, Mo. You didn't forget that, did you?"


"Well, no…"


"But hey, I wrote that down before you saved my life." His expression softened. "I've known you for a long time. I know I can count on you." 


Zu reached a finger up and pressed it to her nose gently. "And you've never let me down. Especially not at the festival. Do you know how close you got to beating Shouto? I had to nearly hospitalize myself again to do that, and you almost had him down for the count in less than ten seconds. A couple more years at this school… who could stand against you?"


Her arms suddenly felt very empty, but there was another thing she had to get off her chest. "I… Zu, at the USJ, I feel like I need to tell you that uh—" She averted her gaze slightly. "—When you first transformed, I was terrified of you. I doubted you, I thought you were a monster. I quickly learned I was wrong, but—"


"Stop." Zu's voice was firm. "I do not hold that against you at all. You were in a high stress situation and I am, admittedly, very frightening, especially when my quirk takes control. I would say 'I am a monster', but I'm afraid Ochako or Mina would somehow hear me and start yelling at me. But it's a little true," he admitted with a small smile, "my quirk is dangerous if I don't have control of it. I'm trying my hardest, but I couldn't do it— can't do it—without people like Ochako and Mina… and you." 


That was it. Momo reached out and threw her arms around him, bringing him in for a tight hug. She didn't care that she was pressing her chest into his, she didn't care that she could feel his muscles. This was a hug of pure affection, joy and gratitude. 


"Thank you, Zu. I'm so happy we were put in the same class."


He returned the hug equally, his arms firm, but gentle. "Me too, Mo. Me too."


They sat there for a while, their chins hooked over each other's shoulders while they held each other close. His warmth filled her, seeming to burn away all of her doubts and fears. She never wanted the hug to end, but then…


A low, growling rumble.


Momo and Zu both blinked, pulling back and looking at each other. Her face was red with embarrassment as her stomach growled again.


"Uh, I haven't had much to eat today," she admitted softly.


Zu smiled wide again and stood up. "Then I'll start dinner early. Want to join me?"


She stood up as well, smiling back as she looked down on him. "I will in a moment. I need to take care of something first."


"Understood," he said with a nod. He picked up the now-cold tea and headed for the door. "See you soon."


The door closed behind him and Momo let out a relieved, affectionate sigh. She waited a few moments to give Zu time to walk away before she kneeled down and reached under her bed, pulling out an old, locked briefcase.


She created the key for the lock out of her hand and opened it gently, placing the key with the pile of others just like it inside. 


Momo gazed affectionately down at the worn, green plushy sitting in the case for a moment before focusing on her arms, preparing herself to use her quirk.


With a sparkling, multicolored light, a new creation formed in her hands.


She placed the brand-new Zu plushy, complete with his UA uniform, next to her old one and shut the lid.


Momo fastened the lock securely and slid the case under her bed again before standing up and heading for the door, looking forward to another one of Zu's delicious meals.