
Fanfiction I am reading

Stash of fics I am reading or want to read mostly uploaded to make use of the audio function Warning - Non of the uploaded fics here belong to me as obvious as it is the fics belong to there respective authors u can find original on Fanfiction.net or ao3 or spacebattles list of fics uploaded below :- 1 . Patriot's Dawn by Dr. Snakes MD ( Naruto ) 2 . How Eating a Strange Fruit Gave Me My Quirk by azndrgn ( MHA) 3 . HBO WI: Joffrey from Game of Thrones replaced with Octavian from Rome by Hotpoint (GOT) 4 . Kaleidoscope by DripBayless (MHA) 5 . Give Me Something for the Pain and Let Me Fight by DarknoMaGi. (MHA) 6 . Come out of the ashes by SilverStudios5140 ( Naruto ) 7 . A Spanner in the Clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_Exodia ( MHA) 8 .King Rhaenyra I, the Dragonqueen by LuckyCheesecake ( GOT ) 9 . A Lost Hero's Fairytale by Ultimate10 ( Ben 10 × Fairy tail ) 10. Becoming Hokage by 101Ichika01: ( Naruto ) 11.Bench Warmer (A Naruto SI) by Blackmarch 12. The Raven's Plan by The_SithspawnSummary ( Got ) 13. Tanya starts from Zero by A_Morte_Perpetua_Machina_Libera_Nos ( ReZero × Tanaya the Evil ) 14. That Time I Got Isekai'd Again and Befriended a SlimeTanJaded ( Tensura ) 15 . Heroes Never Die by AboveTail ( MHA ) 16 . The Saga of Tanya the Firebender by Shaggy Rower  ( Tanya the evil × Avatar : the Last Airbender) 17 . The Warg Lord (SI)(GOT) by LazyWizard ( GoT ) 18 . Perfect Reset by shansome ( MHA ) 19 . Pound the Table by An_October_Daye ( X-Men ) 20 . Verdant Revolution by KarraHazetail ( MHA ) 21. The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi by FoxboroSalts ( Naruto × Fairy Tail ) 22 . Fighting Spirit by Alex357 ( SI DxD ) 23. Retirement Ended Up Super By Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Skye/Supergirl ) 24 . Whirlpool Queen, Maelstrom King by cheshire_carroll ( Naruto & Sansa stark as twins ) 25 . What's in a Hoard? By Titus621 ( MHA ) 26 . A Dovahkiin Spreads His Wings by VixenRose1996 ( Got × Elder scrolls ) 27 . our life as we knew it now belongs to yesterday by TheRoomWhereItHappened347 ( GOT ) 28 . A Gaming Afterlife by Hebisama ( Gamer × Dragon Age × MHA × HOTD) 29 . Children of the Weirwoods By Wups ( GOT ) 30 . Shielding Their Realms Forever by GreedofRage, Longclaw_1_6 ( GOT) 31. Abandoned: Humanity's by Driftshansome 32 . The First Pillar by Soleneus (MHA) 33 . Fyre, Fyre, Burning Skitter by mp3_1415player ( Taylor Herbert × HP ) 34. Blessed with a Hero's Heart by Magnus9284 ( Konosuba X Izuku Midoriya) 35 . Wolf of Númenor by Louen_Leoncoeur ( Got) 36 . Summoner by SomeoneYouWontRemember ( Worm Parahuman) 37 . I, Panacea by ack1308 (Worm ) 38 . A Darker Path by ack1308 ( Worm) 39 . Worm - Waterworks by SeerKing ( Worm ) 40 . Ex Synthetica by willyolioleo ( Worm ) 41. Alea Iacta Est by ack1308 ( Worm) 42. Avatar Taylor by Dalxein ( Avatar × Worm ) 43.The Warcrafter by RHJunior ( Worm × Warcraft ) 44.A Tinker of Fiction Story or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Suplex the Space Whales by Randomsumofagum (Worm × SI) 45.Welcome to the Wizarding by Wormkinoth ( Worm × Harry Potter ) 46.A Throne Nobody Wants by Vahn (GOT × Fate ) 47.Broken Adventure: Arc 1: Origin by theaceoffire ( Worm × xover CYOA) 48 .Well I guess this is happening by Pandora's Reader (Worm × Ben 10 ) 49 .Legendary Tinker by Fabled Webs (Worm × league of legends ) 50. Plan? What Plan? by Fabled Webs (Worm ) 51 . Slouching Towards Nirvana by ProfessorPedant ( MHA ) 52 .Look What You Made Me Do by mythSSK ( Marvel) 53. Mana worm ( worm fic ) 54. The Wondrous Weaving of Wizardry ( Celestial grimiore Worm × fate × multi cross ) 55.Teenagers Suck (Worm CYOA) 56.Nox by Time Parad0x ( Worm × Solo leveling )

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Chapter 10: IntrosiaSummary:

Ben and Makarov have arrived to Clover for the guild masters meetings. There, with the help of six masters, a spell is cast on Ben that should restore his memories. Things don't go according to plan, however... Meanwhile, the events of the Lullaby arc play out.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The rhythmic clatter of the train wheels heralded their arrival as the locomotive pulled into the station at Clover. Ben and Makarov disembarked, the former carrying the latter's suitcase, a gesture of gratitude for the older mage who had invited him on this peculiar journey. The evening air was crisp, and the sun had already begun its descent, casting long shadows across the platform.

As they stepped onto the station platform, Ben adjusted his green Cait Shelter backpack slung over his shoulder. The train station exuded a quaint charm, and Makarov led the way as they ventured into the town. 

"You don't have to worry about paying for my room at the inn, Mr. Makarov. It's just one night, so I'm sure I can manage." 

Makarov chuckled. "Please, Makarov is fine. And it's alright, consider it my treat. It's not everyday we have a guest accompanying us to the guild master conference."

Ben nodded appreciatively for the old man's generosity, especially since his funds were running low. "Well, thank you, Mr–uh, Makarov."

They continued their leisurely walk through the town, Makarov pointing out a three-story brick building near the edge. "See that building? That's the conference hall where the guild masters will meet tomorrow."

Nodding in understanding, a question popped up in Ben's mind. "How come you guys meet in Clover? Nothing wrong with this town or anything, but it is pretty out of the way here in the mountains and all."

"Mostly for tradition's sake. When the three guild leagues in Fiore were first founded decades ago, Clover's conference hall was the only building at the time that could comfortably house all of the guild masters in the Eastern league. While times have changed, our league decided to keep the old tradition alive by continuing to meet in Clover." Makarov then chuckled impishly. "Also, the local pubs here serve excellent booze!"

Ben sweat-dropped slightly. 'Why do I feel like THAT'S the main reason they still meet in Clover?' He then furrowed his brows when he picked up on something from Makarov's answer. "Wait, the Eastern league? What's that supposed to mean?"

Makarov took the opportunity to offer some insight. "Ah, let me explain a bit about how things work in the magical world, my boy. At the top, you've got the Ishgar governments. Right below them is the Magic Council, a group of ten individuals who maintain order throughout Fiore and Ishgar."

Ben nodded, showing familiarity with this part of the magical hierarchy.

Makarov continued, "Now, within each nation, there are different guild leagues. In Fiore, we have three: Western, Central, and Eastern. Each of them covers guilds in those respective regions. Fairy Tail, my guild, is part of the Eastern League."

Ben listened attentively, absorbing the information. "Huh, I didn't know that."

'I wonder if Cait Shelter is in the Eastern League. I mean, geographically it would make sense.' Ben's eyes widened a bit when something occurred to him. 'Wait. Does that mean Roubaul will be at this conference too?'

Before he could dwell on reuniting with the old guild master, the pair soon arrived at their inn. Makarov took care of checking them into their respective rooms.

Later, after placing his bag in his room, Ben found solace on a bench in the inn's garden. His gaze was transfixed on the beautiful starry sky above, the moon in its waxing gibbous phase rising on the horizon, casting its soft white glow on the land.

'The stars really are beautiful…' Ben mused wistfully. 'Makes me wonder if those memories of me going to space are real…' 

"Room for one more?"

Snapped from his musings, Ben turned to see Makarov walking down the garden's cobblestone path.

"Sure." He scooted down to allow the elderly man to hop onto the bench.

"Apologies if the ride here was boring. We had to come a day early since it's a long train ride."

Ben shrugged, unbothered. "It's fine. Though I could've flown us here faster with one of my flying Take-Overs."

"Oh?" Makarov quirked a brow. "Then why didn't you offer?"

"I…guess it slipped my mind." Ben sheepishly said. 'Though I'm not sure how he would've handled riding on Jetray's back anyways.' 

"Well," Makarov chuckled, "if you're willing, perhaps I'll take you up on that offer after we're done with the meeting tomorrow."

"It's no problem," Ben assured him.

For a moment, everything was silent as both of them gazed at the starry sky until Makarov finally spoke up.

"No matter how old I get, I never grow tired of the night sky. It truly is a magical thing."

"It…does bring things into perspective." Ben admitted. "Seeing how big things are out there makes you see how small your problems really are."

A true statement. Though Makarov could hear a hint of despondency in Ben's voice. Clearing his throat, he said, "Ben, may I ask how you're finding your time in Fairy Tail?"

Ben offered a genuine smile. "I'm enjoying it. I've met some nice people and made some memorable moments."

'In more ways than one...' Ben tried to suppress his blush as memories of his intimate time with three particular women played through his mind.

"Like your spar with Natsu? Speaking of… There is a matter I wanted to discuss with you related to that." He looked at Ben with a serious expression. "It pertains to your magic." 

Ben looked at the elderly mage curiously. "My magic? What about it?"

"I've noticed when you transform, I don't sense any magical power coming from you." 

"None?" Ben's eyes widened in surprise. "What does that mean?" 

Makarov looked at him seriously. "I'm not for certain…but I speculate that your ability to transform isn't tied to Take-Over magic rather something else entirely." 

Ben lowered his head thoughtfully. "But…if it's not magic, then…" He then glanced at his left arm, catching a glimpse of the green gauntlet hidden under his sleeve. His eyes widened, realization striking him like a lightning bolt. "The Ultimatrix." 

Makarov nodded. "There may be more to that device on your arm than we know." 

"If I don't use magic then…am I not a wizard?" Ben questioned, lowering his gaze to the grassy ground. 'What am I then?' 

The older man chuckled at this. "I wouldn't say that. There is much more to being a wizard than simply wielding magic." 

Noticing Ben's confusion, Makarov went on, "Power can come from all kinds of sources: light, darkness, magic…the unknown. Where it comes from is insignificant in comparison to what the holder does with it. It is what we choose to do with the powers we possess that makes us who we are." He said wisely.

"Fairy Tail wizards make the most of what we have, cherish the time we share together as a family, and live every day to the fullest. That is what it means to be a wizard to us..." He turned to the amnesiac teen behind him, smiling. "And you, Ben Tennyson, would make an excellent wizard."

Ben simply stared at Makarov, slightly wide-eyed. He didn't know exactly what to say to that. By that logic, even though Ben didn't wield magic, it made sense that Makarov still recognized him as a wizard. However, Ben then noticed something about what Makarov had said.

"Are you...trying to recruit me?" Ben asked.

"I am simply offering you a chance, my boy. If all goes well tomorrow, your amnesia will be cured. But whether or not it does, you are more than welcome to join Fairy Tail." 

Ben's eyes widened even further in shock. In the time he had been a guest of Fairy Tail, he could genuinely describe the shenanigans and comradery between the members as a "family". The fact that Makarov was willing to trust Ben to offer him a place in his guild family was touching, to say the least. 

Ben smiled and turned to the ground. "Thank you. I really appreciate that, but…" He looked back at Makarov. "I want to find my home." 

Makarov closed his eyes, nodding. "I understand. Still, my offer stands." He then stood up, hopped off the bench, and stretched his arms. "Now, I think I need to rest these weary old bones." He stopped stretching and looked back at Ben. "Goodnight."

With that, Makarov walked back down the pathway towards the inn. Ben remained on the bench for a while longer, looking over to the moon rising over the horizon. The anticipation for answers was gnawing at the back of his mind. ' Let's just hope I can actually find some answers tomorrow…and not just more questions.'

He continued to mull over the possibility of having his amnesia cured tomorrow before finally turning in later in the night.

The next morning, Ben and Makarov had a light breakfast and much-needed coffee at a local restaurant. While there, Ben read what he could from a newspaper. He was surprised to see one of the stories featured Lucy, Natsu, and Happy taking down a corrupt duke named Everlue. Much to Ben's surprise, the article credited Lucy mostly, citing that she defeated the duke with a flick of her wrist. 

'The reporter is probably stretching the truth here. I'll ask Lucy how it really went when I see her again.' Smiling proudly, Ben folded up the paper and stowed it away in his jacket. He definitely wanted to save the clipping in honor of Lucy's first official mission as a Fairy Tail member. 

Later, Ben and Makarov strolled toward the imposing conference building. 

Makarov offered a casual warning, "The morning meeting might be a bit dull, my boy. But fear not, there'll be a break in the afternoon where me and some other masters can cast the Introsia spell. You'll get a chance to reconnect with your past soon enough."

Ben nodded in understanding, expressing gratitude once again, "Thanks, Makarov. I appreciate your help with all this." A curious glint sparkled in his eyes as he ventured to ask, "So, what exactly do these meetings cover? It sounds a bit... bureaucratic."

Makarov chuckled, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Ah, the joys of guild bureaucracy. The meetings mainly revolve around the new policies and regulations the Magic Council thinks we should adhere to. It's a tedious affair, but a necessary one. Keeps the guilds in check, or so they claim."

Ben mirrored the sentiment with a light-hearted agreement, "Sounds a bit dull, but I guess it's all part of running a guild efficiently."

As they approached the entrance of the conference building, Ben could't suppress a yawn as he suddenly felt tired. 

Makarov chuckled. "I'm with you on that one…" He sighed. "Let's just slog through it, my boy." 

The train to Onibus rattled along the tracks, weaving through the picturesque Fiore countryside. In a cozy passenger car, Erza sat in one booth, a seemingly unconscious Natsu sprawled across her lap. Lucy, Gray, and Happy occupied the adjacent booth, their attention fixed on the scarlet-haired knight as she concluded her detailed briefing on the mission involving the dark guild Eisenwald and the mysterious artifact called Lullaby.

Lucy couldn't shake the fear that gripped her, and she found herself trembling slightly. "Okay... I think I should be heading back home now," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of unease.

"Lucy's slimy all of a sudden," Happy remarked with his usual candor.

"It's sweat!" Lucy retorted.

Frustration surged through Erza, and she vented it by slamming her armored fist on top of Natsu's head, effectively jolting him awake. "How could I have been so careless!?" she berated herself. "If only I had recognized Erigor's name that day, I could've pulverized them! I could've forced them to reveal their schemes!"

'She's scary!' Lucy thought, her trepidation growing in Erza's imposing presence.

As Gray contemplated Erza's words, he turned to the window, watching the passing scenery. "So, if I got this," he began, "Eisenwald's planning something with this Lullaby, and you want to stop them because you think it's going to be dangerous." He locked eyes with Erza. "Is that right?"

Erza nodded. "That's correct. I'm not foolish enough to believe I can take on an entire magical guild by myself. That's why I recruited you and Natsu. We're storming the Eisenwald guild."

Gray's smirk indicated his eagerness for the upcoming challenge. "Sounds like fun to me."

"Aye!" Happy chimed in, his enthusiasm undiminished. 

Lucy, however, couldn't shake off the shiver of fear that ran down her spine. She mumbled to herself, "I shouldn't have come along. Ben would be better suited for something like this."

Overhearing her, Gray nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Ben definitely seemed strong after how easily he took down Natsu the other day. I'm sure a mission like this would be up his alley."

Erza, intrigued by the mention of Ben, inquired, "Ben, you say? Who is he? A new member?"

"He's Lucy's boyfriend," Happy chimed in once more, lifting a paw. "He was with her on the day she joined the guild."

"H-He's not my boyfriend!" Lucy protested, her face flushing. She struggled to find the right term for Ben, her feelings a jumble of confusion. 'We've only known each other for a week, and yet, I feel so close to him.'

"He's a guest of the guild," Gray clarified. "Apparently, he lost his memories. He's staying in Magnolia until the master can help him."

"I see…" Erza momentarily glanced down at a semi-conscious Natsu before returning her gaze towards Gray, Happy, and Lucy. "And you mentioned he defeated Natsu?"

"Aye! Natsu challenged him to a fight and he got beat pretty badly." Happy said. "He uses Take-Over magic!"

Erza would've been angry with Natsu for challenging a guest of the guild, but the fact that he lost to a Take-Over wizard had piqued her interest. 'This Ben must be quite formidable if he was able to defeat someone like Natsu. He'd have to be on Mira's level before she retired… ' A possibility then entered the redhead's mind. 'There have been reports of a powerful Take-Over wizard traveling throughout the eastern part of Fiore. Could it be…?'

"I've read about an unknown Take-Over mage in the news recently. He's been reported to have multiple unknown and seemingly powerful forms." Erza stated. "Could this wizard and Ben be one in the same?"

Erza didn't miss how Lucy briefly hesitated before glancing away. Her attempt to be inconspicuous was suspicious to the redheaded knight. 

Gray, meanwhile, looked contemplative as if the thought hadn't occurred to him. "Huh… Now that you mention it, Ben does seem like he could be–"

"N-n-no way…ugh…" Natsu weakly protested. The others turned their gaze to the sickly pink-haired wizard. "Ben… Can't be that…ugh, job-stealing jerk…"

The armored wizard arched a brow. "Job-stealing?"

"Natsu lost out on three jobs to that Take-Over wizard." Gray clarified. "By the time he and Happy got to the clients, the guy had already resolved the issues."

"Ben's too nice… He can't be that guy…" Natsu added in. 

Erza looked down at Natsu, frowning. "You lost three jobs to this wizard?" She sighed in disappointment. "I expected better from you, Natsu." 

Annoyance flashed across his sickly face. 

Happy hummed thoughtfully. "Natsu makes a good point though. Ben did help us out in Hargeon the other day. So yeah, I wouldn't think he'd knowingly steal other people's work."

"Y-yeah!" Lucy chimed in. "Ben, h-he loves helping others. He isn't bad or anything!"

Erza leveled her gaze to the blonde, momentarily gauging her expression. "Was Ben at the guild yesterday?" 

Lucy shook her head. "Before you showed up, Mirajane told me he left with the master for the conference."

"Lucy likes to keep tabs on her boyfriend's whereabouts." Happy remarked, earning a knock to his little head.

"Cram it, cat!"

As this played out, a quizzical expression crossed Erza's face. ' Strange. Why would the master invite a guest to attend the guild master's conference with him? Is it solely to help Ben with his supposed amnesia? Or does the master know something about him…?' Shaking off the thought, she refocused on the mission at hand. She could ponder on the guild's newest guest at a later time.

"I see. Well, he sounds like an interesting person. I'd be happy to meet him after we've finished this job."

Finally, after the boring morning meeting had concluded, the conference shifted to lunch and took place in a large room bustling with animated conversation, the clinking of utensils, and the tantalizing aroma of food. Ben followed behind Makarov as they navigated through the sea of guild masters. 

First though, the short, old man headed for one of the tables that was serving alcoholic beverages to grab himself a beer mug. 

Ben shot the short, old man with a deadpan expression. 'It's only the afternoon and he still wants to drink? He and Roubaul would probably get along very well.' With the Cait Shelter master lingering on his mind, Ben scanned the crowd for any sign of Roubaul. A tinge of disappointment crossed his face as he couldn't spot him anywhere. 'If he were, he'd definitely be where the alcohol is. Guess the old man couldn't make it or something.' 

After grabbing his beer, Makarov led Ben to a table where two distinct figures were standing. 

One was a slender, middle-aged man with a slightly squared face and a hint of wrinkles, his eyes concealed behind a pair of sunglasses. Light-brown hair cascaded down to his shoulders, cut in a straight fashion that granted him a youthful appearance. Dressed in simple yet dark attire—a black t-shirt, dark pants, and a red choke collar adorned with spikes—he completed his look with a black warlock-style hat featuring a spiked band.

The other man, however, was more eye-catching in terms of appearance. An elderly, bald individual with bold red lipstick, pink blush marks on his cheeks, and a prominent blue guild emblem displayed proudly on his right shoulder. He dared to cross-dress, donning a flamboyant ensemble comprising a purple spaghetti-strap shirt, complemented by a gold and fuchsia hoop necklace, and eye-catching vertical-striped pink and purple shorts. Adding to the eccentricity, small, white wings adorned his back, though Ben suspected they were more for display than practical flight.

Makarov exchanged nods with the two men.

"Bob, Goldmine," Makarov greeted with a gruff smile. "Good to see you both again."

Bob, exuding confidence, turned to Makarov with a grin. "The pleasure is all ours, Makie!"

Goldmine, holding a skewer of meat, smiled impishly. "Glad to see those kids of yours haven't driven you crazy yet."

"Heh, not yet anyways." Makarov chuckled dryly and paused to glance around. "I haven't seen Jose around. Have you two seen him?" 

Both men shook their heads. 

"I heard from a little birdie he was swamped with guild work and couldn't make it." Bob said.

Goldmine shrugged. "Just an excuse to skip the meeting if you ask me." 

Makarov agreed with Goldmine's assessment, but refrained from pressing the matter further. Considering what he was about to ask of the other guild masters, he was thankful Phantom Lord's master wasn't present to possibly foil their plan. 

"Well, being a Wizard Saint does grant one some leeway." Makarov commented.

Ben cocked a brow, bewildered. 'Wizard Saint? I feel like I've heard that term before…' 

"Is it really wise for you to be drinking at this time, Makarov?" Goldmine snarked. "There's still a whole afternoon of meetings left." 

"You're setting a bad example for that cutie behind you, Makie." Bob added. 

Ben blinked twice in surprise. 'Uh…okay.' He suddenly felt disturbed. 

"Like you two have room to talk!" Makarov barked back, and then motioned to Ben. "Speaking of, this fellow with me is Ben."

"Ben, eh? You're quite the handsome fellow," Bob remarked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Caught off guard by the strange compliment, Ben responded, "Uh, thanks. I guess." He couldn't help but wonder about Bob's ostentatious appearance. 'He…is a guy, right?' 

Makarov chuckled. "Bob here is the master of Blue Pegasus. And Goldmine over here is the master of Quatro Cerberus."

Ben's eyes widened slightly. 'Blue Pegasus and Quatro Cerberus? They're ranked in the top 5 of strongest guilds… And these two are their masters?' He briefly stared at the two men before looking back to Makarov. 'Appearances really can be deceiving. Hold on…Blue Pegasus… That's Jenny's guild!' 

"Ugh, I'm so jealous, Makie!" Bob gushed. "Your little wizards are all so adorable!" 

Ben shivered, a sweat-drop racing down his face. 

Bob went on. "By the way, I heard how one of your guild members gave some local despot a spanking!" 

"Ah, you must mean Lucy." Makarov clarified. "She's our guild's newest recruit. And she's got a body that won't quit!" 

Ben sweat-dropped from Makarov's candid statement. 'Well, he's not wrong…' He knew first hand that the blonde's body was indeed rocking. 

"You scoundrel!" Bob chided, waving his hand, "You know it's inappropriate to talk about your wizards like that." 

"It's all well and good to be active, but don't you think your wizards overdo things?" Goldmine cautioned. "People in the Magic Council are concerned Fairy Tail will destroy an entire town one day." 

"Eh!" Makarov was dismissive. "Let those blowhards in the council worry. They're just jealous that my wizards are hot!" 

"Oh my!" Bob gushed. "Stop it!" 

Ben directed his attention to the Blue Pegasus's master, a thought lingering in his mind. "Uh, Master Bob…I read a while back that someone tried to kidnap Miss Realight. Is she doing okay?" He asked, feigning both ignorance while also curious about Jenny's wellbeing. 

Bob's expression brightened. "Oh, is she ever! Don't worry about her, cutie. Ever since that close call with that Beast Tamer ruffian, Jenny's had a fire in her belly! She's started really pushing herself in her training. She's making us all at the guild so proud!"

Ben smiled proudly. "That's good. I'm a fan of hers, so glad to hear she's okay." 

"I really want to thank that mysterious wizard if I ever meet him." Bob turned away, sighing contently as he held his chubby face. "I'm sure he's such a hunk." 

Ben remained silent and straight faced. When Makarov knowingly glanced up at him, the jacket-wearing teen discreetly shook his head. He definitely didn't want to reveal his identity now.

"Speaking of hunks," Bob directed his attention to Ben, making the Ultimatrix bearer tense up, "You've certainly got this mysterious air about you. Are you a new member of Makie's guild?" 

Fortunately, Makarov stepped in. "Ben is a guest of Fairy Tail. Unfortunately he has amnesia and is trying to recover his lost memories." 

"Can't say I've ever heard of anyone coming to these meetings with a story like that." Goldmine remarked. 

"I must say, amnesia is a bit cliché, but always intriguing." Bob commented. "I'm assuming this is related to that letter you sent about memory recovery?" 

Makarov nodded in confirmation. "Yes. Speaking of…" Deciding to address the crowd, he jumped onto a table standing and, after chugging his beer, started clanging a fork against his empty mug.

"Everyone! May I have your attention, please?" Makarov's commanding voice resonated, silencing the bustling room. The guild masters turned their focus to the venerable master of Fairy Tail.

"Thank you! Now," Makarov began, "for those of you who are new, I'm Makarov Dreyar, master of the Fairy Tail guild. Earlier this week, I sent a request inquiring if anyone had knowledge of a spell that could restore lost memories."

"Introsia!" The exclamation came from Ooba Babasaama, the master of Lamia Scale. Her wrinkled skin and distinctive outfit marked her as a seasoned mage with a penchant for dramatic gestures. "An old spell that helps forgetful people remember things! Don't tell me you're starting to go senile now, Makarov!"

A chuckle rippled through the crowd at Ooba's remark, and Makarov, though visibly annoyed, bit his tongue. Clearing his throat, he continued, "Not yet. No, I made this request on the behalf of a friend of mine here." With a gesture, Ben stepped up, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on him. "This young man is Ben Tennyson. He's suffering from a case of amnesia. He remembers very little of himself and his past."

"I see now," a fair, middle-aged woman spoke with kindness reflected in her emerald eyes and floral-themed attire. "You're wishing to ask for volunteers to help cast the spell on Mr. Tennyson."

When Makarov nodded, she continued, "How many people do you need?" 

"Considering the power behind this spell, I'd say six are needed." Makarov explained. "Of course, I'll be volunteering myself, so all we need is five."

"I'll volunteer too." Bob raised his hand. "Anything for a cutie!" He winked at Ben, making the poor guy shiver. Though he was grateful for the old man's help, he still couldn't help but feel creeped out. 

"Same here." Goldmine added, finishing off his kebab. "I could use some good karma."

A rough, robust man adorning blacksmith gear standing next to the flower-themed woman stepped forward. "Why do you need six masters to cast just one spell? Doesn't that seem excessive…" 

Makarov clarified, "Introsia is a powerful memory-based spell that can recover ALL of a user's memories. However, without specialized memory magic, a collaborative effort is needed to prevent memory overload and harm to the user."

Bob cautioned, "We can't be certain how this spell will affect someone with amnesia, Makie. It's not guaranteed to work."

Ben, determined, spoke up, "Even if there's only a small chance that it works, I have to take it. I mean, wouldn't any of you if you were in my shoes?"

The other masters looked at each other in hushed deliberation.

"Can we have two more volunteers?" Makarov requested.

The floral-themed brunette stepped forward. "As the master of the Roses Dawn guild, I'll be happy to lend my services." She smiled sweetly.

The gruff, blacksmith-dressed man standing close to her also stepped forward. "I'm definitely not the strongest, but as Iron Ignis's master, I'll lend my magic too. Just tell me what I need to do."

Ben exhaled a deep sigh of relief, grateful for the kindness of the guild masters who volunteered.


Ben took a seat as the six masters reviewed the incantation paper that Makarov had passed out. Other masters kept their distance, looking on with curiosity.

Twiddling his thumbs, Ben's anticipation for unveiling his mysterious past began to eat at him. 'I really hope this spell works. I'll know who I am and how I got here… Where my family and friends are.'

Confident they had memorized the incantation, Makarov approached Ben. "Ben, we're ready to begin whenever you are."

Ben nodded, adopting a serious expression. "Yes sir. I'm ready." He then directed his gaze to the five other guild masters. "Thank you, guys. I'm grateful that you're willing to help a stranger like me."

"Oh, think nothing of it, cutie," Bob waved off.

"Helping others is what guilds are for, after all," Goldmine added, his arms folded over his chest.

The floral-themed brunette and blacksmith-dressed man both nodded in agreement.

"If you don't remember anything after all this, I'll spin yah!" Ooba shouted brashly. "You got that!?"

"Um…okay?" Ben sweat-dropped in bewilderment, but was grateful nonetheless. 

"Let's not prolong this any further for Ben's sake," Makarov firmly inserted. "Let's take our positions."

While Ben remained sitting, the six guild masters circled around him. Silence filled the room as others looked on with anticipation.

Closing his eyes, Makarov took a long, leveled breath through his nose. A soft yellow glow emanated from his palms as an unfamiliar incantation proceeded from his lips. Similar incantations proceeded from the mouths of the other five masters. Mysterious energy hummed in the air as the chants continued in the unknown words.

'Just hang on, everyone. I'll remember you soon enough.' Ben took a deep breath to steady his nerves.

A yellow magical seal materialized beneath Ben, and magic enveloped him. His green irises briefly glowed a soft white as delicate threads of magic threaded into Ben's mind.

In a few moments, glowing green chains of memories started revolving around them.

One master gasped. "Is…is that Introsia?"

Another elderly mage nodded. "Those six are sharing the burden as the spell scans through his mind for all of his memories."

The dome of glowing memory chains continued to orbit the seven individuals. As time passed, the six masters maintained their focus as their magic seeped through the clogs inside Ben's subconscious. Ben did his best to remain calm despite the tingly sensation throughout his entire body.

Everyone else remained silent, holding their collective breaths as they waited for any reaction. 

'What's this feeling? It's like I'm feeling something deep rising up all of a sudden...!' Ben's thoughts were interrupted by a piercing pain that shot through his head.

A flood of visions combusted all at once.

It's nighttime, and Ben is sitting at one of several benches outside of the familiar establishment dubbed "Mr. Smoothy's". He's not alone as across from him are Gwen and the familiar rugged man with black hair. They were enjoying time conversing until a flash of pink interrupted them.

Manifesting before them was a young beautiful woman with white hair tied up into a ponytail dipped in pink. Her pink and black wardrobe was ripped and in tatters, revealing bruises and burns. Ben tensed up and activated the Ultimatrix while his two friends prepared themselves for a fight. Whoever this woman was, she was trouble. However, they then noticed the rough shape she was in.

"Charmcaster?" Gwen said concernedly.

The woman, Charmcaster, fell to her knees and looked up at the trio with lavender irises brimming with tears. "Addwaitya… Too strong… I need your help…"

The scene suddenly transitioned.

Within the same surreal pink-tinted realm from past visions, the demonic Terraspin-looking entity floating in the air with raw, untamed power blazing around it. Turning to Ben, the figure cast an annoyed glare that pierced through Ben's very being. "You have been a thorn in my side, boy! No longer!" Following this, the flaming tortoise-like entity began to chant in an unknown tongue: "Yam eht ssenkrad fo riapsed egavar ruoy luos, dna reviled uoy otnu noivilibo!"

The scene shifted once more.

For unknown reasons, Ben was lying on a cold, hard surface looking up at the ethereal pink sky with mountains floating like clouds. Charmcaster filled his view as she kneeled by him, her lavender eyes filled with solemn concern.

"I'm so sorry…" She said solemnly, tears brimming her eyes. She then held up her right hand, a soft pink glow emanating off of it. "This is all I can do for you. Thank you…"

"AAAAWWWHHHH!" A primal scream tore through the air as Ben's eyes burst open, radiant with a vivid pink glow. 

An accompanying shockwave, tinted in the same hue, surged from him, violently severing the white tendrils linked to his head.

A few of those tendrils lashed out and struck three of the closest masters. With the Introsia spell shattering instantly, the six guild masters were sent reeling, forcefully propelled off their feet by the ferocious backlash.

Crashing to the floor, Ben succumbed to unconsciousness, the lingering pink-tinted power that had engulfed him vanishing as swiftly as it had materialized.

Under the muted sky of Oak Town, a light drizzle danced in the air. Exiting a clothing store, Juvia cradled a green box in one arm while sheltering herself with a pink umbrella in the other. Her once curled blue hair was now wavy and cascaded past her shoulders.

Passersby couldn't help but pause, captivated by the beauty of the rain woman. Unfazed by their attention, Juvia focused on her recent purchase for a custom order, wearing a content smile. 'It came out better than I hoped. I can't wait for Ben to see—'

Her thoughts were abruptly halted as a wave of discomfort washed over her. "W-what was that?" A sense of unease pulled her gaze to the south. "Maybe Juvia ate something bad?" she muttered. 

The rain intensified, matching the turmoil within.

Seated at a polished table, Princess Hisui maintained an attentive posture, diligently jotting down notes while her private instructor delved into an intricate lesson recounting Fiore's extensive history. The breadth of the kingdom's past, spanning over a century since her great-grandfather's founding, presented a formidable challenge.

A sudden pang of unease disrupted the green-haired princess's concentration. 'Huh… W-why do I feel so weird?'

Her gaze wandered to a nearby window, offering a view of a section of the Capital City of Crocus, specifically the eastern expanse; her brow furrowing with uncertainty.

"Your majesty?" The instructor's concerned inquiry broke the princess's contemplation. "Is something the matter?"

"Oh! Um…n-no, ma'am. I just had a sudden headache." Hisui closed her notebook with a faint smile. "I…believe I just need some air."

In the remote heart of the mountains, scars of devastation marred the landscape. Powerful surges of white energy sliced through trees and earth with effortless precision, marking the aftermath of an intense training session. The source of the disarray came from a young purple-haired maiden wielding a katana that was still sheathed.

Breathing heavily, Kagura sank to her knees, the weight of exhaustion settling in after hours of rigorous training. Clinging to her blade, she fought against the urge to slump over. "I…I'm…still…not…strong enough…yet," she admitted through labored pants.

As she tried to catch her breath, an unexpected wave of discomfort jolted her back to her feet. Holding her blade at the ready, she scanned her surroundings, ever vigilant for potential threats. Strangely, no danger revealed itself, leaving her puzzled. Though she eased her stance, a lingering unease persisted.

'That was odd…' Following the path cleared by Archenemy, her magical blade, during both a job for a local logging company and her personal training, Kagura gazed into the distance, her clear view of the horizon sparking introspection.

In a tranquil grassy expanse near the Blue Pegasus guild hall, Jenny Realight adorned a sporty ensemble – a pink tank top paired with black shorts that gracefully accentuated her womanly curves. A vibrant green headband adorned her with her long blonde hair tied into a bun as she gracefully traced the field's perimeter in a series of sprints.

As she neared the end of her tenth lap, thoughts of a brief respite and upcoming magical meditations filled her mind. However, a sudden sense of discomfort halted her in her tracks. Jenny, hands on her knees and breathing deeply, pondered the unexpected unease.

"Strange. Haven't been pushing too hard, have I?" she mused, her sky-blue eyes subconsciously shifting to what she believed was the northeastern direction. 

In the bustling Fairy Tail guild hall, Mirajane gracefully maneuvered between tables, attending to the needs of the guild members with her usual warmth and efficiency. Trays of drinks floated effortlessly in her hands as she navigated the lively atmosphere. 

Cana, not far off, sat engrossed in her card deck, a sea of possibilities spread before her on the table. A keg of beer rested nearby her, but her focus remained on the cards. 

However, amidst the routine tasks and card games, an unexpected wave of discomfort washed over both Mirajane and Cana. Mirajane's step faltered slightly, and Cana's focus wavered as sudden waves of discomfort temporarily overcame them. 

Mirajane, placing a drink on a table, frowned subtly. "Odd. Why do I suddenly feel uneasy?" she pondered, her gaze wandering to the guild hall's entrance, as if expecting someone. 'I wonder how Ben is doing with master. Were they able to help restore his memories?' 

Cana, flipping a card absentmindedly, couldn't shake the growing concern in her mind. "The cards did reveal that his future held an exciting journey ahead." She mused, her brown eyes darting toward the entrance as well. "I hope the stud's doing okay." 

The two women, each absorbed in their tasks, shared a brief, unspoken connection through the unexplained discomfort, their thoughts converging on the mysterious young wizard they shared a common interest in.

Wendy held a set of folded clothes with noticeable tears, wearing an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, Pepel. My outfit got damaged again during my last job."

Pepel, her facial covering down, smiled sweetly at the bluenette. "It's alright, Wendy. Did those Vulcans give you trouble?"

Wendy shook her head, smiling confidently. "Nope! I was able to beat them just fine." 

Carla, standing by Wendy, inserted, "Actually, Wendy herself is to blame. She used a new spell that wasn't ready to implement in an actual fight." The white cat shot the blue-haired girl with a disapproving glare.

"I almost had it!" Wendy defended. "I've been working on that move really hard lately. It's just... I still haven't figured out how to deal with the backlash..."

"Which is precisely why you shouldn't use it yet!" Carla snapped. 

Pepel hummed as she examined Wendy's mission outfit. "It's not unsalvageable. I should increase the enchantments in the textile to make it more durable–?!" The ravenette paused when an uncomfortable feeling overcame her, causing her to grimace.

"Pepel?" Wendy and Carla stopped their mild argument, turning to the seamstress in concern. "Are you okay?"

Shaking her head, the ravenette beauty looked back at the pair with a reassuring smile. "Apologies. Just had a sudden headache. I'll be sure to have your outfit fixed by tomorrow morning, Wendy."

"Thank you... But are you sure you're okay?" Wendy inquired.

Pepel nodded, maintaining her bright smile. "I am. Nothing to worry about." After taking Wendy's clothes and sending the pair on their way, Pepel stepped back into her cottage and furrowed her brows. 'That was odd... Did Roubaul's magic falter? No, that's never happened...' She glanced out the window in the southern direction, her train of thought shifting to Ben . 'I wonder... Is this feeling because of you, Ben? Are you okay out there?' Pepel frowned concernedly, clutching the area above her heart.

Within Oshibana station, the clang of metal echoed as Erza Scarlet, donned in her Heaven's Wheel armor, swiftly incapacitated most of the Eisenwald guild members with minimum effort. Natsu and Gray, on the hunt for Erigor, were dispatched to scour the area.

As the chaos unfolded, a lone Eisenwald mage, terror etched across his face, broke away from the fray and darted away into one of the adjacent corridors. 

Observing this, Erza's stern gaze shifted to Lucy Heartfilia and Happy. "Lucy, Happy, after that man! We can't afford to let any of them escape," Erza commanded, her tone as resolute as her posture.

"Aye, aye sir!" Happy saluted. 

"Right! I'm on–" Before Lucy finished her sentence, an unexpected wave of discomfort washed over her. Frowning in confusion, she felt a strange connection to something beyond the immediate situation. 'What…? What's going on? Did…did someone cast a spell on me?' 

The lingering unease persisted, distracting her thoughts. In that moment, her mind inexplicably drifted to Ben. Concern crept into her mind as she wondered about his well-being. ' Is… Is Ben okay? W-why do I feel worried about him so suddenly?' 

Erza, noticing Lucy's delayed response, scowled. "Lucy, move!"

"I-I'm sorry, Erza," Lucy stammered, her mind still tethered to the unsettling thoughts. "I'm going!" With that, Lucy and Happy both hurried out of the station's main lobby. 

As the blonde ran, her steps quick and determined, the disquieting feeling lingered. In the midst of the mission, Lucy's thoughts were inexplicably drawn to Ben, and she couldn't shake the concern for his safety that had taken root in her mind.

The Clover conference hall hung heavy with astonished silence, the residual energy of Ben's untamed power still echoing in the air. Each guild master present found themselves grappling with the aftermath of this mysterious force, a magic entirely unprecedented.

Makarov grunted, caught off guard by the unforeseen turn of events. As the dizziness ebbed away, he leveraged his elbows to push himself upright.

Goldmine, meanwhile, knelt beside him. "Makarov. You alright?"

The venerable master nodded, his attention drawn to the center of the room where guild masters clustered around the unconscious Ben. "I'm fine… I certainly wasn't expecting that." His eyes widened as he observed the unconscious form on the floor. "Ben?!"

A ripple of concern swept through the guild masters, their faces reflecting the awe inspired by the raw and untamed magic that had unfolded.

Bob scratched his head, his eyes wide. "What in the world just happened?"

Ooba furrowed her brows, a disquieting feeling lingering in her thoughts. "I've never sensed anything like it. It's as if that magic was... primal."

The hall buzzed with uncertainty as each master grappled with the enigma before them.

Makarov rushed to Ben's side, quickly popping up to his feet to check on the young wizard. A sigh of relief escaped him as he confirmed Ben's stable condition, his rhythmic breathing a testament to his well-being.

Roses Dawn's master, her critical eye assessing the unconscious wizard, approached Ben. "What kind of magic was that?"

Makarov, pensive, responded, "I don't know…"

Ben groggily opened his eyes, blinking against the residual effects of the magic. The conference hall came into focus, and he found himself lying on the floor, the memory of the strange, untamed power lingering in his mind like a fading dream.

Crouching beside him, Makarov's concern etched his features. "Ben, how are you feeling?"

Pushing himself up with a wince at the soreness, Ben replied, "I'm okay, I guess. Just a bit sore, and my head's pounding."

Makarov nodded, leaning back slightly. "Do you remember anything?"

Ben's disappointment was evident as he furrowed his brow. "No, not really. It's all a blur."

The older wizard sighed, realizing the weight of Ben's frustration. "I see. So the spell was a failure."

"Well, well, what do we have here?" 

Everyone directed their attention to the source of the voice standing by the doorway. It was a tall, slim man with long, straight black hair that reached his shoulders. His lips were dark colored while his face was long and sharp. His attire consisted of a purple jester-like coat with a high collar, two dark blue prominent wings similar to a bat's on his back, a plain white shirt, and a purple witch-like hat bearing a guild emblem.

This was Jose Porla. 

Many of the guild masters tensed up and became mildly uncomfortable in the man's presence. 

Ben looked at the man and recognized the emblem on his hat. 'That symbol… It's Phantom Lord!' 

"Jose." Makarov said curtly. "A little late to the party, aren't you?" 

A smug smirk adorned Jose's pointy face. "My apologies. I was tied up with important matters involving a new client. Surely as a master of a reputable guild yourself, you understand. Right, Makarov?" He asked in a taunting tone. 

Makarov responded in kind with a sharp glare. 

'So this is Phantom Lord's master, huh?' Ben looked between Makarov and Jose, the tension between them was palpable. 'Definitely some bad blood here.' 

Goldmine stepped forward. "When did you get here, Jose?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "How much did you see?" 

"More than enough." Jose directed his attention to Ben. "It seems someone has used a seal to suppress your memories, boy. A powerful one too." 

"What?" Ben's eyes widened as he turned to Makarov for verification. "Is that true?" 

Makarov nodded, looking regretful. "I'm afraid so." 

Ben was shocked. "I…I don't get it. Are you saying someone gave me amnesia? Why…?"

"Perhaps," Jose rubbed his chin thoughtfully, maintaining a snide expression, "someone doesn't want you remembering who you are. And maybe…for good reason." 

Makarov turned to Jose, narrowing his eyes. "What are you implying, Jose?" 

Jose, his voice tinged with insinuation, replied, "Isn't it possible that this boy could be a criminal from another land? Why else would someone go to such lengths to erase his memories?"

"That's preposterous!" Makarov shot back fiercely. "You're jumping to absurd conclusions without a shred of evidence."

Jose, unfazed by Makarov's rising anger, shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm merely proposing a theory, Makarov. Consider the strength of the seal. It countered the magic of six guild masters, one of whom is a Wizard Saint. It suggests the caster was immensely powerful. Yes?"

The room buzzed with whispers, the other masters exchanging glances. Jose's words, though speculative, struck a chord of plausibility.

Jose turned his sharp gaze to Ben. "Tell me, boy, where were you after you discovered you had amnesia?" 

Ben was hesitant to respond. "I…I woke up in the middle of the woods. Alone." 

"Hmph. Then you should count yourself lucky. Whoever placed that seal on you chose to abandon you rather than eliminate you. A merciful fate for someone they wanted to silence." Jose's words cut deep. 

With a final, dismissive glance at Makarov, Jose strode out of the room, leaving a wake of unease behind him.

Makarov trembled with suppressed rage, his magical aura flaring briefly around him. Beside him, Bob and Goldmine exchanged worried looks, their expressions grim.

Ben, his head lowered, grappled with Jose's haunting suggestion. 'Is that it? Could I really be a criminal?' he pondered, his heart heavy with doubt.

Makarov, noticing Ben's distress, attempted reassurance. "Ben, don't let Jose's words trouble you. He's known for his manipulation."

Ben looked up, his expression a mix of sadness and uncertainty. "But can you be sure, Makarov? I don't even know who I am."

With a deep sigh, Ben pushed himself to his feet and walked towards the exit, his hands buried deep in his jacket pockets and his head hanging low. 

Makarov wanted to follow, concern etched on his face, but Bob intervened gently. "Let him be, Makie. He needs space to sort through this."

Makarov hesitated, torn between his protective instincts and respecting Ben's need for solitude. Finally, he nodded in agreement. "You're right. I'll give him some time."

As Ben disappeared through the doorway, Makarov sighed heavily. "Damn you, Jose." He cursed under his breath. 

"Master Makarov! Master Makarov!" A cute, high-pitched voice called out. 

He turned to see that the voice's source was a little blue bird with a black wizard on its head, clutching a letter in its feet. 

"I have a letter from Miss Mirajane, sir." It chirped excitedly. 

"Oh, thanks." Taking the letter from the mail-bird, it then flew away. 'Wonder what this could be about…' He circled his finger on the Fairy Tail seal, which played a holographic recording of Mirajane.

In the background, the guild masters continued their discussions, the room abuzz with speculation and concern. Unnoticed, two shadowy figures exchanged a glance and quietly followed in Ben's footsteps outside. 



A/N: Hey everyone! Apologies for the belated chapter. I was busy with work and this chapter also went through a few rewrites.

This chapter was initially going to be longer, but I decided to split it in two so it wasn't bloated. Expect the next chapter to be released within the next few days!

Please leave any comments or critique in the review box. Until next time!