
Chapter 52. Leo Finds A Shapeshifter (ShapeShifter)••SHORT STORY••

Written by storyteller1999

On: tags.literotica.com

Summary: Leo finds a shapeshifter, who can transform into anyone

Tags: emma watson, hayley atwell, sci-fi,hilary duff, elizabeth olsen, titanic, megan fox, victoria justice, beyonce, scarlett johanson

This A Short Story 1 Or 2 Chapters Are Available






On a Friday afternoon, Leonard (AKA Leo) didn't have anything better to do, so he grabbed his mobile, switched on the VPN, and surfed through some porn websites. After searching through the pages, he finally realized what he wanted to watch. He searched for stepmom and stepson in the search box as he grabbed the lube, and tissue, with his shorts down to his knees and blanket up to his thighs.

The video started with a voiceover, and one rather interesting thing that Leo figured was that the particular porn video was 48 minutes long and had a story to it which made sense. But as soon as Julia Ann came on screen, saying, 'but you're my...stepson.' Leo lost the focus on the story, the sense, and started admiring her curves, beauty, and especially her tits.

48 minutes later, the porn concluded, and by then, Leo was more than determined to watch one more video of Julia Ann. But he wondered if he could find something else as good as this. He searched a few more pages and found nothing but 20 minutes' worth of disappointment.

That's when a video suggestion appeared before his eyes. It was a video of Dani Daniels, but not typical porn with dicks and penetration and cum. It was a Jerk off instruction type thing where Dani pretended or behaved like a step-sister and teased him as she instructed to stroke his cock.

That was when the lube seemed useful. He applied some on his dick and started stroking slowly, breathing intensely through his mouth to remain and try to last long; for the instruction, the video was 20 minutes long, and Dani was already topless by the first five minutes.

Leo had an inferiority complex where he couldn't last longer than a minute. It always bothered him, and he continued to do so. But right then, with Dani praising his dick, he didn't worry whether he would last long or not.

Five minutes into the video, Dani was topless, massaging her tits, teasing him, and he started stroking his dick. Six minutes into the video, Dani spread her legs, revealing her pink panties as she said, 'Give me your big cock to me.'

He came on himself. Now the tissue seemed useful.

He kept his mobile aside as he lay on the bed, a little tired and refreshed at the same time. A few minutes later, he cleaned up the mess by disposing of the soaked tissues in the bin, washed and got dressed and ready for a small walk, maybe even a burger, French fries, and coke.

It was close to 5 PM when he left the house; when his beautiful blonde-haired mother was sitting on a sofa in the living room and reading a book, while his stubborn and stout father sat adjacent to his mother and scrolled through his mobile looking over his glasses like Tom Huckleberry's grandmother would do.

It was a 20-minute walk to the diner, and on the way, he decided he would return and go through the woods. He had nothing special or important to do the next day or the day after. Hence the stroll becomes even more casual and slower.

When he reached the diner, he sat at the last table and ordered a burger, French fries, and coke. Sat through the process patiently till his order was delivered by a new face. A petite young woman with wavy brown hair that reached to her neck. He didn't dare start a conversation with the waitress simply because he didn't dare to do so.

But he did one thing. He looked at her tits, and above her right pocket was her name tag. Chloe was her name, and that's all he could do. She gave a sweet smile and walked back when he noticed something else. That wonderful ass on her was something.

Soon, he finished his snack or pre-dinner or whatever that was and strolled back home through the woods just as he wanted. It was past 6, and it was dark in the woods. Barely enough light to see a tree nearby. Halfway into the woods, Leo regrated the idea of a walk inside the woods after dusk. He continued strolling with the help of the flashlight from his mobile.

But even with the flashlight, he barely walked steadily without hitting the tree branches, tripping on the shallow roots, knocking his feet to a stone and buried boulders. And eventually, his feet, stuck in a mix of thin shallow roots, tripped and fell over as his mobile flew nearby.

'Fucking hell!' he moaned as he searched for his mobile on all fours. 'Stupid fucking idea.' He cursed himself as he continued searching.

And somewhere near a tree, he found something minute glowing, and Leo assumed that it would be his mobile lying with the torch facing the ground. But when he approached the glowing light and picked it up, it was nothing like a mobile.

It was a rough, irregularly round-shaped object. In his hands, the object glowed brighter. Only then did he realize it was a peculiar heart-shaped stone with some designs that more or less looked like some ancient writings, which glowed in blue and yellow.

'What the hell?' Leo said, puzzled, as the light got stronger and stronger, almost lighting up the whole place. In the bright eye blinding light, Leo spotted his mobile and grabbed it quickly with the other hand still holding the glowing rock.

Still puzzled kept looking at the rock and its designs through which light came out. As he kept looking, he gradually realized that the rock was also getting warmer. Soon, the rock started reaching the boiling temperature by which Leo dropped the stone, and it fell right on top of a boulder, breaking the heart-shaped stone into pieces.

To add to Leo's amazement, he saw dark smoke emerge from the shattered pieces. The smoke was dense, dark, and almost had a physical ability. For Leo, it was like he was a sci-fi cum fantasy movie, releasing the world's doom.

The thick black smoke raised to about six feet but didn't raise past that or dissolve; instead, it accumulated and grew big and big until it was a 6 feet tall 3, feet, wide body of black smoke in an oval form. This mind-numbing sight didn't stop there. A crackle of lighting noise came from within the smoke body.

Leo stepped behind half, minded to run away, while the rest of the mind convinced him to stay and watch it. That's when he saw yellow lightning crackle within the smoke body, more than twice and then again and again until Leo lost count of it. It was the birth of an electric man inside the smoke.

And everything came to a halt, and silence remained. Even the crickets in the woods stopped chirping. The smoke started to dissolve like a fog being cleared by an intense breath. The smoke disappeared slowly, revealing a tall naked woman with long blonde hair. She had a pretty face with a confused look in her startling green and blue eyes. Her skin, though, was moist as if she had walked through miles in a mist.

But a moment after admiring her, his eyes settled on her perky ample tits and then slowly explored her body, her broad waist and thick and long thighs, and between those thighs was a bush that covered the priority part.

Despite her alluring beauty and her perfect seducing body, he had a fear crawling through his nerves. After all, she appeared out of nowhere, perhaps the giant smoke body. And more so, she stood naked in the middle of the woods.

If he could describe the beauty and perfect body of the naked woman with references to well-known actresses, then it would be as follows- Her face was close to that of Rachel Weisz, which had a glowing nature. Her breast could easily be compared to Jessica Biel's. Her broad waist and thighs were close to Hilary Duff's.

'Who...Who are you?' Leo asked tentatively.

'You...set me free?' she said in her sweet but damp voice. As if she hadn't spoken in a long time.

'I...Um, maybe? I don't know.' Leo said, terrified, as he took a few steps behind. 'Who are you?' He repeated.

'I am Laufey.' She answered as she looked at her body and ran her fingers over her waist, breast, and bush. But she never felt shy and took an effort to cover her body, at least her boobs and bush.

'Okay? That doesn't answer anything other than your name.' Leo said, even more, terrified by the way Laufey spoke. Slowly and carefully, as if she had all the time in the world.

She stood idle, then spread her hands and raised her head. She started glowing, or at least the invisible ancient letters, just like the heart-shaped stone. The glowing blue light became brighter and brighter, and it stopped abruptly when Laufey bent forward and went to a kneeling position, gasping for breath.

Leo didn't dare to take a step forward, but he had a hint of worry when she abruptly went to her knees.

'You...you alright there? Laufi is it?' he asked.

'I am bound to you?'

'Is that a question you're asking me or asking yourself? And...and you're bound to me?' Leo asked hesitantly.

'How is this possible?' she asked as she raised her head and looked at him.

'How is any of this...possible?'

'Who are you...you sweet kid?' she asked calmly.

'I asked you first...I mean, um...I am Leonard. Leonard Duncan. But you can call me Leo. And I am not a kid. I am 18. '

'Duncan? You can't be...not after what I did to you. How are you even alive?' Laufey asked with a bit of stress to the question. This threw Leo off the edge, scaring him the most.

Laufey stood up with dry leaves and mud on her knees. She took a step forward, to which Leo took five steps behind before his back met a tree.

'Look Laufi...'

'I am Laufey.'

'Yes, Laufey, I don't know who you are. I haven't seen you, like ever in my life. I...have no idea what you're talking about. Do you even know me?'

'Finlay,' Laufey muttered.

'I am sorry?'

'Finlay Duncan. I saw Finlay Duncan.' Laufey said, rather confused. This was an odd comfort, yet Leo was terrified about the fact that she appeared out of nowhere through magical means.

'I am not Finlay Duncan, and I have no idea who that is.' He said as he reached into his pocket to grab his mobile. Only then did he realize it was broken and useless at that point. No 911 call now.

'Where am I? what has happened.... around here.' Laufey looked around her, and she could see the dark woods everywhere and nothing else.

'Laufey, who are you? I mean, you appeared out of...Smoke? Or from that stone.?' He asked as he pointed out the broken pieces.

'I am Laufey, a shapeshifter.' She answered as if saying she was an accountant. Even the fact that such a pretty hot woman like her being an accountant could be barely believable. But shapeshifter?

Nevertheless, Leo did believe her because, after all, her grand entry through and lightning would tell otherwise. But he couldn't comprehend what to make of it.

'Shape...shifter? As in, you can change forms into anything?' Leo asked out of curiosity.

'I can change into anyone. Not anything.'

'Can you change into my...well, Chloe, the waitress from the diner?'

'If I see them once, I can change. I have to see Chloe, the waitress, if you want me to transform into her.'

'Okay...' still trying to bind the things into his mind. 'Critical question first. Are you going to kill me?'

'I can't, Leo.'

'That's good news. Is it because I set you free?'

'No, it's because I am bound to you.'

'What do you mean?'

She stood back idle once again and spread her arms again, revealing her body more clearly. This time Leo focused on her assets as the blue lights glowed from the invisible letters engraved on her skin.

'This spell binds me to the one who sets me free. But...' she said as she brought her hands back, and the light faded gradually.

'But what?'

'Only a few bloodlines hold that capacity.'

Leo felt a chilling sensation in his right palm with which he picked up the stone. As he looked at his palm, there was a minor, and beads of blood remained there as if the warmth of the stone had printed it on his palm.

'So, you're saying...one moment. You're saying that you are a shapeshifter, which is crazy, but I can't also deny the fucking fact that you came from that creepy ass of a stone. And also that I am from a special bloodline that can set you free or...or bind you to me somehow. Is that what you're saying.' Leo spoke confidently, trying to overcome his fear of her, especially after she said she couldn't kill him.

'Yes,' Laufey said very mildly as if she had the world peace in her mind.

'Okay, wait, if you're a shapeshifter and you can shift into anyone you see, then you've seen me, and you're still seeing me. Shapeshift into me, Leo. Then we'll talk.'

'If that is what you want, Leo.' Laufey answered as the skin between her breasts and her forehead and navel started to spread, which looked as if her cells were disappearing and appearing at a molecular level.

It didn't take longer than a second, and Laufey stood before Leo as himself, except naked. The green sweatshirt, or the blue jean he was wearing, wasn't there, neither his shoes nor his watch. But skin to skin, eye to eye, head-to-head, it was a xerox copy of Leo.

Leo scrutinized the poly Leo inch by inch. The length of the hair, the moisture of the skin, the size of the muscles, everything was Leo. Even his semi-hard flute with shrunken balls.

'Fuck me in hell,' Leo muttered. That moment for Leo was like pouring hot water on his ass and ice cubes on his crotch. Couldn't make anything out of it.

'Okay, great. Now let's, I don't know. Let's go home?'

'If you want me to come with you....'

'Yes, please. I also want you to shapeshift into your old form. Into Laufey. Looking at a naked copy of myself is very odd and uncomfortable.'

Another second later, she had transformed into a pretty naked woman when she emerged from the smoke.

'Perfect, but you still need clothes.' Leo said, looking at her tits and her bush.

'I don't have one.'

'Yeah, I know I am just...Thinking.' Leo wondered for a minute how to take Laufey, the beautiful young naked woman, into his house without anyone spotting. It wasn't broad daylight, which was a good thing in many ways, but still, there would be so much light, and it was just 7; hence people would still be wandering the streets. 'Just follow me for now.' Leo said as he started walking towards his home.

When they reached the edge of the forest, Leo could see his house at the corner of the street, almost isolated, but still, he thought of the bright street lights and lights that shun bright in the houses along the street. At least 8 houses had to cross before they reached his home. And to make things worse, people were walking their dogs, and a few jogging at night.

'There's no way we can get to my house without getting, I mean without them spotting a naked woman. We'll wait until it's deserted to something close to that. Until then, why don't you tell me how you got into that stone, what you did back then from whatever time you were created or born or whatever? Tell me how it started, and you are here, basically everything.' Leo said as he walked away from the edge back into the woods, a little deeper as Laufey followed him.

'What year is this?'

'It's 2022.'

Laufey stood in utter silence as if she had frozen into a statue.

'Laufey? You're starting to creep me out more now. Yes, no, anything?' Leo asked as he got closer, his fear hidden in this mind's attic.

'I was born in 1328, during winter. It was a very bad winter, as my mother would say. I was a normal girl when I was born. I was human until a very long time. My father was a trader, and my mother cared for the farm, the cows, lambs, and pigs. I had two brothers and a sister. I was the youngest one. Until I was 19, everything went like a normal human life should.

But, somewhere in the monsoon that year, my brothers and I went for a boar hunt.

'We should go now.' Leo informed as he moved to the edge while Laufey followed him a step behind. 'You stay here. Don't move. Maybe...maybe you just transform into me and wait here. Just 2 minutes. Okay?'

Even before Laufey could answer, Leo jumped out of the border of the woods and made a run to his home. Meanwhile, Laufey stood there, transformed into Leo, and said the real Leo ran furiously.

A few minutes later, Leo came running back with a duffel bag. He looked around and made sure he wasn't being followed or watched. He got to Laufey, who was the fake Leo now.

'Change back to yourself.' Leo said, gasping for breath.

He opened the duffel bag and pulled out a pair of jeans just like the one he was wearing and a justice league t-shirt. 'Wear them.' He said as he pulled out a pair of shoes and socks.

Laufey changed back to a pretty woman a got dressed. Only after that did Leo realize that Laufey looked 10 times better than anyone woman in the town. He couldn't control the excitement, and he blurted the words. 'god damn, you're so fucking hot.'

The only thing Leo found unmatchable was that she looked like the hottest 30 or 35-year-old woman, though she was at least 700 years old. Once she got dressed, they both made a run for his house.

Surprisingly Laufey ran faster than Leo could imagine. They both reached the back side of the house and jumped the fence with Leo on the lead. He slowly opened the back door, very carefully focused on not walking anyone up.

Leo first sneaked in, looking around like a robber entering the house. No one in sight, and even better, no noise from anywhere within the house. Leo signed Laufey to get in, but Laufey was already past that and was standing behind him. He felt like the star comedian in a sitcom at that moment.

He then grabbed Laufey by her wrist and successfully climbed up the stairs and into his room. Leo took a deep breath about his adventure, smuggling a 700-year-old shapeshifting pretty woman into his house, into his room.

'This is where you live?' Laufey asked as she looked around the mess of a room where Leo spent his days playing video games, doing homework, watching porn, and jerking off.

It was a typical bachelor bedroom with an undone bed and a dustbin with used tissues. Four posters of Fight Club Brad Pitt smoking, Megan Fox in the shortest dress from Transformers, Elizabeth Olsen in her latest Wanda costume from the Doctor Strange Movie, and there was a 3 feet tall poster of Leo's ever-disturbing crush Emma Watson posing has Hermione Granger from Harry Potter the Deadly Hallows. Finally, when Leo shut the door behind him, there was yet another poster, perhaps the biggest poster of about 5 feet tall at least - Scarlett Johansson in her iconic red dress from which her plump breast was looking to burst out.

'Which one of these lovely women is your mother, sister, and mate?' Laufey asked rather sincerely. This gave a quick giggle to Leo while also, in his mind, he had wished for many things. Only now, he had a chance for those dreams to come alive.

'None of them. They are actresses, a few of my favorites, actually.'

'Oh, they are pretty. Laufey turns around and lets her eyes explore the rest of the room.

'Um, I need a reason if my mom or dad suddenly barges in and sees you...I mean, I won't be able to explain it to them. You're so beautiful and all, but you are still way older than me in the physical sense. I mean, not that you look old, it's just I am too young, as in I am 19, but still, you know...' Leo felt his tongue stutter, lips stammer, and brain freeze.

'I'll just stop talking for a minute.' He closed his mouth with both hands and looked at the rug for a moment before speaking. 'Can you turn into someone younger, around 18, 19, or twentyish, something like that?'

'I can shapeshift into anyone; I have to see them. That's all. You want me to look like her?' Laufey raised her hand and pointed towards Megan Fox. 'Or maybe that woman?' she moved her hand slightly to the left and pointed to Elizabeth Olsen.

'Basically, you look the same age as they do, someone younger...' Leo returned to thinking mode.

'What about her then?' Laufey now pointer her hand at Emma Watson.

'No way. I very much want you to, but she's way too famous. It'd be very chaotic in many aspects.' Somewhere in the mid-sentence, Leo had an idea, an image of someone.

'Crystal, Crystal Reed. Can you shift into Crystal Reed?' He moved to the left and right as if a crab caught his balls, and then finally, he moved toward the table, threw his broken mobile phone, grabbed the laptop, and switched it on. It took barely 5 seconds for the system to power up, but it felt like an eternity to Leo.

He typed in Crystal Reed, and the search result showed a beautiful woman in a bikini in most of the images, and in a few, she lay on her perfect bare body with her hands covering her nipples. It wasn't her latest picture that he showed, but one in which she was 21 years old but looked even younger than that.

'Her, can you shapeshift into her?' Leo turned the laptop towards Laufey as she leaned forward to look closer. 'Can you?'

'Yes, Leo.' She answered as she stood back and let her skin disappear and appear, and in seconds, she was Crystal Reed and not Laufey anymore. The jeans she wore were a perfect fit around her ass, while the shape of her boobs was essentially in a good view under the t-shirt.

'Fucking hell,' Leo muttered.

'Now, If you change into someone else, like yourself, and we head out since you've already seen how Crystal Reed, can you change back into her again without me showing you her picture every time?'

'Yes, Leo. I just have to have seen the person once.'

'Great, that's so fucking cool.'

Leo had something, perhaps many things, in mind. As hot as Crystal Reed was (who he discovered from Instagram), she was just a disguise. Leo had a different taste. One other thing he could get out of Laufey disguising himself as Lauren is that he could just take her to the college, pub, or anywhere he liked and make out with her before his bullies, and he had even more nasty plans.

'Okay, now remember, this is how you look whenever someone is around. Cool?'

'Understood, Leo.' Laufey smiled.

'Now, one more thing, I'll call you by the name whom you have transformed into, like, you're now in the form of Crystal Reed, and I shall call you Crystal Reed. Cool?'


'And, about you, how do you go by. I mean, do you sleep, eat? Do basic human things?' Leo asked as he got up, and he now stood taller than Lauren.'

'Yes, Leo, I was a human; this shapeshifting is an extra ability that altered my human conditions, such as my mood, emotions, and thinking process. I think my immortality also accounts for these changes. Initially, even after becoming this...shapeshifter, I did feel all those things, even fell in love, but. Eventually, he grew old, and I remained the same as I watched him die.' This shut Leo's mouth for a moment.

Now even he started to think about his life and his mortality. Suddenly, he saw an advertisement for a movie suggestion for Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003). This changed his mood.

'I...I have many wishes on my bucket list. Do you have any wishes? I can try to fulfill it if it's in my power.'

'Fulfilling your wishes would be my wishes. Because you released me, and I am bound to you. You have a short life, Leo. Live it.'

'Great!' Leo said, glad he had moved past the uneasy conversation. He typed something on his laptop and showed Lauren a picture of a woman. 'Can you transform into her?'

'Of course.' Lauren said as her skin went into the process of shape-shifting. Then she appeared before Leo as a 30-year-old Hillary Duff.

'Wow!' Leo exclaimed as he stood up, staring at the firm, ample breast squeezed under her t-shirt, with strong arms and thick thighs which filled her Jeans. Leo touched her face, cheeks, and lips, unaware of the seduction.

'Ca...Can I?' Leo asked as he looked at her two pointing tits, with his other hand resting on her clavicle.

'Anything you want, Leo.' Hillary answered in a whisper.

With no second thought, Leo's hand slowly moved down, grabbed her left breast, and gently squeezed it. Submerged in the hotness of her body, especially her tits, he leaned forward and pressed his lips on hers.

There was no resistance, which encouraged Leo, and he slowly slid his tongue inside her mouth. Leo, on the other side, had let himself into the moment, got close to her even more, and pressed his crotch against her thick thighs.

'Leo, these clothes are...tight and suffocating me.' Hilary whispered, with Leo's lips nibbling and pecking hers.

'Oh shit, sorry. Just hold on a minute.' Leo said, breaking the kiss, and looked at the laptop screen for something and rushed out of the room. 'You can remove them.' He said while closing the door behind him as he left.

Hilary did what he asked. She removed the t-shirt, let her firm tits in the air, and struggled to remove the pants. But she managed eventually and stood naked in an empty bachelor's room.

A minute later, Leo returned holding a set of inner wears. But he couldn't speak anything he wanted to say while entering the room. Hilary duff's busty tits and hell-bending thick thighs, not to mention her curves.

'I...These are 32A bras. My mom's. You can wear these or not,' Leo said tentatively.

'Yes, thank you, Leo.' Hilary got close to him and took the bra and panties from his hand, keeping a seductive smile on her face, while Leo's focus was shifting from her tits to ass to thighs and back to her tits in the loop.

Hilary managed to find the mechanism of wearing a bra and covered her tits perfectly well, showcasing the firmness, with cleavage deep enough to stick his dick all the way in. The panties didn't cover much except for her bush down between her thighs.

'oh my god, you're amazing.' Leo said as he threw himself upon her, pressing his and pushing his tongue into her mouth while groping her tits, and his other hand rummaged her buffy ass. His crotch was pressed against her thighs again. It felt so unreal to Leo, but not for long.

He rubbed his crotch on her thighs, and in return, Hilary hugged her tight and pressed his ass towards her. It wasn't long before he came in his pants. Post-nut clarity is a messed up feeling, and Leo went through one.

He broke the kiss, stopped rubbing, and gasped for a moment, somehow feeling inferior. 'I came.' He said between huge breaths, he let out in her mouth.