
Sonja Percy x Spy!MI6!Reader

Percy wandered over to stand in front of the television that was used for videos calls like this one. She adjusted the laptop on the small lip and called you. She stepped back with the remote. "Yo, I'm calling Y/N! She texted said she had the information we need to bring this SOB down." LaSalle walked in with Patton from his office, if you want to call it that. Sebastian entered with files from the trace he had collected at the scene. Pride wandered in from the kitchen, looking slightly grumpy that he had been pulled away from whatever he was planning on cooking to clear his mind and focus.

The four of them joined her in front of the television. The usual computer chirps played as they waited for you to answer. You appeared, leaning forward slightly, a seductive grin on your face. You were wearing dark jeans, an olive tank top that was covered with an open hoodie which hung off your shoulders. You didn't bother to pull it right. You licked your lips slightly, wetting them. Your silvery voice sounded slightly higher pitched by still had a husky tone to it.

"Hey, Sonja, darling." Sonja grinned, "hey, Y/N." You tilted your lips up more. Sonja's brow furrowed, "Where are you?" You smiled secretly. "That is so classified." You teased. Sonja laughed. "You have any information on that case file I sent you?" You made a noise in agreement, turning you pulled the paper files towards you. "You printed them off? I thought you knew better." Sonja teased. You chuckled huskily, "I'll burn them." You shrugged, "after I burn down this government building." Sonja laughed, you waved to the team as if you finally noticed them there. They waved still not used to your rather eclectic ways.

LaSalle stepped forwards, he gave a cocky grin, "hey sugar-bell." You sat up and pulled your hoodie around you. "Oh, hello Christopher." LaSalle managed to hide at least part of his pout, while the team hid smiles.

You gave the information you had gathered to Sonja. You winked at her before flickering out of sight. "How come she flirts with Percy and not with, yours truly?" Patton was quicker to the cut than Percy. "Because she actually has standards, brah." Sebastian laughed as Percy did the same. Pride simply ignored the childish remarks. "She's a spy, LaSalle, flirting is just another weapon in her arsenal." LaSalle hummed and Percy whacked him over the head with her files. He groaned in pain.

Sebastian began to explain what he had found while Sonja and LaSalle had a small shoving match were, they thought Pride couldn't see them. "Stopping shoving each other and back to work." Pride told his team as he walked away, "children." He complained under his breath. He shut the door to the kitchen, ready to make the stew he had been preparing before your call. Pride's team got back to work.