Entering the BAU's bullpen, you were fiddling with a case file. JJ and Emily suddenly appeared at your side. "So..." JJ sounded all innocent and the delicate fluttering of her grey eyes helped fed into that illusion. "So..." You raised your eyebrows. JJ groaned, "What are we doing for your birthday?" Your birthday was just around the corner, you were a few years older than JJ. Rossi deliberately slowed down outside of Hotch's office wanting to eavesdrop. "I...don't...know. What do you have planned?" Your brow scrunched as you began to get cautious, your tone turned questioningly hesitate.
There were any cases that needed your serious attention, most of you were filling out paperwork or consulting other cases over the phone. Hours dragged on a little whenever you were filling out paperwork, your lunch break was interesting with Morgan and Emily arguing about Kurt Vonnegut/Slaughter House Five, for some reason and most of the team had placing bets.
After the day was over most of the team had gone home. Rossi was in the Round Table room, collecting his files where he had had a meeting with Cruz, Hotch and few other higher-ranking officials. You leaned against the door jam. "Hey." Rossi turned and placed the folders down on the table. "Hey." There was a pause you walked into the room more. "What are you doing for your birthday?" He questioned, you raised one shoulder. "What does my boyfriend have planned?" Rossi smiled, he never failed to love hearing the words 'my boyfriend' fall from your lips. He pulled you in closer by the hips while you dropped your phone onto the table. Your own arms winding around his neck. He leaned into you, dropping a kiss to your lips, you pressed into him, deepening the kiss.
A phone rung breaking your kiss, reaching to the table you picked up the blaring phone. However, after glancing at the caller ID. "What is it, Garcia?"
"Where are you?" At the seemingly innocent question you paused, "In the Round Table Room, why am I supposed to be somewhere else? And haven't you gone home?" Garcia didn't answer you second question, or you simply didn't hear it, later you blame Rossi mouthing your neck. The door opened as you reconnected to Rossi's. There was a sharp inhale before, "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! You and Rossi!" Both you and Rossi jolted in your arms. "We have case." Garcia's voice was all jittery with excitement despite the grave circumstances. You groaned once Garcia rushed out to get the others. "And the entire FBI knows we're dating, in three, two, one." Rossi exhaled, "Well look on the bright side it was fun while it lasted and hey," He moved to your side sweeping your hair out of your face. "We managed to fool the best profilers in the world for six months."