
Fanatical Body Cultivator

His family falling into bankruptcy, his parents arrested on charges of espionage, the appearance of a chronic and incurable illness that lead to a broken Life Wheel - Will Faraday had it all. His life nearing his end, the desperate Will finds hope in a treasure his parents left behind and a path forward excavating the secrets of the human body, rejecting the traditional notions of being a Warrior using External Energy. This is the story of a Fanatical Body Cultivator journeying through the stars.

OstrichEgg · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

No Longer Wild

As Enkidu was washing himself by the lake, he sees a being unlike the animals he had been living with. To his surprise, the being walked on two feet, just like himself, however the being's body was covered in weird items, unlike himself who was naked.

The person began screaming in fear and knelt down praying and crying, while making sounds. Will, who was within Enkidu, could feel the confusion stemming from Enkidu's mind, who could only hear gibberish. However, Will understood the person was speaking in Sumerian!

"My lord Gilgamesh! Forgive me for upsetting your trip to the Forbidden Forest. I am but a humble trapper of wild animals. I beg your mercy!" The man cried out with tears and snot covering his face.

Unfortunately, Will couldn't control Enkidu's actions. He simply saw Enkidu look at the man's actions in puzzlement and then turn towards the eight animals who accompanied him.

"What is this thing? It feels similar to me." Enkidu asked the animals, however, to the trapper, it only appeared as if this terrifying overlord made a horrifying growl like a beast. The trapper peed his pants, and in fear, forgot everything amd ran for his life.

Will was shocked. It was only now he realized, that Enkidu didn't speak a human tongue at all! Enkidu was staring at the running trapper in confusion when the wolf, who was the cleverest among the eight beasts spoke.

"That thing is one of your kind. But you are different from them. You are an animal, like us. Those of your kind lack what is within us - the spirit of those who are one with the forest. Animal Instinct." The wolf said rather knowingly, before ignoring the incident completely.

These eight beasts were the eight kings of the forbidden forest, even Enkidu could only be their equal in combat. They couldn't care about a trifling weak human.

When Will heard the Wolf's words, his eyes shone. "One who is born in the forest, is one with the forest. Within the forest, they may not be invincible, but they will be at home. Those of your kind will never feel at home in the forest. They will be wary, until they enter those huge mountains of clay they shield themselves behind." The elephant added.

A few days passed by in an uneventful manner, when Enkidu discovered the presence of one of his kind, like the wolf had explained to him. However, this person was very different from the earlier one.

When Will saw the person he was stunned. It was a woman, and she wore a cloth draped around her body, showing a lot of skin. On her head was crown made of leaves and on her wrist was a bracelet made from bright green shoots. However, that wasn't the reason Will was shocked.

This woman was too beautiful. She was the most beautiful woman Will had ever seen in his life. Her skin was a golden shade of brown, her hair black and her eyes green. Her shape filled out appropriately in the right places, and on her face was a knowing smile, asking every onlooker to surrender to herself.

Will was not someone who lusted after flesh. He had a lot of weighty issues on his mind, but this woman had successfully created a weird feeling in his heart. However, he immediately became vigilant as he discovered that his feelings were actually being influenced by the flood of emotions Enkidu felt.

When Will turned cautious, he noticed that this woman was drowned in an aura. It was the aura that had instantly caused him to lose his mind. The aura felt like a benefaction from heaven itself.

The woman saw Enkidu's dazed look and smiled. "Blessed are you Enkidu, for the Goddess Ishtar spoke of your name. I am Shamhat, the priestess of her Holiness, a humble prostitute from the Temple of Love and War."

Enkidu discovered to his amazement, that he could understand the gibberish the woman was speaking. At the same time, he felt a weird influx of emotions.

"I feel different when I look at your face." Enkidu said. He was a wild savage birthed by a God. He had never met another woman. He did not know what attraction was, nor did he understand the bizarre sensation going on below his abdomen.

Shamhat ignored Enkidu's statement made out of ignorance. "You are one of my kind. A human. However, you are different from others."

Enkidu nodded. "The wolf told me, that humans lack the feeling of being one with the forest."

Shamhat shook her head. "It is not that the humans lack something, but rather you lack it. You lack the one thing that makes everyone human, and that is humanity."

"Humanity?" Enkidu asked in confusion. Shamhat's answer was contrary to what the wolf told him. The wolf told him others lacked something, but this woman told him that he lacked humanity.

"I will teach you what it means to be a human." Shamhat said. "For the goddess has willed me, thus I shall follow her one true command."

After that, Will had an extremely complex feeling explode within his mind. Why? Shamhat's manner of humanizing Enkidu involved copulating for two weeks in near constant 'physical combat".

At this moment, Will was Enkidu and Enkidu was Will. Try as he might, he could not avoid the reality that he was enjoying a feeling of euphoria he had never felt in his life. At this moment, he was 'mating' with probably the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. But the absurd duration of this process scared him. Were humans back in the day so fierce?

Will wasn't a virgin, but now he started to doubt his capabilities and was horrified of Enkidu's and Shamhat's talents. However, during this moment, Will discovered something incredible. Earlier, Will was trying to resist the feeling of euphoria that was constantly merging with him, but when he eventually got mentally tired from resisting it, he embraced the feeling.

At that moment, he felt like his mind was going through a grindstone, squeezed and shattered, before unifying and reforming into a tighter and more cohesive whole. Will was stunned.

"Did Shamhat really mean to civilize Enkidu in this manner? Elevate his mental state through dual cultivation? What terrifying method is this?" Will wondered in shock as he embraced the feeling whole heartedly.

His mind constantly shattered and reformed, more compact and sharper than before. He could feel his memory improving rapidly and his perception abilities, as well as his stream of thoughts constantly get quicker and quicker until, he suddenly felt an explosion in his mind.

Will felt like he had uncovered a new world, the fuzzy white mist that was his mind had now condensed into a compact solid ping pong ball. Will felt like a new power had unlocked within him. At that moment, Shamhat and Enkidu finally stopped entwining into each other, much to Will's relief, but he also suddenly regretted that the feeling ended.

However, at this moment he was stunned again. For he could hear Enkidu's thoughts and they were no longer wild and unrestrained, but rational amd cogent. He was no longer wild.