

I screamed as I took the pen to put my signature..my hands were trembling my heart was pounding I was really scared Shyla was holding me with one hand she was also scared, I tried holding the pen firmly but my hands were shaking the pen fell from my hands twice. I scanned the documents for the name of the person that I'm giving everything to. I only saw the name of a company Dacot group of companies I took note of it, if am going to give everything to this company I need to get every information about them. I signed the documents " you see that was quite easy wasn't it?" The man wearing a mask said "give me my mother"! I said angrily he pushed my mum forward with one hand while pointing the gun at her, he stretchched the other hand and said " documents" I passed the documents to him and he let my mother come to me I hugged her and removed the sack she was wearing on her head " mother" I cried out as I hugged her once more the man started the range Rover and drove off " mom are you ok?" I asked she nodded as she looked at me It seems she was still in shock. We all got into the car and drove off. **************************************** We arrived at Shyla's place, she lived alone her apartment had a mini living room, a kitchen two bedrooms and a library. Immediatily we arrived I took out my phone and googled Dacot group of companies...my findings were mind blowing, this was more than a company it was an empire.

Precious_Stanley · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
81 Chs

Fammilar strangers

Familiar strangers Chapter 1

The shower was running, the water was as cold as ice, my mind was racing, all I could think about was yesterday's incident, the scene kept playing in my head....as I rubbed my forehead with my palm.. I couldn't believe I just lost everything. My savings, my properties everything was gone I had nothing. Reality suddenly hit me as I broke down streams of tears flowed down my eyes I had just lost everything I worked for In life plus I've been bound with someone I don't even know. Nooooooo! I screamed at the top of my voice.

Chapter 2

So this is my story. My name is Arielle I was born an illegitimate child, my mother was the "other woman" my father was a wealthy millionaire and a player as well, my mom was a naive young lady she fell for my father and they had an affair. My father was married by then but he didn't have a child, my mom fell pregnant as a result of their little affair apparently my father just wanted to have fun with a little girl but my mom was head over in love with him, soon after she announced to him that she's pregnant he started treating her like trash...my mom was so broken hearted she even attempted suicide thankfully she was rescued. My mom's family insisted my father must marry her, but he refused saying he will pay her off, my grandfather who has once worked for the family of my dad treatend him saying he would reveal all the dirty secrets of the company if he doesn't marry my mom.