
Family Secrets...

A jong girl named Violet Hope Rossi was taken away from her parents and older brothers at a young age she doesn't remember them but they remember her and missed her. When she meets her family will she find comfort? What happens when she meets her family?? Will they find out how she is?? Will she find out what their secrets are or will she reveal her truth and open up to them?? Will she ever get to meet her mother or is her mother really gone?? Will she survive everything that will be happening Find out in Family secrets Started~ 30 September 2021 Ended~ 06 December 2021

AmieDeBeer_1 · Fantasi
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72 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Three


As I started to drive Damian asked, "Do you love her?" I snapped my head towards him and back to the road

Back to the story

Raphael (POV)

"Yes" I answered

"Fuck of all the girls in the world why my little sister?" He asked getting mad

"Look I know she's your little sister and I would never hurt her okay I do love her more than life itself," I said, and after I said that I realized that I actually said the L word

"If you even break a little piece of her I will break every bone in your body and the skin you alive got it?" He said

"Trust me I'll even fucking help you," I said

"Good now drive faster," he said as I smirked and started to speed up

"What are you going to tell him?" I asked

"The truth" he answered as we stopped at the airport

We got out and leaned against the car waiting for Edward to come out. After a few minutes, he came out with two bags. He saw us and ran to Damian hugging him "Damn big brother your hair is greyer than it was before I left" he joked and then turned to me

"What going on?" He asked as he saw our faces

"Please tell me everyone is still alive and okay," he said looking at Damian

"Edward a few hours ago there was an attack on the warehouse we all including our uncles and other brothers went.

When we were done killing all of them one survived and told us that that was only a diversion to get into the house.

Aunt Sara got shot and is in the hospital." Damian said

"She going to make it right, was anybody else hurt?" Edward asked

"There's something else you should know, about a week or so ago dad got a call about Violet, we got her back but she's was in the house when the attack happened and Ivan took her," Damian said

"What?!" His eyes went wide

"You're saying my twin was back and that Russian mafia freaks got her now" he yelled

Damian didn't say anything he just hugged his brother I noticed someone coming straight to us

"Hello, are you Damian Rossi?" The boy asked

"Yes, that is me why do you ask?" Damian said

"Murphy Michaelson is the guy you need to find he has her and wants her to be is his wife you should hurry thou he is on his way to Dallas as we speak," the guy said and then quickly disappear into the crowd

"What the hell was that?" I asked

"I don't know," Damian said

I took my phone out and called Alastair

"Get me anything you can on Murphy Michaelson and get the plane ready were going to Dallas," I said

"Got it," he said and hung up

I looked at Damian as we got into the car I asked him "Hospital and the safe house?"

"Hospital," he said

I stepped on the gas and got to the hospital as fast as we could. Once we stopped We ran in and saw our partners in the waiting room my dad was the first to see us and then he touched Ian's shoulder and pointed to us walking to them

"What are you boys doing here?" Mr. Ian asked and when he saw Edward he hugged him tight

"Why didn't you call me and tell me she was back" Edward whispered as he hugged his dad

"I should have, I'm sorry"

"It's fine, dad we think we know where there going," Damian said

"Where?" Ales asked

"Dallas, she is with some guy named Murphy..." I tried to say but someone behind spoke up before I could finish


We all turned to see who it was. It was a guy with 3 boys next to him

"Mr. Du Luca, what are you doing here?" Ian asked

"We'll talk about that now but first introductions, You guys can call me Andrew and these are my boy's"

"Jaxton but you can call me Jax"



After we introduce our self Jax started to talk

"Ace called me and said that somethings happening and that Violet hasn't been at school for the past 2 days so we got worried and got on a plane here, on our way here we heard that someone broke into your house and took Violet and shot someone,"

"And what you said is true we have to get to her before Murphy tries something," Andrew said

"Who is he?" I asked

"He's someone who wanted Violet for as long as we can remember, he's in love with her but he also treats her like a slave and like dirt, he is also one of Chad and Mia's friends," Caleb said

"And he is also Ivan's son," Clay said

"Fuck" I muttered

"Are you sure they are on their way to Dallas?" Andrew asked

"Yes why," Damian asked

"He's going to force her to marry him," Jax said and punched the wall

"We have the plane ready we can go before anything happens," I said

"Call the boys let them meet us by the plane Ales go with them please I'll stay here with Angelo and Camilla, just get my daughter back," Mr. Ian said and we all left

As we left I called Leo

"Hey, where are you guys?" He answered

"We're on our way to the jet, all of you need to meet us there now we know where Violet is," I said as we get in the car

"We're on our way but what about Griffen?" He asked

"Our house is near their I'll text my mom and say to take him"

"Okay see you in a few," he said and hanged up. I text my mom to wait for Griffen at the gate and that we're going to go get Violet after that I put my phone away and said

"They're going to drop Griffen at my mom's house and then meet us there"

"Good," Mr. Ales said

"How do you know my sister," Edward asked Caleb who is riding with us

"I knew her since I was 6 or 5 years old my twin and I met her when we snuck out to go play in the park but when we got there she was there crying and full bruise"

"What do you mean bruises?" Edward asked confused and I looked at Caleb and he looked confused

"Didn't she tell you guys?" He asked

"Tell us what?" Edward asked

"She did tell us but Edward just got back today from a month-long mission, he wasn't here when she told us," I said

"Told you what? Can someone please tell me what's going on?" He said angrily

"Mia and her husband Chad used to abuse her," Damian said and almost choking on the word abuse

"What?" He asked in shock

"She also knows about the mafia and she can also fight and is known as Angel, Raven, and Butterfly in the underground world," Caleb said

"Please tell me he's kidding," Edward said

"He's not," I said looking down at my hands and hoop she is still safe and unharmed

I see Caleb on his phone so I asked

"What are you doing?"

"I'm texting Everest, Dominic, William, and Ace since they are in New York they can go with us, Ace said he can bring his team and William said that he will meet us in Dallas"

"Good we will need everyone we can get," Damian said

We got to the plane and saw Everest and I'm guessing his brother was already there.

"Damian" the Everest greeted Damian with a hand shack

"Everest, Dominic this is my younger brother, Edward, my uncle, Alessandro, and the royal family King Raphael and his father, Sebastian, The rest be here any minute now and we then we can go," Damian said

"Nice to meet you," I said and shook their hand

"You too I just wished it was on a different circumstance," Everest said

"Yeah," Edward said and went on the plane with Dominic and Caleb following him as we wait for the others to show up.

Edward (POV)

I went to the back and unlocked my phone and looked at my favorite photo it's a foto of me and Violet when we were younger

It was when we visited our grandparents on their farm and we were on our way to the car to go to church when I took her hand.

"That's a cute pic is it you and Violet?" Caleb asked beside me

"Yeah one of my favorites," I said and then put my phone away and laid back on the couch

"What is she like?" I asked looking at him and Dominic

"Well she's crazy but in a good way, funny" Dominic said and was cut off by Caleb

"Smart, Talented, a good prankster"

"And a badass, she always stands up for others and she is nice to those who are nice towards her" Dominic said

I shake my head and heard someone say "she's almost exactly like you except more amazing and cooler than you"

I looked up and see Ollie and El. I quickly stood up and hugged them.

"You could have said hey first before insulting me," I said making everyone laugh

After I greeted everyone Damian asked, "Where is Ace and his team?"

"He said that they were in London and is on their way to Dallas now with their plane," Caleb said

"Wait Ace like Violet's friend?" Antonio asked

"Yeah we've known him since we were little" Jax said

"Okay, and who are you guys?" Elijah asked

After the plane was in the air everyone introduced themselves as I sneaked away to one of the rooms.

I put in my earphones and laid on the bed listening to music when I felt the bed dipping in I opened my eyes and saw El and Ollie, so I took my earphones out and looked at them

"So how was your mouth away?" El asked

"You really want to know that or is that just a warm-up question?" I asked

"Fine you got us we're here to talk about everything," Ollie said

"What's on your mind little brother?" El asked

"Why didn't you guys call me?" I asked

"You were busy completing your mission if dad had told you you would have dropped everything and came home," El said

"So dad kept it from me so that I could focus?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Okay I don't know why Damian and dad didn't tell you or Violet okay," he said

"Wait what Violet didn't even know?" I asked

"Did I say that?" He said looking everywhere except at me

"Does she even know she has a twin?" I asked

"Yeah she knows," Ollie said

I took a deep breath and fall back onto the bed and looked at the sailing

"What did Mia and her husband do to Violet?" I asked and I could feel them freeze

"Mia only ever gave Violet a few slaps and minor injuries but Chad did so much more he and his buddies used to beat up Violet for fun, she usually would stay with us but Chad did something or said something to her that made her scared and she went back we tried for year's to get her out of there but she would always refuse or say don't even start" I heard Caleb say as he stood by the door

"Chad also used to t-t-touch her?" Ollie said choking on his words

"What?!" Caleb, Jax, and I yelled at the same time

"You guys didn't know?" El asked Caleb and his brother and they shooked their heads

"Did he..." I asked trailing off not wanting to say or even think the worst

"No, she said that he did try but it never got that far," El said

"We should get some reat before landing," Ollie said changing the subject and leaving the room with the rest.

'I promise I'll find you and kill every kicking bastard who even thinks about looking at you the wrong way '

I drift into sleep with that on my mind

(2051 words)