
Familias de enfermeras

Most Doyenne University College of Nursing students come from powerful families. What happens to the rich and ordinary?? ************** "The most interesting thing is that Fernando's family and my family are not friends " "I have a real threat here also. You remember what my family did to the Armitage family?." ************* "Do you have a death wish? Why do you have to show up with a Martinez?" --------------- "I'm done with offers and deals but I'd like to see." --------------- She turned to leave but the shadow that overshadowed hers creeped her out. She tried to run but the figure pinned her against the wall. "thought you'd keep the little secret but now your mum knows about it." --------------- "confront your roommate." ********** "My roommate is a deep sleeper." "Are you sure she won't wake up" --------------- "an ECG is needed ASAP If her brain is dead...there's nothing anyone can do again.  but we hope not," "Time of death: 1:13 am" ------------- *********** "Are you also meant to suffer?" ---------------- "I don't take cocaine...I only sell. I won't fit in the circle. Thanks for the invitation."

DiamondMPeace · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter Two


"Next." He said trying to change the location but changed it to the present event at the poolside by mistake and he saw a student in a black hoodie dragging another student's lifeless body out of the pool. His eyes widened and he started trembling. "Miranda!!!!!" He screamed and the people standing in front of him were confused.

"What's wrong Bruno?" One of them managed to ask.

Bruno's eyes went from the tab to the guy that asked. His body still shaking slightly "The poolside...." he said as he dropped the tab unconsciously but a lady was lucky to catch it on time and they all watched Bruno as he ran out of sight. Some ran after him while some joined the lady to see what Bruno saw but they only saw the lifeless body by the poolside.

In the West Hostel, a lady with short curly hair knocked hard on the room 390 door and it was immediately opened by an Asian guy. She rushed in immediately and locked the door.

"Heard Miranda Baker was killed in the south. The news got to me just now." She said and began to bite her fingernails.

Li was shocked to hear the news and it was all written on his face. "Anne! Listen, did the hostel president confirm the death? He asked trying to be sure that the news was not just a rumor.

"Bruno Baker who is not just the president but also her brother said he saw a lady in a hoody drag her out of the swimming pool. But she left before he got there." Anne explained.

"Still a free week and millions has happened already. This is just the second night. Maybe you should leave this school before it's too late." He looked into her eyes but she frowned back.

"I can't. My family and yours sent me here to protect the Bakers..."

"and one is dead. Let me tell you something, the other one will leave and no one to watch after."

"You are a Zheng and I am a Dyle. Your family have no sense of responsibility over them which makes it easier for you and My family will punish me if they know that something has happened. Moreover, your family only seals deals between other families and I was chosen to protect the Baker's children in this school."

"And you know that according to the deal if anything happens to any Baker under your watch, your family will have to bring you right in front of my family and the Bakers to penalize which involves letting you bleed slowly to death. If your family fail, your whole family will be killed. Didn't your family tell you all this?"

Anne was dumbfounded "N...No! I was only...only told that I would be punished if I failed this mission. I know nothing...nothing about the de...death penalty." She stammered.

"Why didn't they even put you in the same hostel with them? It is difficult for you to watch over them."

"I have made plans on how to exchange hostels with another lady over there and she agreed to do so after the free week. Now it's useless."

"Here is what will happen. We will make sure that Bruno stays in the hostel and the news doesn't get to the Baker's family."

"What about Miranda's Body? Don't you think Bruno would have informed his parents?" She asked confused.

"I know Bruno well. He will still be in the denial stage. We will know how to go about it before sunrise But the success depends on what to do to make Bruno stay. Just know that there will be one or more enemies in the south."

Anne bit her fingernails hard as she tried to figure out what to do.

Emily laughed out loud and Rosalyn was rolling on the bed with laughter. "You don't mean it, Rose!" Emily said and laughed again.

"I was pissed...so, I just wrapped it up and sent it back...." they both couldn't control their laughter. Rosalyn continued. "and guess what! The following day he brought about ten people dressed like clowns and they sang me a Christmas song...." they both laughed again. She continued. "...and I was li...like...oh man! This is July." She said and they both laughed.

"I'm jealous of you. I wish to have a life like you not having to come from a powerful family but a rich one with successful siblings and you have to work for your success." Emily said.

"Seriously? Tell me about all these powerful families. I got a warning from my mum not to cross any student here because most are powerful and you won't know who. When you told me that you are Gonzalez the other day, in my mind I was like...is that even necessary but I told my roommate that someone introduced herself to me with her surname and she said most powerful families do that when they want you to know them." Rosalyn said and Emily laughed.

"Okay! These powerful families are those that are in control of this nation. However, some have more powers than others which means there is rank. The most powerful and used to be the kind ones are the Armitage but the entire family was killed by Ferrari of the Castro family. Luckily their three grandchildren from Armitage's first child were abroad and no one knew about it until about five years ago when it was announced that the first of the three grandchildren was now in control of the Armitage possessions. The family is back, ruled by a lady who is now twenty-one or so. The Armitage family is now the most dangerous of all." Emily explained.

"With what happened. She wouldn't want anyone near her family. " Rosalyn said pitying the Armitage.

"You are right. I met her when I was eight, that time she was about five. a sweet and calm soul...very happy and she even insisted on following me home because she liked me. She gave me her necklace and I don't know why I wear it till now. I don't know if that part of her is still there. I wish to meet her someday and I hope she remembers me...for good."

"Now I know about the Armitage and Castro. What about yours?."

"I told you my family name proudly the other day to let you know that I will not harm you. My family is one of the most powerful but the most peaceful. My dad has never sent for anyone to be killed or something, people love us but since the Armitage incident...we've been very careful. I even prefer a low profile but reveal it when I want a friend." Emily explained.

"Good! What about the girl that died in the South? Do you think it's related to family stuff or maybe she just drowned?" Rosalyn asked.

"I don't know but I heard that her brother said she drowned and became unconscious not that she died. Due to the trauma, she wanted another school, and now she's away. That's what her brother said." Emily explained.

"Imagine a rumour like that. I was scared honestly....hoping to leave soon but now I'm at peace." Rosalyn said and they both laughed.

The thunder roared twice as the breeze blew violently, the giant blue building in the north stood unshakable and the passages were as quiet as a haunted house. In room 588, six female students were beating a female student, one of them pulled her by the hair to reveal her face and another one punched her nose. She fell, blood was all over her body but she did not make a sound. She squeezed her face in agony as she curled up in a fetal position, another student kicked her in the abdomen and she groaned.

"I told you not to make a sound" one of the ladies whose hair was packed in a ponytail said angrily and kicked her head. She signalled to others and they dragged her from the room to the bathroom. They filled the tub with water, pulled her inside and the blood on her body made the water turn red. One of them laughed devilishly and entered the bathtub with her. She hooked her neck with her knee as her head was kept underwater. She struggled for air but couldn't. After the ladies realized that she was getting tired, one of them tapped the other lady to release her knee and they dragged her out of the bathtub.

"If this leaks out, we will make sure you die." The lady on the ponytail said and one of them kicked her again. They left the room and the lady was left on the floor in a pool of blood.

"There is an emergency." One of the nurses said and the team hurried out to receive the patient.

A guy carried the lifeless body while running as fast as he could towards the health team. He was drenched in the rain, shivering in the cold but refused to drop the lady.

"She is safe here now! You can leave her." A male doctor said and he looked at him for some seconds before releasing her.

They wheeled her inside and the guy was questioned on their way to the emergency room.

"Just answer in order...Name?" The nurse asked.

"Amelia Martinez." He said.

"age, hostel and what happened?."

"I don't know her age, she's from the north and I wanted to check on her before going to bed because she has been acting strange lately and I found her at her bathroom entrance in a pool of blood with all those bruises and all." He shook in fear as he explained. "I'm scared...will she make it?" He asked out of concern.

"You cannot go into the ER." The doctor reminded him. "We don't know if she will survive it...you wait here and rely on your faith." He said and they wheeled her inside the ER.

In the west, things were going pretty well, especially the fact that it rained the night before which made everywhere look refreshing. In-room 317, Jane looked a bit pale and sick.

"Jane! Those bags under your eyes can take my books to school " Hannah joked and continued. "But you look like a vampire. What's wrong roomie?" She asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"I feel sick and I'd like to go to the university teaching hospital. " Jane explained.

"Good idea! I want to go with you." She said and Jane smiled.

Femi and Diane stood at room 226 entrance, kissing like new lovers, Carl stood there for a while, waiting for them to end it but when they didn't, he cleared his throat and they released each other.

"I want to use our room, can I go in?" Carl said and smirked.

Femi looked at Carl in a nasty way and then faced Diane. "Missing you already but I want to host you for dinner." He said and Diane gave him one last peck before leaving.

Femi and Carl's eyes met. Carl made a funny face and Femi kicked his buttocks. They both laughed and entered their room.

Jane and Hannah got to the hospital gisting and laughing. Jane is reserved and Hannah is the opposite but they were getting along.

Hannah sat in the waiting room and Jane went to meet the nurse on duty.

"I feel sick..." Jane said to the nurse.

"how do you feel?" the nurse asked.

"drowsy....occasional headache and feeling feverish," she explained.

"come over here please." the nurse said and took her to a couch. "you are so pale... have your seat but I need to get your data and then check your vitals. Shall we?" the nurse asked.

"yes! please." Jane smiled.

"your name?" the nurse asked calmly.

"Jane Fernando!" she said and the nurse looked at her sharply.

"Who is your mum?" the nurse asked without taking her eyes off her.

"Stephanie Carlos," she said calmly trying to figure out why the nurse was curious.

"your mum is my cousin. She's Uncle Brian's daughter. My mum is also Carlos... an immediate sister to your grandpa...but dad's a Gonzalez." she said proudly.

"wow! I have a family here. Finally! "

"How are you getting along with the kids? I know you are older than most," she said while checking Jane's Vitals.

"I'm trying. My roommate is here with me but I'm still learning to get along," she explained and smiled.

"my niece is in your school.....same set as you. She's in the east. Her name is Emily Gonzalez.... She's younger but just like you. Check on her anytime you need someone to talk to." she said as she observe Jane.

A female doctor joined them, moved very close to the nurse and whispered some words to her though Jane could manage to pick some words. The doctor left and the nurse continued to chat with Jane.

"Wait here. Will direct you to a doctor with your symptoms for drug prescription only and someone will get it for you at the pharmacy." she explained and Jane smiled..

Jane joined Hannah and whispered to her. "I want to go against the rule for some minutes. You want to tag along?" Jane asked and Hannah blinked thrice before looking into her eyes.

"I don't mind." Hannah whispered back.

"you didn't even ask where I'm going. Fine. I'm heading to the I.C.U." Jane whispered.

"what's up there?" Hannah asked curiously.

"you still want to tag along?" Jane asked and Hannah nodded. "let's go." she whispered and they both pretended to be heading to the washroom and turned to their left when nobody was watching.

Becca cleaned the chair immediately Diane stood up. Diane faced her and smiled. "you don't have to stress over a clean chair... That doesn't mean that you will not spend up to three years here...cleaning. None of your family member is willing to help. Rosalyn is kind for allowing you to continue with your school." Diane said to her and Becca stood on her feet and looked at Diane in the eyes.

"this will be over one day but I Promise you and that crazy Rosa that your families will suffer more humiliation than my family. You will plead for a chance to have this type of conversation with me... With your life. " Becca threatened.

Diane laughed loud and became serious "what you just said is a threat. Telling my family this will make your entire family rot in jail. For your information, Rosalyn is an ordinary family but they can ruin the most powerful member of your family..... What the hell am I saying? Only Rosalyn ruined your entire family. You have nothing and you will have nothing." Diane said angrily and left her in the room.

"here it is." Jane said as she and Hannah looked through the glass door to see Amelia Matinez who was in a coma state. "I heard that doctor whispering a name and this ICu to nurse Gonzalez. She's a student here. " Jane explained and Hannah stretched her neck to see the face but she couldn't. Just then, the guy that took Amelia to the hospital entered and saw them at the entrance.

"were you the ones that want her life? " his cold voice echoed and Hannah freezes. Jane turned to see who it was and said calmly.

"Just curious to know who was brought here and here we are."

Upon hearing that, Hannah let out a relieving breath and turned to face the guy. Just as their eyes met, Hannah whispered.

"Elon! Why are you here? Who is that lady? " she asked angrily.

"That's a Martinez." Elon said and Hannah's eyes widened although Jane was lost.

Shadows are easy to see but not easy to know.

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