
Familiars and Sorcery

The story of Chu Mo, the protagonist who has been betrayed by his Spirit Beasts since childhood, growing up in an otherworldly continent where he fights by summoning Spirit Beasts。

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55 Chs

Chapter 4 Inner Island, the search for new Spirit Beasts

In another camp, in the hall of a more luxuriously built wooden house, there were four men. Three of them were the three middle-aged deacon ambassadors who had faced the children earlier.

These three deacons make the head of this Green Nightmare Island, there are twenty deacons under them at their disposal, and everything on this Green Nightmare Island is also at their disposal.

However, at this time, the three Green Nightmare Island leaders are respectfully standing behind a man dressed in white, the previous cruelty and hostility in the face of the children in this will not have any embodiment, afraid that their own expression is not sincere enough, not enough humble general.

"Lord Xia, it is truly an honor for my generation that you are able to come to our island again." The deacon ambassador at the head of the group said.

"Cao Yi, is that kid I threw here still alive?" The man who was called Lord Xia said.

This Lord Xia is around thirty years old, the skin is very pale, looks a little weak and sickly look, the whole person just gives a cold and cool feeling.

"Not yet." Cao Yi, the head of the island, said.

Lord Xia showed a few surprised, said to himself: "In the city of Okoro, the employer's information clearly indicates that he is a just crossed into the soul apprentice field of the kid, it is reasonable to say that kind of weak soul power, should be in the white Nightmare second stage when it was swallowed, how to now but still not dead. "

The three people next to him had no idea what this Lord Xia was talking about, so they had to look at each other.

"Lord Xia, do we need to kill him directly, your White Nightmare eating such a weak soul is an insult to your honorable White Nightmare." Cao Yi finally said.

"The company's main business is to provide a new product to the market. ..." said Lord Xia.

After saying this, Lord Xia stood up and added, "Continue to keep him here for training, and after death, you will send my white Nightmare to my island."

"What if he didn't die?" The deacon next to him made a whispered question.

"Stupid! Which White Nightmare's growth does not require thousands of corpses for the foundation, how can that kid survive." Cao Yi immediately scolded his men with crossed eyes.

"Yes, yes, my foolishness, my foolishness ...," the deacon ambassador who asked more questions immediately nodded his head like a garlic pound.

Lord Xia smiled profoundly and without saying anything, he walked towards the door.

In fact, this Lord Xia also does not think Chu Mo can survive, because the growth of white Nightmare is simply a killing process, often it takes thousands of better qualified host body to be able to provide for ...

Lord Xia's this White Nightmare is the most nascent state, the nascent state of the White Nightmare, devouring soul power for some potential for young Spirit Beasts master, or able to bear.

But that's only because White Nightmare is at a low stage. Once White Nightmare is upgraded to a higher level, after a big increase in food intake, it means that White Nightmare needs to find a new host with more strength, not a weak Spirit Beasts division like Chu Mo who is about fifteen years old.

This Lord Xia's estimate, White Nightmare grows to the third order when Chu Mo's time has almost come.



Inside the Wooden House

"Those Spirit Beasts with high rank and good qualification on the island should be limited, we'd better go capture our fighting Spirit Beasts early, if we get a scrappy Spirit Beasts, even after three months of strict training and cultivation, it will be very difficult to get the top ten. "

Last night's struggle for life and death did not let Ting Yu sleep much longer, the next morning was very spirited, planning to set out to capture their own Spirit Beasts.

"Eh, good luck." Chu Mo nodded slightly and said to Ting Yu, who was already fully loaded and ready to go.

"What, you're not going to join me?" Ting Yu asked.

"Go it alone, you don't want to run into good Spirit Beasts and have this room be the only one to live in, do you?" Chu Mo said easily.

Ting Yu pursed his thin lips and said, "But how can we defeat a Spirit Beasts and capture him if we don't have more people to work with?"

Generally speaking, Spirit Beasts division's first combat Spirit Beasts will be provided by their family, teachers, elders, after a period of training, they can really fight for Spirit Beasts division.

And this Nightmare Island training is relatively special, need to Spirit Beasts division themselves to find a way to get in addition to Nightmare the first combat Spirit Beasts, which I'm afraid less than personally to fight with Spirit Beasts.

"You should also know that we are a circle of grabbing, with others, unless you have a physical advantage like Zhou Shengmo, in the group, no one dares to grab good Spirit Beasts with him. no words, but whenever there is a fight for interest, there will definitely be casualties between the teams, so to really get your own The best way to get Spirit Beasts that you are satisfied with is to act alone ..." Chu Mo said seriously.

"But ... I just don't trust people because ..." Ting Yu said somewhat daintily.

"I'm not trustworthy either." Chu Mo said. When he finished Chu Mo took a package with him and walked out of the cabin.

Ting Yu looked at Chu Mo's back and stomped her foot in exasperation, saying, "Humph, deluded I rubbed your medicine yesterday, big deal, if you happen to see a good one, you choose it first, petty person!"

Chu Mo ignore Ting Yu's complaints, rubbing medicine is just a matter of ease, the big deal Ting Yu one day hurt, Chu Mo help rub back on it, here is the barbaric, killing, cruel desert island, but not in the civilized city, to know what to love and care for little sister, know how to give courtesy to little girls ...


After a night of healing medicine, Chu Mo was able to move freely, and the vague pain in his back was not too bad.

The topography of the island Chu Mo had been mapped out some time ago, into these dense jungle, Chu Mo then like an agile elf, quickly into the middle of the obstacle-ridden Green Nightmare Island.

Nightmare Island is twenty kilometers in circumference. Although the island has been occupied by the people of Nightmare Palace for a long time, those deacons are mostly outside the island and rarely enter the ten kilometers of Nightmare Island to move around the island.

Green Nightmare Island itself is a small ecosystem, where there are many kinds of Spirit Beasts living, and can not capture a good Spirit Beasts, need not only luck, but also excessive judgment, and strong enough strength.

Luck, naturally, is to encounter Spirit Beasts with high racial rank.

Judgment, on the other hand, is to be able to identify the stage and qualifications of this Spirit Beasts.

The strength is whether the Spirit Beasts division itself can capture the Spirit Beasts.

Theoretically, any Spirit Beasts, no matter how weak or how powerful, can be captured.


Most of the children were already searching for Spirit Beasts off the island, and these people walked around, making a point of watching every life they saw to make sure they didn't miss a good Spirit Beast.

Unlike Chu Mo, he did not make any stop in any area outside the island, no matter what Spirit Beasts he met along the way, he did not bother to take a look, but ran straight towards the island area of Green Nightmare Island!

The island is a dangerous area that even those deacons don't dare to cross into easily. chu Mo dares to go, not that he is overly ambitious or has enough confidence in himself.

Rather, he knew that if he had simply stayed off the island looking for a lower-grade Spirit Beasts like the other kids, he might have been able to finish in the top ten of the competition with the help of his vast knowledge and judgment.

But after escaping this disaster, he is not far from death, because the devil inside his body is much more terrible than the green Nightmare White Nightmare, without a strong Spirit Beasts, Chu Mo itself to enhance the strength of a great limitation.

It's not that Chu Mo doesn't want to take the steady route and make himself strong one step at a time. Rather, he simply can't lower himself to the level of these kids at Nightmare, and he can't put himself on the same level as them.

He has been forced to a desperate situation, the only way is to put death before life!
