

��Hernan!�� Troy, Gabrielle, and Trevor spoke up at once in Danica��s defense.

Hernan shook his head, smiling. ��I am babysitting her brother. She will enjoy being with you guys. None of you should have any issues. But just keep in mind. Kenji is my boyfriend, and he is moving in tomorrow, whether you all like it or not. I am only informing you guys.�� With that, Hernan was about to walk away, but when his blue eyes met Danica��s watery hazel eyes, he immediately realized what he did. A bucket of guilt splashed over him. However, his stubbornness wouldn't let him apologize, so he went to his room.

��Dani,�� Troy called out and turned to face her, but she was already on her way to her room. Troy was never so angry at Hernan like he was at that moment. How could Hernan forget that Danica was one of their closest friends?