

After the interview was over, which went well, Danica was back in her room. She was completing her assignment by sitting on the chair and her laptop on the desk of her room until Tatiana called her. She picked it and put the phone on speaker.

��Hey, Tati,�� Danica spoke up.

��Cut the crappy formality and tell me how the interview was,�� Tatiana mumbled through the phone. ��I was dying to call you, but I had a hope you would call me right after the interview. Why didn��t you call me, you ungrateful human?��

��I was about to, but I had to submit this assignment at first,�� Danica informed her.

��This is summer vacation. Why do you have assignments?�� she asked, bewildered.

Danica answered, ��Well, after this vacation, the final year will start soon. So we have loads of assignments to submit, which I am doing in advance. The teachers uploaded the files on google classroom already. So why should I wait?��