
False Prophet 26: The Journey

It started with three chances. The first I was burning in the sweltering sun navigating through the paths before I decided to retrace my ways and return home. The second time I left the house and brought baggage of water and bread. I was closing in on a street sitting underneath the tree and kept the faith of Jesus Christ through the tough storms that had shielded and protected me before the police had sent me to Faith Mission, A homeless shelter that provides food in which much of it is a snare from the enemy. And I was picked up from my mother. And then the third one, where I had pursued the journey and walked in the footsteps of God and Jesus Christ.

I brought a bag of water, food, my phone, my Bible, and my wallet and forsook my parents house in order to continue the journey through the streets and at the time, I have read the bible and kept the faith of Jesus Christ, praying in times where I am on the streets and keeping my fast with Jesus Christ who had dwelled in my temple after months of accumulating wisdom and knowledge and understanding. Afterwards, there have been many times where I had wanted to return home. To call my parents and give up on the journey. But I kept faith and kept going, pursuing onwards to the roads and keeping faith in Jesus Christ. I had rested on the fields of grass and kept my prayers to God, I had pursued onwards to many cities traveling along many ways following the Holy Spirit. I had arrived at a town far from Elkhart and had been given many temptations. At times, I needed to find a charger to charge my phone so I stopped by a gas station to charge before inevitably progressing down the town over to Subway, where I failed for the first time. I broke my fast and decided to eat an egg sandwich and a cookie and then I decided to call my mother to come and pick me up before inevitably waking over to the road and pursuing onwards to Ohio. 

But before I had approached the way, there have been many times where I have stopped to take a breather but God said, For with God all things are possible. So I carried my bag and progressed further into the road to a city named Howe. But before I progressed over to the place, I decided to call my mother one last time to see if she could pick me up. And so, I called her and decided to meet at New Life Church. Instead of going with her, I decided to say goodbye and ask for her money for the trip to walk in the Will of God.

And so, after many tears and hugs I progressed deeper into the towns and kept on reading my Bible and having faith in Jesus Christ. Then I stopped by an ice cream place. This was my second mistake. I tried to keep my fast but after looking into the temptations, I decided to buy an ice cream cup and a hamburger and ate it, and felt miserable. But after walking along and asking God for forgiveness, a young adult stopped by and decided to pick me up. So I went and he took me to his house. Now it was in this wise where he offered me to go to the store to get some food for the trip. So I went and got some food and broke my fast again by eating Wheat Thins. But yet, God forgave me of my trespasses. And soon continued along the road and decided to stop by and read my Bible. It started to rain and a man stopped next to me in the truck and he picked me up and he took me to a small town with three churches. I stopped by and read my Bible and then a woman named Candy stopped by and offered me a Coke and Water. At the time I knew this was a trap and a snare but I drank the Coke and yet God forgave me of my trespasses because I taught and showed the mysteries and commandments of Jesus Christ to others. And then afterward we departed thence into another city. Now it was in this wise where I wanted to go to Toledo. However, it was far from me at the time so I decided to walk along the roads walking in the footsteps of God and repeatedly getting offered many times a ride. But it was on this wise that a woman stopped by and I told her that I needed to get to the nearest city. So afterward, she dropped me off near a park. Now it was on this wise where I started to fall into confusion. I started questioning if this was part of the Will of God and checked my bag. And I saw take nothing for your journey so I left many of my belongings behind and forsook the town holding onto the three notebooks in my hand. And then afterward, police arrived and asked where I was going because people were worried. And I asked them to bring me my belongings I forsook and they did and then I asked them to take me to the furthest city to continue my journey there. Now it was on this wise where I started questioning myself if I should bring my wallet or not. That I would hasten my journey if I were to decide to go to the bus station to go to New York. So after some thought I decided to forsake everything and bring only my Bible with me and then after resting onto the pastures near a house, police came and asked why I had left my belongings. At first, I resisted but then I decided to ask them to get my stuff and so after some thought the police grabbed my belongings once more and then they took me to Sylvania, a city near Toledo. Now it was on this wise where I decided whether or not to leave my belongings near the house in the streets in Sylvania. And after some thought, I decided to leave everything I had behind and walk to a gas station. Now it was storming and raining and I hunched over near my Bible and slept on it before eventually being picked up by a man named Adam. He offered me a ride to Cherry Street but I had to eat something. Now I have wanted to fast since God told me to but there have been many times where the enemy offers food for me along with a ride. So afterward, I agreed and he took me to a gas station and we got a few foods before heading out to the city. And after stopping by Cherry Street Ministries, I entered the building and was welcomed all around. Now, I had felt in my Holy Spirit that something was wrong with this place. I was continuously being offered meals to break my fast, but at the time I held my fast and let no one take my crown of Salvation. And then came the shelter itself. I was offered three meals a day and a roof to sleep under, but I declined the first time and headed out my way. Then I returned the second time, offered some snacks and money and the deceitfulness and kisses of the enemy before I eventually left the place again. Now it was on this wise that served as a turning block of the story. Speaking against the Holy Spirit. When I had done this, I felt a sudden shift on the way I acted. I lost Fruits of the Spirit and many times decided to try and kill myself. But I then decided to gorge out on my food like a glutton and decided to eat a tuna sandwich and crackers and all the things that broke my fast. And I decided to sleep in the shelter and look forward to all the meals I will be offered. But I asked Jesus Christ to give me one final chance and he said that if you keep your fast for three days, I will help thee. However, after days of tribulation, I broke my fast by eating tuna crackers and decided to eat more and more by returning to the shelter. This is where Sin started taking control of Me. Instead of waiting for days in life, I instead waited to eat meals. And I eagerly waited and I continued to eat over and over and over again, denying the forgiveness and gracious and compassionate God gave me. And this is when things took a turn for the worse.

A downhill and a fall like no other. I became lovers of myself, I became covetous. I decided to leave town and go to the bus station and drive the bus. I started to lose my breath of life and continuously fall into temptations and become an animal looking at food continuously. I lost my backpack and my bible. I decided to fall into lusts of the flesh and eat and eat and eat until eventually I ate at Dad's house and ate some more. This was evil in the eyes of the LORD. And then I returned to my Mother's house, back to Egypt and lost everything.

For what should it profit a man if he gains the entire world but loses his own soul?