
Fallout 4 Infinity

Waking up in Fallout 4 little over two Months before the events of the Bombs fall. what to plan before everything changes? Updated Chapter* Main Character: Specter Lord. °Own Character° Secondary Main Character: Grit Jones, Personality: °YouTuber: StephenPlays Fallout 4 °

LordSpecter3366 · Derivasi dari game
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41 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening

Waking up, my eyes are blurry unable to see anything then a few inches away from me and I feel cold as if my very bones are made of ice and hurts to breath, I am shivering to the core as I almost have no feeling in his body from the cold, being this cold also drains of almost all my energy to move. Scared at what is happening and having the feeling of unable to even control my body and that is the feeling I hate the most, I started attempting on moving with every bit of energy to brake the feeling of being trapped and doing so sent Unimaginable Pain that forced me to stop moving, but now that my mind is clear, I started trying to gain sense of my surroundings first knowing moving will hurt I calmed down and just looked around, I am in some type of small one person space and a glass case before me, I am standing but frozen in place that was all I got before fell asleep Unknowingly.

A few minutes later I wake up again and looks around this time knowing where I am is the same place as before I am not confused as before but still unknown on where I am. Now my sight is back to normal I can see what is outside the glass case before me, the other side there is Dust in the air as a dim light in the room helps me see it moving through the air, the Door thing before me unexpectedly opened it was rasing upward, and I lost balance and fell forward not having anyhing holding me in place still not having much feeling that is the good part as I hit hard on the ground it sent a frozen pain through my hands stopping my fall by reflex and protected himself, with the little strength I have left I moved my body backwards to sit and lean backwards on the thing I cane out of. I started gaining feelung and a numb feeling took over as if I am thawing out of being out in cold for such a ling time and shivers as more feeling starts coming back.

Just sitting there I starts looking around at the wall its a metal wall like a vault would have with pipes running along the wall, turning as best as I can and looking around more I am in what seems to be a enclosed room safe but dusty as hell. Feeling a breeze there is a vent right above me that is why dust is still floating around in the room, it looks old like a few year was the last time it was last cleaned, still confused about what happened but a slight Idea came into my mind. there I continue looking but this time to the other side to my left before me is a door with the most iconic symbol I seen. The blue background and three golden 111 on it.

I was right, I am in the Vault, then the thing I came out is the Cryo pod but why am I here, I need to finish adding my own cryo pod before the bombs fall and get mother there right away. (Brendon)

I tried to stand up but my legs shook and gave out and made me fall back down, I waited a few minutes thinking of if my new mother is alright, I attempted to move again Feeling like I have enough strength to stand and I was able to it was slow but still made it.

Holding onto the Cryo pod as a way to get up, I took a step seeing if I was ready to move or not, and then again, more feeling came back the more I moved. There I was able to get to the door it has a red handle keeping the door locked.

I don't think I have enough strength right now to unlock the door, but here I go. (Brendon)

Pushing down on the red handle the door unlocked with ease pushing it open dust flooded in the room as the air pressure changed and forced me to cough and sneeze as I waved my hand, back and forth fanning the Dust in the air. Walking out I arrived in a office set up with brighter lighting then the last room, a single wooden and metal mixed desk placed in the center of the room, a chair behind it and two in the front a office room set up. If you stand in front of the Desk where the Two Chairs are to the left is a counter with a Coffee maker with cups and few other items there also, I made my way to the Desk when I got there the first thing noticeable is a black box covered in dust placed there on the desk, on top of the black box is a number keypad, I opened the desk and looking through the papers or attempt to as the papers gave and turned mostly into ash upon touched, but that did reveal a Holo tape under it. Taking it out, I blew on it and took the Dust off it there are words on it.

To my Loving Son Brendon Lord from Mom. (Brendon)

Looked around for something to play it, nothing on the desk or in it next was the Counter, making my way over and looking through the stuff place onto it from the coffee cups and more papers then finding it next to the Coffee maker is a Holo tape player, making my way over, I opened it and placed the Holo tape inside and hit play an older Woman's voice came through like years have passed.

My Lovely Darling, as you listen to this I am dead, don't worry your mother loves you so very much, your Father, the one that attacked you if you still remember I hope you did not lose your memories this time, he shot you in the head, out neighbor arrived and had medical training and was able to stabilize you that was enough time go get you to a hospital and checked out there they removed the bullet that was lucky to only go so deep you are alive but in a coma that can last an unknown amount of time, I brought you to the vault to rest as I still had to work, then the bombs fell. (Kelly)

I placed you in a hidden Cryo Pod to keep you from aging until you wake up it was the first one made and has a few problems after I saved and placed it in my office I put you inside to help you heal your wound and will keep you sleeping until the right time, I was watching over the Black Card transactions and seeing that you have been preparing well and now that the Bombs fell I now know why you made the Vault and filled it up with all the military and food,I would like to know how you found out about the attack before even I got word, but I know even without me with you, you will live well there is a Box on the Desk, you must have seen it to find this Holo tape I have made the item inside it for only you it was the project I have been working on but as the bombs started falling it will be useless for anyone but you, It will help you in your travels in the new world. (Kelly)

Do you know about Pip Boys? They use scans and Scan your body to help you work on your Special, allowing you to change what you want and the like, but you can't carry anything unless you have bags, there is an Experiment I have been working on a Top Secret Project that is behind making the Pip Boys and the most powerful Companies in the world, the Black Card is from them and people know it and they have to listen to the one with the card like the president is before them, unless they want to go up against the most powerful companies. I made two new Pip boys one of them is mine it is weaker and not as advanced as yours it is the first success I've made. (Kelly)

The things it can do in Unimaginable, Letting the person with the Pip boy carry things, it will carry it by converting it into Matter, by breaking down the item into matter of the item you can store it in the Pip boy like an inventory in the games you played before. but it also keeps the weight making it limited to the weight you can carry, it is like putting weights on yourself it even limited to how strong you are as you can carry more as you get stronger it's a slow increase so you can carry lots before it becomes a problem, you need to increase your strength to carry more, I will not go too deep into it. (Kelly)

The items in Matter that is stored are still usable when you take it out it will be returned as normal, the prosses is so fast you can't even see the difference in change it makes it look like it appeared out of thin air. But yours is different, it is Special! I was able to make it Create matter from the surroundings taking the Dirt, Metal, Stone, water everything around you in, and with that everything around you is changeable you can change the very ground you stand and walk on. Its a cheat to Life! (Kelly)

My love, I leave it with you to use when you wake up, to create everything from Grass to Buildings! It's limitless! The Pip Boy can make you get stronger all you need to do is kill things to gain its matter like Experience from a game and it sends it into you to strengthen your body you can chose what you want to have leveled first and its not limited like the others that only strangthen your body so much, no you can strangthen your body limitless with no limits, able to change the very structure of your body there is a program going on even before the war called super Mutants, they are a military program that has been going on for years to make stronger soldiers even Deathclaws is a program known and being set up to build powerful soldiers I used that as a foundation and fixed it without letting them know as it will change everything the secret is in your Pip boy you can use it how ever you like, you can do it unlimited times well in theory you can level endlessly and even become a god! (Kelly)

My Love takes this and make your own fate, control it and bend it to your will, I will always love you... (Kelly)

{Alarm SFX.}

Someone is hacking into the Vault again I need to stop them but how it is going this might be my last time I can get to tell you, so I will cut this short. Use Code 33669 and take the Pip Boy and start your adventure! Your mom Kelly Lord will always love you! Before I forget, my Love if you Find the Black Card in you Journey keep it you will know when you find it. (Kelly)


I will miss you, even though it was short your kindness helped me prepare I was hoping to save you but it seemed that it was set for me not have the chance, I will rebuild a new world and fix the destroyed world with your help, but what is the Black Card? Why is it always about the Black Card? (Brendon)

Making my way to the box and putting the code in, the box opened seeing the Black Sleek Pip-Boy, it's not bulky as normal and its also smaller, but smooth and Sleek, light in weight. Putting it on a hologram Clear Screen not green and hard to see but actually HD appeared before me.

Scanning... Scanning Complete, Data matched self-destruction deactivated. (Pip-boy) {male Robotic Voice}

Name: Brendon Lord

Strength: 5

Preception: 5

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: --

Agility: 5

Luck: 5

Note, Intelligence has been removed by the creator, for more information ask your new companion. (Pip boy)

Specter attempted to change the things set but a voice spoke out a Voice of a girl.

Unchangeable only new perks allowed to change 1 is normal standard humans and above is how strong you are, you are 5 times better then all the normal humans the strength of a normal person is 1 unless they use a Pip-boy like yours or work out to get that strong they will stay that way. (Pip-boy)

You just talked! (Brendon)

I am an intelligent A.I created by your mother, she told me you would be sad when she is gone and wanted me to help cheer you up. So Cheer Up! and get happy that a new adventure awaits both of us! (Pip-boy)

What is your name? (Brendon)

22299948002. (Pip-Boy)

Okay, a new name for you, .... How about Jade? your new name is now Jade. (Brendon)

Yay! Jade! My name is Jade! Your mom did say if I said random numbers you will give me a name, She was right! So smart! (Jade)

Tell me Jade, what is up with my Intelligence tab? (Brendon)

Your mother did not want you to mess with your mind as it has potential to make you turn mad and a killer as it will not be you when you change your mind so it has been blocked you can still add the knowledge and it will hurt everytime you add the knowledge directly but you will never forget it! but she changed the system to allow you to still gain the information under the Intelligence perk if you have enough experience to do it! All you need to do is kill, get the good colorful Experience and level up! Place that perk in the Intelligence perk, or the one you want and shazam! You got it! (Jade)

So it will work just fine I just can't improve my intelligence directly? (Brendon)

You got it! Just can't make yourself smarter you need to do that yourself, with the Perk points you can learn everything you ever wished possible. (Jade)

Good thing I collected Books and placed them into my base for use later. (Brendon)

Nice! (Jade)

I headed to the only other door outside the room, but there is no handle to open the door but it's a button to open the door, after pressing it the door slid down and allowed me to walk out, I got confused when I walked out, turning around and watched as the door closed back and it blended into the wall as a normal wall, not a door it is seamlessly hidden. Looking where I am, it is the beginning where the Game starts, the place the Cryo Pods are in the game as for where at I am on the upper section where if entering the cryo pod room its passed the Cryo pods on the Left Side of the dead-end, depending on where you look if you look at the dead-end I am on the left but if you look away from the dead-end its on the right. Walking down the Steps once I got to the bottom Step the alarm sounded off.

{Alarm SFX!}

Critical failure in the Cryogenic Array. all Vault residents must vacate immediately. (Vault computer)

This place is having a problem, If you can connect me to the Vault Systems I can tell what is wrong with this Vault. (Jade)

It's been breached by outside forces and they killed their way through. (Brendon)

How do you know that? (Jade)

I will tell you later but don't talk while others are next to us unless told different. (Brendon)

Okay! (Jade)

Critical failure in the Cryogenic Array. all Vault residents must vacate immediately. (Vault computer)

Seeing the Pod opening, I was not shocked and seeing the man fall to his knees and coughing and taking new air in, he also had the same problem as I did in the beginning but he was able to get to his feet fast and made his way over to his wife, pulling the Red handle on the right and forcing the release of the Cryo pod it opened, I said nothing and just standing back and watching I also knows the man saw me as he made his way to his wife's Pod.

He still has his black-gray hair mixture a long scar going down his left side of his face sharp eyes that of a general and years of military service is seen in his face. People can tell he will get things done and not stop until he accomplished what he wanted.

Waiting patiently as the man had just lost his wife it best to stay quiet and let the man morn his wife.

I feel like shit, who would not care? A love of your life died before you and you are unable to do anything to stop it, forced to watch helplessly and then have your son taken away, having your normal life taken from the Bombs, your Wife killed by unknown people, and your son taken by the same people. And All this feels like yesterday, letting the man and his wife have a peaceful goodbye is the least that can be done.

I also knows I should not leave as I will be grabbed out of anger even if it was not me that had it happened to, something like a perception kicked in. Waiting for a few minutes the man takes his wife's ring and closed the pod back like a coffin.

I will find who did this, and get Shaun back I promise. (?)

... I'm sorry for your loss, I just woke up and arrived here seeing you waking up. (Brendon)

Who are you? (?)

I am Brendon Lord. You? (Specter)

Grit Jones. (Jones)

Jones, good to meet you. But We should find our way out. (Brendon)

You are right this alarm is not pleasing, this whole place is just draining me. (Jones)

As we walk to the Exit passing the other Cryo pods, Jones yelled out.

Hello! Anyone else here! (Jones)

I knows the answer but I will stay quiet and continue walking, as they are moving passed the other pods, Jones checked them along the way and moved on, getting out of the first room and seeing the big Roache on the window was creepy to look at even for me.

Let me go first I have military training. (Jones)

No problem with me. (Brendon)

Jones picked up the only Security Baton there as a weapon and moved on to the Stuck door, after Jones tried to open it but failed we had to go right there is another door leading on a different path to go around to get out.

Opening the other door next to us we make our way down as we do there is both a door on the left and a doorless room to the right, going to the room on the right, Jones read the Terminal as I looked around the room, finding nothing I returned back and Jones finished reading at the same time I walked out.

Damn bastard! They made us unaware of human test subjects, something about long period animation Testing! (Jones)

The overseer was even locking his men out, going to kill them if they don't give their weapons, food, and Ect. items over to him. (Jones)

It's best we head out its no use waiting around here. (Brendon)

You are right. (Jones)

Getting up, Jones saw a stempak on the left side of the terminal, picking it up, he pocketed it for use later.

As we walked through the door, we walked around a turn and another Door came up, I let Jones go first with the only weapon in hand, and seeing the Roach surprise attack jumping through the open door, Jones evaded and the Roach charged at me, I evaded the momentum it had and slammed my right foot down hard and a crunch sound was heard and it still moved to bite me I stepped down again this one killed it and I look up seeing Jones had finished off two.

Giant Roaches? What the hell! (Jones)

They seem hard to kill there shell is tough. (Jones)

It seems the Radiation from the Bombs mutated them into this, they are bigger and that makes a problem Roaches multiply quickly, let's just hope that the Roaches also lose some reproduce ability or even makes it harder for them to reproduce. (Brendon)

Better take that Baton over there might need it. (Jones)

looking over and seeing two Batons I grabbed both of them and sent one over to Jade in secret.

You are right. (Brendon)

Let's continue on but be on high alert for more. (Jones)

Affirmative. (Brendon)a

As we moved Jade made the Dead enemies dematerialized and took the matter of them.

Going to the doorless room leading to the Cafeteria first and bedroom, there is nothing after searching but a terminal with a game in it that I took for entertainment for later.

Opening the door to the power room, and seeing the electric Zap the floor that is wet with water and a dead Roach, Jones looked at me and I returned the look.

A big Bug Zapper? (Jones)

Haha! (Brendon)

Jones is in pain still, and he is using jokes to ease his mind on everything he needs to take in

We go left and keep out of the water and as we moved we can feel the static in the air collect onto us and when we got too close to one another as we walk we got shocked by a good size Static Charge between both of us and jumped to the metal wall right after.

Shit! That hurt! (Brendon)

Let's keep our distance hope it does not happen again. (Jones)

He is also rubbing the spot where the shock hit him. Separating further apart to not have that happen again and walking on.

When we got closer to the door two Roaches attacked, this time I joined in in attacking, I took on the one that jumped passed Jones that evaded the attack he sent at it and he had to move to the other one that us attacking him I swings at the one attacking me it jumped at me and I watches it slowly fly at me, using that I evaded it and as it passed me mid-air I slammed my baton onto its back slammed it hard, the baton smashed the Roach down hard smashing it onto the ground, its back is deformed, I slammed down again and this aimed at its head and smashed it into past.

You okay? (Jones)

I am good, you? (Brendon)

Same, let's move to the door before anything else happens in this room. (Jones)

Getting to the door and seeing a Skeleton. Jones spoke.

What happened here? Where is everyone? (Jones)

It seems like a few hundred years passed and the years took them after death, even their Jumpsuit is shredded in places or might be from the Roaches from before eating it and then again it can be both. (Brendon)

You know lots of things, are you a scientist? (Jones)

More of a jack of all trades, I know many things. (Brendon)

That is helpful, let's continue on. (Jones)

Sounds good. (Brendon)

Opening the door and seeing more Roaches we take care of them we had to step back and evade, advance and attack, sidestep out of ways until it was cleared, we took our time to not get hurt as we don't know what is to come when we actually get out we might as well take our time and not get hurt along the way.

After killing all five Roche's this time it's more than in the game and the building is also way bigger but the rooms are locked so we can't go exploring yet.

Opening the door its the room with the Ice gun, and other weapons and stimpaks. Jones went for the Terminal, I ont he other hand made my way to the Weapons and ammo taking the two Pistols and all the ammo I seen, then seen the weapon that can do lots of damage at the beginning of the game and it's like an ice flame thrower but it's locked behind a case.

I will return for you when I don't have another person with me to ask questions on how Jade works. [Brendon]

Keeping the second pistol as there is one on the desk beside Jones, I returned back to Jones.

Placing all the ammo on the desk, I moved to the room on the side and opening a Locker there I found even more ammo and another gun in the locker next to the bed, keeping the gun and taking the clip out I took everything back to the desk there placed it down with now two guns and two clips of each gun. Hearing the click behind me, I know Jones just found the way to unlock the door allowing us to leave.

I found some guns and ammo. (Brendon)

This will help us with any more Roches. (Jones)

Taking the ammo out of the boxes and filling the clips we finished and kept a reserved clip for each of our own, we also put the other ammo in two separate boxes to carry better and splitting the stempaks between each other. I let Jade carry the Ammo and stempaks.

Let's go. (Jones)

I feel enemies will be before us, so let's get ready to fight, I also feel that a Baton will be better to use probably. (Brendon)

That is quite the feeling you have there. (Jones)

Sure is, helped save me already best trust it now then not and regret it later.

I can agree to you on that, alright. Then lets be careful. (Jones)

Walking out, seeing roaches that are on the walls of the tunnel and when we walked into view all their heads turned and looked right at us at the same time, it sent a chill down my spine as they jumped down from the wall and started storming us all at once.

I started using my Baton and advanced before Jones who had his pistol out, I start swinging over and over at the charging Roches killing one after the next and seem to improve my attack each time I killed one it became easier on the next one with each hit some took more then one hit to kill, Jones used the pistol and it was deafening when fired in this echo metal tunnel, he only attacked the further away ones that helped lessen the enemies arriving on me, Jones used the last of his bullets in his clip and joined me on attacking with his baton, after killing 15 of them, or even more I felt pain and seen I had got bit Multiple times as my jump suit I have on has blood coming out of it where I was hit, Jones on the other hand was unhurt.

Sheesh, just how many more do we need to kill? (Jones)

We are close to the Exit at least. (Brendon)

That is good to know, but how do you know so much about this place? (Jones)

My mother worked here, Doing a project that will change the world but the bombs fell, she still finished the Project but that is for a later talk let's continue yes? (Brendon)

Not saying anything only nodding he understands that I am here and she is not does not want to poke into it, Jones opened the next door and preparing for anything to jump out, we moved to the next door with Exit on it and Jones opened it and moved to the side again ready for attacks, nothing came, we moved in and two Roaches attacked right after walking in, killing them with the Batons, I go to the door on the left on the wall is a Medic box with stempak and Radaway inside.

I found the Controls! (Jones)

Making my way over and seeing Jones put the Pip-boy on.

Master, the Pip-boy Jones has picked up is made by your mother. (Jade)

So that is mother? (Brendon)

I looked up seeing Jones messing with the Pip-boy, I was going to say something but Jones Spoke first after messing with it a few seconds.

This is new, there is something about inventory? (Jones)

Seeing him messing with it and his gun vanished and soon appeared back in his hand he was shocked.

What! My gun! And... (Jones)

Seeing his clothes vanish and reappear right after it was almost instantly, I looked away trying not to laugh as Jones was too excited for the new discovery he just made his clothes disappear and reappear to block his embarrassing moment.

Let's not talk about that... Ever. (Jones)

Putting the Cord into the Controls he pressed the Red button once the protective cover lifted, I hurried and plugged my ears, Jones looked confused at my actions but when the ear-piercing Sound of Metal sliding against each other as the Vault door opened, even forced Jones to plug his ears, after the dramatic opening, we walked into the blinding light and walked down the steps and the elevator also ear piercing as it arrives at the bottom, I was prepared before it started arriving and this time Jones noticed and joined in fast this time and prepared his ears, we both get in the Elevator and it takes us up.

Its pitch black the lights have gave out over the years of not being changed so one can't see anything at all and then the top opened quickly blinding both of us with a bright light metal piercing noise, the sun appeared and getting out and seeing the destroyed ... everything, the ruined town mixed of Dead and living trees that is covering the place and tall plants, looks like a forest grew in place where the Town used to be its not overly populated with trees more of a few more in places that was not in the game but still.

Breathing heavy and then catching his breath he Sighs and gets his mindset back.

Holycrap! (Jones)

Everything is gone... Everything... Is... Gone. (Jones)

Are you okay? It is hard to take in, especially for you, your losses, will you be able to hold up? (Brendon)

You seem too calm if you ask me. (Jones)

I was already preparing myself to see what it looks like, but still seeing it does shock me even if I was still prepared I guess I hold my Shock inside then expressing it out. (Brendon)

But how are you? Will you be able to hold out? (Brendon)

I need to, No! I will! I need to get my Son back. (Jones)

Your Son? (Brendon)

Yes, I woke up and a group of people one bald-headed with a scar and a pistol he killed my wife and the oddly dressed girl with him took my Son! I need to find him. (Jones)

Let's start in the town first. (Brendon)

I... Okay, it's better than not looking around at all might get lucky. (Jones)

That's the spirit. (Brendon)

Before we left, I thought I heard a Girls' voice... Odd, did you hear anything? (Jones)

Fixed Chapter.

This Chapter has been fixed on 22/05/2020 last update.

LordSpecter3366creators' thoughts