
Melting Like A Lump of Ice Scalded With Hot Water [NOT EDITED YET]

So deftly Hans grabbed his prey with one hand. He even immediately ripened the animal's neck until it died. There are some blood spots that can be seen because when some of the animals that have been killed there are spouting blood.

Jade swallowed his saliva as he smelled the animal's blood. He wanted to lick the parts of Hans and Shane's bodies that were exposed to the blood of the animal. He wanted to suck the blood of the animal. But he tried to control himself not to do anything stupid.

He began to take a step back, making way for those who were preparing the wood for the fire.

"You want to help?" Shane asked him.

"O-oh... okay."

Shane smiled at him. "Just take these logs over there."

Jade nodded. He felt nervousness overwhelm him every time he was near Hans. Ever since he found out who Hans really was, he was nervous. Not afraid. The problem was that Hans knew what he was thinking.