
Falling In Love With Miracle

Miracle”Mira” White, is the daughter of Thomas White, one of the wealthiest men in the whole country. She can get everything she wants, because of their overflowing wealth, she is known as the wild, and spoiled brat Heiress. Jace Dylan King only wants one thing in his life, to get revenge to Miracle, the Heiress, of the White Empire, he wants to be chosen as one of the Elite Bodyguards of the White family, since it is guaranteed he will become a millionaire, but for Jace money is just a bonus, what is important is to carry on his revenge. Jace became confused when Miracle asked him to be her boyfriend tutor, Miracle wants him to teach her about dating, then Jace realized that everything he knows about her was a lie. But how can he withstand the beautiful and gorgeous Miracle White? Can he stop his heart from loving Miracle the moment it registered to him, that he wants to become Miracle’s real boyfriend? Can they resist the strong attraction between them? Is Jace really willing to follow his heart’s desires and break his own rule? Does love win over vengeance? Does Mira’s love for Jace strong enough to forgive him the moment she will learn Jace hidden agenda? Is she strong enough to face another test of betrayal? ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia’s Secret My Friend’s Arrogant Brother The Heartbreaer CEO Is My Ex Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch (WSA Entry 2021) The CEO’s Perfect Mistake ( WSA Entry 2021) The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

sirenbeauty · Masa Muda
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200 Chs

The Orientation Seminar Part 2

Miracle's POV

The morning session ended at twelve o'clock. My stomach grumbled and I remember I didn't eat breakfast. I ignored Jace the entire morning, he tried to talk to me for how many times during break, but I always stop him. I am so happy to meet new acquaintances and I think they will become my close buddies in the future. They are Stella and Chad.

"Miracle do you want to have lunch with us?" Chad asked, he smiled at me showing his perfect white teeth, he looks so attractive that out of the corner of my eye I can see Jace furrowed his forehead, I am glad he was annoyed. I am certain he is only mad because I haven't talked to him. Well, he has no right to get angry with me, he is my protector and that is his job.

"Please Mira! Come with us." Stella seconded, she is beautiful with a petite body, she has a blond straight hair.

"I'd love to have lunch with you!" I answered them with a broad smile. We go out of the boardroom together, but I am sure Jace will follow behind us, since he is my bodyguard inside the office. The other Elite bodyguards are outside the building. I don't know where they are, but I am confident they are in their respective positions from Jimmy's directive.

We eat at the nearby Italian restaurant, it was their choice of food, but I love pasta, so I didn't complain. I find them interesting and fun, I just hope they are good guys. I am so afraid of being used, yet I should give other people a chance. Stella and Chad are classmates and both older than me by two years, they are graduating next year, I already like them.

We have ordered our food when I noticed Jace settled on a table close to us, I disregard his presence. He keeps on looking at our table.

"Wow! Is that Jace?" Asked Stella. I pretended not to hear her, but I saw both looked at Jace's direction.

"Yes! It is him, the most handsome among the practicum students." Declared Chad.

"I notice you have eyes for him, Chad." I am surprised to find out the words that come out of Stella's mouth. I raised my eyebrows and look at Chad.

"Okay. I am gay, Mira, but my parents have not learned about it yet. Only Stella and some of our close friends, that is why I am still hiding on my shell."

"Wow! That is interesting Chad, I thought you were straight, you look so handsome and attractive and the ladies will be crazy about you." I said, I am surprised by his honesty, I became more interested with them.

"Well! Sad to say, I don't like girls Miracle, do you still want me to be your friend, now that you know the real me?" He asked.

"I want to be your friend Chad, I am not judgmental, besides your homosexuality has nothing to do with me, I respect everyone Chad, whatever their status, race and sexual orientation." I replied, and I look at him.

"Thank you, girl! You are one of my best friends now, do you know why I like you?" Chad asked, I can see Stella is smiling at us.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Because you are beautiful, my dear, and I like you." He said.

"Does physical appearance matter to you?" I asked him astounded.

"Not at all. But many handsome men will be obsessed with your beauty, and with that I can associate with them, even if they will only look at me as your friend." He replied, I am confused by what he stated.

"I am just kidding Miracle, but I am certain that my theory is right, I noticed Jace was staring at you the whole time this morning during our seminar, even until now. See, your beauty is an enchantress. Soon employees of the Miracle Building will line up to court you." Chad declared, looking at me, I smiled at him since I don't know what to say.

"I guess you got the wrong idea Chad, maybe he just wants to eat Italian food." I said.

"How are you going to explain the gazes he is giving you, Mira? I suppose since we are under the same group we should ask Jace to sit with us." Stella added.

"Please! Don't do that!" I begged them.

"Why? Is there something wrong Miracle?" Asked Chad.

"I am not comfortable with boys, if your theory is right, I am not yet ready to be friends with Jace." I said, I hate lying, but what can I do? I don't want to talk with Jace yet.

"Are you kidding, Miracle? Can you explain it, Mira, my God! That man is so handsome and very attractive and you are not interested with him at all?" It shocks Stella.

"Yes! It has been a long time since I was in a relationship and the memories I had with my last boyfriend were traumatic, so please let us enjoy our lunch together." I answered.

"Okay! We are sorry about that Mira, anyway, we will work closely with the Miracle Group of Companies for months, Jace will have his chance." Chad announced, sounding so positive.

"Yes! It is time for you to have a new suitor Miracle and forget about the past, don't worry, we will help you move on." Stella is smiling at me, I can feel her honesty, and I am so glad that I had my apprenticeship this summer instead of visiting my grandmother, but I miss her so much.

"Yes. You are in excellent hands Miracle, we will be your guide in forgetting your ex-boyfriend." Chad seconded.

"Thank you guys, you better keep your word, or else I will hold you responsible if I won't find a boyfriend the entire period of our apprenticeship." I said to them, I can't put the broad smile on my face. This is the first time I had a proper conversation with friends.

"Promise!" They both said in unison.

I am a little guilty of not telling them my actual identity, but my Dad requires me to do this on my own, he prefers me to have an excellent evaluation performance being a normal trainee, not as his daughter. Well, I will tell them everything after I finished my practicum, I want them to be my friends for a lifetime. I felt different towards them, they are genuine people, I can feel the happiness in my heart.

My father's idea is not so bad at all. At least this time I will gain true friendship for who I am, not because I am Thomas White's daughter. The manager of the Marketing Department made me an ID using my mother's family name. The waitress served our meal, I devour my food since I have eaten nothing since morning because I am so angry with Jace.

"Hey! Miracle, you eat so fast, haven't you taken breakfast?" Chad said, I can see the amusement on his face, I just nodded my head, and we continue eating.

I glance in Jace's direction, but he is no longer there, I wonder where he went, he should be near me at all times, he must not forget I am his employer. I hate myself why I felt this way, I avoided him and now I am looking for him like I am his wife.

"Are you alright Mira?" Asked Stella.

"Yes! I am alright, let us go now, or we will be late for our afternoon discussion, Ms. Windy emphasized, she doesn't tolerate tardiness." I said, then I stand up from the chair, they followed suit, I am still hoping to see Jace.

I don't know how to explain the feelings I felt when I saw Jace get in the elevator after us. He looked so relaxed, and I am so annoyed when he gets his phone and reads some messages, then he makes a call.

"Hello! I am on my way to attend the afternoon seminar, I will call you back after the discussion." He replied, he had a wonderful voice. My new friends are looking at each other. My face turned red while listening to one-sided conversations of Jace.

"I love you too, bye." Jace said, then be put the phone back in his pocket I don't know why I felt so hurt the moment he spoke those words, how I wished I was the one on the other line, well, he doesn't hesitate to call his girlfriend in front of me, now that I already know the truth.

Chad and Stella are looking at me with unreadable expressions on their faces. I am not in the mood to listen to the symposium anymore. My mind drifted far away from the seminar. There are moments Ms. Windy called my name, I am just glad I am my father's daughter or else I could not answer all the questions.

Jace was requested by the facilitator for several times to explain some questions, and he is intelligent. I hate to admit I become more in love with Jace the more I tried to stay away from him.

We do group activities and as usual Jace is with us, Chad and Stella are talking with him mesmerized. I am afraid he is going to steal my newfound friends. They get along well, Jace personality is hard to read, but I can't deny that he is likable, that is why almost all the trainees are trying to approach him.