
First Love in My Memory(2)


The most difficult thing in the next semester was the choice between literature and science. I asked a lot of people for opinions, including my parents, teachers, friends, and... Ryan.

"Go with science."

His answer was the clearest. He didn't ask me to do it according to my own thoughts, nor did he ask about my specialty.

I thought it was probably because he loved science.

"But I'll have to go to another campus if I study science," I pouted.

I sat next to him, and the wind in the lab was still blowing. There were only the two of us, and his voice was cold and pleasant.

"Oh, you finally won't come to swipe my meal card?" Ryan said.

I was speechless.

I didn't eat too much. He was so petty.

There was a knock on the door of the lab, and a girl came in. I had seen this girl before. She seemed to come to see Ryan frequently those days because they were working on a project.